I.      Youth protection / Jugendschutz :

For some files we run a youth protection programm, which opens a pop-up window. You were asked for USERNAME and PASSWORD.  

If you contact us by hjuler@asylum-lunaticum.de we send you in reply your personal data to enter these files!

 II.     (mabapa)    -   latest up-date: November 14th, 2023   -

    Index of (mabapa):

1. Outline of Activities 
2. Kommissar Hjuler / Mama Baer - Some Kind of Vita

3. the NO!art Movement

4. The Developement of Art (Selected Stations)
5. Anmerkungen zu einzelnen Werken / Comments on Selected Works

6. Art Projects/Artists Collaborations
7. Brotkatze - Collaborations
7. 1. Niederungen und Eroberungen (Text von Maks Dannecker und Barbara Rapp)
7. 2. Der Weg zur Bondage-Brotkatze - Brotkatzen-Kollaboration von Kommissar Hjulers, Beth Crowfield und Madame Lisa
7. 3. BROTKaTZeN-Manifest (Klaus Rudolf)
7. 4. Semesterarbeit von Stefanie Krome, Universitaet Leipzig
8. Christopher Karl ist tot.
10. The (SHMF-019+…) - Collaboration Project
11. Fluxus & Funk
12. DVR-HGA-Split-LP series by Psych.KG
13. Fluxus +/- series by Psych.KG
14. Educational Project - Minute of Listening -
Download Releases / Radio and Television Transmissions / Interviews / Other Platforms
16. Hand-Cut Vinyl / Audio-CD-Rs / Information on This Website
17. selected poems in three words
18. Appearance as Characters at Novels by Foltergaul (Peter Rathke)
19. Appearance as Characters at Novel ANGELIQUE UND BYRON by Jonathan Dilas
20. Appearance as Characters at DAS Puppets Film by Fred Wilder
21. DATENSCHUTZ : Hinweise zur Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGSVO)


1. Outline of Activities / Zusammenfassung der Aktivitaeten:

Stage-Names / Kuenstlernamen:

04.03.2011 -  Uns wurden die Kuenstlernamen Mama Baer und Kommissar Hjuler von der Stadt Flensburg offiziell zuerkannt und dazu ins Melderegister  und die Ausweisdokumente eingetragen. Unter diesen Namen sind wir auch in der englisch- und in der deutsch-sprachigen Wikipedia gelistet.

Membership at Artists Association / Mitgliedschaft in Kuenstlervereinigung:

09.11.2009 -  NO!art Movement, Berlin/New York

The NO!art Movent was founded by Boris Lurie (t), Stanley Fisher (t), and Sam Goodman (t) at March gallery New York in 1960, now is lead by Dietmar Kirves (headquarters Berlin), and Clayton Patterson (headquarters New York). 

Members beside us are Rocco Armento (t), Isser Aronovici (t), Enrico Baj (t), Paolo Baratella, Herb Brown (t), Ronaldo Brunet, Bruno S, Krum Chorbadzhiev, Guenter Brus, Al D'Arcangelo (t), Aleksey Dayen (t), Frederica de Ruvo, Frank-Kirk Ehm-Marks, Erro (Ferro), Klaus Fabricius, Charles Gatewood, Paul Georges (t), Jochen Gerz, Dorothie Gillespie, Esther Morgenstern Gilman (t), Amikam Goldman, Leon Golub (t), Blalla W. Hallmann (t), Allan Kaprow (t), Yayoi Kusama, Konstantin K. Kuzminsky, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Martin Levitt, Suzanne Long (Harriet Wood), Enzo Mastrangelo, Stu Mead, Peter Meseck, Lil Picard (t), Leonid Pinchevsky, Birgit Ramsauer, Bernard Rancillac, Brigitte Roussel, Naomi Tereza Salmon, Reinhard Scheibner, Bruno Schleinstein (t), Dominik Stahlberg, Michelle Stuart, Aldo Tambellini, Seth Tobocman, Jean Toche, Toyo Tsuchiya, Wolf Vostell (t), Friedrich Wall, Mathilda Wolf, Harriet Wood, Natalia E. Woytasik, Miron Zownir.

Gallery / Galerie-Vertretung:

01.07.2007-30.06.2008 - Artware Gallery, Nexus-Fluxus e. V. Wiesbaden, Ausstellung in den Verkaufsraeumen und Online-Vertrieb, endete mit dem ploetzlichen und unerwarteten Ableben Donna Klemms. 

01.07.2010 - Galerie D. U. Design Villach/postWERK e. V., Dorothee Unkel, Villach, Oesterreich, Galerie mit angeschlossener Gastronomie und Partnergalerien in Deutschland, feste Galerievertretung und Messe-Vertretung. Die Galerie D. U. Design startete 2007 als Produzenten-Galerie, wurde dann Galerie des 2012 gegruendete Kunstvereins postWERK e. V. Kaernten. Sie vertrat bis 2015 neben uns die Kuenstler Ute Gebhard, Ivan Gejko, Bri Hellinckx, KJK/Karen Kuttner, Maximilian Korenjak, Barbara Rapp und Peter Trautner, an 2012 zudem Mitglieder des Kunstvereins, musste aber Ende 2015 die feste Raeumlichkeit aufgeben. 

12.02.2011 - Gallery eve-N-odd, The 600 Block, St. Petersburg, 645 Central Ave #11, St. Petersburg, FL 33701, USA, will distribute some of our works in the artists building THE 600 BLOCK of St. Petersburg/Florida.

01.11.2012 -  STATT!garten, Produzentengalerie und Offenes Atelier, Jaegerweg 16, 24941 Flensburg.

01.03.2013 -  Belka& Ctrelka gallery, yn Garibaldi 21, Grecheskaya 19, Taganrog, Rostov Area, 347 900 Russia, als Vertragsgalerie fuer den Vertrieb unserer Assemblagen und Bilder im Bereich des ehemaligen Ost-Blocks.

Tiny Awards / Kleinere Auszeichnungen:

01.01.10 -  Asylum lunaticum (CD) rated as one of the best 15 albums of the year 2009 in experimental music by THE WIRE (UK)
11.11.10 -  Enter Konsum as Price Winner of Innovationkongress 2010 by Marketingclub Kaernten & Kleine Zeitung (A)

Appearance as Characters in Novel / Erscheinen als Romanfiguren:

FOLTERGAUL: Im Knast mit Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Peter Rathke Verlag Heikendorf, ISB 978-3-9804622-0-4 

FOLTERGAUL: Im Morast mit Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Peter Rathke Verlag Heikendorf, ISB 978-3-9822031-2-6

Educational Project - Minute of Listening:

Jan. 04th to March 30th, 2012 - We were part of a pilot project at 80 primary schools around the UK, in the areas of Cornwall and Oxfordshire and the London Boroughs of Enfield, Lambeth and Westminster. In total almost 20,000 children started each day by listening to a short recording of music, then discuss with their teachers.

Permanent or Temporary Exhibition at Public Space / Dauerhafte oder Zeitweise Ausstellung in oeffentlichen Gebaeuden:

20.05.2009-30.10.2010  Medienzentrum/Offener Kanal Flensburg, St.-Juergen-Strasse 95, 24937 Flensburg
01.01.2010-31.12.2011  Integrierte Gesamtschule Flensburg, Elbestrasse 20, 34943 Flensburg
15.03.2011-00.00.0000  Unity In Diversity, 1st Junior High School, 40200 Elassona, Greece
27.07.2011-00.00.0000  Ev. Luth. Diakonissenanstalt Flensburg, Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus, Knuthstrasse 1, 24939 Flensburg
25.05.2012-00.00.0000  Stadtwerke Flensburg, Strom-Verteilerkasten 412/7412, Norderhofenden 5, 24937 Flensburg
25.11.2012-00.00.0000  Summerhall Museum, Summerhall 1, Edinburgh/UK
06.08.2017-00.00.0000  WALDwillKUNST, Barbara Rapp&KHj., Rochus Gratzfeld/Sarród, Hungary
15.09.2017-00.00.0000  Christian Boltanski/Kommissar Hjuler/Bobby Sayers/Amy-Leigh Bird, LUST AND THE APPLE, Midloathian/UK

Exhibition at Public Collections / Ausstellung in oeffentlichen Sammlungen:

01.04.2008 -  Sammlung artlout Kunstmagazin,  Ringstrasse 143, 04209 Leipzig
01.08.2009 -  Sammlung iLLUSEUM, Witte de Withstraat 120, NL - 1057 ZH Amsterdam/NL
09.11.2009 -  NO!archive, D. Kirves, NO!art Movement, Berlin
30.01.2011 -  Sammlung MuBE - Museum Brasileiro da Escultura, Sao Paulo/Brasil
01.05.2011 -  Sammlung IMCAC - Int. Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction, Fort Worth, Texas/USA

01.10.2011 -  Sammlung ONTOLOGICAL MUSEUM, Pagosa Springs, Colorado/USA
18.12.2011 -  Sammlung The Museum of Instant Images, Beckershagen 15, 4861 SE Chaam/NL
01.08.2012 -  SAIC Collection, School of the Art Institute of Chiacgo, 37 S. Wabash Ave., Suite 508, IL 60603 Chicago/USA
10.08.2012 -  Sammlung Belyegmuzeum Budapest, 1074 Budapest, Harsfa u. 47, Hungary
01.09.2012 -  Sammlung Deutsches Drachenmuseum e. V., Haus Baureneck, In der Stadt 2, 64678 Lindenfels
19.11.2012 -  Sammlung Rainer Wieczorek/DieKUNSTdemokratie, Reuterstrasse 85, 12053 Berlin
25.11.2012 -  Sammlung Heart Fine Art Ltd., Summerhall 1, Edinburgh/UK
01.12.2012 -  Sammlung der Goethe-Stiftung Warschau, ul. Chmielna 13, 00-021 Warszawa/PL
20.10.2013 -  Colectivo Femenino Art-esencia, Barcelona/E
18.11.2013 -  Sammlung Cgroup/Massimo Nicotra, Il Museo con Sede Vagante (MSV), Roma/I
01.12.2013 -  Artpool - The Experimentan Art Archive of Eastern-Europe, Artpool Research Center, Budapest/Hungary
01.12.2013 -  Collezione Vittore Baroni, Via C. Battisti 339, 55049 Viareggio/I
01.01.2014 -  The VAC Archive, 93 Brunner Square, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 5DR/UK
20.04.2014 -  Sammlung Bertram, Museum Nortorf, Jungfernstieg 6, Nortorf.
22.05.2014 -  The Wolf Vostell Estate, Collecion Rafael Vostell, Malpartida de Caceres/E
27.09.2014 -  Projection Museum, 53 Southeast 80th Ave., Portland, Oregon/USA
20.01.2015 -  Collection Moving Poets Art Ltd.,
Hasselwerder Strasse 22, Berlin
26.02.2015 -  Avant Writing Collection, Ohio State University, 281 W. Lane Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43210/USA
14.12.2015 -  AAP/Sammlung Hubert Kretschmer Verlag, Tuerkenstrasse 60 UG, Munich/D
19.01.2016 -  Fondazione Bonotto, Via dell'Artigianato, 39, 36060 Molvena (VI)/Italia
01.02.2016 -  Jan van Eyck Academie,
Academieplein 1, 6211 KM Maastricht/NL
02.03.2016 -  ZKM Karlsruhe, Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie/Museum fuer Neue Kunst, Lorenzstrasse 19, 76135 Karlsruhe/D
30.06.2021 -  documenta arciv, Dock 4, Untere Karlsstrasse 4, 34117 Kassel

Solo Exhibitions / Solo-Ausstellungen

04.05.2007-14.06.2007  K.Hj.+F. (MB) in Scottland, Galerie Heart Fine Art Ltd., Edinburg/UK, Verkaufsausstellung/Anti-Live-Konzerte
15.07.2007-17.08.2007  Apple-Gretchen, Freies Kunst und Kulturhaus der KKI Flensburg, Verkaufsausstellung
19.04.2008-02.05.2008  Brotkatze plus, Galerie O Tannenbaum, Berlin, Verkaufsausstellung
04.05.2008-28.08.2008  Cafe Silo, Kunstsilo Saarbruecken, Solo-Ausstellung im Anschluss an die Gruppen-Ausstellung galerie verticale
31.05.2008-31.05.2008  Geelong Arts Alliance space, Geelong/Australia, Bilderschau-Installation/Anti-Live-Konzert/Kurzfilmvorfuehrungen
02.04.2009-25.04.2009  --Geteilter Raum--, Kunstraum Winterthur, Winterthur/Schweiz, Installation/Verkaufsausstellung
04.07.2009-25.09.2009  Dierbaar bestiarium, iLLUSEUM, Amsterdam/NL, Verkaufsausstellung

02.01.2010-30.01.2010  Doenitz' Panikraum mit Fluchtfahrrad, Doenitzhof, Flensburg, Aussenraum-Installation
12.03.2010-10.04.2010  commissaris hjuler en mama beer, Grambacht, Mechelen/B, Verkaufsausstellung
14.04.2012-26.05.2012  flux-plus, EAGL Gallery, Berlin, Verkaufsausstellung
28.07.2012-07.09.2012  Brotkatze, Galerie In Kuerze Kunst, Flensburg, Verkaufsausstellung
06.10.2012-24.11.2012  flux+(st/p)or(m/n), Summerhall Art Festival, Upper Church Gallery, Edinburgh/UK, Verkaufsausstellung
22.03.2013-14.04.2013  Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer, Belka& Ctrelka gallery, yn Garibaldi 21, Grecheskaya 19, Taganrog/Russia
07.09.2013-20.09.2013  H.O.M.Inc.-Werkzyklus, Galerie Cross Art, Berlin, Verkaufsausstellung
28.07.2014-31.12.2014  Mitten im Wald - STATT!wald, Handwitter Forst und angrenzende Waldstuecke

07.11.2014-30.11.2014  Schluss mit Anzeigenaufnahme, jetzt wird ausgestellt!, STATT!garten, Flensburg
10.12.2014-10.01.2015  Kommissar Hjuler destroyes art, Museum multimedia, Omsk/Russia

Duo Exhibitions of Collaborative Work / Partner-Ausstellungen von Werken aus Kollaborationen:

06.03.2010-30.09.2010  Josef Karl & Kommissar Hjuler, Galerie Bachlechner, Bergdietikon/Zuerich/CH
16.05.2010-27.06.2010  BROTKATZE-Collaborations, Galerie AtelierKargel/Artists-Gallery, Welver-Vellinghausen
07.10.2010-07.11.2010  Josef Karl & Kommissar Hjuler, Kunstraum Denkpause, Hamburg
21.04.2011-25.04.2011  Josef Karl & Kommissar Hjuler, Foederverein Altes Gefaengnis Freising e. V., Freising
Oxana Machnatsch & Kommissar Hjuler, Kunstgalerie Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
14.01.2012-01.02.2012  Brotkatze Collaborations, Galerie Offenes Atelier D.U.Design, Postgasse 6, A-9500 Villach
26.05.2012-03.06.2012  Zwischenhaengung, Oxana Mahnac & Kommissar Hjuler, EAGL Gallery, Berlin
01.09.2012-30.09.2012  Brotkatze Collaborations, fzkke Euskichen
01.11.2012-28.02.2013  Josef Karl/Barbara Rapp/Clayton Patterson & Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer, STATT!garten Flensburg
04.05.2013-17.05.2013  Brotkatze Collaborations IV, Kunststueck Berlin, Braunschweiger Strasse 64, Berlin & STATT!garten Flensburg
18.05.2013-18.08.2013  Brotkatze Collaborations IV Cont., STATT!garten, Jaegerweg 16, Flensburg
07.12.2013-02.03.2014  Unsere Schoensten Mondlandungen, STATT!garten, Jaegerweg 16, Flensburg
14.02.2014-14.06.2014  The Real Fiction, Detlev Weigand (w/Kommissar Hjuler), Galerie Schröder & Doerr, Bergisch Gladbach
29.05.2014-06.07.2014  Mea Donna Reloaded, Manuela Klein & Detlev Weigand (w/Kommissar Hjuler), St. Thomae Kirche, Soest
Bienenkaesten flux flug, Daniela Floersheim & Kommissar Hjuler, Europaeischer Kunsthof, Stolberg
08.11.2014-17.01.2015  Oxana Mahnac w/Kommissar Hjuler, NOVILLA by Moving Poets, Hasselwerder Strasse 22, Berlin
10.05.2019-19.06.2019  In every dream ..., Detlev Weigand w/KHj., Galerie Schroeder und Doerr, Bergisch Gladbach
30.06.2020-22.07.2020  FLUXUS+/- mit W. Kindermann, MAG3, Schiffamtsgasse 17, Wien/Austria
16.12.2022-17.12.2022  FLUXUS+/- mit W. Kindermann, Amerlinghaus, Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Wien/Austria

Duo Exhibitions & Exhibitions with Friendly Artists / Partner-Ausstellungen & Gemeinschaftsausstellungen mit befreundeten Kuenstlern:

02.08.2009-20.09.2009  Profil, Atelier Knut Kargel, Welver-Vellinghausen
26.09.2009-25.10.2009  Profil, Kunstraum B, Muenster
26.10.2009-31.12.2009  Raum-Installation als Projekt mit Schuelern in der Cafeteria der IGS Flensburg, Elbestrasse 20, Flensburg
19.11.2009-19.11.2009  Abend rund ums Vinyl, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld
28.03.2010-09.05.2010  Entartete Kunst, Galerie AtelierKargel/Artists-Gallery, Welver-Vellinghausen
16.05.2011-27.05.2011  Kunst im Dialog, Galerie im Domenig-Haus, Wien/A
14.07.2012-18.08.2012  flux-pop-xus-art, Henning O & Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer, Kunstmuellerei & Galerie Slowboys, Duesseldorf
14.09.2012-14.10.2012  Fluxrus Belka& Ctrelka gallery, yn Garibaldi 21, Grecheskaya 19, Taganrog, Russia
13.10.2012-12.10.2015  Karl P. Gaul/Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer + 1 Meese, Offenes Atelier Gaul, Kiel
11.12.2012-10.01.2013  Zwischen den Beinen Vol.2, Galerie Offenes Atelier D.U.Design, Postgasse 6, A-9500 Villach
01.03.2013-04.04.2013  ::JAHRES.WERK::, Kuenstler der Galerie Offenes Atelier D.U.Design, Postgasse 6, A-9500 Villach
01.12.2013-31.12.2013  Kunstwerkstatt Wien, Siebensterngasse 16, 1070 Wien/A
29.03.2014-27.04.2014  sex in the city/medienkontrolle, Reinhard Stammer/Kommissar Hjuler, STATT!garten, Jaegerweg 16, Flensburg
25.05.2014-29.06.2014  Von Nackt Bis Abstrakt, Peter Rathke/Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer, STATT!garten, Jaegerweg 16, Flensburg
07.06.2014-20.06.2014  Our Everything - Visual A. Pushkin, Bogoljubow-Bibliothek der Kuenste, Sushevstaya St. 14, Moscow/Russia
19.06.2015-05.07.2015  Heimat, Kuenstler der Galerie, Offenes Atelier D. U. Design, Postgasse 6, A-9500 Villach in 2015, Verkaufsausstellung
29.04.2016-31.10.2016  ich mach mir die welt ..., Barbara Rapp (& Khj.), Gemeindeamt St. Jacob, Rosental/A
21.08.2018-02.09.2018  Barbara Rapp (w/KHj+MB), Diorama K18, Dark City Kunstfestival, Hauptstrasse 159, A-9201 Krumpendorf
04.10.2019-18.10.2019  Kommissar Hjuler +/- Wolfgang Kindermann, Studio Wunderbar, A-1020 Wien

Group Exhibitions / Gruppen-Ausstellungen:

09.02.2007-30.09.2007  Kunst im Quadrat, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld
28.04.2007-28.04.2007  NachtAnsichten, Lange Museumsnacht der Stadt Bielefeld, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld
18.05.2007-18.05.2007  I am the world champion of art, 3. KunstZwergFestival, Mainz
01.09.2007-29.02.2008  Galerie Art Store St. Pauli, gemeinschaftliche Verkaufsausstellung
04.12.2007-08.12.2007  contemorary art (BUT), Itami City Gallery/Japan
04.01.2008-04.01.2008  Ungeworfene Steine - GEGENgewalt, Atelier Kargel, Welver-Vellinghausen
26.04.2008-26.04.2008  NachtAnsichten, Lange Museumsnacht der Stadt Bielefeld, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld
30.04.2008-04.05.2008  galerie verticale, Kunstsilo Saarbruecken, Verkaufsausstellung
06.07.2008-21.07.2008  2. Flensburger Kunstkilometer Flensburg, Verkaufsausstellung im Neptunhof, Flensburg
08.07.2008-19.07.2008  Faengslende Kunst, Flensborg Fjords Kunst & Kulturforening/FFKK, Graasten/Daenemark
01.10.2008-30.10.2008  Prof. Monica Michellotti, Fondazione Federico Fellini, Museo Federico Fellini, Rimini/Italien
19.11.2008-25.11.2008  contemorary art (BUT), Itami City Gallery/Japan
25.04.2009-25.04.2009  NachtAnsichten, Lange Museumsnacht der Stadt Bielefeld, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld
02.05.2009-29.07.2009  Mootz-Art, Kunsthandlung Mootz-Art, Michael Mootz, Saarbruecken
23.08.2009-31.08.2009  Alfred Mainzer, Flux Factory, Long Island City, New York/USA

01.10.2009-01.11.2009  Colour Out Of Space, Sallis Benny Theatre, Brighton/UK
04.10.2009-08.11.2009  MailArt, Galerie AtelierKargel/Artists-Gallery, Welver-Vellinghausen
14.11.2009-22.11.2009  Calling Out Of Contest, ICA, Institute of Contemporary Art, London/UK
10.04.2010-12.06.2010  POP-ART, New International Centre of Culture / NICC Scheld'Apen, Antwerp/B
16.04.2010-30.04.2010  Neukoellner Kunstsalon, Sudhaus der Kindlbrauerei, Berlin-Neukoelln
24.04.2010-24.04.2010  NachtAnsichten, Lange Museumsnacht der Stadt Bielefeld, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld

11.06.2010-19.06.2010  Notre Histoire, Forum de Chauny, Ecole Primaire, CE2-CM1-CM2, 02300 Caillouel-Crepigny/F
21.06.2010-27.06.2010  Int. Kuenstlertreffen der Flensborg Fjords Kunst & Kulturforening/FFKK, Flensburg/Slupsk(PL)/Graasten(DK)
03.07.2010-30.09.2010  Koffer/valise/suitcase, fzkke, Euskirchen
08.07.2010-03.10.2010  AR(t)CEVIA International Art Festival, Arcevia Marche, Arcevia/I
16.07.2010-24.07.2010  2. Neukoellner Kunstsalon, Sudhaus der Kindlbrauerei, Berlin-Neukoelln
24.07.2010-25.07.2010  Keith A. Buchholz' mail art at FLUXUS ST.LOUIS/Artfarm, St. Louis/USA
28.08.2010-11.10.2010  Kollektive Cgroup, Arcevia/I
11.09.2010-11.09.2010  Ur Toy Story, Gallery ARTpool, St. Petersburg/USA
02.10.2010-02.10.2010  Lange Nacht der Museen Oesterreich, ORF Enterprise GmbH & Co.KG Wien/A
human - colour - music, Polyhoros Hall, Thessaloniki/GR
11.11.2010-12.11.2010  Innovartionskongress 2010, Casineum & Schlosshotel Velden/A
01.12.2010-24.12.2010  Julekalenderen, galeri Kunst og Handveark Odensee, Odensee/DK
06.12.2010-31.12.2010  Marketing.Innovation.Zukunft, Galerie Offenes Atelier D. U. Design/A 
14.01.2011-29.01.2011  TROYART - Toy Art International Exhibition, MuBE - Museum Brasileiro da Escultura, Sao Paulo/Brasil
10.04.2011-29.04.2011  No Commercial Potential, Garage N.3 Gallery, Venezia mestre/I
01.06.2011-18.09.2011  Post fuer Otto von Bismarck, Bismarck-Museum, Bad Kissingen
16.06.2011-24.08.2011  The SECREt eXCHANGE, Museum of Contemporary Art Sydney, Sydney/Australia
25.06.2011-25.06.2011  Art and Nature, Galerie Kunstleben Berlin (exhibition with benefit gala under patronage of Eva Habermann)
09.07.2011-09.07.2011  Int. Kuenstlertreffen der Flensborg Fjords Kunst & Kulturforening/FFKK, Flensburg/Slupsk(PL)/Graasten(DK)
18.07.2011-28.07.2011  In Memoriam George Maciunas, 6028 Gallery, Chicago/USA
01.08.2011-01.10.2011  WORDS ..., Bay County Public Library, Panama City, Florida/USA
18.07.2011-28.07.2011  In Memoriam George Maciunas, 6028 Gallery, Chicago/USA
19.08.2011-27.08.2011  Edinburgh Fringe/Fringe Festival, Heart Fine Art Ltd., Edinburgh/UK
08.09.2011-16.09.2011  No Commercial Potential, Centro Culturale Candiani, Venezia Mestre/I
23.09.2011-25.09.2011  20. Offene Ateliertage Koeln 2011, Atelier Reicherts & Weigand, Roesrath/Koeln
30.09.2011-08.01.2012  WRITE NOW - Visual Poetry -, The Chicago Rooms Galleries of the Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, Illinois/USA
12.10.2011-27.10.2011  Schallplatten-Cover, fzkke, Euskirchen
19.10.2011-26.10.2011  Kaunas Biennial - George Maciunas And Beyond: Fluxus Never Stops, Kaunas Picture Gallery, Kaunas/LT
27.10.2011-26.11.2011  Formatology, Yaffo23, Yaffo 23 Road, Jerusalem/Israel
08.11.2011-19.02.2012  The SECREt eXCHANGE, National Museum of Contemporary Art Seoul, Seoul/Korea
25.11.2011-17.12.2011  5. Kunst- und Musikfestival folk-artNOW!, Kunst & Kulturverein Spedition e. V., Bremen
12.01.2012-13.02.2012  Bottles, MAC-Bienaldai, Museo de Arte Canadense, Canada de Gomez, Santa Fe/Argentina
28.01.2012-08.02.2012  No Commercial Potential, Galeria Terre Rare, Bologna/I
04.02.2012-11.02.2012  Mein Koerper gehoert mir! Haus der Kleinen Kuenste, Muenchen
09.02.2012-12.02.2012  Fluxfest Chicago, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago/USA
02.03.2012-04.03.2012  7. Editionale Koeln. Neues Kunstforum, Koeln
12.05.2012-12.05.2012  6. Art Karree, Kunst-Karree Schweinfurt
16.05.2012-18.05.2012  16. Internationales Buchfestival A.P.Tschechow, Taganrog/Russia
04.06.2012-04.06.2012  2nd Annual Skull Appreciation Day, Muetter Museum, Philadelphia/USA
11.06.2012-11.06.2012  Stromfarben, Stadtwerke Flensburg GmbH & In Kuerze Kunst, Flensburg
16.06.2012-30.06.2012  The Future, Atelier Kirigiris, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa/J
28.06.2012-10.09.2012  Schooldays In Artlife, Gemeetehuis Zundert/NL
01.07.2012-08.07.2012  Land of the Olive Trees, Center of Psachna, Euboea, Greece 
06.07.2012-31.08.2012  Platten-Cover im fzkke fzkke Euskichen
07.07.2012-04.08.2012  traces/Spuren, Atelier 5B, Schondorf
Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn, Jahres-Ausstellung im Schloss, Schloss Liedberg, Korschenbroich
01.09.2012-01.02.2013  Drachen, Deutsches Drachenmuseum, Haus Baureneck, Lindenfels
01.09.2012-30.09.2012  Transformation, ETG Book Cafe, New York/USA
03.09.2012-12.09.2012  10th International Art Festival of Monastir, Tunisia
28.09.2012-28.09.2012  FluxFest NYC 2012, New York/USA
26.10.2012-16.11.2012  Mein Koerper gehoert mir! With (he)art against FGM, Mediathek Denkingen, Denkingen
04.11.2012-15.02.2013  Collage/Assemblage Centennial 1912-2012, IMCAC, Pagosa Springs, Colorado/USA
07.11.2012-07.11.2012  Salongespraech, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld
09.11.2012-30.11.2012  Land of the Olive Trees, ERGO Art Lab, Lugano/Switzerland
09.11.2012-24.11.2012  (Im Prinzip) COLLAGE, Walpodenakademie, Kunsterverein Walpodenstrasse 21 e. V., Mainz
10.11.2012-10.11.2013  ECCE ARTIST, Fabbrica Immagine, Rome, Italy
17.11.2012-14.12.2012  Misfit Toy Oddities Show, Arte Cabulturo Art Studios, La Puente, USA
19.11.2012-15.12.2012  Today and Tomorrow, Art Association Bad Aibling, Bad Aibling
21.11.2012-31.01.2013  Voyage, Heinrich-Heine-Institut, Bilker Strasse 12-14, 40213 Duesseldorf
06.12.2012-09.01.2013  Winterausstellung, The Box Duesseldorf, Duisburger Str.97, 40479 Duesseldorf
08.12.2012-04.01.2013  Frau Holle & die 7 Zwerge, Kunststueck Berlin, Braunschweiger Strasse 64, 12055 Berlin
10.12.2012-21.12.2012  Franticham's Universe, Galeria AT, ul. Solna 4, 61-735 Poznan/PL
13.01.2013-10.03.2013  Wer war Mona Lisa? im Frauenmuseum Bonn e. V., Im Krausfeld 10, 53111 Bonn
25.01.2013-25.04.2013  Alles Was Recht Ist!, Verwaltungsgericht Minden, Minden/D
01.02.2013-03.02.2013  L A ART BOOK FAIR, MOCA Los Angeles, Los Angeles/USA
10.02.2013-13.02.2013  CODEX Int. Book Fair, Craneway Pavilion, Richmond/USA

18.02.2013-15.03.2013  Schooldays In Artlife, Koning Willem II College, Tilburg/NL
21.02.2013-24.02.2013  FluxFest Chicago 2013, Chicago Cultural Centre, Chicago/USA
02.04.2013-03.04.2013  Schooldays In Artlife, Vincents Tekenlokaal, Tilburg/NL
27.04.2013-27.04.2013  Warhol/Kippenberger/Meese/Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld
15.05.2013-16.06.2013  VISPO, 3. International Artbook Exhibition, Belka& Ctrelka gallery, yn Garibaldi 21, Grecheskaya 19, Taganrog/Russia
31.05.2013-30.09.2013  Schooldays In Artlife, Town Hall, Alphen-Chaam/NL
14.07.2013-28.07.2013  ... der himmel so blau so blau ..., Atelierhaus & Galerie A24, Bergisch-Gladbach
07.09.2013-08.09.2013  4. art kreuzberg
/Lange Museumsnacht Berlin, Galerie Cross Art, Berlin
14.09.2013-15.09.2013  YOLO, Kunstrefugium e. V., Corso Leopold, Leopoldstrasse, Muenchen
24.09.2013-22.11.2013  Eine Hommage auf Georg Buechner, Selbsthilfe-Treffpunkt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Boxhagener Strasse 89, Berlin
28.09.2013-28.09.2013  Visions of Bosch, Jheronimus Bosch Art Center, 's-Hertogenbosch/NL
29.09.2013-16.10.2013  Georg Buechner Ausstellung, artgaragen, Karl-Marx-Strasse 204-206, Berlin 
04.10.2013-24.10.2013  The VOODOO YOODOO, Vagrant Eye Projection Museum, Portland/USA
10.10.2013-11.11.2013  Georg Buechner Ausstellung, Malena Bar, Reuterstrasse 85, Berlin
16.10.2013-29.10.2013  Buechner-Ausstellung, Kunstraum gad, Reuterstrasse 82, Berlin
16.10.2013-06.11.2013  Schaufensterausstellung, R31, Reuterstrasse 31, Berlin
17.10.2013-30.10.2013  Zwitschermaschine, Potsdamer Strasse 161, Berlin
01.11.2013-30.11.2013  Stranger In Paradise, Centro Cultural des Hispanohablantes de Amsterdam, Amsterdam/NL
29.11.2013-31.12.2013  Obrigado, Northwich Town Centre, VAC Gallery,  Northwich, Cheshire, UK
17.01.2014-24.01.2014  Nema Tog Podruma III, 44 (sic), Bleekhofstraat 44, 2140 Borgerhout/Antwerp/B
24.01.2014-27.02.2014  Mi Corazon, Jaycee Park Center for Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr, Irving/USA
27.01.2014-27.01.2014  MAI PIU - Il Giorno della Memoria, Istituto Omnicomprensivo Statale, 86043 Casacalenda/Italia
14.02.2014-16.02.2014  Ex Postale Facto, San Francisco Center for the Book, San Francisco/USA
15.02.2014-16.03.2014  Zalop, Eyedrum Art & Music Gallery, 115 MLK Jr. Dr. SW, Atlanta/USA
20.02.2014-23.02.2014  Chicago FluxFest 2014, School of Art Institute/Cultural Centre/6018 North Gallery/Mana Fine Arts/..., Chicago/USA
03.06.2014-30.06.2014  Mermaids in the port, queens of the sea ..., Le Lab, 3 rue Bussy L'Indien, 13006 Marseille/F
13.06.2014-06.07.2014  Macht Geld! Schoenweide Kreativ/Schalterraum, Wilhelminenhof 82a, 12459 Berlin
23.06.2014-23.06.2014  3rd International M. A. E. Nyiracsad, Malom Gallery, Nyiracsad/Hungary
01.07.2014-31.07.2014  FLUXJOB, Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minnesota/USA
27.09.2014-20.10.2014  Collage Binge, the Projection Museum, 53 Southeast 80th Ave., Portland/USA

01.11.2014-02.11.2014  1. Ateliertage Flensburg by Kulturbuero Flensburg, STATT!garten, Flensburg
11.02.2015-14.02.2015  spirit of the forest, The Mercury Theatre, Balkerne Gate, Colchester/UK
19.02.2015-22.02.2015  FluxFest Chicago 2015, 6018 NORTH Art Space, 6018 N. Kenmore Ave., Chicago/USA
25.03.2015-03.05.2015  Otto 200 - Bismarck Portraits, Museum Obere Saline, Orangerie, Bad Kissing

30.03.2015-12.04.2015  Egg Project, Budapest Stamp Museum, 47 Harsfa Street, Budapest/Hungary
24.04.2015-26.04.2015  Festival of Contemporary Art CAN! by Krasnodar Institute of Contemporary Art, Krasnodar/Russia
25.04.2015-25.04.2015  NachtAnsichten, Lange Museumsnacht der Stadt Bielefeld, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld
Belka& Ctrelka event MAKARONKA, Center for Contemporary Art, Rostov on Don/Russia 
16.07.2015-19.09.2015  What do you WISH?, Staten Island Ferry Terminal, Staten Island (NY)/USA
28.10.2015-13.12.2015  Recordings, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg
09.04.2016-09.04.2016  up&down, Planet Hagen, hier: Isy Hoepfner & Kommissar Hjuler, Werkhof Hagen
30.04.2015-30.04.2015  NachtAnsichten, Lange Museumsnacht der Stadt Bielefeld, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld
13.05.2016-30.05.2016  Belka& Ctrelka event at The Youth Center Festival of Books in Taganrog, Russia
26.05.2016-10.06.2016  Joan Flasch Artist Book Library, School of the Art Institute, Chicago/USA
30.01.2017-11.02.2017  No DADA LEFT, Museum of Immigration / Photography Center of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki/Greece
07.04.2017-07.04.2017  Things That Go Bump ..., Jan van Eyck Academie, Academieplein 1, 6211 KM Maastricht/NL
06.10.2017-29.10.2017  Generator RVA, Sediment, 208 East Grace St., Richmond, VA 23219, USA
28.04.2018-28.04.2018  FREAKS UND PIONIERE, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld
19.10.2018-21.10.2018  Friends With Books, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin
28.02.2019-31.03.2019  Self-Publishing, Publizieren als Kunst, kunsTTempel, kunst und literatur e.v., Hans-Boeckler-Str. 5, Kassel
27.07.2019-27.07.2019  Kunstbahnhof Woerthersee mit G. Madl-Kren, Barbara Rapp & KHj+F., M. Steinwender, Velden/A
04.09.2019-04.09.2019  Beruehmte Namen: Freddy Mercury, Mueseum Huelsmann, Bielefeld
26.05.2021-30.05.2021  PARALLEL EDITIONS 1/21, Semper Depot/Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste, Wien/A
28.05.2021-29.05.2021  Gallery Weekend/DIE DR. MABUSENLOLITA (Jonathan Meese), Gallery KRINZINGER, set-sale event FLUXUS +/-
18.09.2021-18.09.2021  NACHTANSICHTEN, Lange Museumsnacht der Stadt Bielefeld, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld
14.05.2023-14.05.2023  Bruit de la Neige, L'Atelier Nautilus, Annecy, France

Performances / Veranstaltungen:

18.02.2006-18.02.2006  Audiotoop/Extrapool,  Nijmengen/NL, Anti-Live-Konzert
27.05.2006-27.05.2006  KunstZwergFestival, Mainz, Anti-Live-Konzert
08.06.2007-09.06.2007  Totenhemd fuer Schrottfahrzeug - Malaktion Nr. 1
09.06.2007-09.06.2007  Wanderup Indoor Riot, Wanderup, Kommissar Hjuler Allstar Band live
29.06.2007-29.06.2007  Hoerbar e. V., Hamburg, Anti-Live-doch-da-Performance
17.08.2007-18.08.2007  Hakromassandro Festival, Flensburg, Kommissar Hjuler Allstar Band live
03.11.2007-04.11.2007  PAULO POST FUTURUM Festival, Lokaal01, Breda/NL, Live-Performance
30.11.2007-02.12.2007  mikro_makro Festival, Alternative Theatre, Slupsk/PL, Anti-Live-Konzerte
15.12.2007-17.12.2007  Khar-yallar, Dakar Liberte, Republique Senegal, Anti-Live-Konzert
19.01.2008-19.01.2008  John Wiese/Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler, KKI Flensburg, Live-Gruppen-Performance
01.03.2008-01.03.2008  Centre Culturelle de Conacry, Kaloum, Republique de Guinee, Anti-Live-Konzert
04.03.2008-04.03.2008  Yeole Club, Labe, Republique de Guinee, Anti-Live-Konzert
06.03.2008-06.03.2008  Palais de Peuples, Conacry, Republique de Guinee, Anti-Live-Konzert

16.03.2008-16.03.2008  Audiogeschichten, Galerie O Tannenbaum, Berlin, Anti-Live-Konzert
17.04.2008-17.04.2008  Ohren zu!
, ZAKK, Bremen, Live-Performance
18.04.2008-18.04.2008  Extrapool, Nijmegen/NL, Live-Performance

19.04.2008-19.04.2008  Ladyland, De Overslag, Eindhoven/, Live-Performance
20.04.2008-20.04.2008  Kunstraum B, Muenster, Live-Performance

04.07.2008-06.07.2008  Avantgarde Festival Schiphorst, Schiphorst, Live-Performance
08.07.2008-08.07.2008  Brotkatze fuer Paul McCarthy, Court Room/FFKK, Graasten/Daenemark, Live-Performance
12.07.2008-12.07.2008  Eugene Chadbourne/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Musikpalast Flensburg, Live-Performance
19.09.2008-19.09.2008  with 19 mountains, Boekie Woekie, Amsterdam/NL, Live-Performance
20.09.2008-20.09.2008  Ultra Eczema Festival, Antwerpen/Belgien, Live-Performance

28.02.2009-28.02.2009  Caracho & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Kuehlhaus, Flensburg, Musik- und Mal-Performance
02.04.2009-02.04.2009  --Zwei Eineperson--, Kunstraum Winterthur, Winterthur/Schweiz, Live-Performance

17.04.2009-17.04.2009  Festival Bruit de la Neige, The Sound of Snow, Annecy/France, Live-Performance
30.04.2009-30.04.2009  Deutschstunde, Integrierte Gesamtschule Flensburg, Unterrichtseinheit als Dada-Workshop
04.07.2009-04.07.2009  Ramana & JaDaMaBaPa, iLLUSEUM, Amsterdam/NL, Live-Performances (Ramana, van den Dobbelsteen/Lemaire)
01.08.2009-01.08.2009  to end all life, iLLUSEUM, Amsterdam/NL, Live-Performance
02.08.2009-02.08.2009  to end all life, Mary Bauermeisters Offenes Atelier, Koeln Roesrath, Live-Performance
25.09.2009-25.09.2009  Kenzo Kusuda & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau,
iLLUSEUM, Amsterdam/NL, Live-Performance
26.09.2009-26.09.2009  Mein Bagger brennt, ..., Kunstraum B, Muenster, Live-Performances (Sylvia ellis Kruck, Knut Kargel)
26.10.2009-30.10.2009  Cy-Vogel+++, 
Integrierte Gesamtschule Flensburg, Workshop mit Schuelern
30.10.2009-01.11.2009  Festival Colour out of Space, Brighton /UK, Live-Performance
04.12.2009-04.12.2009  Peter Kastner & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Studio KO*OP, Hamburg, Performance
06.02.2010-06.02.2010  Geschreitango, San Siro & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Domizil, Giessen, Tango-Performance
25.02.2010-25.02.2010  ERDBEERTELEFON, Lasse Henrich & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Projekt Flamingo, KKI Flensburg, Performance
12.03.2010-12.03.2010  Ludo Mich & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Grambacht, Mechelen/Belgien, Performance
13.03.2010-13.03.2010  Harappian Night Recordings & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Kunstencentrum Belgie, Hasselt/Belgien, Performance
17.04.2010-17.04.2010  Kommissar Hjuler og Fru i Danmark, Smittekilde, Copenhagen/Danmark, Performance/Vortrag
27.04.2010-27.04.2010  Closedunruh & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Cafe Glocksee, Hannover, Performance
01.05.2010-15.05.2010  Blurred Edges, Peter Kastner & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Gaengeviertel, Hamburg, Performance
28.05.2010-28.05.2010  Brotkatze-Support, Kunstraum B, Muenster, gemeinsame Performances mit San Siero/Giessen
27.06.2010-27.06.2010  The lion sleeps tonight, Flensburger Museumshafen, Performance zur Vernissage des Int. Malertreffens
02.07.2010-04.07.2010  Avantgarde Festival Schiphorst, Clive Graham & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Schiphorst, Performance

16.07.2010-16.07.2010  ZEBU! & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, 2. Neukoellner Kunstsalon, Kranhalle der Kindlbrauerei, Berlin-Neukoelln
11.08.2010-11.08.2010  Dead Labour Process & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Hoerbar e. V., Hamburg, Performance
13.08.2010-15.08.2010  Zappanale #21, Kommissar Hjuler und Frau beziehen das Sofa No. 2 neu, Bad Doberan, Performance

12.09.2010-19.09.2010  Incubate Festival, Tilburg/NL, Performance
21.10.2010-21.10.2010  three resurrected drunkards, Weserburg/Museum fuer moderne Kunst, Bremen
Karl P. Gaul & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, MS Stubnitz, Stadthafen Rostock, Lesung & Performance
UND #6/ART Karlsruhe/Lange art Nacht, Foltergaul & San Siro/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Nancyhalle, Karlsruhe
15.04.2011-15.04.2011  Ninni Morgia/Silvia Kastel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau/Chora/..., Cafe Oto, London/UK
16.04.2011-16.04.2011  Ninni Morgia/Silvia Kastel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau/Very Rich Lexicon, Hull Boathouse, Hull/UK
17.04.2011-17.04.2011  Ninni Morgia/Silvia Kastel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, The Morden Tower, Newcastle upon Tyne/UK
18.04.2011-18.04.2011  Ninni Morgia/Silvia Kastel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau/..., The Banshee Labyrinth, Edinburgh/UK
19.04.2011-19.04.2011  Ninni Morgia/Silvia Kastel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Open School, Glasgow/UK
Ninni Morgia/Silvia Kastel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, The Fuel, Manchester/UK
Southend Fringe Festival, Ninni Morgia/Silvia Kastel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Southend/UK
06.05.2011-21.05.2011  Blurred Edges, Peter Kastner & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Studio KO*OP, Hamburg
07.09.2011-11.09.2011  BAGL afFAIRs Berlin, Foltergaul & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Berlin
17.12.2011-17.12.2011  Foltergaul & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Kunst & Kulturverein Spedition e. V., Bremen
14.01.2012-14.01.2012  Hexe+Gong+Katze=_, Barbara Rapp & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Galerie Offenes Atelier D.U. Design, Villach/A
14.04.2012-14.04.2012  Viel Trinken mit Wenig An (Performance zu Alkoholmissbrauch und Nacktheit), EAGL Gallery, Berlin
04.05.2012-19.05.2012  Blurred Edges, Kakawaka & Peter Kastner & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Studio KO*OP, Hamburg, Performance
26.05.2012-26.05.2012  Foltergaul & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, EAGL Gallery, Berlin, Lesung & Performance
22.06.2012-24.06.2012  Avantgarde Festival Schiphorst, Foltergaul & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Schiphorst, Performance
GIFT-BUILDING, Henning O & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Kunstmuellerei Duesseldorf, Happening
01.09.2012-01.09.2012  KH12 & KHJ+F - Brotkatze, fzkke Euskirchen, Performance
07.09.2012-07.09.2012  Zardoz in Theresienstadt,  Foltergaul & Kommissar Hjuler, In Kuerze Kunst, Flensburg, Performance mit Lesung
10.11.2012-10.11.2012  springpreparationconcert, Heather Leigh & KHj.+F. w/Violet Storm, Upper Church Gallery, Edinburgh/UK
30.11.2012-30.11.2012  Concert Strefa Monotype/Goethe-Stiftung Warschau, Centre For Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warschau/PL
04.01.2013-04.01.2013  Frau Holle, Kunststueck Berlin, Braunschweiger Strasse 64, 12055 Berlin, Maerchen-Auffuehrung
06.02.2013-06.02.2013  Midgard Washroom Snake, Kindergarten Weding, Schulkoppel 43, Handewitt, Workshop mit Kindern
04.05.2013-04.05.2013  BRoTkaTZeN (Manifest), Happening by Klaus Rudolf, Kunststueck Berlin
07.09.2013-07.09.2013  Bernd Brecht & Foltergaul & Uwe Moellhusen & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau,
Galerie Cross Art, Berlin
27.03.2014-27.03.2014  Bruitalorgasme, Salon Bruit, Laskerstrasse 5, 10245 Berlin
Belka& Ctrelka event to Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer, MAKARONKA / 16th LINE gallery, Rostov on Don/Russia 
31.05.2014-31.05.2014  Kommissar Hjuler/FLUX,
Belka& Ctrelka, Museum of Modern Fine Art on Dmitrovskaya, Rostov on Don/Russia
06.07.2014-06.07.2014  Foltergaul w/Daniela Floersheim & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Europaeischer Kunsthof, 52224 Stolberg
17.01.2015-17.01.2015  Foltergaul w/Kommissar Hjuler, Moving Poets, Hasselwerder Strasse 22, Berlin
25.06.2015-28.06.2015  Peter Kastner & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Rapid Ear Movement Festival, Projektgruppe Neue Musik e. V. Bremen
02.07.2015-05.07.2015  Brise°3 festival Flensburg/Augustenborg, Castle, Slotsalle 8, DK-6440 Augustenborg
17.12.2015-17.12.2015  Hubert Kretschmer/Kommissar Hjuler, TAM TAM Instore-Gig, pin Passage, Bayerstrasse 4, Munich
02.04.2016-02.04.2016  Hundred Foot Road, Sukanyan Sunthareswaran & Mama Baer, KM Music Conservatory, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
16.09.2016-17.09.2016  Gutes Leben/Rauschmelder Stimmen, PAAK/Foltergaul/KHj+F., Atelierhaus 23, Hamburg
08.04.2017-08.04.2017  PAAK & Jan van Wissen & KHj+F., Kuenstlerhaus Sootboern, Hamburg
01.10.2022-01.10.2022  Bananskolen play Brotkatze, Mayhem venue, DK-2100 Copenhage,

Appearance At Short Film Festivals & Visual Installations / Teilnahme an Kurzfilm-Festivals & Filmauffuehrung/Video-Installation:

23.07.2008-23.07.2008  KHJ+F&Hradesin-Installation, Unitarian Church Cambridge, Cambridge/UK, Video-Projektion
17.08.2008-17.08.2008  KHJ+F&Hradesin-Installation, All Saint Church, Easton/UK, Video-Projektion
28.10.2008-28.10.2008  KHJ+F&Hradesin-Installation, All Saints Church Cambridge, Cambridge/UK, Video-Projektion
21.10.2009-22.10.2009  Spektro Festival, Istanbul/Tuerkei, Video-Projektion
31.10.2009-31.10.2009  GIGUK VideoArt Festival, Atelierhaus Trafo e. V., Giessen, Film in Endausscheidung
18.11.2009-18.11.2009  Strange Movie Club, kuemmerei, Giessen, Video-Projektion
14.10.2010-17.10.2010  12. Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Muenchen, Bunter Hund, Muenchen, Programm der Jury
30.10.2010-30.10.2010  GIGUK VideoArt Festival, Atelierhaus Trafo e. V., Giessen, Programm der Jury
22.01.2011-22.01.2011  U.F.O.-Kurzfilmfestival Leipzig, Kulturfabrik Leipzig e. V. Werk II, Film in Endausscheidung
02.02.2011-18.02.2011  Festival Bruit de la Neige, Luigi Russulo Contest, Annecy/France, Video-Projektion
15.02.2011-20.02.2011  Fluxfest Chicago, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago/USA, Video-Projektionen
26.05.2011-01.06.2011  Vienna Independent Shorts / VIS, Wien/A, Film in Endausscheidung
27.05.2011-27.05.2011  21. Internationales Videofestival Bochum, Schikaneder, Bochum, Programm der Jury
03.11.2011-20.11.2011  Leeds International Film Festival, Cinema Versa, Leeds/UK - Sonderprogramm
09.11.2011-12.11.2011  11. Flensburger Kurzfilmtage, 51 Stufen, Deutsches Haus, Flensburg, Film in Endausscheidung
16.11.2011-19.11.2011  B-link Festival of New Communications, Cultural Center Parobrod, Beograd/Serbia, Video-Projektionen
04.12.2011-10.12.2011  9-1/2-Minuten Filmfest Bad Oldesloe, Klangstadt 1 at Inihaus, Bad Oldesloe, 2 Filme in Endausscheidung
12.02.2012-12.02.2012  Flux Film Fest, 6018 NORTH, Edgewater, Chicago/USA,  Video-Projektionen
27.03.2012-27.03.2012  UNITED VOIDS, Bradford/UK, Film-Auffuehrung bei Independent Festival
01.06.2012-30.06.2012  35e Festival franco-anglais de poesie 2012, CARBUNARI, Paris/F, Video-Projektion
09.06.2012-09.06.2012  V22 Space London/Agency & Milton Keynes Gallery, London/UK, Video-Projektion
05.09.2012-09.09.2012  7e editie van het BUTfilmfestival Breda, Breda/NL, Film in Endausscheidung
20.02.2013-30.03.2013  Fluxus, now, then and whenever!, Indiana University Kokomo, Kokomo/USA, Filme im Sonderprogramm
21.02.2013-24.02.2013  Flux Film Fest 2013, Chicago Cultural Centre, Chicago/USA, Video-Projektionen
09.07.2013-12.07.2013  Internati​onale Kurz- und Lang​film Videotage und F​uenfjahresfest, GAS-station Berlin, Tempelherrenstrasse 22, Berlin
04.10.2013-04.10.2013  Film and Video Screening, Vagrant Eye Projection Museum, Portland/USA, Video-Projektionen
Hunters Moon Festival, Carrickon Shannon, Co Leitrim/Carrick-on-Shannon, Ireland, Video-Projektionen
15.02.2014-16.03.2014  Zalop Short Film Events, Eyedrum Art & Music Gallery, 115 MLK Jr. Dr. SW, Atlanta/USA, Video-Projektionen
16.05.2014-18.05.2014  UNEXPECTED festival Amsterdam, 1st Concrete Church, Amsterdam/NL,Video-Projektion
backup_festival , 16. Kurzfilmfestival Weimar, Lichthaus Kino, Weimar/D, Video-Installation
17.01.2015-17.01.2015  Art's birthday, Louisville Experimental Festival, Louisville/USA, Video-Projektionen
11.04.2015-22.05.2015  Wardrope International Film Festival/WIFF, Wardrobe Event, Toronto/Canada
25.06.2015-28.05.2015  Rapid Ear Movement Festival, Projektgruppe Neue Musik e. V. Bremen, Premiere einer Auftragsarbeit
23.10.2015-23.10.2015  Kernmacherei, Filme von Mama Baer & Anton Corbijn, Staedtische Galerie, Theater am Ring, Villingen-Schwenningen
28.05.2016-28.05.2016  FluxFest Chicago, The 6018 Gallery, Chicago/USA 
11.02.2017-11.02.2017  Mama Baer & Kommissar Hjuler, Short Film Presentation, Photography Center of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki/Greece 
15.03.2019-15.03.2019  Goodiepal's Bananskolen, hjuler films pt. 1, Statens Museum for Kunst (SMK) , Copenhagen/DK
17.04.2019-17.04.2019  Goodiepal's Bananskolen, hjuler films pt. 2, Statens Museum for Kunst (SMK) , Copenhagen/DK
15.11.2019-15.11.2019  Hospital of the Souls, IKLECTIK ART LAB, Old Paradise Yard, 20 Carlisle Lane, London/UK
05.05.2022-02.06.2022  Micro-Folie, Musée numérique, Pl. Marcel Piquand, Faverges/F

Mediatheques / Mediatheken:

Archive Artist Publications, Tuerkenstrasse 60, 80799 Munich
artlout library,  Ringstrasse 143, 04209 Leipzig
Dansk Centralbibliotek, Bov Bibliotek, Bovvej 4, 6330 Padborg, Danmark
Deutsches Musikarchiv / Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Deutscher Platz 1, 04103 Leipzig
Deutsches Musikarchiv / Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Adickesallee 1, 60322 Frankfurt
Deutsches Rundfunk Archiv (DRA), Bertramstrasse 8, 60320 Frankfurt a. M.
Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesbibliothek, Wall 47/51, 24103 Kiel
Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Appellhofplatz 1, 50667 Koeln
WFMU, P. O. Box 2011, Jersey City, NJ 073O3-2O11, USA
Women's Online Media and Education Network, 2533 N. Carson Street, Suite 3003, Carson City, NV 89709, USA
WRCT, 5000 Fosters Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Universitaetsbibliothek Kiel, Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet (CAU) zu Kiel, Olshausenstrasse 40, 24118 Kiel
Tri-Centric Foundation, Brooklyn, NY 11202-2935, USA
Musikarchiv der Akademie der Kuenste, Pariser Strasse 4, 10117 Berlin
Suedwestrundfunk (SWR), Neckarstrasse 230, 70190 Stuttgart
Jan van Eyck Academie, Academieplein 1, 6211 KM Maastricht, NL
VEC Audio Archive, Cantecleerstraat 40, 6217 BX Maastricht, NL
ZKM Karlsruhe/Museum fuer Neue Kunst, Lorenzstrasse 19, 76135 Karlsruhe

Artistbooks and Catalogues / Buecher und Kataloge:

I AM THE WORLD CHAMPION OF ART, Mainzer Kunstverein Walpodenstr. 21 e. V. (Ausstellungskatalog)
KUNST IM QUADRAT, Museum Huelsmann, Ravensberger Park 3, D-33607 Bielefeld (Ausstellungskatalog)
FIELD REPORT, 2007 Field Report, Field Study, P.O. Box 1838 Geelong, VIC 3220 Australia (Fluxus-Jahrbuch)
GALERIE VERTICALE, Volker Schuetz, Mozartstr. 9, D-66111 Saarbruecken (Ausstellungskatalog)
RESITE 2008, Field Study, P.O. Box 1838 Geelong, VIC 3220 Australia (Fluxus-Kunstbuch)
FIELD REPORT, 2008 Field Report, Field Study, P.O. Box 1838 Geelong, VIC 3220 Australia (Fluxus-Jahrbuch)
A.TNNKIB 2008, M-A-Group, A/C 9875, Sadivnycha 19/1, Ukraine-79362 Lviv (Fluxus-Art-Katalog)
DIERBAAR BESTIARIUM, 2009, iLLUSEUM, Witte de Withstraat 120, NL-1057 ZH Amsterdam (Ausstellungskatalog)
GIGUK Kurzfilmpreis 2009, VideoArt Festival, Atelierhaus Trafo e. V., Ederstrasse 13, 35398 Giessen (Katalog zum Festival) 
ONE'S ONIONS, Joke Leonare & Ignace De Bruyn, Belgium (Kunstbuch mit CD-R)
ZAPPANALE #21, Arf Society, Bad Doberan  (Katalog zum Festival) 
GIGUK Kurzfilmpreis 2010, VideoArt Festival, Atelierhaus Trafo e. V., Ederstrasse 13, 35398 Giessen (Katalog zum Festival)
Marketing.Innovation.Zukunft, Bebilderung durch Gewinner der Kuenstlerausschreibung des Marketingclubs Kaernten (Buch)
FIELD REPORT, 2010 Field Report, Field Study, P.O. Box 1838 Geelong, VIC 3220 Australia (Fluxus-Jahrbuch)
Post fuer Otto, Bismarck-Museum, Obere Saline 20, 97688 Bad Kissingen (Ausstellungskatalog)
REVUE ET CORRIGEE III/11, quarterly magazine, Sievoz Le Haut, France-38350 Sievoz  (Kunstbuch)
absur2eal Fanzine - absur2eal -ab3, http://absur2eal.blogspot.com/2011/06/ab-3-html, Portugal (Kunst-Magazin)
Bad Alchemy No. 71, Wuerzburg (Fanzine/Magazin)
BAGL afFAIRs 2011, EAGL, Windscheidstrasse 1, 10627 Berlin (Ausstellungskatalog)
rodez, A. G. Davis/Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer, skrot up, USA  (Kunstbuch mit Split-MC)
Die elften Flensburger Kurzfilmtage, Flensburger Kurzfilmtage e. V., Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 7, 24937 Flensburg (Katalog zum Festival)
Tigre Enorme No. 2, Anthropophagic Tapes, Valencia/E (Magazin mit CD)
RESITE 2011, Field Study, P.O. Box 1838 Geelong, VIC 3220 Australia (Fluxus-Kunstbuch)
Franticham's Assembling Box No. 17, redfoxpress, Dugort, Achill Island, Conuty Mayo, Ireland (Box with Assemblages and MC)
Artists Book und Katalog zum 16. Internationales Buchfestival A.P.Tschechow, Taganrog, Russia (Kunstbuch & Ausstellungs-Katalog)
Muder Langage & You Muder Go, Eric Lunde, AMK, KHj., Book w/CD-R, Amalgamated Torso and Such, USA (Book w/CD-R)
Schooldays in Artlife, Katalog, coloriMii, Bahama Press Tilburg/NL (Ausstellungs-Katalog)
Drachen, Deutsches Drachenmuseum, Haus Baureneck, Lindenfels (Ausstellungs-Katalog)
50 Fluxus there lives - 1962-2012 Wiesbaden-Russia, Fluxrus, Taganrog, Russia (Kunstbuch & Ausstellungs-Katalog)
Summerhall Art Festival 2012, Summerhall 1, Edinburgh, EH1 PL9, UK (Magazin zum Festival)
Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - Summerhall, Upper Church Gallery & Heart Fine Art Ltd., Edinburgh (Ausstellungskatalog)
provocative rituals - black horizons no. 50, 3270 21st St. #105, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA (Kunst-Magazin)
(Im Prinzip) COLLAGE, Kunsterverein Walpodenstrasse 21 e. V, 55116 Mainz (Ausstellungskatalog)
MSS - Meesterd Issue 12, Ultra Eczema, Belgium (Kuenstlerzeitschrift)
Wer War Mona Lisa?, Frauenmuseum Bonn e. V., Im Krausfeld 10, 53111 Bonn (Ausstellungskatalog)
Alles Was Recht Ist!, Ratsgymnasium Minden, 32423 Minden (Ausstellungskatalog)
Z/W/A/R/T magazine Nr. 5 - night views, Enschede, Netherlands (Foto-Magazin)
Whiteness & Pinkness zine #1, 33 Bailey Ave., Preston, VIC 3072, Australia (Magazin/flexi disc/Button)
Murder langage and you murder god, blahblahbla/Torso and Such, P.O.Box 11754, St. Paul, MN 55111, USA (Kunstbuch mit CD)
I bake your pardon? I never promised you an avant-garden by Joeri Bruyninckx, One Kind Favor/Nick Williams, USA (Kunstbuch)
25 Jahre Zappanale, Arf Society, Bad Doberan (Kunstbuch als Retrospektive)
In every dream ..., Detlev Weigand w/KHj., Ausstellungskatalog, Galerie Schroeder und Doerr, Bergisch Gladbach
ALBRECHT/d., Edition Randgruppe, Stuttgart (Portrait)
Kommissar Hjuler +/- Wolfgang Kindermann - Fluxus on Vinyl, Kunstbuch mit 102 Farbabbildungen, CD und Postkarte, Edition FZA, Oesterreich
Kommissar Hjuler +/- Wolfgang Kindermann - Fluxus on Vinyl 2, Kunstbuch mit 100 Farbabbildungen, CD, Edition FZA, Oesterreich
L’étranger, Kuenstler-Buch, Radio Panik, rue Saint Josse 49, 1210 Brussels, Belgium

Vinyl/CDs/Tapes / Langspielplatten/CDs/MCs:    

Tuulen Laulu (No One/Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler) - Sosse  - DoLP (SHMF/No Rekords)
Kommissar Hjuler - dissobedienti - LP (SHRMF (USA))
Mama Baer/Kadef/Yvesmeme - city stories - Split-MC (Kadef)
Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - Wiederaufnahmeverfahren II/06 - LP (SHMF/youdonthavetocallitmusic/Ed. Huelsmann/Heartfineart (UK))
Mama Baer/Rudolf Eb.er - il portale delle indipendenti - CD (blossoming noise (USA))
commissaris hjuler en mama beer - mensen die kort staan voor de zelfdoding - LP (ultra eczema (B))
Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler Allstar Band - Sicherungskopie 8 - MC (SHMF/tape tektoniks)
Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - tanz procesz-Sicherungskopie - MC (SHMF/tanzprocesz (F))
Slashdeath / Fishdeath - kein mitleid / ikke medfjilde med den totfisk (gedost) - LP (alga Marghen sub-label Taubnessel (I) / SHMF)
Mama Baer/Arnulf Meifert/Kommissar Hjuler - Unrein bis zum Abend, denn dann wasch' ich meine Scheide! - LP (Taubnessel (I) / SHMF)
V. A. - The Cow Of Troy - CD-R (Kifrecording (Poland))
Thurston Moore/Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - Schwarze Polizei - Split-MC (Goaty Tapes (USA))
Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - losing my religion/Brotkatze fuer Paul McCarthy - 7inch-Kunstobjekt (DVR)
V. A. - la bamba - LP (ultra eczema (B))
Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - Sicherungskopie 13 - Doppel-CD (SHMF/Poot Records (UK))
Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - asylum lunaticum - CD (SHMF/Intransitive Recordings (USA))
Dissecting Table/Kommissar Hjuler - jA-etanoS/Nein-Sonate - Split-LP (DVR)
Mama Baer - words are crying but don't english 1/... - LP (SHMF/ male bonding (B))
V. A. - идея южно-индийского снимка - CD-R (Observatory Records (RU))
Dino Felipe/Tooth Kink & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - George Herbert Mead  - CD-R (Poot Records (UK))
Lt. Caramel/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Bitter Dana Tik Tak/Schutz-Tisch-Performances - Split-LP (DVR)
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Talking Heads - MC (IRMA VEP TAPES (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer - Amerikanische Poesie und Alkoholismus - LP (Feeding Tube Records (USA))
Smegma/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - The Good Fight/Blues for M./Self-Hypnosis / bred you get - Split-LP (DVR)
Bryan Lewis Saunders & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - A/Mei/Sen - CD-R (Scumbag Relations (USA))
Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock/Mama Baer - Mahnmal (Ritual 090424 Osaka)/words are crying but don't english (2-4) - Split-LP (DVR)
Closedunruh/Mama Baer - Krankenwagen - Split-CD-R (Psych.KG/Sick Art Products)
V. A. - Solace Media Corporation Compilation - CD-R (Solace Media Corporation (USA))
z'ev/Bryan Lewis Saunders & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - der Muter Objekt fur die Hunde - MC (Blossoming Noise (USA))
Eric Lunde/Kommissar Hjuler - Separture/Grundordnung-Unterschrank-Scooter - Split-LP (DVR)
Comisario Hjuler & Madre Osa - música experimental - MC (Circuit Torcat (E))
Kommissar Hjuler  - IOOOIIOIIIOOOIO - MC (NBD (PL))
Lt. Caramel/Pacific 231 & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - George Herbert Mead - MC (IRMA VEP TAPES (USA))
Id M Theft Able/Kommissar Hjuler - Stehlbare Polizei - Split-MC (Faux-Pas Recordings (USA))
Mama Baer – Words are crying but don't English - DoMC (NBD (PL))
Cody Brant & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Generalizations  - MC (meandering recordings (USA))
Klaus Girnus/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Zurueck zum Sender/Da muss Streit rauf - Split-LP (DVR)
Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - … rezensieren zunehmend alkoholisiert LPs auf Ultra Eczema - MC (NBD (PL))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Mitschnitt vom allabendlichen Schlafengehen - CD-R (NBD (PL))
Smegma / Sissy Spacek & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - ONE/don't tell Roberto / ZWEI - Split-LP (SHMF)
Rogaland Hot Club/Kommissar Hjuler  - Tre pojkar gingo/Tatort - Split-MC (Gold Soundz (N))
Blood Stereo/Mama Baer & Kommissar Hjuler - Blutige Polizei - Split-CD-R (Chocolate Monk (UK))
V. A. - I will live only within the fraction of a second that is this moment - CD (My Castle Of Quiet/WFMU (USA))
Brain-Atoms/Junkthought/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - these stories are scary and funny - CD-R (Solace Media Corporation (USA))
V. A. - Avantgarde Festival 2010 - DVD-R (Cracked Movies (D))
The Hunter Gracchus/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau -Mujeres De La Boca/2 Eineperson 2 - Split-LP (Blackest Rainbow Records (UK))
Mama Baer - Bildnerei der Geisteskranken / Es ist so. - LP (Shamanic Trance (Greece))
Mama Baer - Bildnerei der Geisteskranken / Ruhe - LP (Shamanic Trance (Greece))
Harappian Night Recordings/Kommissar Hjuler - six reveries in psychopathic alchemy/Karawane - Split-LP (Shamanic Trance (Greece))
The New Blockaders/Mama Baer - Regelmasken - Split-LP (DVR / NBD (PL))
Kommissarie Hjuler och Kvinna - skoenheten den slidornas - MC (Utmarken (S))
Preggy Peggy & Lazy Babymakers / Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Schwangere Polizei - Split-MC (No Basement Is Deep Enough (B))
Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - losing my religion/Brotkatze/Sin Pik/Wuergereizpumpen - 7inch (Cult Pump (DK))
Smegma/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Polizei unter der Vorhaut - Split-MC (Goaty Tapes (USA))
V. A. - Viva Negativa / A Tribute To The New Blockaders (Vol. 1) - DoCD (Auf Abwegen)
Brume & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Salicylat - MC (Blossoming Noise (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer - T-Shirt - T-Shirt (Blossoming Noise (USA))
Brume & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Glossy Black Fruits - MC (Blossoming Noise (USA))
Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - perverted Schlauche - DoMC (beniffer editions (Canada))
Medium Medium/Kommissar Hjuler - Fluxus und Funk - Split-LP (SHMF)
Torturing Nurse/Nobu Kasahara & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - George Herbert Mead - Split-MC (Feeding Tube Records (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer - Scumbag Selection - CD-R (Scumbag Relations (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler - BROTKATZE - Box w/MC, assemblage (Heart Fine Art Ltd. (UK))
DJ Katface & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau "Pragmatix" MC inside a damaged Video-Cassette (NBD (PL))
Eric Lunde & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau "Hello Kitty procession" MC inside basf c-box (NBD (PL))
Mama Baer - Asylum Lunaticum - LP (Nihilist Records (USA))
Ninni Morgia & Silvia Kastel/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - two couples - LP (Ultramarine Records (I))
Dead Labour Process & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - the Hamburg tapes - MC (Total Vermin (UK))
Bryan Lewis Saunders & Hopi Torvald/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau -Stream of Unconscious - vol. 3 - Split-MC (SUC (USA))
Cave Bears & Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer - You Find The Key - MC (Feeding Tube Records (USA))
Sissisters/Dental Work/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau  - o. T. - Split-CD-R (Placenta Rec. (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm - LP (Feeding Tube Records (USA))
A.A.Kibanov/Mama Baer & Kommissar Hjuler - private issue - Split-CD-R (Kibanov (Russia))
Fossils/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - .../Grussverlangsamung - Split-MC (rainbow bridge recordings (USA))
V. A. - I Never Promised You A Rose Garden - MC (WFMU (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau/Mama Baer - Voice Studies - MC (My Dance The Skull (UK))
Medium Medium/Kommissar Hjuler - Fluxus und Funk 2 - Split-LP (SHMF)
The New Blockaders & Mama Baer/The New Blockaders & Kommissar Hjuler - Keine Haende - Pic-7inch + MC (PsychKG)
One Man Bastard Circus/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Neukopf - Split-MC (knife in the toaster (Canada))
Bomis Prendin/Mama Baer - Die Zoeglinge der Dalaia Lama - Split-LP (DVR)
Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer - NO!nurseetiquette - DoMC (Nostilevo (USA))
Ninni Morgia/Silvia Kastel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - live at The Morden Tower - MC (Ultramarine Records (I))
V. A. - the truth - CD-R (Placenta Rec. (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler - separationsaengste - MC (green records (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau ‎– 4 Times Untitled - 2MC in ytong block (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD (PL))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau ‎– Der Beste Freund Der Rose - onesided C90 (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD (PL))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau ‎– Double Half  - C60/Dokumentenmappe (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD (PL))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau ‎– KKI - Flensburg - C30 in box (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD (PL))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau ‎– Asche - MC inside object (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD (PL))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau ‎– Hintergrundmusik - C90/Aluschale (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD (PL))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau ‎– Levetiracetam - C90 in Medikamentenschachtel (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD (PL))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau ‎– o. T. - C90 in Papp-Box (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD (PL))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau ‎– Mitteilung an die Menschheit - C90 in Metal-Plastik-Box mit Puppe (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD (PL))
Mama Baer - Exorcismes from all my fingers - DoLP (Inyrdisk (Canada))
Mama Baer - Der 3-Stuecke-Kraken - CD-R (Inyrdisk (Canada))
V. A. - 1 minute autohypnosis... - mCD-R (mute sounds (E))
Mundkrach & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - A/N/T/I/Z/I/P/A/T/I/O/N - CD-R (house of alchemy (USA))
Mama Baer - Perverted People Girl Fuckers - CD-R (house of alchemy (USA))
LSD March/Mama Baer - Untitled/... plays Amy Winehouse - Split-LP (DVR-HGA8)
V. A. - 20 years of MNDR - LP-/7inch/CD-R-Box (MNDR/Psych.KG)
Peter Kastner/Kakawaka/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - whole lotta love - Split-MC (green records (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler Allstar Band - Wanderup Indoor Riot - MC (green records (USA))
Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - Zahn-Polizei -CD-R (Placenta Recordings (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler - Konkrete Poesie - MC (777 was 666 (J))
Robert Ridley-Shackleton/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Big Sass - Split-MC (Hissing Frames (UK))
Leonie Felle & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau/Kommissar Hjuler - Antizipationssong/blue orchid - 7inch/Acetate (Psych.KG)
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - o. T. - Lathe-cut LP/MC (hermitage tapes (USA))
KH12 & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau ‎– Brotkatze EU - DVD-R in Hoeschen/Box (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD 24 (PL)/(SHMF)
Jonathan Dilas & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Leben Gesteingt Selektion - MC (black horizons ( USA))
Mama Baer/ Komissar Hjuler - Menschenfresser/Topos Sociopathicus - CD-R (Torga Amun (RU))
Tassilo Kaminsky/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Lady M. aus O. -ftb/O.A.-the song - Split-CD-R (Industrial Culture (D))
Brume (w/Kommissar Hjuler) - Xerxes - LP (Rotorelief  (F))
Ninni Morgia/Silvia Kastel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Jericho/live in Edinburgh - LP/LP in Box (Ricerca Sonora (I))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Once again - MC (Burial Recordings (USA))
Andrew Liles vs. Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - commendatori & house arrest - 10inch (Psych.KG)
Cold Turkey/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Der maechtige Dreimaster - Split-MC (green records (USA))
The Tenses/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Wasserstoffbrueckenbindungen - Split-MC (green records (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler - In Genua nichts Neues - MC (Magnetic Regions (USA)
Frank Rowenta/Kommissar Hjuler - Brotkatze EU - LP/Acetate (NBD 22 (PL))
Crank Sturgeon/Paul Knowles/Jonathan Caldwell/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - the laws of reality - Book/CD/DVD (Solace Media Corp. (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler - NO!kopf - MC (knife in the toaster (Canada))
Kommissar Hjuler - jobeuysseph & Fluxus-Song - 1/2-LP (Cipher Productions (Australia))
Brume w/Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer - In Heaven - CD (Quasi Pop Records (Ukraine))
Mama Baer & Kommissar Hjuler - Gedichte in den Schlaf - MC (Whiteness & Pinkness (Australia))
V. A. - Shit Rap (Vol. 1-2) - tape (72826 Productions (Australia))
Peter Kastner/Kakawaka/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - whole lotta love - CD-R (permaREV (D))
Kommissar Hjuler - In Genua nichts Neues - MC (Ritual Hypnosis (USA))
Mama Baer - early works - MC (Ritual Hypnosis (USA))
UP-TIGHT/Mama Baer- Etude in Black I-IV/Seelennebel-Brut I-II - Split-LP (DVR-HGA)
Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - about me/Die lustigen Abenteuer von Pischi Pischi und Miff Maff/Tretmodul 2/Cunnilingus - Split-LP (SHMF)
Emerge & Kommissar Hjuler - dansk piano sectioner sedation - MC (Attenuation Circuit (D))
V. A. - The Confessor - 12-MC-Box (Stand-Up Tragedy Records (USA))
Hans-Joachim Hespos/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - t a n E K / t a n E K u b u s /t a n (alog) E K / H J C v G - Split-LP (DVR-HGA)
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - The Autistic Compound - CD-R (Autistic Campaign (F))
Medium Medium/Kommissar Hjuler - fluxus & funk III - Split-MC/booklet (MDTS (UK))
Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - Der Grimmelshausen'sche Seelennebel - polyurethan-LP-Object (DVR-HGA)
Mama Baer - mitten im wald - MC (Voluntary Whores (D))
Mama Baer - Huelsenbecktuete - MC with assemblage cover art (Whiteness & Pinkness (Australia))
PVA IN HAIR/Kommissar Hjuler - split - Split-MC (Whiteness & Pinkness (Australia))
Sick LLama/Kommissar Hjuler - music for type writer and synth, or tape - Split-MC (8eminis (E))
V. A. - Shit Noise 57 (Nihilist Void/Zebra Mu/Kaelteeinruch/Mama Baer/...) - CD-R (Shit Noise Records (D)
V. A. - Human Disgust Pt. 1 (Amy Weinrausch/Joel Nobody/Hi, Dad/Mama Baer/...) - CD-R (Shit Noise Records (D))
V. A. - Cats Came From Another Planet - CD-R (Shit Noise Records (D))
Thomas LaRoche/Mama Baer - taxidermist  -  Split-MC (Research Laboratories (UK))
Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - fluxus recordings - MC (Fluxus Montana (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler & Gui Rong - Erzaehlung der roten Gaslampe - MC (Voluntary Whores (D))
Kommissar Hjuler - Raumbefeuchter - MC / Objekt (NBD (PL))
Kommissar Hjuler ‎– Medikamenten Dosis - MC (NBD (PL))
KH12 & Kommissar Hjuler - Julie & Doria - Mini-CD-R (NBD (PL))
Hiroshi Hasegawa/Mama Baer - Scarlet Dream/Khmerzen - Split-LP (DVR-HGA)
V. A. - Fluxus II (Wolf Vostell, Juergen O. Olbrich & Kommissar Hjuler, Wataru Kasahara) - MC (Psych.KG)
Kommissar Hjuler - Forvandling af Franz Kafka - DoMC / Objekt (NBD (PL))
V. A. - Fluxus (C.M.Bennett/J.M.Bennett/J.Patterson/D.Dellafiora/ALBRECHT/d.&Kommissar Hjuler) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - Fluxus (Belka&Strelka/K.A.Buchholz/M.Knizak/D.Spicer/W.Vostell/DADA AG&Kommissar Hjuler+Frau/...) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler - Broken Dick - DoMC / Objekt (NBD (PL) & Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - Fluxus (Brandstifter/Reed Altemus/Tooth Kink & KHj+F/Wataru Kasahara) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
PVA in Hair & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Barette des general blade - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - fluxAufmarsch (weltAusstellung, Karlheinz Essl, Tim Berresheim & Jonathan Meese, Kommissar Hjuler) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - Fluxus III (Shaun Robert, Daniela Floersheim, Kommissar Hjuler und Frau, Mama Baer) - MC (Psych.KG)
V. A. - IVLUXUS (Jenny Michel, Enzo Minarelli, J.M. & C.M. Bennett, AG Davis & Kommissar Hjuler+Frau) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - fluxZoloft (Father Noark, Dino Felipe/Dereck Higgins & Kommissar Hjuler+Frau) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
AG Davis & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - A Short History of Decay/... - MC (Obsolete Units (USA))
V. A. - Blorp Esette Gazette - vol. 2 - CD / Magazin (LAFMS (USA))
V. A. - FLUXUS (Tim Berresheim & Jonathan Meese,
Steve Dalachinsky, FluxRus, Kommissar Hjuler) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
komisar jvler - 
nvr ainfache eraignise - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Family Fodder/
Tim Berresheim & Jonathan Meese/Mama Baer - fluxus in the kitchen - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - fluxLamacra (Sindre Bjerga, factor X, Wataru Kasahara, Jaan Patterson & Kommissar Hjuler+Frau) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - F L U X ground zero (Stunde Null) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - FLUXfuenf (Barbara Rapp, Hannah Silva, Derek Beaulieu, Kommissar Hjuler+Frau) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
AG Davis & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - audio works - MC (Obsolete Units (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler - non tape - Anti-MC (none recordings/Louisville Experimental Festival (USA))
Milan Knizak/Kommissar Hjuler - Musik fuer Anrufbeantworter - Split-LP (Psych.KG (D))
Goh Lee Kwang/Daniel Spicer/Mama Baer - Die Fluxusmeisterschaften - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Mama Baer - Fahrradtour in Ehrfurcht (Fluxus) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - FLUXUS (
Daniel Spicer/Steve Dalachinsky/Thurston Moore/Tom Surgal/Kommissar Hjuler) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - FLUXblonk LUFTessl Weibel Weibel (Jaap Blonk, Peter Weibel, Karlheinz Essl, Knut Kargel & KHj+F.) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Tim Berresheim & Jonathan Meese/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - FLUXmas 77 - Split-LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - meow nim xluf minus w-moan ulf men equals nixon (Agrare, Hannah Silva, N. Lauchlan, B. Rapp, Mama Baer) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Wataru Kasahara/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - ... a brain ticket to fluxus - Split-LP (Psych.KG (D))
Foltergaul w/Mama Baer & Kommissar Hjuler - FLUX!knast-mix - LP (Psych.KG (D))
PO Scrotchless Panty & the bottled Milf - Studio Performances - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Monty Cantsin/Karen Eliot - fluxus concerts for (no) piano  - Split-LP (Psych.KG (D))
Steve Dalachinsky & David Liebman/John M. Bennett/Cecil Touchon/Kommissar Hjuler Allstar Band - FLUXUS - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Steve Dalachinsky & Eighty Pound Pug/Steve Dalachinsky & Kommissar Hjuler/John M. Bennett - Fluxus - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Milan Knizak & komisar jvler i chot - Galama'aa bwaa spolu Zlutej Martan - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Barbara Rapp/Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - FLUXUS Villach - LP (Psych.KG (D))
C. Mehrl & John M. Bennett/Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - FLUXUS - Split-MC (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - FLUXUS (Luther Blissett & Karen Eliot, Steve Dalachinsky & Matthew Shipp, PAAK) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Wataru Kasahara/Karen Eliot/Mama Baer - Fluxus -
MC (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. -
fluxuus aan de waanzin (Jo Kondo/K. Kargel/derek Beaulieu/B. Rapp & KHj.+F/...) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - FLUXUS (Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg/W. Kasahara/Ludo Mich & KHj.+F/Meese & Berresheim/...) -
LP (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Deutschland zur See - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Sentimental Fools - Anticipation Generalized Other - 10inch (Sentimental Fool Ltd. (USA)
The Nihilist Spasm Band/tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE/Kommisar Hjuler und Praktikantin - Fluxus - Split-LP (Psych.KG (D))
Chr. Ogiermann & J. Palmtag/Gen Ken's Super Group & S. Dalachinsky/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Fluxus - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler - FLUX!porn (field studies) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - Fluxus (Gen Ken & Steve Dalachinsky/John Pearce & Kommissar Hjuler + Frau/Meese & Berresheim) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - Sasquatch III (illusion of safety/Ranfy Greif/Mama Baer/...) - CD (Neal D Retke (Canada))
Magnus Palsson/Franz Kamin/Kommissar Hjuler - Fluxus - Split-LP (Psych.KG (D))
Conrad Schnitzler & Gen Ken Montgomery/Arvo Zylo & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - GEN CON Barbarella - Split-MC (Psych.KG (D))
Conrad Schnitzler & Gen Ken Montgomery/The Nihilist Spasm Band/Kommissar Hjuler - GEN CON Nihil Flux - Split-MC (Psych.KG (D))
Marcello Ambrosini/Ludo Mich & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - A Volte/Sometimes - Split-7inch (B&N (I))
The Kommissar Hjuler Lectures - Die gesamte Scheisse ueber Dieter Roth - LP (Color Climax Records (D))
Charlemagne Palestine & Mama Baer/Franz Kamin - Melange from Lago d'Orta Piedmonte/Behavioral Drift 8/9 - Split-LP (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Barbarella - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - FLUXUS (Ace Farren Ford/Juergen O. Olbrich & Kommissar Hjuler/Steve Dalachinsky/...) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Pacific 231/Cody Brant & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Evolution - Split-LP (DVR-HGA (D))
Boris Lurie/Dietmar Kirves/Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau & Silvia Kastel - The NO!art Statements - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Hartmut Geerken & Hubertus von Puttkamer / Kommissar Hjuler - Souq Soulouf Cairo 1971 / Al Qa'ida - LP (Psych.KG (D)
V. A. - FLUXUS (Demosthenes Agrafiotis/Steve Dalachinsky/Mama Baer/PVA in Hair) - MC (Psych..KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler - joBeuysseph - 7inch Lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
Conrad Schnitzler & Gen Ken Montgomery/Steve Dalachinsky & Kommissar Hjuler - genconhjulachinsky - 7inch Lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
Hate Poem & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Please, Sir, don't take my titty juice... - CD-R (HPSS (Sweden))
V. A. - FLUXUS (Emil Siemeister/Juergen O. Olbrich/Kommissar Hjuler/Hartmut Geerken/...) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - FLU+US (John M. Bennett/C. Mehrl Bennett/Arvo Zylo & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Hartmut Geerken/C. Mehrl Bennett/Kommissar Hjuler - FLUXUS - 7inch Lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
Conrad Schnitzler & Gen Ken Montgomery & Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - GEN CON FLUX - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - fluxporn / The NO!art Statements (Texas Patti/Mischa Badasyan/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau/...) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - FLUXUS (Emil Siemeister/Danielle Lemaire/Mama Baer/...) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg/Kommissar Hjuler - fluxus - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - FLUXUS (Demosthenes Agrafiotis/M.S.K. Ratkje & L. Marhaug/Allan Revich/Zuzana Husarova/Mama Baer/...) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - FLUXUS (Gr. Belka & Strelka/Karen Eliot/H. Geerken/Rod Summer/J. O. Olbrich) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Juergen Palmtag/John M. Bennett/Kommissar Hjuler - Die kleine Senfbiene - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - the lion sleeps tonight - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Hate Poem & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Milk Craving Vampires - MC / MC in Assemblage Box (HPSS (Sweden))
V. A. - Death Match (Anla Courtis/Sindre Bjerga/Kommissar Hjuler/...) - 4-CD-R set (Inyrdisk (Canada))
V. A. - FLUXUS (Gianni-Emilio Simonetti/Anna Homler & Ethan James/E. Siemeister & S. Feferle/Kommissar Hjuler) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
The M. Leonhardt Lectures - Tatort - 12inch Lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - FLUXUS (Steve Dalachinsky/Magnus Palsson/Markus Kupferblum/Juergen Palmtag/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
John M. Bennett/Magnús Pálsson/Kommissar Hjuler - Fluxus - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Juergen O. Olbrich/Kommissar Hjuler - Fluxus - Short Sounds: 4 Short Sounds/Radio Calle/fluxp021-07 - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson & Almar Steinn Atlason/AG Davis & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - fluxus - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Hate Poem & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - no hope/... take your time! - 7inch lathe-cut (Carpenter Prod. USA (Sweden/USA))
Hate Poem w/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - X box - 2-LP-Box/MC/DVD-R/inserts (Carpenter Prod. USA (Sweden/USA))
Anna Homler & David Moss/Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer - Fluxus - 7inch lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
The New Blockaders/Kommissar Hjuzler und Frau - Unrein bis zum Abend 2/Kampfer, Die Nicht ... - LP (Carpenter Prod. USA (S)/Psych.KG (D))
Conrad Schnitzler & Wolfgang Seidell/Keith A. Buchholz/F. Kamin/J. O. Olbrich/KHj.+F - John Cage & Helmut Kohl - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Juergen O. Olbrich/Keith A. Buchholz/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Keithmissar O. Hjolbricholzer - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Rod Summers/Magnús Pálsson/tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE/Kommissar Hjuler - Fluxus - 7inch lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
Markus Kupferblum/David Lee Myers/Emil Siemeister & Susanna Feferle/Kommissar Hjuler  - 16 SQ F_____ - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Conrad Schnitzler/Wolfgang Seidel/Pyrolator/ALBRECHT/d./der mussikant/KHj+F. - a tribute to anthony braxton - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Tonya Ingram/Sabrina Benaim/Nora Gomringer/Xóchil A. Schuetz/Fee/KHj+F. - Slam Poetry / Once Again - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Gianni-Emilio Simonetti/Kommissar Hjuler/Magnús Pálsson - Fluxus - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Benjamin Patterson & Brandstifter/Franz Kamin/Kommissar Hjuler - SUXULFART - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Gianni-Emilio Simonetti/Mama Baer/Philip Krumm - Fluxus - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler - Fluxporn-Forvandlingen af Franz Kafka - LP (SHMF (D))
Franz Kamin/Bryan Lewis Saunders/PAAK/Kakawaka/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Fluxus - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Kunsu Shim/Gerhard Staebler/Kommissar Hjuler - futurism & dada - 7inch lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler - Flusporn-Forvandlingen af Franz Kafka - LP & 35mm dia slide (SHMF)
Franz Kamin/tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Fluxus - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Franz Kamin/Dan Lander/Kommissar Hjuler - Fluxus - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Jerry Hunt/Philip Krumm/Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - Fluxus - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Andy Strauss/Wolf Hogekamp/Lino Ziegel/Frank Kloetgen/KHj+F - Meuterei auf der Bounty und Snickers - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Peter Weibel/Daniel Menche/Kommissar Hjuler -  KELLO - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - Moondog Tribute (Hate Poem/Rod Summers/Myasoubka/GX Juppiter-Larsen/KHj.) - PicLP (HPSS (S))
The New Blockaders & Kommissar Hjuler - Karawane #3 - floppy disc (Floppy Kick (Russia))
Deutsch Nepal/Mama Baer - Klinik der reinen Vernunft - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Die Form/Mama Baer - S(p)lit / Fluxus - LP (Bain Total x Fluxus +/- (F)/Psych.KG (D))
Jaap Blonk/Juergen O. Olbrich/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Das Kapital - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Peter Ablinger/Bill Dietz/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau/Sven-Ake Johansson - Fluxus +/- - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Amor Fati/C. Mehrl Bennett/The New Blockaders & Kommissar Hjuler - an empty sunshine day - 7inch lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
The New Blockaders & Kommissar Hjuler - Karawane #1 & #2 - PicLP / lim. LP w/object cover (Obskyr Rec. (S))
Anton G. Leitner/Gerhard Staebler/Kommissar Hjuler/Andreas lechner - Wo die Liebe hinfaellt, ..." LP (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler - stolen chorusses - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - women flux fort ins nitrof xlu fnem ow (A. Homler, St. Liebig, Sh. Gal, David Toop, FluxRus, ...) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Jean-Marie Onni/PAAK/Mama Baer/KHj. - Bruitiste - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Steve Dalachinsky/John M. Bennett/Anton G. Leitner/KHj. - Mother Fluxus' Children - 7inch lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
Gregorio Bardini/Vogler/KHj+F. - La Quarta .../KoRn (U5)/Ecto@plasma - Split-7inch (Oggi E Un Giorno In Bianco & Nero (I))
Family Fodder/Kommissar Hjuler - fluxus in the bathroom - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Rainer Fabich & Andreas Lechner/G. McDonald/C.M.Bennett/.../KHj. - the long and winding ... - 7inch lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
Morphogenesis/Clive Graham & KHj+F. - Keine direkten Erlaeuterungen zu geschlossenen Organismen in ... - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Cody Brant & KHj+F./Lt. Caramel & KHj+F./Mama Baer - Tina Pool Table - LP (Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
Jonathan Meese/Kommissar Hjuler - Reparieren - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Amor Fati/Hate Poem/Cody Brant & KHj+F. - Steve Colby - LP (Malmlund Records (FIN))
Kommissar Hjuler & the MILF of Invention - Amerikanische Poesie und Alkohlismus #2 - LP (dicker barnes (D))
Kommissar Hjuler - Butterkatze - Micro-MC (Nazlo Rec. (Russia))
Christoph Ogiermann/Jonathan Meese/Juergen Palmtag & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - NO!stalking at Wierszalin - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Luke Holland/Mama Baer - Split - Split-MC (Trapdoor Tapes (Australia))
N.N. & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Liebesmueh - USB-Stick (no-edition (D))
Jonathan Meese/Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - fluxus in the kitchen 2 - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Deutsch Nepal & Mama Baer/The Oval Language & KHj+F. - Klinik der praktischen Vernunft - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Klaus Haberl & Wolfgang Kindermann & Patricia Brooks / Kommissar Hjuler - Stimmen aus der Zone - LP (Psych.KG (D))
John M. Bennett & C. Mehrl Bennett/Bryan Lewis Saunders & KHj+F. - ... from the world of burning red bugs - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Steve Dalachinsky (solo/friends) / politi-inspektor Hjuler & politi-sang kor Flensborg - with shelter gone - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - At The Moment No Idea (Steve Dalachinsky/Matt Maneri/Bruce Weber/John M. Bennett/KHj+F/...) - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Juergen O. Olbricht/Jonathan Meese/Mama Baer - Spam - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Jonathan Meese/Alfred 23 Harth/Kommissar Hjuker und Frau - Aubruch zu Kepler-452b - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Jonathan Meese/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Ankunft auf Kepler-452b - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Maja Ratkje/Jonathan Meese/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Das Kepler-452b-Pre-Sequel - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Jonathan Meese/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Tod auf Kepler-452b - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Antye Greie-Ripatti/Marc Hurtado/KHj+F. - Ich Werde Sein - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - The Lion Sleeps Tonight - floppy disc (Quagga Curious Records (UK))
Jonathan Meese/Foltergaul (w/KHj+F.)/Sukanyan Suratheswara & Hundredfoot Road - for the maincontrol (Gaul 07) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg/Nobu Kasahara/C.M.Bennett/Maja Ratkje/KHj. - ENID BLYTON - 5 Freunde - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Boris Lurie/Dietmar Kirves/Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - Stuetzpunkt Foundation / The NO!art Statements - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Kelle & Alexia - LP (Malmlund Rec. (Finland))
Mama Baer - Zwiespalt / Regen - 7inch lathe-cut (La Bois (D))
Arvo Zylo/Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer - UND - 3-MC-Set w/object (Obskyr Records (S))
Louis Jucker/Jeroen Diepenmaat/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Fluxus - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Torpedo Girl/Love Gun - Hotter Than Hell - a tribute to KISS - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Jonathan Meese/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Sandy + Silvia - LP (Malmlund Rec. (Finland))
GX-Jupitter-Larsen & The New Movement/Mama Baer - Sandy & Silvia (malmlund jugendfrei) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
K. T. Reeder & Mama Baer (w/TNM) - Car Crash Jazz - MC (Obskyr Records (S))
Juergen Schneider/J. Meese/KHj+F. - Die Rueckkehr ins Parallel-Meeseversum (2. Kepler-452b-Pre-Sequel) - LP (Psych.KG (D))
aktivisten-gruppe ROTKAEPPCHEN - Antifa(hrrad-Aktion) - LP (DISTORT INTO REALITY (D))
Clemens Schittko/Louis Jucker/Jeroen Diepenmaat/The Spyon/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - home made universe - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Family Fodder/Jonathan Meese/Mama Baer - Fluxus In The Kitchen #3 - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Katie - LP (Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
Paul Fuchs/Rod Summers & KHj+F. - Fluxus often reminds me of Eiskunstlauf - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Emil Siemeister/Z'EV & KHj+F. - Fluxus often reminds me of Biathlon - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Emil Siemeister/torturing nurse & KHj+F. - Fluxus often reminds me of Biathlon - pt. 2 - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Emil Siemeister/Kommissar Hjuler - Fluxus often reminds me of Langstreckenlauf - MC (Psych.KG (D))
aktivisten-gruppe ROTKAEPPCHEN - Schlag ins rechte Ei - 7inch (DISTORT INTO REALITY (D))
Jonathan Meese/KHj+F. - Sophie Moone + Stella / Brita Bredel +Ronald Wentzel und ... - LP (Malmlund Records (Finland))/(D.I.R. (D))
Sasquatch Quiche/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - This is a split CD release featuring ... - CD-R (Help For Zeros (UK))
Laurent Fairon/Magnús Pálsson/Louis Jucker/Zoro Babel&Paul Fuchs/Cody Brant&KHj+F./MB -  Turritopsis Nutricula - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Juergen Schneider/Emil Siemeister/KHj. - Fluxus often reminds me of Deutsches Fernsehen - MC (Psych.KG (D))
John M. Bennett/C. Mehrl Bennett/KHj+F. - Fluxus often reminds me of Soccer - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Mama Baer - Girl / Girl Set No. 24 (L108) at studio Scarlett O'Hara - 7inch (Malmlund Records (Finland))
C. Mehrl Bennett/Steve Dalachinsky&Marcos Campello/KHj. - Fluxus often reminds me of Laufsteg - MC (Psych.KG (D))
The New Blockaders/Kommissar Hjuler - Zerschlagen Musik - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Mama Baer - Retect + Hoerbeispiele fuer eine beeintraechtigte zentrale Kohaerenz - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Wolfgang Kindermann/Kommissar Hjuler - Vinyl-Artefakt, rund, flach, mittig gelocht, ... - LP (Psych.KG (D)
Panicsville/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - s/t - Split-LP (Nihilist Records (USA))
Juergen O. Olbrich&Rod Summers/Cody Brant&KHj+F. - Fluxus often reminds me of Apocalypse Now - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler - Christina & Andreas - LP (Malmlund Records (Finland))
Mama Baer - Claudia - LP (Malmlund Records (Finland))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Sylvi - LP (Malmlund Records (Finland))
Family Fodder/Kommissar Hjuler - widerstand zu zeiten schwarzer paedagogik - LP (Psych.KG (D)
tallJENNY & Day Room Puzzles/JaDaMaBaPa - fluxus +/- - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Rod Summers & Juergen O. Olbrich/CoBraMaBaPa/Sam Gas Can - Die Fleissige Biene - MC (Psych.KG (D))
If, Bwana w/PAAK & KHj+F. - If, FLUXUS +/- - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Der Reproduktionsprozess des fixen Kapitals - MC (Tunnel Secrets (Australia))
Goodiepal & Pals/Jonathan Meese/Family Fodder/Kommissar Hjuler - Die Anerkennung als Beleuchtungstraeger - LP (Psych.KG (D)
Kommissar Hjuler - Udvikling of dat PMAF - MC (Psych.KG (D))
V. A. - Changez Retravaillé (NWW/Th. Moore/A. Tietchens/Merzbow/J. Wiese/.../KHj.) - 3-CD-Set (Ricerca Sonora (I))
Goodiepal & Pals/Kommissar Hjuler - Jemand vergraebt Erdaushub - LP (Psych.KG (D)
Bladder Flask/Kommissar Hjuler - Arme Nuesse (Volume 1) - LP (Psych.KG (D)
If, Bwana/Roel Meelkop/The New Blockaders/KHj+F. - die stille nach dem schuss - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler w/Dino Felipe / frau U. - Nigger / flug & derinnerekern - 7inch lathe-cut/10" object/LP-Cover Heinz Lotz (la bois rec. (D))
V. A. - FLUXUS - dediocated to ALBRECHT/d. (Vostell, Knizak, KHj+F., ...) - 3-LP-Box (Psych.KG (D))
Steve Dalachinsky&Nicola Hein/Anla Courtis&KHj+F. - Possessed Anticipation - LP (Psych.KG (D)
Bladder Flask&BPO/W. Kindermann&M. Stawarska-Beavan/Dino Felipe&KHj+F. - Arme Dornroeschen - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Bladder Flask&BPO/Family Fodder&KHj. - Arme Nuesse (Volume 2) - LP (Psych.KG (D)
Goodiepal & Pals & KHj+F. - The European Impro Facism - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - Lea Martini - LP (Malmlund Rec. (Finland))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Scarlett O'Hara - Set HY6 (threesome) - LP (Malmlund Rec. (Finland))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Edition Atelier Heinz W. Lotz - LP (Edition Atelier Heinz W. Lotz (D))
Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - Set PJ016 (threesome) for Scarlett O'Hara - LP (Malmlund Rec. (Finland))
Christian Malmlund & KHj. & MB - NOTION 2 - LP (Malmlund Rec. (Finland))
V. A. - visage of noise (TNB, KHj., H. Hasegawa/I. Block/T. Mikawa/...) - MC (Hermitage Tapes (USA))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Der Reproduktionsprozess des konstanten fixen Kapitals - MC (Tunnel Secrets (Australia))
Kommissar Hjuler - Hannah & David - LP (Malmlund Records (Finland))
Daniel S. Bøtcher/Le Scrambled Debutante/Richard Ramirez/Mama Baer - FLUXUS +/- - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Quentin Smirhes/Kommissar Hjuler - FLUXUS +/- - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Deficit Des Annees Anterieures (DDAA)/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Une Voiture Banalisee - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Wolfgang Kindermann/Z'ev & KHj+F. - Wurde etwas vergessen - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler - Vera, Petra & Charles - LP (Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Sylvia & James - LP (Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
Joel Hubaut/KHj. & Le Scrambled Debutante - Die Frau mit dem gruenen Schraubendreher - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Joel Hubaut/Mama Baer - the inevitable Krystal "Belle" Boyd record - LP (Nubile Rec. (USA))
Jonathan Meese/KH12&KHj+F./Fammily Fodder & KHj. - Fluxus im Hock-Kasten - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Truth Or Consequences w/Detlev und Andrea Hjuler - Erotica Bizar - LP (Carpenter Prod. USA (Sweden))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Threesome BEV 29 by Jack Harrison - LP (Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
Wolfgang Kindermann/Kommissar Hjuler - Set SW192 by Stuart Willmott: CHLOE - LP (Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
Family Fodder - ... play Kommissar Hjuler - LP (DVR-HGA (D))
Jonathan Meese/Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - Alaska Kid jagt Dr. NO - CD (Moloko + (D))
The New Blockaders & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - CASEY - LP (Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
The New Blockaders & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - ANDIE & ATTILA - LP (Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
Willem Ridder/Kommissar Hjuler - Snuff +/- Tomorrow Never Knows - Split-LP (Psych.KG (D))
Richard Ramirez/Mama Baer & Kommissar Hjuler - Sammy Jane & Attila - LP (Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
Rectified Master Electronics - Elektrizitat Markiertes Slut - 12inch Acetate (Carpenter Prod. USA (S))
Penembusan Orkestra  penyesaan ruang filem - MC (Bawah Tanah Rekod (Malaysia))
Kommissar Hjuler - Linda - Acetate 12inch (Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
Ibu Beruang - membunuh - MC (Bawah Tanah Rekod (Malaysia))
Kommissar Hjuler - Jack Harrison - Threesome Set # JHB 4/Global Pictures Corp. (L 127) - LP (Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
Wolfgang Kindermann / Kommissar Hjuler - the inevitable Krystal "Belle" Boyd record - LP (Psych.KG (D)/Nubile Rec. (USA))
The Kommissar Hjuler Lectures - LINDA - LP (Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
V. A. - malay bawah tanah muzik (Ibu Beruang/Yang-Lelaki-Gamelan-Kumpulan/Penembusan Orkestra/...) - LP (Bawah Tanah Rekod (Malaysia))
ALBRECHT/d. / Kommissar Hjuler - Kein Leporello - Leporello - Split-LP (Psych.KG (D))
Jean-Louis Costes & Kommissar Hjuler - Voellig bescheuerte Musik - LP (Psych.KG (D)/Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
Mama Baer & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - ANDIE & IAN - LP (Malmlund Rec. (FIN))
Bene Gesserit/ Mama Baer - Podcasts from ARRAKIS +/- - Split-LP (Psych.KG (D))
Knut Aufermann & Marcus Heesch/Wolfgang Kindermann/Yang-Lelaki-Gamelan-Kumpulan/Andy Ortmann - FLUXUS +/- - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Rectified Master Electronics - zahnlos blowjob maschinen / zahnfleischer nichts - 12inch Acetate (Carpenter Prod. USA (S))
腥身保育器≒Nov Embudagonn 108 & KHj+F. - Yana - LP (Malmlund Rec. (Finland))
ALBRECHT/d./KHj+F./Angela Merkel - Bullshit & two COUM transmissions - 12inch lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
ALBRECHT/d./Mama Baer - Feldpost - 7inch lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
De Fabriek/腥身保育器≒Nov Embudagonn 108 & KHj+F. - Rekoenstruktion von Leichenlinie - LP (Psych.KG (D))
GP&PLS/Faraj=Puki - Osteskære SIF/Hujan Puting - MC (Bawah Tanah Rekod (Malaysia))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Rachel - LP (Malmlund Records (Finland))
De Fabriek/Sonic Toy Lab/Mama Baer - Rekoenstruktion von Leichenlinie - zwei - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Jonathan Meese/Mama Baer - Nullpunkt - LP (Psych.KG (D))
f84.5_asperger_mama_baer - CHERY - LP (Malmlund Rec. (Finland))
Wolfgang Kindermann/Tooth Kink & KHj+F. ‎– Mandraki Elias - 7inch lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
Jaap Blonk/Mama Baer - Geraeusche - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Andy Ortmann/Mama Baer & Kommissar Hjuler - Jack Harrison - Set JG12 - LP (Malmlund Records (Finland))
Harutaka Mochizuki /NEGATIVLAND/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau -  a big 10-8 Cnonc +/- - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Wolfgang Kindermann/Philippe Petit & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Strange Creatures - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Konstruktivists/Foltergaul w/KHj+F. - FLUXUS +/- - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Smell & Quim/Mama Baer - Wooden Nail Pony - LP (Carpenter Prod. USA (S))
Mama Baer - Jack Harrison JHB9/BEV21/JHB17/JHB16/ABH17/KM25/JBH26/CMO24 - LP (Malmlund Records (Finland))
V. A. - Pattern Recognition (Illusion Of Safety, GX-jupitter-larson, Mama Baer, ...) - CD (No Part Of It (USA))
Michael Gillham & KHj. - Epische Soundtracks/Karawane 9 - 12inch lathe-cut (Carpenter Prod. USA (S))
Faust / KHj+F. feat. Family Fodder - the inevitable Krystal "Belle" Boyd records - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Horst Possling/Giesbert Nimmnoff - TVU +/- - 7inch lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
Franz Graf & KHj+F. - 46 2B-1/5 0 1/2GV - LP (Psych.KG (D))
V.A. - FAY (Jonathan Meese/Goodiepal/Family Fodder/Franz Graf & KHj+F.) - LP (Malmlund Records (Finland))
V.A. -Set # JHN8 by Jack Harrison (Jonathan Meese/Goodiepal/Family Fodder KHj+F.) - LP (Malmlund Records (Finland))
Helma und Dieter Engelbrechts Kinder - Dirnen in Geschirr - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Denis Dufour/Jan Kruml/Philippe Blanchard - ... play Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Foltergaul (w/KHj.+MB) - Sets # JG19, JH312, JHN5, ABH14, JH319, JG06 by Jack Harrison - LP (Malmlund Rec. (Finland))
Smell & Quim & KHj./The NO!art Performance - Renee Baker - LP (Carpenter Prod. USA (Sweden))
Azoikum & Kommissar Hjuler - Gossenfotze - LP (Carpenter Prod. USA (Sweden))
Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - Set # KM12 by Jack Harrison - LP (Malmlund Rec. (Finland))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Sonia, Niku & Ricardo - Set. No. 3243 - single-sided LP (Malmlund Rec. (Finland))
Azoikum/Mama Baer - TWIGG TW3-13 -/- FLUXUS +/- - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Lutz Glandien/Christine Dreier/Frieder Butzmann/Mama Baer - Fluxus +/- - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Smell & Quim play Wolfgang Kindermann & KHj. - GURKE - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Juergen O. Olbrich/Lt. Caramel/Wolfgang Kindermann/Kommissar Hjuler - FLUXUS +/- - 7inch lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
Rudolf Eb.er/KHj+F. - Erotic bizar/The inevitable Krystal "Belle" Boyd Record - LP (Carpenter Prod. USA (S)/Psych.KG (D))
mlehst/khj+f. - saw stick penetration - LP (Carpenter Prod. USA (S))
Kommissar Panzerkrieg & Marzipan Reichstagsbrand - Die Neujahrs-Ansprache 2022 - LP (Bayerischer-Staatsstreich-Schallfolien AG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler - Sylvia / set # TW3 16 by Twigg - 7inch lathe-cut (Malmlund Records (Finland))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau w/Steve Dalachinsky - Christina and Mark - LP (Malmlund Records (Finland))
Lt. Caramel/Jan Kruml/Daniel S. Bøtcher & KHj. - Canciones Del Alma - 10inch lathe-cut (Editions Lt. KHj.aramel (F))
Franz Graf & KHj+F. - Zusammenarbeit in Bild und Ton - 10inch lathe-cut (Edition Eisenberger Amt (A))
Foltergaul & seine Knebelknechte - Folterfotzes Fick-Fest-Ferien - double-12inch lathe-cut (Carpenter Prod. USA (S))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - set # HO5 by Jack Harrison - single-sided LP (Malmlund Rec. (Finland))
GP&PLS <<via>> der kommissar & das snorkfraeulein - der kommissar wird belohnt - 7inch lathe-cut  (Psych.KG (D))
Sanity Vampires - same - 12inch lathe-cut (Vampire Records (UK))
GP&PLS <<via>> der kommissar & das snorkfraeulein - das snorkfraeulein wird bestraft - 7inch lathe-cut  (Psych.KG (D))
Lt. Caramel/Christos Tsanakas, Inc. play CON/KHj+F. - Die Einsamkeit der Engel nach der Liebe - 12inch lathe-cut (Editions Lt. KHj.aramel (F))
Noqoìlpì & das Snorkfraeulein beim Blowjob - maledom treatment of HEIDI - LP (SHMF (D))
Jean-Jacques Birgé/Kommissar Hjuler - FLUXUS +/- - 7inch lathe-cut (Psych.KG (D))
Jean-Jacques Birgé & Francis Gorgé/Mama Baer - FLUXUS +/- - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Un Drame Musical Instantané/Kommissar Hjuler/Mama Baer - Fluxus +/- - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Julius Menard/Mama Baer - same - MC (Grisaille (D))
KHj+F.Graf - Sitzplatzzwang und Anschnallpflicht +/- - do-7inch lathe-cut (Edition Eisenberger Amt (A))
Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - Das Fuehrertelefon - Waehl V-O-T-Z-E bei Endsieg! - LP (SHMF (D))
Dietmar Kirves & Boris Lurie/Lt. Caramel/KHj. - NO!recordings +/- - MC (Psych.KG)
The Goodiepal Special Edition - A tribute to Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - DoLP (Ski-pp (FIN)/Mainpal Inv. (DK))
Un Drame Musical Instantané/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Toxic Rice - LP (Psych.KG (D))
Kommissar Hjuler/GP & PLs - Arwen Gold - 7inch lathe-cut (SHMF (D))
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau/GP & PLs - Anita Sparkle - 7inch lathe-cut (SHMF (D))
Foltergaul & KHj+F. - Private Lectures for Arwen Gold - 12inch lathe-cut (SHMF (D))
Kompripiotr/Jan Kruml play Kindermann/KHj. - the ineviatable Krystal "Belle" Boyd record - LP (Psych.KG (D))
KHj+F./GP & PLs - Arwen Gold (threesome) - 7inch lathe-cut (SHMF (D))
Petr Kstnrz & kmmisr Hjlzr B mamuszkr Br - Chusteczki do skory wrazliwej - MC (Psych.KG)
Mert Akyuerek/Franz Graf/KHj+F. - Keine Beteiligung von Arwen Gold - do-7inch lathe-cut (Edition Eisenberger Amt (A))
WG01+Noxw/Flea Market House Band + KHj+F./W. Kindermann - chicken theory - 12inch lathe-cut (SHMF (D))
Gerhard Laber /KHj+F. & W. Kindermann - schall und rauch - 12inch lathe-cut (SHMF (D))
Gerhard Laber/Franz Graf/KHj. - spr_che / str_fe - 8inch lathe-cut w/assemblage (Edition Eisenberger Amt (A))
V. A. - Blorp Esette Gazette - vol. 3/4 - DoCD (LAFMS (USA))
KHj+F./GP & PLs - Jessa Rhodes - 7inch lathe-cut (SHMF (D))
KHj+F. - Jessi Palmer - Porn-Magazine with 5inch/ 12inch object (SHMF (D))
Walter Brandtner/Mama Baer - Postkarte & Langspielplatte - LP/Handschnitt (Edition Brandtner, Wien (A))
Jean-Jacques Birgé/Gerhard Laber/KHj. - +/-dru_M?flux - MC (Psych.KG (D))
De Fabriek/KHj/Mama Baer - Fluxus +/- - MC (Psych.KG (D))
Mama Baer & supERROR & Grodock - Ko(s)mische Materie - MC (Grubenwehr Freiburg (D))
die grosze hilfe der bananenschule fuer jakob s. boeskov / mert akyuerek / khj+f. - Alex Grey - 7inch-lathe-cut (SHMF)
die grosze hilfe der bananenschule fuer jakob s. boeskov /  khj+f. - Loren Minardi - 7inch-lathe-cut (SHMF)
WG01+Noxw/Flea Market House Band + KHj+F./W. Kindermann - chicken theory - MC (Der Flea Hjuler-Market-Fond (Czech Peublic))
WG01+Noxw/Flea Market House Band + KHj+F./W. Kindermann - chicken theory for crimson - MC (Der Flea Hjuler-Market-Fond (Czech Peublic))
WG01+Noxw/Flea Market House Band + KHj+F./W. Kindermann - chicken theory milk - CD-R (Der Flea Hjuler-Market-Fond (Czech Peublic))
Mert Akyuerek / Franz Graf / Kommissar Hjuler - the inevitable Krystal "Belle" Boyd Magazine w/5inch - Porn-Magazine with 5inch (SHMF)
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Jack Harrison (set # HJU1) / jubilee record - LP (Malmlund Rec. (Finland) / (SHMF))
Mert Akyuerek & KHj+F./Mama Baer - Arwen Gold - Porn-Magazine with 5inch (SHMF)
Gintas K & KHj+F./PAAK & W. Kindermann - vorwegnahme +/- - 12inch lathe-cut (Psych.KG)
Gintas K & KHj+F./PAAK & W. Kindermann - FLUXUS +/- - split-MC (Psych.KG)
Louise Rossiter/François Buffet/Lt. Caramel & KHj+F. - Kaiserin von Golgatha - 12inch lathe-cut (Editions Lt. KHj.aramel (F))
Wipeç aka GP&PLs/Polizeileutnant Hjansen und seine Assistentin MK1 Anton - Anita Bellini - split-7inch lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Polizeileutnant Hjansen ohne seine Assistentin MK1 Anton - Hazel Dew - 7inch lathe-cut & Porn-Magazine (SHMF)
Vomir/Lt. Caramel & KHj+F. - Tiffany Taum - 7inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Franz Graf & KHj. & MB - 12 2 3 14 25 9 4 5 8 - 12inch EP (Ed. Amt Eisenberg (A))
Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - Silvia Dellai - 12inch lathe cut (SHMF)  
Franz Graf & KHj. & MB - 19 4 5 22 23 11 - 7inch EP (Ed. Amt Eisenberg (A))
Goodiepal & Bananskolen/Family Fodder/KHj+F. - DEATHCRUSH - 12inch lathe-cut (SHMF)
Lt. Caramel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - set # JG24 by Jack Harrison - 7inch lathe-cut (Malmlund Rec. (Finland))
Goodiepal/Lt. Caramel & KHj+F. - Tiffany Taum ZWEI - 7inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Kommissar Hjuler + Frau - Melisa Benz - 12inch lathe cut (SHMF)  
Pamka's Pink Floyd Project (w/KHj+F., Goodiepal, ...) - the wall - C2-set (Flea Market (Czech Republic))
Goodiepal/W. Kasahara/Lt. Caramel & KHj+F. - Tiffany Taum DREI - 7inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - Rebecca Volpetti - 12inch lathe-cut (SHMF)
Mistress MB & KHj.slave - cock & ball torture - 7inch-lathe-cut (SHMF)
Goodiepal/Kommissar Hjuler - anal sex no. 1 - 7inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Goodiepal/Lt. Caramel & KHj+F. - Sabrisse Aaliyah/Lorena Garcia/Nancy Ace - 7inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Franz Graf & Kommissar Hjuler - 4 113 7 12 2 - 12inch EP (Ed. Amt Eisenberg (A))
Kommissar Hjuler - Aruna Aghora - Magazin/7inch lathe-cut (SHMF)
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau/the DIY NOISE Cuts/Mama Baer - the inevitable Krystal "Belle" Boyd record -12inch lathe-cut (SHMF)
the DIY NOISE Cuts/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - anal sex no. 2 - 7inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Furekåben/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Lana Roberts is the abandoned horse - 12inch (SHMF)
Noxw vs. Mama Baer/Commissaire Hjuluba na Wali - flU+/-us ape ape lukasa - 12inch (SHMF)
Die Flensburger Vorlesungen/Andrew Kaiser - Abstrafung mit dem Riemen/Heather - 7inch-lathe-cut & Magazine (SHMF)
TboGi:MH (Goodiepal)/TBo20KHj.s - anal sex no. 3 - 7inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Goodiepal/Mama Baer - anal sex no. 3 - 7inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
the DIY NOISE Cuts & TBo21KHj.s - Asuna Fox - LP (SHMF)
the DIY NOISE Cuts & TB KHj.21 - Kensie S. - LP (SHMF)
Jean-Pierre Girard&Philippe Blanchard/KINDERMANN WINKLER/WG01+530+MB - Lt. Caramel's ...- 12inch lathe-cut (Ed. Lt. KHj.aramel (F))
Seppel S. Geschwandtner & KHj+F.  - Zusammenarbeit in Bild und Ton - 12inch lathe-cut (SHMF)
Goodiepal/KH./Mama Baer - Leyla Peachbloom - 7inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Goodiepal/KHj. - anal sex no. 5 / the kitchen - 7inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Seppel S. Geschwandtner & KHj./Mama Baer - Berlin vs. Flensburg - MC (Mutterweiss)
Goodiepal & Pals/Kommissar Hjuler & friends - Lina Luxa- 7inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Goodiepal/KHj. - anal sex no. 5 / the kitchen - 7inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Goodiepal EMS 000 Synthi/Kommissar Hjuler - Malmlund Outtakes - 7inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Jan Kruml/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Orgon-Maschinen - 8inch-lathe-cut & Porn Magazine (SHMF)
Lt. Caramel & Shaun Robert/KHj+F. - der alien-krieg zu nuernberg  - 12inch-lathe-cut (SHMF)
Lt. Caramel/the FG lectures - Scheisshaeuser - 8inch-lathe-cut (SHMF)
rosze hilfe der bananenschule fuer jakob s. boeskov 
... moreover, we have released quite a lot CD-Rs with our music on our label (SHMF) in very small editions.
... daneben existieren diverseVeroeffentlichungen von unserer Musik auf (SHMF) in Kleinstauflage als CD-Rs.


2. Kommissar Hjuler / Mama Baer - Some Kind of Vita:

Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer live at Flensburg and work as experimental musicians since 1999, both work as artists since 2006/7.


3. the NO!art Movement:

Since 9th of November 2009 we are both members of the artists association NO!art, founded in 1960 by Boris Lurie (t), Stanley Fischer  (t), and Sam Goodman (t) at March Gallery, New York, now lead by Dietmar Kirves (headquarter Berlin) and Clayton Patterson (headquarter New York). Members of the NO!art Movement beside us two are Rocco Armento (t), Isser Aronovici (t), Enrico Baj (t), Paolo Baratella, Herb Brown (t), Ronaldo Brunet, Guenter Brus, Al D'Arangelo (t), Aleksey Dayen (t), Federica de Ruvo, Frank-Kirk Ehm-Marks, Erro (Ferro), Klaus Fabricius, Charles Gatewood, Paul Georges (t), Jochen Gerz, Dorothy Gillespie, Esther Morgenstern Gilman (t), Amikam Goldman, Leon Golub (t), Blalla W. Hallmann (t), Harry Hass, Allan Kaprow (t), Yayoi Kusama, Konstantin K. Kuzminsky, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Martin Levitt, Suzanne Long (Harriet Wood), LST, Enzo Mastrangelo, Stu Mead, Peter Meseck, Lil Picard (t), Leonid Pinchevsky, Bernard Rancillac, Brigitte Roussel, Francis Salles, Naomi Tereza Salmon, Reinhard Scheibner, Bruno Schleinstein (t), Dominik Stahlberg, Michelle Stuart, Aldo Tambellini, Seth Tobocman, Jean Toche, Toyo Tsuchiya, Wolf Vostell (t), Friedrich Wall, Matilda Wolf, Natalia E. Woytasik.


4. The Developement of Art (Selected Stations)

On 18th Feb. 2006 we gave a short Anti-Live-Concert at Extrapool’s Audiotoop, Extrapool, Tweede Walstraat 5, NL-6511 LN Nijmegen, it was a kind of installation for puppets, on 27th May 2006 another Anti-Live-Concert took place at 3. Mainzer KunstZwerg Festival by Mainzer Kunstverein Walpoldenstr. 21 e. V.

You have been able to see three of our LP artworks at an exhibition KUNST IM QUADRAT by Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld, from 9th Feb. 2007 to 30th September 2007. Together with the museum we presented an official artwork LP for this exhibition, Edition Museum Huelsmann (EMH-Hase1),  in collaboration with (SHMF) and youdonthavetocallitmusic (SHMF-100EMH/youdo-1MH), only offered at the museum store during the exhibition. The LP appeared with painted labels and a collage cover, each one unique, the edition is limited to 66 copies. All artworks are shown on this site under file Edition Huelsmann. This exhibition was also part of  the Lange Museumsnacht Bielefeld in April 2007.

From 4th May 2007 to 14st June 2007 our first solo exhibition KOMMISSAR HJULER AND MAMA BAER AT SCOTTLAND took place at Gallery Heart Fine Art Ltd., 6 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EF, Scottland. The gallery showed seven large paintings by Mama Baer, ten paintings from BROTKATZE-Zyklus, and several objects from LA FLEUR, BLOEMENMBEET and PUPPE series by Kommissar Hjuler, combined with a set of Anti-Live-Concerts. Moreover, the Heart Fine Art Ltd. label Show and Tell Editions presents a special edition of our (SHMF-100)-LP, limited to 35 copies, only available at the gallery.

On 8th and 9th June 2007 we performed the painting action no. 1: TOTENHEMD FUER SCHROTTFAHRZEUG, our drummer's car was ripe for the scrap heap, so he allowed us to paint his car. It took two days to grind off the red car lacquer, to fix a white grounding coat, then paint the car with abstract figueres by Mama Baer and text fragments by Kommissar Hjuler, simply to get the car scrapped afterwards. We were totally drunk the two days, and lots of people came to see us work, mostly were upset about this provocative painting action. 
Klaus Fabricius bought the painted object and together with Dirk Brenzel he now sells 88 square parts from the painted car body, we call it Die 88-TEILE-VERKAUFS-BESTATTUNG, and it is part of the (SHMF) now.

On 9th June 2007 a private party developed into a concert by Kommissar Hjuler Allstar Band. We played a version of Frankie Teardrop and then had to leave the party, noone wanted us to stay there any longer. The CD-R WANDERUP INDOOR RIOT shall give you an impression of the party and our concert.

The next Anti-Live-Concert took place at the Hoerbar im B-Movie, Brigittenstraße 5, 20359 Hamburg - St. Pauli, together with other artists for their UNUEBERHOERBAR action on 29th June 2007. This action turned out to be an Anti-Live-doch-da-Konzert. We have been there as visitors, after the anti-live has started, I began to disturb the concert, soon it developed into a loud dispute with two organizers and the audience, at the end I destroyed the stage arrangement, screaming arround, that I could do it much better, then began to play the song previously played anti-live. After two minutes Mama Baer came to the stage singing her part of the track, and one after another the people recognized that we are Kommissar Hjuler und Frau. Four guests were that upset, that they left during the dispute.
Guido Zimmermann of the Bad Alchemy team was at the Hoebar this evening, he wrote an article about our Anti-Live-doch-da-Konzert for the Bad Alchemy No. 55.

At July 2007 Artware, Taunusstraße  63b, D-65183 Wiesbaden, started a file ARTWARE GALLERY on their website and offered paintings and objects by Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer for set-sale as an online-gallery. You have been able able to visit Artware to see the complete set, but all oof a sudden Donna Klemm died in June 2008, so at the moment it is not clear, if a contribution and exhibition by Artware will go on. 

Since 3rd July 2007 our new LP commissaris hjuler en mama beer --- mensen die kort staan voor de zelfdoding (ultar eczema 44) containing the tracks frankie traan/in de bronx/heidie (edition of 300 copies) is available from ultra eczema by Dennis Tyfus, Italielei 63, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium. This is our fourth regular vinyl release - the first release on a different label from our (SHMF) or the specially founded (SHRMF). 

Our second solo exhibition APPLE-GRETCHEN took place from 15th July to 18th August 2007 at Freies Kunst- und Kulturhaus der KKI Flensburg, KKI-Laboratorium, 24939 Flensburg, Duburger Straße 14. In three rooms we presented the installation Apple-Gretchen, several objects and larger paintings. On 5th August there was a special performance at the KKI-Laboratorium: ---See Us Work!---. The exhibition ended with a performance by Kommissar Hjuler Allstar Band on 17th August, at 10.00 pm, at the KKI's Hakro Massandro Festival. 
For their exhibition APPLE-GRETCHEN both created one work on an unborn child Mama Baer has lost in the eleventh week of her pregnancy, October 2005. Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer have been sure to get a girl at that time, wanted to call her Apple-Gretchen. Maybe god did not want them to call a person Apple-Gretchen and so let her lose the child, who knows. Mama Baer and Kommissar Hjuler expect, that simply something was wrong with the child, a part of natural selection. Anyway, they both began with works on a child named Apple-Gretchen, both works have been finished in 2007.

After the exhibition Apple-Gretchen we created a special exhibition room of glass in front of our Asylum Lunaticum, where we show Kommissar Hjuler's Apple-Gretchen since 20th August 2007.

From the beginning of September 2007 up to March 2008 the Galerie ART STORE St.Pauli, Wohlwillstrasse 10, D-20359 Hamburg, has presented some of our items for set-sale at their gallery, a solo exhibition by us is planned for second half of 2008. 

On 29th and 30th September we have been visited by Arnulf Meifert of the 1. Deutsches Trivaleum, we made some recordings that days, but with hindsight we could only say that we are not able to make recordings together with other people, our expectations on music are too explicit, too fixed, we guess.

On 3rd of November 2007 we performed live on stage as a part of JaDa Land’s PAULO POST FUTURUM festival at Lokaal 01, Klosterlaan 138, NL-4811 EE Breda: Retect, EXbroTkatzENDED, and 1. Grussverweigerung have been performed together with Danielle Lemaire and Jan van den Dobbelsteen.

On 30th November we made another anti-live-concert at the mikro_makro Festival, Alternative Theatre, Slupsk/PL, this concert was part of a twintown art-project between Flensburg and Slupsk, so the vice president was a guest of our concert, but we are not sure, if he really enjoyed it. Hopefully some concerts at Poland will follow.

On 15th and 17th December 2007 we performed two anti-live-concerts at Khar-yalla, Dakar Liberte, Republique Senegal/Africa, with a special dancing performance organized by Yassar Kaba, on 1st March and on 4th March 2008 we performed some more anti-live-concerts with different location at th Republique de Guinee/Africa.

On 19th January 2008 we performed together with John Wiese (who recently has performed at 52nd Venice Biennale with Nico Vascellari) at KKI Flensburg as a part of his Scandinavia/Germany Tour 2008, a very noisy event with a sometimes weird screaming Mama Baer as well, as a live version of Ein-/Aus-Wehklagen. A recordings of this event was available on our (SHMF), but was sold out very soon. John thinks about a release CD release on his label.

On 16th Februar 2008 the Radio Free Radio Wisconsin WRCT 88.fm, USA has made a radio special for the complete weekend on Widémouth Tapes leader tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, Mama Baer and Kommissar Hjuler.

In March 2008 Kommissar Hjuler joined the US-Organization Artists In Cellophane (A. I. C.) and therefor is part of their Art-o-mat set-sale project, for which a special release of Brotkatze is presented, the clear BROTKATZE (SHMF - A.I.C.) in edition of 52 copies, some more artworks for their Art-o-mats shall follow.

In April 2008 we made a performance-tour with four live-concerts. On 17th April we we played at ZAKK Bremen, Sielpfad 11, together with Foeten mit Floeten. There also was a group improvisation planned by us, but Foeten mit Floeten were too drunk, so we canceled this idea and only gave two seperate performances. On 18th April we played at Extrapool, Tweede Walstraat 5, NL-6511 LN Nijmegen, which was the first concert after their renovation. We found a room still not painted and were allowed to style the room for the concert. So we styled it in the vein of Kommissar Hjuler's work Psychatrie. The next day Mama Baer und Frau played toegether with Madame P, Danielle Lemaire, Orphan Fairytale, Leonie Ruissen, and Heidi Mortensen at the Ladyland-Concert, De Overslag, Eindhoven/NL, and on 20th April we followed an invitation by Knut Kargel for the Kunstraum B of Sylvia ellis Kruck, Am Mittelhafen 58, 48155 Muenster, same location of the Meine Fresse Club/Muenster.

The third solo exhibition took place from 19th April to 4th May 2008 at gallery O Tannenbaum, Pfluegerstr. 79a, Berlin, mostly painting from Brotkatze-Votzekatze-War were shown at the gallery, but also some other works by me and some paintings by Mama Baer. The exhibition was supported by Kunstverein Berlin-Neukoelln. There was a video show compiled by us as opening act for the exhibition on 19th April. For the finissage the O Tannenbaum made a dinner first, followed by performances of Seiji Morimoto, Rinus van Alebeek, and Helena Gough.

On 26th April 2008 the Museum Huelmann made a special on our work (paintings/objects/music/books/films) for the Lange Museumsnacht Bielefeld/NachtAnsichten, also an Anti-Live-Concert was shown that night and there was a Kommissar-Hjuler-Quiz that evening.

From 30th April to 4th May 2008 we both have been part the group exhibition GALERIE VERTICALE at the Kunstsilo Saarbruecken, An der Roemerbruecke 3, 66121 Saarbruecken, together with Hyeyoung Yun, Sunmi Han, Ulricke Hartmann-Schaefer/Thomas Schaefer, Sonja Koch, Gila Paris, Volker Schuetz, Nenno, Anita Frings, Julia Hunsicker, and Isthar Smedderling.
After the 4th May the Cafe Silo Saarbruecken continued the exhibition of our paintings up to the 28th of August 2008 as a solo exhibition, also for set sale.

The Geelong Arts Alliance Space at Geelong/Australia on 31th May 2008 organized a performance night with Anti-Live-Concert, short film presentation and the installation lighbox by David Dellafiora and Kommissar Hjuler, especially created for this event.

From 4th to 6th July 2008 we appeared live as the opening act for the Avantgarde Festival Schiphorst, at this festival also played Nurse With Wound, Inacu Dumitrescu, Faust, Chris Cutler, KK Null and several more. Please see their website for detailed information!

From 6th to 21st July 2008 we exhibited at 2. Flensburger Kunstkilometer, a set sale exhibition all over the city of Flensburg, we showed some older paintings and objects at a music store in Neptunhof, Flensburg, moreover a new installation by Kommissar Hjuler called Wettlaufmaschine Leben. We also showed the new painting Votzebrillenladen as a criticial view on the self-complacent management.
Information was on the website of the city management of Flensburg, see file Kunstkilometer Flensburg!

From 8th to 19th July 2008 we followed an invitation by the Flensborg Fjords Kunst & Kulturforening (FFKK), Graasten/Denmark, we were allowed to fill a complete room with paintings and objects for their exhibition FAENGSLENDE KUNST (bound art), another guest of the FFKK for this exhibition was Eckhardt Kowalke. For the room set we were not allowed to show ANMUT by Mama Baer, which was an even bigger problem for Eckhardt Kowalke as for us, he was very angry about this censorship and was arguing a lot with the leadership in order to help us showing our pictures. Also our other works did not fit to the even more adaptive style of their painting shown, so that the FFKK officially dissociated from our work presented. 

On 8th of July 2008 we performed Brotkatze fuer Paul McCarthy in a very extended version at Court Room Graasten/Denmark. I was asked strictly not to appear naked, but I could not agree. The event then was announced only for adult by FFKK, our poster was hung out in a censored version. 

In July 2008 Dr. med. Reinhard Schenzer, who runs a private collection of modern art, has started collecting some of our work, which is now shown at his consulting rooms to all his patients.

On 12th of July 2008 there was a concert by Eugene Chadbourne and Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer at Musikpalast Flensburg, starting with the show by Eugene, followed by an collaboration part and a solo part by us.

On 23rd of July 2008 we were part of a video installation by Robert William White of Hradesin, www.hradesin.org, for which Apple-Gretchen video was projected on the altar of Unitarian Church Cambridge, 5 Emmanuel Road, Cambridge, CB1 1JW, UK, another performance by him took place at 17th of August 2008, a projection of our videos on altar of All Saint Church, Easton/UK.

In August 2008 we released a tape in edition of 100 copies on the label tape tektoniks by Ulf Schuette, Leverkusenstr. 14, 22761 Hamburg, and another tape in edition of 110 copies on the label tanzprocesz, France.

For autumn 2008 we have been invited by art director Manami Miura to the exhibition AMUSE Art Jam Contemporary, NADiff A/P/A/R/T, 1-18-4 Ebisu, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0013 Japan, from 1st to 31th August, and by art director Mariama Sy Diallo to exhibition Biennal of West African Art Contemporary - baoa, BP 4768 Dakar, Rep. Senegal, from 2nd to 17th September, but were not able to travel to Japan or Africa this year due to my work and the family, Cy Hjuler is joining school now. And contributions to both exhibitions would have been only possible, if we could appear at the exhibition, in Japan it would be enough to appear for two days and finissage, but we would not get any money for flight and hotel, in Africe we were asked to appear for the complete exhibition, they would pay half the costs of the flight.

On 19th of September 2008 we presented live our familiar and even more smooth performance -- with 19 mountains -- at Boekie Woekie, Beerenstraat 16, Amsterdam/NL.

On 20th of September 2008 we played live at Ultra Eczema Festival at Scheldapen, D'Herbouvillekaai 36, Antwerp/Belgium, www.scheldapen.be, together with Raionbashi, Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson, Spencer Yeh/John Olson, Lauren Pakradooni and others.

For their experimental music festival at Tel-Aviv/Israel on 22nd September 2008 the Heart & Crossbone has chosen one of my puppets for the logo, we also made some plans for an anti live concert in the future, we shall see. 

On 28th of October there was another Hradesin installation for which Robert William White projected our videos on the altar of All Saints Church Cambridge, Jesus Lane, Cambridge, UK.

Next contribution for group exhibition was for exhibition FEDERICO FELLINI  at Museo Federico Fellini, Via Clementini 2, I - 47900 Rimini, an exhibition in November 2008, curated by Prof.ssa Monica Michelotti, thanks a lot for the invitation to this project! Four works are finished, my very own interpretations of film scenes, fotos are at file KOMMISSAR HJULER. 

End of 2008 we contributed a short track to various artists cd-r - The Cow Of Troy - on Kifrecording (Poland).
In February 2009 a Split-Tape in edition of 150 copies by Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer together with Thurston Moore became released on the label Goatytapes by Zully Adler, 17434 Palora St., Encine, CA 91316, USA. The track "Schwarze Polizei" by Thurston Moore is especially made for this collaboration.

We also presented in February 2009 an artwork-flexi (7inch) by Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler in edition of 50 copies on the label Domestic Violence Recordings (DVR 01), a side-label of Psych KG by Matthias Horn, Kleine Hoehle 12, D-53881 Euskirchen, it is a playable object with exposid-resin-flexi glued on lether.

On 28th of February Kommissar Hjuler und Frau have been guests of the German Band Caracho, www.caracho-musik.de, for their concert at Kuehlhaus, Flensburg. Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer were responsible for the complete adaption of the stage and presented a live painting action during the concert, moreover we performed songs together.

In April 2009 ultra eczema by Dennis Tyfus, Italielei 63, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium, released a various artists LP "la bamba" containing two tracks by us.

Morevoer, since April 2009 a double CD-R by Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer in edition of 150 copies on the label POOT Records by Luke Poot, 118 Plumtree Road, Thorngold, Hull, HU12 9QQ, UK, is available at the label.

From 2nd of April 2009 to 25th of April of  2009 our solo-exhibition --Geteilter Raum-- (curated by Jana Vanecek) took place at Kunstraum Winterthur, Wildbachstrasse 7, CH-8400 Winterthur, a set-sale exhibition with large room installation, for the vernissage we presented a live-performance called --Zwei Eineperson--, which dealed with the concept of Geteilter Raum.
This exhibition was that interesting for one member of Winterthur's art selection committee, that he decided to let this exhibition become mentioned at year book 2009 of the city Winterthur as one of the important cultural events of the year!

On 17th of April 2009 we have been performing LANG-SCHNEE as opening act for the FESTIVAL BRUIT DE LA NEIGE 2009, Les Tilleuls, 13, Chemin Prairie, 74000 Annecy, Rhône-Alpes/France.

On 25th April 2009 the Museum Huelmann again made a special on our work (paintings/objects/music/books/films) for the Lange Museumsnacht Bielefeld, this is our third appearance at Lange Museumsnacht, Bielefeld.

For the 30th of April 2009 we have been invited by Integrierte Gesamtschule Flensburg to hold a lesson in Dadaism today at their 12th classes, the teacher asked us to create a Dada-Workshop with the class to give them an impression of dadaistic art today. The result was a new CD-R in our (SHMF - 019+...) series of collaborations by the pupils.

In May 2009 the Kunstkaufhaus Mootz-Art, Michael Mootz, Bleichstrasse 2, Saarbruecken, accepted us for a set-sale exhibiton at their rooms, lasting untill end of July 2009.

In May 2009 the Split-LP "jA-etanoS/Nein-Sonat" by Dissecting Table and Kommissar Hjuler was released at DVR/Psych.KG, Matthias Horn, Kleine Hoehle 12, D-53881 Euskirchen, first an edition of 150 copies, and an edition of 49 copies with special box and editional tape was presented in August 2009. The japanese noise artist Ichiro Tsuji presents a work for piano and noise, my side is a re-issue of my CD-R and handcut LP (SHMF - Nein).

Since May 2009 a CD by Komissar Hjuler and Mama Baer in edition of 1000 copies on the label Intransitive Recordings by Howard Stelzer, P.O.Box 391151, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, is available, in Europe it is avaibale by the label Metamkine/France.

Since 20th of May 2009 we have an permanent exhibition of several large paintings at all the public rooms of Medienzentrum/Offener Kanal Flensburg, St.-Juergen-Strasse 95, 24937 Flensburg, www.okflensburg.de. You will find some information on this permanent exhibition in public space at their website. They had to do a breakof the exhibition in November 2011.

In July 2009 we presented a LP by Mama Baer as a collaboration release with the label male bonding, Ignace De bruyn, Kommekensstraat 22 bus 2, B-2000 Antwerp, only distributed by male bonding; you will find a link to the myspace-site of male bonding at our file Links.

From 4th of July to 25th of September 2009 Mama Baer and Kommissar Hjuler exhibite at iLLUSEUM, Witte de Withstraat 120, NL - 1057 ZH Amsterdam, we mainly present painting by Mama Baer dealing with the given theme Dierbaar Bestiarium, about thirty puppets by Kommissar Hjuler are shown. Also a DVD and a catalogue by iLLUSEUM are presented.
For the vernissage of Mama Baer's exhibition on 4th of July the iLLUSEUM we had a special surprise for the audience, opening for the exhibition was the near-death performance AMRITAM by mentalist Ramana, winner of the Dutch TV competition to find "The next Uri Geller", www.ramana.nl, followed by our performance JaDaMaBaPa with Jan van den Dobbelsteen und Daniele Lemaire.
The exhibition originally should have been lasting only until 1st of August, but the set was that interesting for the gallery, that we extended the exhibition until 25st of September. On 1st of August we presented the performance TO END ALL LIFE, initially planned as finissage.
Dierbaar bestiarium in a way was a set of several solo exhibitions, so an exhibtion by Grace de la Luna, Gerard Riksen, Alexander van der Woel, and at least an exhibition by Reverend Steven Leyba followed in the series Dierbaar bestiarium.
The iLLUSEUM also accepted some of our work for their collection of objects by Reverend Steven Leyba, Anna Homler, Ewan Cameron, Grace de la Luna, Gerard Riksen, Alexander van der Woel, and other artists, which is permanently shown at their rooms.

On 2nd August 2009 we performed live at Mary Bauermeister's Atelier, 51503 Roesrath, OT Forsbach, An der Hedwigshoehe 31.

In August 2009 we made contributions for the poster exhibition Alfred Mainzer, Flux Factory, 39-31, 29th Street, Long Island City, New York, USA, shown from 23rd August 2009 to 31st August 2009.

We have been invited by Knut Kargel for a contribution to the group exhibition PROFIL, Atelier Knut Kargel, Vellinghauser Strasse 4, 59514 Welver, lasting from 2nd of August to 20th of September 2009. Objects and pictures by Knut Kargel, ellis Kruck, Gebhard and Ellen von Winterfeld, Uwe Heinzel, Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer were shown.

We presented a track for the various artists CD-R "идея южно-индийского снимка (idea of picture of south india)" of Observatory Recordings, Russia, available since September 2009.

End of September 2009 Ted Lee's label Feeding Tube Records, 150 Pleasant Street, Suite 235, Easthampton, MA 01027, USA, released an LP by us in edition of 500 copies (FTR 30), and also a limited art edition with original painting by Mama Baer for each copy (FTR 30/Kunst).and

In September the label IRMA VEP TAPES, 1619 N. Damen Ave., Unit # 2 R, Chicago, IL 60647, USA, released a tape by us in edition of 100 copies.

I also asked some other labels, if they were interested into a re-issue some music from my (SHMF-019+...)-project, and in September 2009 Poot Records presented the mail-collaboration-versions by Dino Felipe and Tooth Kink as a CD-R we call "George Herbert Mead", I am supposed that a lot of "George Herbert Mead" releases on other labels will follow.

On 16th of September 2009 DVR/Psych.KG by Matthias Horn, Kleine Hoehle 12, D-53881 Euskirchen, started a series of Split-LPs with re-mastered tracks by Mama Baer and/or Kommissar Hjuler for one side of each item, each LP limited to 177 copies, cover art mainly by us. For some of the Split-LPs a special artists edition of 11 or 19 copies is planned.
For the Split-LPs we have as partners so far Lt. Caramel (F), Klaus Girnus (D), Eric Lunde (USA), Smegma (USA), Bomis Prendin (USA), The New Blockaders (GB), LSD March (J), Jerome Noetinger (F), Princess Dragon Mom (USA), Rudolf Eb.er (CH/J), Kawabata Makoto (J), Karl Boesmann (D),  Syncope - system breakdown (A), Childhood of Ejaculation/Richard Ramirez (USA), Deutsch Nepal (S), Club Moral (B), ASTRO/Hiroshi Hasegawa (J), Sudden Infant (D), Jan van den Dobbelsteen (NL), and Messdiener (D), Ultra milkmaids (F), Due Process (USA), Pacific 231 (F), g. c. (guilty connector) (J), Ikuro Takahashi (J).
Matthias Horn offers a special whole-sale price for the first12 LPs with a free handmade album box.
After the first 12 LPs the series shall only continue with an edition of 100 copies. Moreover we will present a Split-LP called DVR-HGA-Ende with KH12 (D), which is a project by Matthias Horn, only available on request, each LP in a unique cover art. limited 100 copies.

On 25th of September 2009 we presented  a
music-dance-performance with freelance choreographer and dancer Kenzo Kusuda (Tokyo, Japan) at iLLUSEUM Amsterdam, Witte de Withstraat 120, NL - 1057 ZH Amsterdam, that was very intense and emotional, that emotional to Kenzo, that he asked us, not to present the video shot at any online platforms, he was too much in the digestive progress of this deep emotional performance.

From 26th of September to 25th of October 2009 we took part at the group exhibition PROFIL at Kunstraum B, Am Mittelhafen 58, 48155 Muenster, works by ellis Kruck (Muenster), Knut Kargel (Welver), Gebhard und Ellen von Winterfeld (Moehnesee), Uwe Heinzel (Hamm), Peter Jansen (Muenster), Michael Reinker (Muenster), Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer (Flensburg) were shown at the exhibition. For Vernissage the performance Menschenrechte by Anetta Kuechler-Mocny and Damaris Lipke, the G-Spot Tornado Roadshow No.8 by Knut Kargel and ellis Kruck, a presentation of ellis Kruck's book Profile der Stadt Muenster, and a performance by Knut Kargel and Kommissar Hjuler und Frau took place at the Kunstraum B.

From 4th of October to 8th of November we were part of the MailArt exhibition by Galerie AtelierKargel/Artists-Gallery, Welver. For this exhibition the Atelier Kargel presented a luxury set of 8 postcards by Kommissar Hjuler in edition of 100 copies, still available at the Atelier.

For 21st and 22nd  of October 2009 we were present at Spektro Festival, Istanbul, Turkey, with a presentation of short films, as a kind of anti-live-presentation.

From 26th to 30th of October 2009 we started a project at the eleventh classes of 
Integrierte Gesamtschule Flensburg, Elbestrasse 20, Flensburg. The project was called Cy-Vogel+++, because starting point for the pupils was a wooden installation by us at the Cafeteria of the Integrierte Gesamtschule Flensburg, which contains mama baer's painting Cy-Vogel. The installation was a work in progress supervised by Thore Witthoeft, teacher at the IGS, Cy-Vogel+++ gave pupils the possibility to contribute to the installation during this week, and on request after this date, so it's appearance changed with any contribution of creative art or possibly vandalism. The principal of the IGS decided, that the complete installation was only shown until the end of 2009 at the Cafetery. After this date the wall have to be painted in it's original green colour, but two wooden plates from the installation (also the one with Mama Baer's painting of Jesus with Kommissar Hjuler's nimbus built of Pritt-sticks) shall be exhibited at this wall permanently since the 1st of January 2010.

We have been invited for the Brighton Festival  "Colour out of Space 2009", www.colouroutofspace.org/, from 30th of October to 1st of November 2009. This festival is wellknown for the last performance on stage by 85-year-old Henri Chopin in 2007. We played on 31st of October.  And we also presented several puppets and paintings for an exhibition at Sallis Benny Theatre, Grand Parade, Brighton, from 1st of October to 1st of November 2009, an artists-side-project of the festival curator Karen Constance.

On 31st of October we were present with some short films at the GIGUK VideoArt Festival, Atelierhaus Trafo e. V., Ederstrasse 13, 35398 Giessen. At preliminiary decision the Jury accepted two films by mama baer to become shown at the festival. "Raumpatrouille Orion" by Kommissar Hjuler and Meister Schulle was not accepted for the competition, but the Jury liked it that much, that the film was shown hors concours, together with some more films the Jury liked but expected to be too experimental for the competition.
These three films are introduced in the catalogue pressed for the festival.

Since 9th of November 2009 we are both members of the
artists association NO!art, founded in 1960 by Boris Lurie, Stanley Fischer, and Sam Goodman at March Gallery, New York, now lead by Dietmar Kirves (headquarter Berlin) and Clayton Patterson (headquarter New York). 

14th to 22nd November we have been invited for a contribution to the group exhibition Calling Out Of Contest, ICA, Institute of Contemporary Art, The Mall, London SW1Y 5AH, UK, for this exhibition Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer built together a large music box, also a self-built instrument and some records have been shown.

For the 18th of November we contributed several films for the Strange Movie Club, kuemmerei, Schottstrasse, 35398 Giessen.

For the 19th of November the Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld, organized another exhibition  in the vein of Kunst im Quadrat, for which records, cover art, and also several objects by Kommissar Hjuler have become presented.

In November Mama Baer released a Split-CD-R with Closedunruh in edition of 80 copies at Psych.KG/sick art products, Kleine Hoehle 12, D-53881 Euskirchen.

On 4th of December we performed together with Peter Kastner of T.I.T.O. at Studio KO*OP, Beerenweg 1, 22761 Hamburg.

In December 2009 the label Scumbag Relations, 1706 Stevens #301, Minneapolis, MN 55403-3859, USA, released a CD-R of our collaboration work with Bryan Lewis Saunder called A/mei/sen in edition of 200 copies. 

In December the Solace Media Corporation, Jonathan Caldwell, 2215 Ohio Ave #3, Cincinatti, Ohio 45219, USA, released a compilation CD-R in edition of 111 copies containing two tracks by us.

From 2nd to 30th January 2010 Kommissar Hjuler's Outdoor-Installation DOENITZ' PANIKRAUM MIT FLUCHTFAHRRAD was shown at the Doenitzhof Flensburg, the place where the last Nazi-Government around Karl Doenitz was arrested end of second world war. 

End of January 2010 Blossoming Noise., P.O. Box 625, Lilburn, GA 30048, USA, rereleased the recordings by Z'EV and Bryan Lewis Saunders from our collaboration series (SHMF-019+...) as a tape - der Muter Objekt fur die Hunde - in an edition of 100 copies. They also produced a sticker and a button.

In February 2010 the spanish label Circuit Torcat, C/Terol 8, Bajo 2, E-08012 Barcelona, released a tape by us in edition of 50 copies.

In February 2010 the label DVR/Psych.KG by Matthias Horn, Kleine Hoehle 12, D-53881 Euskirchen, startetd in cooperation with a frend of his from Poland another tape series in edition of 37 copies called Nagranie Brutalnie Domowy, starting with with  Kommissar Hjuler  - IOOOIIOIIIOOOIO - (NBD 01), followed by the recording Mama Baer – “Words but crying Pt.1 – Pt.4“ (NBD 02), DoMC, also 37 copies, and Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - … rezensieren zunehmend alkoholisiert LPs auf Ultra Eczema“ MC (NBD 03) in edition of 37 copies and - vom allabendlichen Schlafengehen - Lightscribe-CD-R (NBD 04) in edition of 37 copies. In September 2010 this label re-issued the sold out DVR-HGA-6 in a small edition of red coloured vinyl.

On 6th of February we performed GESCHREITANGO together with the group San Siro (Wolf D. Schreiber (piano, melodia, virtual theremin), Evelyn Helbig (Piano), and Thomas Boehm (guitar, tape)) at Domizil, Braugasse 6, 35390 Giessen.

On 25th of February 2010 we performed ERDBEERTELEFON together with the drummer Lasse Henrich at Freies Kunst- und Kulturhaus der KKI Flensburg, KKI-Laboratorium, 24939 Flensburg, Duburger Straße 1, on the occation of the Projekt Flamingo by graduated artists and students of Muthesius-Kunsthochschule Kiel, Universitaet Flensburg, HFBK Hamburg, Universitaet Sonderburg, and Fachhochschule Kiel, took place at KKI Flensburg from 19th to 26th February 2010.

End of February 2010 the label IRMA VEP TAPES, 1619 N. Damen Ave., Unit # 2 R, Chicago, IL 60647, USA, presented our collaborations with Lt. Caramel and with Pacific 231 for the (SHMF-019+...) project as reissue on tape in edition of 200 copies.

From 6th March to 30th September 2010 five collaborative works by Josef Karl and Kommissar Hjuler will be shown in a seperate room at exhibition Josef Karl, Galerie Bachlechner, Wiesenthalstrasse 8i, CH-8962 Bergdietikon/Zuerich, beside their regular exhibition of art and their sculptures park.
On 12th March 2010 played together with Ludo Mich (B) at Grambacht, Keizerstraat 42, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium. This concert also was vernisage for a solo exhibition - commissaris hjuler en mama beer - at his and his wife's gallery, lasting until 10th of April 2010.

On 13th March 2010 we played together with Harappian Night Recordings (UK) at Kunstencentrum Belgie, Burgemeester Bollenstraat 54, 3500 Hasselt, Begium, www.kunstencentrumbelgie.com. That evening at the Belgian art centre also take place concerts by The Hunter Gracchus (UK), Joe McPhee (USA) & Chris Corsano (USA).
End of March 2010 the label meandering recordings from USA presented a MC in edition of 50 copies, containing Cody Brant's collaboration by mail for our (SHMF-019+...)-project.
And the label Faux-Pas Recordings, Sam Gas Can, 1467 Main Street, Jefferson, MA 01522, USA, presented a Split-Tape by Id M Theft Able and us.

From 28th March to 9th of May 2010 we contributed some selected works to the group exhibition ENTARTETE KUNST, Galerie AtelierKargel / Artists-Gallery, Welver-Vellinghausen, also showing selected works by Knut Kargel, ellis Kruck, Silja Korn, Dr. Peter Jansen, Gebhard und Ellen von Winterfeld, Walter Stehling. We contributed paintings by Mama Baer and fem.ID-Naschboxen by Josef Karl & Kommissar Hjuler.

In April 2010 the label DVR/Psych.KG by Matthias Horn, Kleine Hoehle 12, D-53881 Euskirchen, presented our „Mitschnitt vom allabendlichen Schlafengehen" as a lightscribe CD-R in edition of 42 copies.
From 10th of April to 12th of June 2010 we contributed some work to the exhibition POP-ART at the New International Centre of Culture / NICC Scheld'Apen, D'herbouvillekaai 36, Antwerp, Belgium.

From 16th to 30th April we contributed assemblages to the Neukoellner Kunstsalon at Sudhaus der alten Kindlbrauerei Neukoelln, Werbellinstraße 50, 12053 Berlin-Neukoelln.

For the 17th of April 2010 the Smittekilde, Lundtoftegade 2, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark, organized a concert, a small presentation of our work by films and a live interview. We call this event Kommissar Hjuler og Fru i Danmark.

On 24th April 2010 the Museum Huelmann again made a special on our work (paintings/objects/music/books/films) for the Lange Museumsnacht Bielefeld, this was our fourth appearance at Lange Museumsnacht, Bielefeld.

On 27th of April we performed together with Closedunruh at Cafe Glocksee, Hannover.

We performed together with Peter Kastner at Blurred Edges Festival Hamburg, which takes place at several location all over the city from 1st of May to 15th of May 2010, we played on 15th May at Gaengeviertel Hamburg.

From 16th May 2010 to 27th June 2010 we organized an exhibition BROTKATZE-Collaborations at Galerie AtelierKargel, Artists-Gallery, Welver-Vellinghausen, for which solo works of Kommissar Hjuler's BROTKATZE and collaborations in this series with several artists were shown. Works by me in collaboration with Knut Kargel (D), ellis Kruck (D), Detlev Weigand (D), Francis Tucker & C.mank (D), Barbara Rapp (A), Christine Tarantino (USA), Eric Lunde (USA), Cody Brant (USA), Roland Halbritter (D), Clemens Stecher (A), Dorota-Katarzyna Samborski (D), and Mama Baer are main part of the exhibition. 

On 28th of May 2010 we presented a support event for the Brotkatze Collaborations exhibition at Kunstraum B, Am Mittelhafen 58, 48155 Muenster, for which we invited San Siro (Evelyn Helbig, Wolf D. Schreiber, and Thomas Boehm) to play with us again, this evening we played more than three hours as quintett, and surprisingly the result was purest Krautrock!

End of May 2010 Sindre Bjerga released a Split-MC with our track Tatort for one side and for other side a recording by his project Rogaland Hot Club at his label Gold Soundz (GS#95), Duesvei 38, Leil. 201, 4023 Stavanger, Norway, available in an edition of 50 copies.

End of May 2010 we presented a Split-LP on our own label, the (SHMF – 215plus) Smegma / Sissy Spacek & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau „ONE/don't tell Roberto / ZWEI“. A pressing of 215 copies containing the tracks "ONE" and "don't tell Roberto" by Smegma (Oblivia/Ju Suk Reet Meate/John Wiese/Nour Mobarak) for one side and our collaboration with Sissy Spacek (John Wiese/Corydon Ronnau) called "ZWEI" for other side.

In June 2010 Kommissar Hjuler contributed the Karaoke Kabbalah collaboration with Ignace De bruyn for the artist book by Joke Leonare, www.jokeleonare.be, which also containes a CD-R with contributions by various artists and some tracks by Kommissar Hjuler. The Kabbalah work is presented as a poster in the middle of the magazine.

We contributed some work for exhibition NOTRE HISTOIRE, which took place from 11th to 19th June 2010 at Forum de Chauny, Ecole Primaire, CE2-CM1-CM2, 02300 Caillouel-Crepigny, France, and one of our works sent has been chosen for official poster.

From 21st to 28th June 2010 artist and free journalist Jaga Sommer of the Flensborg Fjords Kunst & Kulturforening/FFKK has curated a work shop and painting event called Internationaler Kuenstlertreff Flensburg - Kunst als Kommunikation. This event was part of the artists partnership between the cities Slupsk (PL) and Flensburg and therefor was under the auspices of the Kulturbuero Flensburg.
We have been invited by the local artists association Flensborg Fjords Kunst & Kulturforening/FFKK to representate the artists from Flensburg at this event among the local artists Wini Papke, Marion Zobel, both members of FFKK, and Birgit Pfaffenrath.
From Denmark have been invited the artists Anke Lippert-Petersen, Birthe Cornelius-Olsen, Silvia von Birckhahn, all three members of FFKK, Signe Krogsgaard, and Margret Groendhal, and from Poland have been invited Ela Samselska, member of Kulturverein Szczecin/Stettin and of PTTK- Polnische Gesellschaft für Touristik und Landeskunde Szczecin, Barbara Widła and Hanna Moczydłowska-Wilińska, both members of Kulturverein Szczecin/Stettin, and Witold Michoń. Paintings were shown at Museumshafen on 27th of june 2010. For the vernissage we performedf The lion sleeps tonight live at Museumshafen Flensburg. 
In August 2010 the paintings from Int. Kuenstlertreffen June 2010 should have been shown at Kulturverein Szczecin/PL, but when Jaga Sommer was at Szczecin in August , the artists association cancelt the exhibition.

End of June 2010 Wm Berger of My Castle of Quiet/WFMU (USA) released a CD with extraits from their radio sessions, this CD contains our track - Freak on a leash of the KoRn (unretected) recordings.

And also end of June the lable Chocolate Monk (UK) released a Split-CD-R by Blood Stereo and us.

Since 1st of July 2010 we are represented as artists by the Galerie Offenes Atelier D. U. Design, Dorothee Unkel, Postgasse 6, Villach/A. This means permanently exhibition of solo works by us, also of works in collaboration with Barbara Rapp/A at the gallery, exhibition as part of organized group exhibitions in Austria and Germany and representation as artists at Austrian fairs.

From 2th to 4th July 2010 we performed again at the Avantgarde Festival Schiphorst, we performed that Saturday together with Clive Graham of Morphogenesis as trio Clive Graham/Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler.
Moreover, we have been inivited by Jean-Hervé Peron to create the officical poster for the festival. The team could not decide, which poster to take, so they did not take an official poster this year, but our posters have been sold during the festival as art posters of the festival. We also were present at the DVD-R of the festival lateron, distributed by Cracked Movies/Avantgarde Festival.

From 3rd of July to 30th of September two works by Kommissar Hjuler are part of the concept art exhibition Koffer/valise/suitcase by Alain Buhot from Cherbourg (F) at fzkke, Koelner Strasse 26, 53879 Euskirchen.

From 16th to 24th July Kommissar Hjuler contributed assemblages to the 2. Neukoellner Kunstsalon at Kranhaus der alten Kindlbrauerei Neukoelln, Werbellinstraße 50, 12053 Berlin-Neukoelln.
And on 16th July Kommissar Hjuler und Frau performed together with the duo ZEBU! (USA) at the vernissage in several sets. And one set of the collaboration was as quintet performance with the artist Stephan Nero from Berlin.

From 18th of July to 3rd October 2010 some work by us is shown at AR(t)CEVIA International Art Festival, cgroup, Casella Postage 60, 60011 Arcevia (AN), Italy.

In July 2010 the Solace Media Corporation, Jonathan Caldwell, 2215 Ohio Ave #3, Cincinatti, Ohio 45219, USA, released a Split-CD-R containing tracks by Brain-Atoms, Junkthought and us in small edition.

We contributed some work for Keith A. Buchholz' exhibition of mail art shown at FLUXUS ST.LOUIS/Artfarm, 4615 Oregon Av., St. Louis, Mo 63111, US, from 24th to 25th of July 2010.

Beginning of August 2010 we presented a Split-LP with The Hunter Gracchus on Blackest Rainbow Records (UK), www.blackest-rainbow.moonfruit.com, in edition of 500 copies.

On 11th of August we performed together with Euan Currie (UK) at Hoerbar im B-Movie, Brigittenstraße 5, 20359 Hamburg - St. Pauli.

An we performed an extended version of Frank Zappa's track Sofa No. 2 at the Zappanale #21, 13th - 15th August 2010, Bad Doberan. 

For the exhibition Begehungen Chemnitz 2010, Karl-Liebknecht-Schule, Muehlenstrasse 94, Chemnitz,
from 19th to 22nd August 2010 Kommissar Hjuler und Frau had in mind to present their performance - Der demografische Feind ist die arbeitende Frau - for vernissage, but had to cancel this due to an affection of our son Faust Adolf. Kommissar Hjuler created some Brotkatze works for the exhibition.

End of Augsute 2010 the label Shamanic Trance, Babis Kagadis, Iras 3, 14572 Drosia, Athens, Greece, or better PO BOX 51704, POST CODE OFFICE, 14503 KIFISIA, ATHENS, GREECE, presented two LPs by Mama Baer, both in edition of 300 copies: Bildnerei der Geisteskranken - Es ist so.  (Die Entscheidung / Hund Katze Whisper Violence / Mein Bagger brennt, .../ Schwarze Galle) and Bildnerei der Geisteskranken - Ruhe (Love to love you, Baby / incomplete / Milieustudien Flensburg), and the Split-LP by Harappian Night Recordings/Kommissar Hjuler - six reveries in psychopathic alchemy/Karawane. Both LPs by Mama Baer also appeared as a Shamanic Trance Special double LP with ink-painted fold-out cover by Kommissar Hjuler in an edition of 20 copies, and the Split-LP appeared as Shamanic Trance Special Split-LP with anti-tape-assemblage cover art by Kommissar Hjuler in an edition of 18 copies.

Moreover, Cgroup Italia invited us to contribute some work to their exhibition of the collective at Arcevia/Italia, which took place from 28th August to 11th October 2010.

On 11th September 2010 some work by us has been shown at the exhibition Ur Toy Story at Gallery ARTpool, 919 1st Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33705, USA, moreover some short films by us have been shown.

Mid of September 2010 the label Utmarken by Viktor Ottosson, koeldgatan 19, Sweden - 41832 Gotheburg, presented a tape by us, available in an edition of 100 copies.

We performed live at the Incubate Festival 2010, Tilburg/NL,  from 12th to 19th September 2010, we played on 18th September.

We  both have been invited by Richard Rupenus of The New Blockaders to contribute a track to his various artists set (2 CDs) "Viva Negativa / A Tribute To The New Blockaders" (Auf Abwegen), his European selection of artists, available since end of September 2010.

End of September 2010 Ignace De bruyn, Kommekensstraat 22 bus 2, B-2000 Antwerp, presented the split tape Preggy Peggy & The Lazy Babymakers (Angela Sawyer and James Apt)/ Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Schwangere Polizei - on his new label No Basement Is Deep Enough  in an edition of 88 copies. For cover he build cotton-vaginas, so each tape is stored inside a handmade vagina.

Beginning of October 2010 Cult Pump/Smittekilde, Zven Balslev, Lundtoftegade 2, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, released a 7inch by Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer in edition of 150 copies, also a special handmade art edition of eleven copies by Kommissar Hjuler was available.

On 2nd October 2010 some collaborative work by Barbara Rapp and Kommissar Hjuler was exclusively shown by Galerie Offenes Atelier D. U. Design, Villach/A, for the Lange Nacht der Museen Oesterreich, organized by ORF Enterprize GmbH & Co.KG, Wuerzburggasse 30, A-1136 Wien, http://langenacht2.orf.at/, which took place at several towns all over Austria.

From 7th October to 7th November 2010 collaborative work by Josef Karl and me was shown as part of Josef Karl's exhibition at Kunstraum Denkpause, Hamburg.

And since beginning of October the label Goaty Tapes by  Zully Adler, 17434 Palora St., Encine, CA 91316, USA, released a Split-Tape in edition of 150 copies by Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer together with Smegma.

Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer's film DAS Backen has been chosen for 12. Internatinal Kurzfilmfestival Muenchen, Bunter Hund, which took place at Werkstattkino, Fraunhoferstr. 9, 80469 Muenchen, from 14th to 17th October 2010.

On 21st October 2010 Kommissar Hjuler was part of a more channel installation and concert at Museum Weserburg, Museum fuer moderne Kunst Bremen, Teerhof 20, 28199 Bremen. This event was called three resurrected drunkards, tracks by Rashad Becker and by Kommissar Hjuler were part of the installation / more channel presentation, a live concert by Tom Smith and Pit Noack took place.
This event was organized by GAK - Gesellschaft fuer aktuelle Kunst Bremen and by rem - reihe elektronischer musik.

And also on 21st October 2010 Karl P. Gaul & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau performed the first musical lecture from Karl P. Gaul new novel at MS Stubnitz, Stadthafen,  LP82, 18057 Rostock. That evening also shield your eyes (uk), played live at MS Stubnitz, see:  www.myspace.com/leavethetapesrunning.

End of October 2010 the label Blossoming Noise present a MC of a collaboration by Brume/Christian Renou and us in an edition of 200 copies, and beside this MC they  presented a T-Shirt with our heads. Soon later they presented a second MC by Brume and us.

And the label beniffer editions, 39 lightbourn ave., Toronto, ON, M6H 3P5, Canada, presented a double tape with poster as their cat# BFF108 in edition of 150 copies.

And also end of October 2010 we started a series of split LPs with the white-funk / post-punk band Medium Medium. Their album - The Glitterhouse (Cherry Red Records, 1981) - was one of the first LPs I owned and still own. Their music is often compared to A Certain Ratio, Gang Of Four, Spandau Ballet, Public Image Limited, Pop Group or Pig Bag, but to me their music always sounded different and really unique. The LP - The Glitterhouse - still belongs to my most favourite records ever. The british band splited up, had a reunion lateron and today settled down at USA, a linkt to their website is at the file Links. Since about one year I am in contact with Steve Harvey, and I had the idea of presenting some Split-LPs with this great band. Each LP shall be in coloured vinyl, limited to 100 copies only. For the first LP we present extraits from a live concert in 2008, for the second one extraits from a concert in 2009. The recordings are together with singer John Rees Lewis, who founded C Cat Trance after their splitting up, with Alan Turton, Andy Ryder, and Steve Harvey. And it might go on.
Our part of the Split-LP shall be the more fluxus oriented tracks by Kommissar Hjuler, so that we call the series: Fluxus und Funk.
First LP in the series appeared end of October, all covers show a foto print for front side and a unique colage or painting by Kommissar Hjuler for backside, and all covers you can see here at file Fluxus & Funk.

On 30th of October 2010 our short film RAPUNZEL has been shown at the video lounge of GIGUK VideoArt Festival, Atelierhaus Trafo e. V., Ederstrasse 13, 35398 Giessen, the film was shown hors concours.
Beginning of November 2010 Feeding Tube Records re-issued our collaborations with Torturing Nurse (China) and Nobu Kasahara of Nov Embudagonn (Japan) as a split tape in edition of 200 copies.
Kommissar Hjuler contributed a work for Thomai Kontou's exhibition - human, colour, music -, which took place at Polyhoros Hall, 1 Vasileos Georgiou St., Thessaloniki, Greece, from 2nd to 14th of November 2010. All proceeds have been donated to the Hellenic Society of Haematology, www.eae.gr/new/index/asp, and were auctioned by it for its purposes.
Kommissar Hjuler is one of the winners of the international artists contest by Marketingclub Kaernten, Kleine Zeitung Oesterreich and Art.V. Galerien Rimmer & Unkel. His painting ENTER KONSUM shall be shown at Innovationkongress 2010 - Marketing.Innovation.Zukunft, 11th and 12th November 2010 at Casineum and Schlosshotel Velden am Woerthersee, Austria. The painting shall become printed at the book Marketing.Innovation.Zukunft by Marketingclub Kaernten.

Mid of November 2010 Scumbag Relations, 1706 Stevens #301, Minneapolis, MN 55403-3859, USA, released a CD-R by us in an edition of 100 copies.

The galeri Kunst og Handveark Odensee, Lars Marcussen, Claus Bergs Gade 5 A, DK - 5000 Odensee, showed two works by Oxana Machnatsch and Kommissar Hjuler at their exhibition Julekalender. Each year the gallery organizes an exhibition for the Christmas tide, for which 24 works by several artists are exclusively shown from 1st to 24th of December, and for 2010 two collaborative works of Oxana and me were shown at this set sale exhibition. The Julekalender exhibtion at Odensee has become a famous little event on which local press and Denish TV focus every year again.

From 6th to 31st of December 2010 ENTER KONSUM was part of a group exhibition with distributions by all winners of the contest by  Marketingclub Kaernten, Kleine Zeitung Oesterreich and Art.V. Galerien Rimmer & Unkel at Galerie Offenes Atelier D. U. Design, Villach/A.

Beginning of January 2011 Heart Fine Art Ltd., 11C Murieston Lane, Edinburgh EH11 2LX, Scotland/UK, released a fluxbox BROTKATZE by Kommissar Hjuler, containing original assemblage and MC, limited to 24 copies, only the tape was also released as normal edition of 48 copies.

Beginning of January 2011 the label BND from Poland, distributed by Psych.KG, presented the recording DJ Katface & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau "Pragmatix" as a MC inside a damaged Video-Cassette. This is a reissue of a CD-R in the (SHMF-019+...) series, for which John Pearce (Family Fodder) reworked our text "Die Antizipation des Generalized Other".

From 14th to 29th of January 2011 we had a Brotkatze work shown at TROYART - Toy Art International Exhibition, MuBE - Museum Brasileiro da Escultura, Av. Europa, 218, Sao Paulo - CEP 01449-000-SP, Brasil. After the exhibition the work became part of the collection MuBE.
On 22nd January 2011 our film VOLKSVERGIFTUNG was shown at U.F.O.-Kurzfilmfestival Leipzig, Kulturfabrik Leipzig e. V. Werk II, Kochstrasse 132, 04277 Leipzig.

From 2nd to 18th February our short movie DIE WAFFEN DES EROS was shown at Festival Bruit de la Neige, Annecy/France.

On 4th of February 2011 our stage-names Mama Baer and Kommissar Hjuler became officially adjudicated to us by the community of Flensburg, we are now listed up with our stage-names at the registration office.
From 15th to 20th of February 2011 short movies became shown at Museum of Contemporary Art, 220 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611-2643, USA, www.mcachicago.org, for the Fluxfest Chicago.

Since February 12th 2011 the Gallery eve-N-odd offers some of our work in the USA, at the artists area THE 600 BLOCK of St. Petersburg, 645 Central Ave #11, St. Petersburg, FL 33701, USA.
Since March 1st 2011 the novel IM KNAST MIT KOMMISSAR HJULER UND MAMA BAER by Foltergaul (alias Peter Rathke, Tarek, Karl P. Gaul) is availabla at Peter Rathke Verlag Heikendorf, ISB 978-3-9804622-0-4.
On March the 12th 2011 we performed live at UND #6 Plattform, together with Peter Rathke (Foltergaul) and San Siro (Evelyn Helbig, Wolf D. Schreiber, and Thomas Boehm), which took place at Nancyhalle, Kongresszentrum am Festplatz, Karlsruhe, and is an accompanying event to the ART Karlsruhe, curated by Plattform e. V. and University of Karlsruhe. Critics regarde the Plattform to be a non-profitable counter-event to the art mess taking place at Karlsruhe at the same time, for which only few best-established and rich galleries can rent exhibition space.
The conception of the Plattform is to show the current streams in art and we were happy to become invited by the UND comitee to perform at this Plattform.
Our experimental lecture was on March 12t, therefor was also part of 
Lange art NACHT / Lange Museumsnacht Karlsruhe.
We presented another experimental lecture with novel author Peter Rathke, it was the first lecture event by us after the book presentation of IM KNAST MIT KOMMISSAR HJULER UND MAMA BAER. 

We contributed some work to the mail-art-project Unity In Diversity, and our contributions becomes now shown in a permanently exhibition at 1st Junior High School, Greece - 40200 Elassona, since the 15th March 2011, see: http://unity-in-diversity-mailart.blogspot.com/ . The project is innitiated by teachers from the high school and runs under the artistic auspices of the Greek artists Thomai Kontou, Ioanna Papachristou, Thomas Galatos, Vasiliki Tzanou, Despina Pagoni, Timos Papachristos, Ioulia Spanou, Kostas Minas.
In April of  2011 the label BND from Poland, distributed by Psych.KG, presented a MC Eric Lunde & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau "Hello Kitty procession", MC inside basf c-box, limited to 77 copies.

April 2011 also Ninni Morgia & Silvia Kastel presented a Split-LP with us on their label Ultramarine Record in an edition of 300 copies.

Also April 2011 the label Nihilist Records, 1834 W. 17th. St., Chicago IL 60608, USA, released  Mama Baer's recording - Asylum Lunaticum - as a LP in an edition of 250 copies.

From April 10th to 29th 2011 some work we contributed for No Commercial Potential, a series of exhibitions at Italy curated by Maurizio Follin, is shown for the start of the exhibition series at Garage N.3 Gallery, Venezia mestre/I, exhibitions at Galleria Terre Rare, Via Carbonesi 6, 40123 Bologna, Italy, also shown lateron, and possibly also shown at a gallery at Dolegna del Collio, Italy. These group exhibitions are curated by Maurizio Follin, Italy.

Mid of April 2011 the british label Total Vermin presented the collaborative concert of the Dead Labour Process & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau at Hoerbar e. V. Hamburg as a tape in edition of 50 copies.

From 15th to 22nd of April 2011 we played live at several locations in England, on 15th we played with Ninni Morgia/Silvia Kastel & Kommissar Hjuler and in another set with Silvia Kastel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau at Cafe Oto, on 16th wel played live at Hull Boathouse in two sets with The Hunter Gracchus and with Ninni Morgia & Silvia Kastel, the next day we played with Ninni Morgia & Silvia Kastel at The Morden Tower, Newcastle upon Tyne, on 18th we played with Ninni Morgia & Silvia Kastel at The Banshee Laybyrinth, Edinburgh. Then played at Open School, Glasgow, at The Fuel, Manchester, and at Southend Fringe Festival, Southend as quartet with Ninni Morgia & Silvia Kastel.

From 21st to 25th April 2011 collaborative work by Josef Karl and me was shown as part of Josef Karl's exhibition at Foerderverein Altes Gefaengnis e. V. Freising.

Beginning of May 2011 Kommissar Hjuler donated some work to the permanent collection of the International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction - IMCAC, Fort Worth, Texas/USA, these works shall become part of the exhibition Collage/Assemblage Centennial 1912-2012, at IMCAC, 6955 Pinon Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76116, a group exhibition curated by Cecil Touchon that refers to hundred years of collage and assemblage art.

From May 6th to 27th 2011 collaborative work with Oxana Mahnac has been part of her exhibition ELEMENT FRAU
, Kunstgalerie Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, Dunckerstrasse 76/77, Berlin.

On May 7th 2011 Peter Kastner, Foltergaul & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau played at Festival Blurred Edges, Hamburg, 6th to 21st May 2011, at the Studio KO*OP.

We just contributed works to Bryan Lewis Saunders collaborative release - Stream of Unconscious (narrative mode) -10-Tape-Series, beside artists like z'ev, Christopher Fleeger, Razen, Yoshiro Kikuchi, Hopi Torvald, Love Execution Style, Hopek Quirin, and possibly Raymond Dijkstra, John Duncan, Leif Elggren, and several more we worked with given text mp3-files by Bryan Lewis Saunders and created one side of a tape for the set, as part of the series a split MC by Hopi Torvald & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau  is available since May 2011.

From 16th to 27th May 2011 some work by us was shown at the group exhibition Kunst im Dialog at Galerie im Domenig-Haus, Favoritenstrasse 118, A - 1100 Wien.

Our film DAS Backen was one of the films chosen for the VIS - Vienna Independent Shorts - 8th International Short Film Festival at Vienna/Austria. The film was shown during the festival, from 26th May to 1st of June 2011 for the sections jury award and visitor's award.

On May 27th 2011 the film DAS Backen was shown at 21. Internationales Videofestival Bochum, Schikaneder, Bochum.

The swedish label Utmarken organized some concerts with us for June 2011, on 3rd we were to play at Lunds Konsthall, Martenstorget 3, Sweden - 22351 Lund, on 4th we were play at their place, koeldgatan 19, Sweden - 41832 Gothenburg, but in May cancelt the two concerts, they have to close their store this summer. So we had to cancel a concert with Lasse Marhaug which Jon Wesseltoft has organized for us at Oslo/Norway on 5th June 2011. We are sorry for this. We first had in mind to play with Kusari Gama Kill on 2nd June at Copenhagen, butthen also cancelt this concert. We feel sorry for this!

In June 2011 ted lee's label  Feeding Tube Records released a tape by CAVE BEARS with Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer, which presents the collaboration by mail called - You Find The Key - released in an edition of 200 copies.

In June 2011 the label Feeding Tube Records, 150 Pleasant Street, Suite 235, Easthampton, MA 01027, USA, also released another LP by us in edition of 200 copies, also a limited art edition of 18 copies with original arwork by Kommissar Hjuler for each copy and additional DVD-R containing our short movie RAPUNZEL. The LP "Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm" presents our versions of Rumpelstilzchen, Rotkaeppchen, Rapunzel, and Hans im Glueck by brothers Grimm.

From June 1st to September 18th 2011 work by us is shown at the exhibiton Post fuer Otto von Bismarck, curated by Roland Halbritter, at Bismarck-Museum, Obere Saline 20, 97688 Bad Kissingen, www.bismarck-museum.de.

We contributed some prints to the quarterly magazine Revue et Corrigee, Sievoz Le Haut, 38350 Sievoz, which was transformed into a carte blanche given to more than 70 people who are connected with experimental practices. On 2nd June 2011 an edition of unbound pages, printed recto-verso and head to tail, with a specially printed A4 envelope, into which the pages was released. Particpants are Raed Yassin, Xavier Charles, Liz Racz, Nicolas Desmarchelier, Mazen Kerbaj, eRikm, Julien Jaffre, A. Costa Monteiro, Meeuw, Savage Pencil, Jean-Pierre Nadault, Mattin, Philippe Robert, Keith Rowe, Norbert Moeslang, Lionel Marchetti, Lasse Marhaug, Natacha Muslera, Kommissar Hjuler, Mama Baer, Patrick Bokanowski, Brunhild Ferrari, Gx Jupitter Larsen, Christian Marclay, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Phill Niblock, Marc Hurtado, Ultra Eczema, Sebastien Borgo, Dave Phillips, Samon Takahashi, Pascal Comelade, Dominique Grimaud, Fabrice Eglin, Yves Botz, Eric Cordier, Clare Cooper, Le Quan Ninh, Michel Doneda, Aaron Dilloway, Nicolas Malevitsis, Emmanuelle Pellegrini, Emmanuel Holterbach, Michel Chion, Florence Curti, Guillaume Constantin, Jean-Louis Costes, Aurore Gruel, Rudolf Eb.Er, Amanda Stewart, Lieutenant Caramel, Gerard Rouy, Bill Kouligas, Daniel Lowenbruck, Pauline Oliveros, Helena Gough, J. Debout, Michel Henritzi, Eric Hurtado, Allon Entracte, Kristof Guez, Yann Beauvais, John Duncan.

June 2011 the sound artist Alexander Kibanov (Earth Incubator/Headless Kamikaze/Illnathix/...) from Russia presented a Split-CD-R with us on his private label in very limited edition with handmade and unique cover art by him.
From June 16th to August 24th 2011 work by us was shown as participation to the exhibition The SECTREt eXCHANGE at the Museum of Contemporary Art Sydney, 140 George Street, Circular Quay west, Sydney, Australia 2000.

For the June 25th 2011 the gallery Kunstleben Berlin, Hauptstr. 31, 10827 Berlin, organized a benefit gala under the patronage of Eva Habermann with a fund-raising campaign to Orangutan Foundation International / Borneo. The gala was planned with support by actors,
writers, musicians and artists, therefore are involved Janette Rauch, Tomas Petruo, Anna Peltola, Claudia Rudek, Leonie Adam, Renee Kloninger, Christian Hansel, Erik Lautenschlaeger, Johannes Holtz, Ulrich Haeusler, and art donations by artists Anja Exner, Oxana Mahnac & Kommissar Hjuler, Knuzen, Mareen Vehle, Caroly Sittig, Isis Martins, MASCH, Sam Rey, Elzbieta della Rovere, Harald Wolff, Anja Gruber are exhibited for auction/set sale to help the the Orangutan Foundation International, OFI, www.orangutan.org. Iniator of the gala was author Christian Offer, who works since years at Borneo.

End of June 2011 the Artists Magazine absur2eal from Portugal, http://absur2eal.blogspot.com/2011/06/ab-3-html, presented a painting by Mama Baer at  their current issue - absur2eal -ab3.

And end of June 2011 the radio station WFMU from New Jersey, one of the leading independent radio stations in the USA, released a various artists MC containing tracks by Incapacitants, Haters, The New Blockaders, Kommissar Hjuler a. o.

July 2011 the label rainbow bridge recordings, 1108 e central ave, Edgewater, MD 21037, USA, www.hellorainbowbridge.com, presented a split tape by the Canadian band Fossils and us in an edition of 50 copies.

For 9th July 2011 we had been invited again by artist and free journalist Jaga Sommer of the Flensborg Fjords Kunst & Kulturforening (FFKK) to exhibit at vernissage of Internationaler Kuenstlertreff Flensburg - Kunst als Kommunikation. This event was part of the artists partnership between the cities Slupsk (PL) and Flensburg and therefor was under the auspices of the Kulturbuero Flensburg.

We contributed tracks to the MC-Series Voice Studies by the british label My Dance The Skull. The label presents tapes in edition of 100 copies by artists working with voice only as main sound source for the releases, a C40 by us is availabe since end of June 2011. Other artists in the series are Dylan Nyoukis, Tom White, Andrew Coltrane, Mag Resistance, Thurston Moore.

From July 18th to July 28th, 2011, Keith A. Buchholz as a curator of the Fluxfest Kaunus did a Preview Exhibition at Chicago, at 6018 Granville Gallery, Broadway, Granville/Chicago, USA, for which some work by us has been shown.

Since July 27th, 2011, a work by us from Brotkatze series is permanently shown at Ev. Luth. Diakonissenanstalt Flensburg, Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus, Knuthstrasse 1, 24939 Flensburg.
We contributed some work to the exhibition WORDS ... at Bay County Public Library, 898 west 11th Street, Panama City, Florida 32401, USA, from August 1st to October 1st. 2011.

We participated to an exhibition by Heart Fine Art Ltd. as part of the Edinburgh Fringe / The Fringe Festival. From August 19th to August 27th 2011 the Gallery Heart Fine Art Ltd., 11c Murieston Lane, Edinburgh, EH11 2LX, Scotland, showed some work by us and other artists. A book for the exhibition will be printed lateron.

Since August 25th, 2011, we have available the second Split-LP with Medium Medium is available in our series FLUXUS & FUNK, it appeared as (SHMF-222) in an edition of 222 LPs with unique cover art. A special series of 19 copies appeared with photography by Clayton Patterson/NO!art Movement New York.

From Semptember 8th to 16th, 2011, work by us was shown at Centro Culturale Candiani, Piazzale Candiani, 30174 VENEZIA MESTRE, Italia, the second exhibition in the series of No Commercial Potential, curated by Maurizio Follin.

On September 10th, 2011, we perform with Foltergau/Karl P. Gaul at The BAGL afFAIRs Autumn 2011, September 7th to11th, which is an accompanying event to Berlin Art Mess taking place at same time, at Mess Hall Spandauerstrasse 2, 10178 Berlin-Mitte, and is organized by the Gemeinnuetzigen European Artists Going Live (EAGL) Unternehmergesellschaft.  
Beginning of  2011 the label Psych.KG, presented a Picture-7inch "Keine Haende" with collaborative tracks by The New Blockaders & Mama Baer and by The New Blockaders & Kommissar Hjuler, which appeared in two regular editions, a boxed edition of 100 copies with additional poster, MC (C20 with additional tracks by The New Blockaders in collaboration with Kommissar Hjuler und Frau) and post card, and another regular edition of 150 copies with post card and handmade sleeve. Beside these releases a very limited edition with free Split-LP (DVR-HGA) by us appeared in an edition of only 11 copies.

From September 23rd to 25th, 2011, the Bundesverband Bildender Kuenstler (BBK) Koeln e. V. organized the 20. Offene Ateliertage Koeln in association with the Kulturamt der Stadt Koel. As part of this event some collaborative work of Detelev Weigand and Kommissar Hjuler was shown at Atelier Reicherts & Weigand, Dammelsfurther Weg 10, 51503 Roesrath.

From September 30th, 2011 to January 8th, 2012, work by us is shown as part of  the exhibition WRITE NOW - Visual Poetry - at The Chicago Rooms Galleries of the Chicago Cultural Center, 78 E. Washington Street, Chicago, IL 60602  USA, curated by Keith A. Buchholz and Nathan Mason.

Since October 2011 we have some work given to ONTOLOGICAL MUSEUM, 135 COUNTRY CENTER DR STE F # 10, PAGOSA SPRINGS, COLORADO 81147-8958, USA.

Beginning of October 2011 the Canadian label knife in the toaster records, 198 Duckworth Street, St. John's NL A1C 1G5, presented a split tape by One Man Bastard Circus (Joeri Bruyninckx) and us.

From October 12th to 27th, 2011 some LP-Covers by us are part of an exhibition taking place at fzkke, Euskirchen, curated by record label Psych.KG.

We are part of the exhibition George Maciunas And Beyond: Fluxus Never Stops as an exhibition in conjunction with Textile Works 11 and Kaunas Biennial 2011, taking place at Kaunas Picture Gallery, K.Donelaicio g.16, 4423 Kaunas/Lithuania, October 19th to 26th, 2011. 

From October 27th to November 26th, 2011, some cover art of (SHMF)-CD-Rs will be shown at group exhibition Formatology, gallery Yaffo 23, Yaffo 23 Road, Jerusalem. For this exhibition the label Heart & Crossbone Records, PO BOX 29021, Tel Aviv 61290, Israel in collaboration with our (SHMF) presents a special edition of the LP (SHMF-222), limited to 19 copies only, exclusively sold during the exhibition.

On November 1st, 2011, the label Placenta Recordings, P.O. Box 694, Beulah, MI 49617, USA, presented a CD-R by us. and Sissisters and Dental Work.

In November 2011 the label skrot up (USA) presented an artist book by A. G. Davis, painter and musician (extra sexes/boy+girl), and us in an edition of 50 copies, the book appeared with additional split-tape by us.

At the 25th Leeds International Film Festival, lasting from November 3rd to 20th, 2011, several venues in Leeds, UK, short films by Mama Baer and a video special on our UK tour 2011 with interviews and parts from concerts, filmed by Violaine Bergoine, will be shown at Cinema Versa on November 4th, 2011, at shorts from video archive event.

We were present with a short film at short film festival 11. Flensburger Kurzfilmtage, which took place at 51 Stufen Kino, Deutsches Haus, Flensburg, November 9th to 12th, 2011, we were present at the cinema and at the Modul 1, Rote Strasse, Flensburg.

From November 11 th 2011 to February 19 th 2012 work by us was shown as participation to the exhibition The SECTREt eXCHANGE at the National Museum of Contemporary Art Seoul, San 58-4, Makgye-dong, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Seoul, Korea 427-701.

Some films by us were shown at Cultural Center Parobrod, Kapetan Misina 6a, Beograd/Serbia, from November 16th to 19th, 2011, as a part of the B-link Festival of New Communications, this event is called Videodrom - video marathon 2011.

From November 25th to December 17th, 2011, some work by us is shown at exhibition 5. Kunst- und Musikfestival folk-artNOW! - Out Of Order, Kunst- & Kulturverein Spedition e.V. beim Handelsmuseum Bremen, an art exhibition by Zven Balslev (DK), Klaus Beyer (D), Pakito Bolino (F), AndyBolus (UK), PoKKrePoK (DK), Julien Rictus (F), vero Senechal (F), Wenzel Storch (D), Valparess (F), Verein Mauern oeffnen and us. Beside solo works by us and a room installation with sculptures three fem.ID-Naschboxen from Kommissar Hjuler's collaboration with Josef Karl and four works by us with Barbara Rapp were shown. The exhibtion takes place with several music event on the weekends, we present a performance for the finissage on December 17th, playing again with Foltergaul.    

Beginning of December 2011 the split-LP by DVR/HGA was continued by the release of Bomis Prendin/Mama Baer - Die Zoeglinge der Dalaia Lama - Split-LP, appearing again in an edition of 177 copies, with a special edition as well. Special edition in fold-out cover with collages by Kommissar Hjuler, also containing the rare flexi disc by Bomis Prendin. For the regular edition Barbara Rapp has done the cover art.

The December Issue of Bad Alchemy, no. 71, presented a review on us.

The label Nostilevo, as a side label of Nurse Etiquette by Khristopher Reinshagen, 2122 Michigane Ave., Detroit, MI 48216, USA, in December presented a DoMC by us.

From December 4th to 10th, 2012, two films by us were presented at the 9-1/2-Minuten Filmfest Bad Oldesloe, Klangstadt 1 at Inihaus, Bad Oldesloe. The films For the main control (Mama Baer) and Die Waffen des Eros (Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer) have both been chosen by the jury.
On December 17th, 2011, we performed with Foltergaul at 5. Kunst- und Musikfestival folk-artNOW! - Out Of Order, Kunst- & Kulturverein Spedition e.V. beim Handelsmuseum Bremen.

We contributed some music tracks to the fanzine TIGRE ENORME by Anthropophagic Tapes, Irma Marco, C/Palleter 20,14, E-46008 Valencia, which is available since January 1st, 2012 as a magazine with CD in an edition of 300 copies.

On January 2nd, 2012 the first collaborative work in fluxporn was finished with the wonderful porn actress Lena Nitro from Duesseldorf.

We contributed to the exhibition Bottles at MAC-Bienaldai/Museo de Arte Canadense, Canada de Gomez, Santa Fe/Argentina, lasting from January 12th to February 13th, 2012. Unfortunately our work did not arrive in time for the vernissage, therefor was hung lateron, during the running show. The work became part of the collection of Rose Gravino, Canada de Gomez, afterwards.

In January 2012 we contributed a MC for Franticham's Assembling Box No. 17, redfoxpress, Dugort, Achill Island, Conuty Mayo, Ireland (Box with Assemblages and MC), which shall appear soon.

From  January 14th to February 1st, 2012 the next exhibition of Brotkatze Collaboratios takes place at Galerie Offenes Atelier D. U. Design, Postgasse 6, A-9500 Villach, for vernissage Barbara Rapp and we performed together at Galerie Offenes Atelier D. U. Design, Postgasse 6, A-9500 Villach. The performance and an interview with us became parts of a radio transmission by Radio Agora.

From January 28th, 2012 to February 8th, 2012, some work by us was shown at the Galeria Terre Rare, Via Carbonesi 6, Bologna/I.

From February 4th to 11th, 2012, the TABU e. V. Dortmund and With (he)art against FGM organized an exhibition of art at Haus der Kleinen Kuenste, Buttermelcherstrasse 18, Muenchen, some work by Kommissar Hjuler and by Barbara Rapp & Kommissar Hjuler was shown for this event. Several statements on FGM by Barbara and me you find at the websites of With (he)art against FGM.

From February 9th to 12th, 2012, some work by us was shown at The Art Institute of Chicago, 111 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60603, USA, during the FluxFest Chicago, some work by us also became part of an assemblage set, released in an edition of 50 copies, some boxed copies lateron become part of several public collections.

On February 12th, 2012 some early films by us were shown at 6018 NORTH, 6018 North Kenmore, Edgewater, Chicago, as a participation to the FluxFest Chicago 2012.

From March 2nd to 4th, 2012, assemblages by us were shown as part of the 7. Editionale Koeln. Neues Kunstforum, Altenburger Wall 1, Koeln.

Beginning of March 2012 Ninni and Silvia released our concert  - live at The Morden Tower - as an MC on their label Ultramarine Records in an editio of 100 copies, beside this a special edition in unique handmade paper boxes by Kommissar Hjuler exists.

On March 27th, 2012 the film For The Maincontrol (Stupid Time) was shown at the 
independent art and music festival UNITED VOIDS, Bradford/UK. 

From April 14th to May 26th, 2012 we have been invited to exhibit at EAGL Gallery, Kantstrasse 87 A, 10627 Berlin, an exhibition for which we show works of fluxporn collaboration concept for the first time as well: So collaborative work with Lena Nitro, Violet Storm, Annika Bond and Medea Fox is shown beside a selection of solo works. Samira Summer was present at the vernissage.
For vernissage we performed VIEL TRINKEN MIT WENIG AN (Performance zu Alkoholmissbrauch und Nacktheit) in collaboration with Foltergaul.
For Finissage we perfromed a live-reading event with Foltergaul.
After the finissage the gallery showed for one week some collaborative work by Oxana Mahnac and Kommissar Hjuler.

We contributed again to the RESITE, Field Study, P.O. Box 1838 Geelong, VIC 3220 Australia (Fluxus Artbook) in 2011, so the Edition May 2012 containes works by us.

On May 12th, 2012, we played live with Kakawaka & Peter Kastner at Studio KO*OP, Hamburg, for the Blurred Edges Festival, lasting from May 4th to May 19th, 2012. Our contribution was a cover version of the song WHOLE LOTTA LOVE by Led Zeppelin.

We just contributed some work for Heike Sackmann's project add+return for the 6th Art Karree on May 12th, 2012, artists shown at the Kunst Karree, Burggasse 2, 97421 Schweinfurt, beside us are Angela Behrendt, Beth Crowfield, Elke Grundmann, Thorsten Fuhrmann, Roland Halbritter, Norbert Koszorki, Dr. Carmen Lewin-Stern, Heinz Lotz, Jürgen O. Olbrich, Heike Sackmann, Prof. Klaus Staeck.

Some of our artists books were part of the 16. Internationales Buchfestival A.P.Tschechow at Taganrog/Russia, an event organiced by ministry for culture MERIJA/Russia, lasting from May 16th to 18th, 2012. Work by us has been chosen for a contribution to an art book, which was released for the event.

End of May 2012 Knox Mitchell, 8129 Wildcat Rd., Jeddo, MI 48032, USA,  presented a tape by us on his label green records.

The label Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy (NBD) from Poland started a series of tape releases by us, limited to nine tapes only per edition, each copy appeared in special artwork, one came in a Levetiracetam-500mg-Box, next one in porn-magazine with parts from clothes, one inside a stone or a puppet. This series contains original un-cut and previopusly unreleased versions or not used parts of tracks by us, taklen directly from master tapes we gave to the label:
Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau ‎– 4 Times Untitled - 2MC in ytong block (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD 03), Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau ‎– Der Beste Freund Der Rose - onesided C90 (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD 05), Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau ‎– Double Half  - C60/Dokumentenmappe (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD 14), Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau ‎– KKI - Flensburg - C30 in box (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD 15), Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau ‎– Mitteilung An Die Menschheit - C90 inside a  puppet (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD 18), Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau ‎– Hintergrundmusik - C90/Aluschale (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD 20), Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau ‎– Levetiracetam - C90 in Medikamentenschachtel (Nagrania Brutalnie Domowy – NBD 21). The Label Placenta Rec. (USA) presented some tracks by us for their v. a,. CD-R - the truth -.

We followed an invitation by Stadtwerke Flensburg and Sarah Kuerzinger to create art on their electricity junction boxes, so we painted the box no. 412/7412 at Norderhofenden 5, Speicherlinie/Norderhofenden, 24937 Flensburg, dircetly in the town center of Flensburg. Our work is by part painting, by part assemlage with Brotkatze figures. Fotos from the work have been exhibited on June 11th, 2012 by Stadtwerke Flensburg GmbH & In Kuerze Kunst, Flensburg.

We contributed some work to the 2nd Annual Skull Appreciation Day on June 4th 2012, curated by Anna Dhody for the Muetter Museum, 19S 22nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA.

On June 9th videos by us were shown for a special art event at the V22 space in London, hosted by Agency & Milton Keynes Gallery. Beside our films live events and films by Entr'act, Theo Burt, Musarc Choir, Tim Wright, Jo Thomas, Tom Richards, MDTS, Blood Stereo, Janek Schaefer, Tom White, Clive Graham, and Anthony Donovan are plart of the event.

Mid of June 2012 the label Inyrdisk, Kevin Hainey, 6 Watford Av., Toronto, ON, M6C 1G5, Canada, presented a double LP by Mama Baer containing the tracks Exorcisme-retect/from all my fingers was a distance/Die Waffen des Eros/Die Kirche/Lichtblicke No. 2/Lied vorm
Kuehlschrank/Kurz-Schnee, the double LP appear in an edition of 250 copies, and the label also release a CD-R by Mama Baer - Der 3-Stuecke-Kranken - in an edition of 141 copies, given away for free with the first 99 copies.
And some special edition were available: Kommissar Hjuler created a fold-out artwork cover limited to 18 unique and handmade copies. Randall Gagne, a Toronto-based visual artist who works with sculpture, collage, video, and music, created a special and very limited cover-art edition for this double-LP on Inyrdisk. Randall's solo music project Man Made Hill has found home on such labels as Beniffer Editions, Inyrdisk and Orange Milk, and he has also been or is a member of noise-rock groups Disguises and Cave Dudes. Also the German artists Heinz Lotz and Albrecht/D. created very limited art editions. The edition by Heinz Lotz is limited to only eight unique covers.

From June 16th to 30th, 2012 some work by us shall be shown at the Atelier Kirigiris, 536-2 Fujisawa, Fujisawa city, Kanagawaw # 251-0052 Japan.

We just contributed a film to the collection of  the Florean Museum P. O. Box 1, Postal 9, Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania. In June 2012 the film was shown during the French-English Poetry Festival 2012 - CARBUNARI, therefor shown on June 17th at Saint Sulpice, Paris/France, organized by La Traductiere Magazine, as a part of a cultural project with exceptional collaborations.

Some works contributed to the collection of The Museum of Instant Images, Beckershagen 15, 4861 SE Chaam, NL, were shown at the Gemeentehuis Zundert from June 28th to September 10th, 2012.

We contributed a small music track to one of the various artists mini CD-Rs of mute sound/Pedro Bericat, P.O.Box 4033, 50080 Zaragoza, Spain. This release in the series of CD-Rs also contains work by Isidoro Valcacel Medina, Uve Wuerst, Yan Jun, Arnaud Paquotte, Ron DePaepe, Alex Ischenkau, Andres Lugo, Nat Gabo, Andre Rober, Jose Nogueira, Raquel Yunta, Wolfgang Dorninger, Resonan, Francisco Lopez.
On June 23rd, 2012 we played with Foltergaul at Avantgarde Festival Schiphorst.

End of June 2012 the label house of alchemy, Adam Richards, 398 Bird Ave, Buffalo, NY 14213, USA presented two re-issues by us as CD-Rs: Mama Baer - Perverted People Girl Fuckers - (CD-R) and Mundkrach & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - A/N/T/I/Z/I/P/A/T/I/O/N -  (CD-R).
We just contributed some work to the ERGO Art Lab exhibition series LAND OF OLIVE TREES, taking place at Greece, Tunis and Switzerland, starting
with an exhibition at Cultural Center of Psachna, Euboea, Greece, from July 1st to July 8th, then taking place as a part of the 1th International Art Festivale of Monastir, Tunisia, from September 3rd to12th, ongoing at ERGO Art Lab, Lugano, Switzerland, from November 9th to 30th, at ERGO Art Lab, Via alla Campagna 22, CH-6900 Lugano.
From June 6th to August 30th, 2012, the label Psych.KG showed some of our LPs for the exhibition Platten-Cover im fzkke, fzkke Euskichen, Koelner Strasse 26, 53879 Euskirchen.

We contributed some work to the exhibition traces/Spuren at Atelier 5B, Cristina & Juergen Blank GbR, St.-Jakob's-Bergerl 2, 86938 Schondorf am Ammersee. Vernissage was set up for July 7th, 2012, and the exhibition lasted for one month.

From July 14th to August 18th, 2012 we exhibited together with pop art artist Henning O from Duesseldorf at Kunstmuellerei, Witzelstrasze 7, 40225 Duesseldorf, combining our styles for this show under the name flu-pop-xus-art, our part of the exhibition is curated by gallery slowboys, Oberbilker Allee 290, 40227 Duesseldorf, in collaboration with Sonja Zeltner-Mueller of Kunstmuellerei.
Fluxus and Pop Art possibly show more conformities or similarities, as art critics concede, some work by our NO!art colleague Wolf Vostell, who is one of the big names in fluxus, is mentioned in coherence with pop art as well. Both styles started as criticism of society, fluxus in a (self-) destructive way and pop art as exaggeration, but inconclusively contradictive by the intent. So for this exhibition we present a selection from Henning O's and our work that possibly is not as diverse, as it looks for first sight.
Duesseldorf is the residence of porn actress Lena Nitro, so the exhibition also enclosed some selected work by Lena Nitro & Kommissar Hjuler from fluxporn project, for which Kommissar Hjuler worked together with her in art.
The exhibition was opened by the performance GIFT-BUILDING, so all guests of our vernissage were asked to bring some belongings and found objects or other materials, of which Henning O and Kommissar Hjuler built an art sculpture. The sculpture was shown during the exhibition as well.

From July 28th to September 7th, 2012, Brotkatze works by Kommissar Hjuler was shown at gallery In Kuerze Kunst, Norderstrasse 135, Flensburg.

Knox Mitchell, 8129 Wildcat Rd., Jeddo, MI 48032, USA, in August 2012 presented a tape by Peter Kastner, Kakawaka, and us on his label green records, this tape contains a recording from our concert at blurred edges festival 2012 and solo tracks by Peter Kastner, Kakawaka and us. This tape will be not limited and consecutively numbered.
Moreover, he presented another solo tape by us as Kommissar Hjuler Allstar Band.

Since beginning of August 2012 some work by us will become part of the collection of Belyegmuzeum Budapest, 1074 Budapest, Harsfa u. 47, Hungary.
In August 2012 the label MNDR exists for 20 years and shall release for autumn 2012 a box set containing our Ja-Nein LP as one-sided LP, other side with unique collage by Kommissar Hjuler, with an Ultra Milkmaids Lathe-cut 7inch, and with a Syncope-CD-R. The box is limited to 20 copies only.
End of August 2011 the label 777 was 666, Hitomi Arimoto, 2-112 Suwanomori-Higashi, Hamadera Nishi-ku Sakai-shi, Osaka 592-8349, Japan, presented a tape by us in an edition of  30 copies.

On September 1st and 2nd, 2012, some work by Oxana Mahnac & Kommissar Hjuler and some work by us was part of the exhibition Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn, selected by Carlotte Kons, galerie amtsschatzhaus Neuss, shown at Schloss Liedberg, 41352 Korschenbroich. Also nine collaborative works with porn actress TexasPatti & Kommissar Hjuler from fluxporn project will be shown for the exhibition.

In September the fzkke Euskirchen showed the works of Brotkatze Collaborations at their rooms. The vernissage was a  live performance by KH12 and Kommissar Hjuler und Frau.

We also contributed some work to an exhibition at Deutsche Drachenmuseum, Haus Baureneck, In der Stadt 2, 64678 Lindenfels, starting on set up for September 1st, 201, lasting until February 1st, 2013. The work will become part of the collection of the museum.
We contributed some work to the mail art exhibition TRANSFORMATION, taking place at the ETG Book Cafe, New York, USA, in September 2012. On September 28th, 2012, our work is presented as part of the FluxFest NYC 2012 as well.

Hissing Frames, Unpronounceable Squiggle/Robert Ridley-Shackleton, Room 2, 124 A, Corn Street, Witney, Oxon, OX 28 6AZ, UK, in September 2012 presented a split-tape with us in an edition of 50 copies.

Our film Die Waffen des Eros was shown at the BUT film festival in Breda/NL, which took place from 5th to 9th September 2012 at several locations in Breda.

On September 7th, 2012 Foltergaul and Kommissar Hjuler performed at Galerie In Kuerze Kunst, Flensburg.

From September 14th to October 14th, 2012, some work by is shown at the gallery Fluxrus, Belka & Ctrelka gallery, yn Garibaldi 21, Grecheskaya 19, Taganrog, Russia, as a part of a fluxus partnership exhibition event between Wiesbaden and Taganrog.

Mid of September 2012 the split-LP series by DVR/HGA / Psych.KG has become continued by the release of LSD March/Mama Baer Split-LP, appearing again in an edition of 177 copies, with a special edition in cover art by Kommissar Hjuler as well. And the label Placenta Recordings from USA presented a CD-R by us.

End of September 2012 the label hermitage tapes, c/o Andrew Coltrane, 11701 Hazelton, Redford, MI 48239, USA, presented a tape by us, the first 20 copies appeared as lathe-cut edition with destroyed tape for cover art.
And the label Psych.KG presented a 7inch / Acetate with Antizipationssong by Leonie Felle & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau  from (SHMF-019+...) project and blue orchid by Kommissar Hjuler. Leonie Felle and Kommissar Hjuler both styled one side of the cover art.
The label black horizons, 3270 21st St. #105, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA, end of September 2012 for their 50th release printed a magazine containing contemporary art, some photos from work by us were shown at this magazine.

The Summerhall Upper Church Gallery, Hope Park Terrace, Edinburgh, EH9 1PL, UK, shows solo assemblages, paintings, photographies, and video installation by us from October 6th to November 24th, 2012 at four of their rooms. The works from collaboration project FLUXPORN by Kommissar Hjuler and porn actress Violet Storm (UK) are shown as well, so we call it flux+(st/p)or(m/n). The event is part of the Summerhall Art Festival, for which we beside Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan and a show of posters from sixties punk movement have become one the four main themes this festival focusses on.
Some work became part of the collection Heart Fine Art Ltd. and will be shown after the closing date as permanent exhibition at Summerhall Museum, where parts of the collection were permanetly shown. The List Magazine (UK) recommended our exhibition as top 6 exhibition in Scotland.
For the exhibition the label Heart Fine Art Ltd. (UK) printed a photo by Mama Baer as a poster in an edition of 500 copies, offered during the exhibition, later available at the Heart Fine Art Ltd. catalogue.
October 13th, 2012 we started to show some of our work together with work by Karl P. Gaul (Foltergaul) and Jonathan Meese at the floor and two rooms of Offenes Atelier Gaul, Elisabethstrasse 115, Kiel. The presentation of work is set up for three years (!).

With (he)art against FGM organized an exhibition at Mediathek, Buegerhaus Denkingen, 78588 Denkingen, opening on October 26th, 2012, for which some work by Kommissar Hjuler and by Barbara Rapp & Kommissar Hjuler will be shown.

Beginning of November we started our own gallery room called STATT!garten, Jaegerweg 16, 24941 Flensburg. At the room we show solo works by us and work from the collaboration projects we run. For start we present as well works in collaboration with Barbara Rapp, Clayton Patterson, and Josef Karl.

Beginning of November 2012 the label black horizons, 3270 21st St. #105, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA, for their catalogue number 50 released a luxury art book containings several pictures of our art, and also released as number 52 a C-82 with anticipation track by Jonathan Dilas and us and also several solo tracks by us.

From November 4th, 2012 to February 15th, 2013, IMCAC, Fort Worth, Texas/USA, will show work by us at their rooms in 135 Country Circle Drive Suite F #10, Pagosa Springs, Colorado 81147, USA, for the show Collage/Assemblage Centennial 1912-2012.

November 7th, 2012, work by Kommissar Hjuler was shown for Salongespraech, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld.

We contributed some work to the exhibition (Im Prinzip) COLLAGE by Mainzer Kunsterverein Walpodenstrasse 21 e. V., it was shown at Walpodenakademie, Neubrunnenstrasse 8, 55116 Mainz, from November 9th to 24th, 2012. A catalogue for the exhibition will become pressed.

Some work by us was part of the exhibition ECCE ARTIST, taking place at Fabbrica Immagine, Via dei tre pupazzi, 5A, Rome, Italy http://fabbricaimmagine.blogspot.com/ <http://fabbricaimmagine.blogspot.com/>; on November 10th, 2012, lasting for one year, with possibly changed locations all over Italy. The events are curated by Maria Grazia Benvenuti, Via Cola Di Rienzo, 243, 00192 Rome, Italy.

November 10th, 2012 we performed a springpreparationconcert by Heather Leigh & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau w/Violet Storm, Upper Church Gallery, Edinburgh/UK, as part of the Summerhall Art Festival. A DVD-R from the concert will become released by Heart Fine Art Ltd. (UK).

From November 11th 2012 to January 10Th, 2013, some collaborative work by Barbara Rapp and us was shown as part of her exhibition Zwischen den Beinen Vol.2, Galerie Offenes Atelier D.U.Design, Postgasse 6, A-9500 Villach.

From November 17th, 2012 on some collaborative work by Philipp Graffham and Kommissar Hjuler was shown at the Misfit Toy Oddities Show, Arte Cabulturo Art Studios, 15815 Main St., La Puente, USA. The exhibition ended on December 7th. During this time several concerts took place at the venue. 

We contributed some work to the exhibition Today and Tomorrow at Art Association Bad Aibling, Sonnenstrasse 3 C, 83043 Bad Aibling, curated by Dragan Jugic, which took place from November 19th to December 12th, 2012.

From November 21st, 2012 to January 31st, 2013 one work form Daniela Floersheim & Kommissar Hjuler is shown for the group exhibition VOYAGE, Heinrich-Heine-Institut, Bilker Strasse 12-14, 40213 Duesseldorf.

The German label Industrial Culture presented a split-CD-R by Tassilo Kaminsky and us end of November 2012. The label Torga Amun Records, Vitaly Maklakov, Sverdlovsk area, c.Kamensk-Uralsky, P.O. Box 38, 623430 Russia, http//torga-amun.blogspot.com/, present our recordings Menschenfresser and Topos Sociopathicus as CD-R.

November 30th, 2012, Foltergaul & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau played live at Concert Strefa Monotype, Centre For Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, Poland. Our contribution for the concert series was set up with fundings by Goethe-Stiftung Warschau, ul. Chmielna 13, 00-021 Warszawa.

Since December 2012 the Goethe-Stiftung Warschau, ul. Chmielna 13, 00-021 Warszawa, is presenting work by us as part of their international art collection.

The french artist BRUME relased a LP on Rotorelief  named "Xerxes", for which he used a voice channel by Kommissar Hjuler.

The Italian label Ricerca Sonora in December 2012 released a recording of the concert Ninni Morgia/Silvia Kastel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Jericho/live in Edinburgh -  as a LP with a special edition of 20 copies as boxed set with handmade inserts, and a regular edition of 180 copies.

For the exhibition Winterausstellung THE BOX some collaborative work by Daniela Floersheim & Kommissar Hjuler were shown by The Box Duesseldorf, Duisburger Str.97, 40479 Duesseldorf. The exhibition started on December 6th, 2012, lasted short time.

Kunststueck Berlin - Produzentengalerie & Kunstsalon, Galerie fuer junge, zeitgenoessische Kunst & Agentur für Grafik Design, Braunschweiger Strasse 64, 12055 Berlin, showed an installation by us at their exhibition -- Frau Holle & die 7 Zwerge - from December 8th, 2012 to January 4th, 2013, the finissage was a live show by us performing Frau Holle.
Galeria AT, ul. Solna 4, 61-735 Poznan/PL, showed a RedFoxPress exhibition Franticham's Universe from December 10th to 21st, 2013, for which our contributions to Franticham's Assemblage Boxes were shown as well.

The label Burial Recordings, 3411 Haydee Road, Spring, TX 77388, USA, presented a tape by us end of 2012.

From January 13th to March 10th, 2013, the Frauenmuseum Bonn e. V., Im Krausfeld 10, 53111 Bonn, schowed collaborative works by Daniela
Floersheim & Mama Baer and also by KommissarIN Hjuler, Mama Baer & Daniela Floersheim for their exhibition Wer war Mona Lisa?

From January 25th, 2013 on some work by us will be part of the exhibition Alles Was Recht Ist!, an exhibition that is organized by Leistungskurs Kunst classes of Ratsgymnasium Minden at Verwaltunsgericht Minden, Koenigswall 28, 32423 Minden.

The label Psych.KG end of January 2013 presented a 10inch by Andrew Liles, who remixed our spoken text DIE ANTIZIPATION DES GENERALIZED OTHER in the (SHMF-019+...) project. This 10inch appeared in an edition of 99 copies with front cover styled by Andrew, backside of the cover is a unique collage for each copy by Kommissar Hjuler.

Some work by us  as a part of the presentation of Redfox Press editions was shown during the L A ART BOOK FAIR, MOCA Los Angeles/USA, February 1st to 3rd, 2013, and at CODEX Int. Book Fair, Craneway Pavilion, 1414 Harbor Way South, Richmond/USA, as a part of the presentation of Redfox Press editions, February 10th to 13th, 2013.

In February 2013 a photo collage by us was part of the
Z/W/A/R/T magazine Nr. 5 - night views, Enschede, Netherlands, http://zwartmagazine.tumblr.com/ and http://rawforms.blogspot.nl/.

On February 6th, 2013 Kommissar Hjuler is invited to lead a workshop with children at Kindergarten Weding, Schulstrasse 43, Handewitt, in order to create a snake sculpture, that will be shown this summer at the institution afterwards.

Knox Mitchell, 8129 Wildcat Rd., Jeddo, MI 48032, USA, in February 2013 present a consecutively numbered split tape by The Tenses, a side project of Ju Suk ReetMeate and Oblivia, and by us. And he presented a split tape by Cold Turkey, a free jazz project by Andrew Coltrane, and by us.

Another exhibition of works contributed to the collection of The Museum of Instant Images took place at Koning Willem II College, Tatraweg 80, 5022 DS Tilburg, NL, from February 18th to March 15th, 2013. The Koning Willem II College was the school Vincent Van Gogh visited, and at their own QS Gallery inbetween

Several films by us, also our film in collaboration with Jonathan Dilas were shown at Chicago Cultural Centre, East Washington, for the FluxFest Chicago 2013, February 21st to 24th. Some puppets by Kommissar Hjuler have become exhibited at the Chicago Cultural Centre, East Washington, as well.

Between February 20th to March 30th, 2013, the Indiana University Kokomo, showed films by us for the IU Kokomo International Experimental Video Festival, Indiana University Art Gallery, 2300 South Washington St., Kokomo, IN 46903, USA, as part of the festival Fluxus, now, then and whenever!, curated by Gregory Steel, Assistant Professor of Fine Arts.

End of February 2013 the label Magnetic Regions, 6360 State Route 727, Goshen, OH 45122, USA, presented a tape by Kommissar Hjuler in an edition of 100 copies.

In March 2013 the artists magazine MSS - Meesterd Issue 12, Ultra Eczema, Belgium, focussed on us with a review.

From March 1st to April 4th, 2013, work by us was shown at exhibition ::JAHRES.WERK:: as an exhibitioon of the artists represented by gallery Offenes Atelier D.U.Design, Galerie Offenes Atelier D.U.Design, Postgasse 6, A-9500 Villach.

The label NBD from Poland beginning of March 2013 presented a LP / Acetate with Frank Rowenta & Kommissar Hjuler in an edition of 19 copies, the cover art was by Heinz Lotz from Darmstadt.

From March 21st to April 10th, 2013 Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer exhibited at Belka& Ctrelka gallery, yn Garibaldi 21, Grecheskaya 19, Taganrog, Rostov Area, 347 900 Russia. The gallery also officically represents us in Russia since beginning of March 2013.

End of March, 2013 Kommissar Hjuler has become invited to create a special edition for the vinyl re-issue of Changez les Blockeurs LP by The New Blockaders on the Italian label  Ricerca Sonora, RS6/Kunst, limited to 27 copies.

End of March the Solace Media Corporation USA presented a small book with CD and DVD containing collaborative material by Jonathan Caldwell & Paul Knowles & us, special guest Crank Sturgeon.  Mama Baer and Kommissar Hjuler represent the part of the police in the video.

Another exhibition of works contributed to the collection of The Museum of Instant Images took place atVincents Tekenlokaal, Stadthuisplein 128, 5038 TC Tilburg/NL, on April 2nd and 3rd, 2013.

Beginning of April 2013 the Canadian label knife in the toaster records, 198 Duckworth Street, St. John's NL A1C 1G5,  presented a tape by Kommissar Hjuler.

The label Cipher Productions. c/o Chris Groves, P.O. Box 169, Newton, Tasmania, 7008, Australia, wanted to release a split-LP by  Kommissar Hjuler and another artist in small edition, but the label had to cancel the project. In April 2013 five promo LPs were presented as a very limited release (sic 78) of half-sided 12inch vinyl by Kommissar Hjuler only, and this small edition appeared with five different sleeves created as assemblages of destroyed original works of Joseph Beuys.

For April 27th, 2013 the Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld organized a theme night Musicians & Artists, showing works by Andy Warhol, Martin Kippenberger, Jonathan Meese and Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer, showings several LPs and music releases by us but also some assemblage works. This show is also part of the Lange Museumsnacht Bielefeld 2013.
Kunststueck Berlin - Produzentengalerie & Kunstsalon, Galerie fuer junge, zeitgenoessische Kunst & Agentur fuer Grafik Design, Braunschweiger Strasse 64, 12055 Berlin, showed BROTKATZE Collaborations from May 4th to 17th, 2013, we recognized that more works are existing as space is available at the venue, so we decided to show selected pieces from the project for same period of time at our STATT!garten. The exhibtion is announces as a partnership exhibition by both venues, the vernissage was at Berlin, for which the artist Klaus Rudolf set up the happening BRoTkaTZeN (Manifest).
For Flensburg Eva-Maria Mehrgardt and Kommissar Hjuler presented a special artists event at STATT!garten on May 11th, 2013.
After the finissage at Berlin we go on with a selective show of works from the project Brotkatze Collaborations at only the STATT!garten for three months.

Beginning of May 2013 the label Whiteness & Pinkness, 33 Bailey Ave., Preston, VIC 3072, Australia , release a tape by us.  

In May 2013 the label Quasi Pop Records, P.O. Box 510, 01019 Kiev.19/Ukraine released a CD by Brume, for which Brume used our pre-recorded voices as additional voices.

We contributed a track to the various artists release Shit Rap (Vol. 1-2) - C-60 tape by 72826 Productions, released May 2013 by Monty Rubera/72826 Productions,  33 Bailey Av., Preston, VIV 3072, Australia, featuring: Costes, Oh No! I'm 40!, Syringe Stick-Up Mama, Wigger Mom, Fækal Omsorg, Rimjob, Cock Safari, Ratdog, Big Daddy Murph, Luke, Mofhoprah, Bingo Gazingo, Flaming Dragons of Middle Earth, Tommy Q, Youthful Masturbation Techniques, Kommissar Hjuler and others.

Some work by us was part of the VISPO, 3. International Artbook Exhibition, Belka& Ctrelka gallery, yn Garibaldi 21, Grecheskaya 19, Taganrog/Russia, May 15th to June 16th, 2013.

Bradley Dixon, 6360 State Route 727, Goshen, OH 45122, USA, end of May 2013 presented a tape by Kommissar Hjuler and a tape by Mama Baer on his label Ritual Hypnosis.

In May 2013 the label youdonthavetocallitmusic presented a re-issue of our LP Wiederaufnahmeverfahren II/06 in an edition of 100 copies, we presented a special edtion for this re-issue as well, limited to 12 copies with handpainted cover art by Kommissar Hjuler, all copies numbered and signed.

Another exhibition of works contributed to the collection of The Museum of Instant Images took place at Town Hall of Alphen-Chaam (NL) from May 31st to September 30th, 2013.

End of May 2013 the label permaREV by Peter Kastner, Schulterblatt 25, 20357 Hamburg, presented our concert Peter Kastner (PAAK) & Kakawaka & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - whole lotta love - as a non-limited CD-R (permaREV No. 037).
For their Internati​onale Kurz- und Lang​film Videotage und F​uenfjahresfest, July 9th to 12th, 2013, the GAS-station Berlin, Tempelherrenstrasse 22, 10961 Berlin, the GAS-station team showed a short film by us on July 11th and 12th.

From July 14th to 28th, 2013, a work by Detlev Weigand & Kommissar Hjuler was part of the exhibition ... der himmel so blau so blau ..., Atelierhaus & Galerie A24, Bensberg, Bergisch-Gladbach.

August 2013 we released
UP-TIGHT/Mama Baer- Etude in Black I-IV/Seelennebel-Brut I-II - Split-LP (DVR-HGA) and Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - about me/Die lustigen Abenteuer von Pischi Pischi und Miff Maff/Tretmodul 2/Cunnilingus - Split-LP (SHMF).

Mid of August 2013 we got reviewed at Whiteness & Pinkness zine #1 from Australia, Magazine w/flexi disc, limited to 250 copies. This is an utter mess of a zine, typewritten with intricate handwritten text jutted in and around each line. The zine itself is A4 size, 14 pages long and black & white. It comes in a clear plastic sleeve with a bonus 1-sided flexi-disc W&P label sampler w/ tracks from the people featured in the zine. Also comes with a bonus Whiteness & Pinkness pin-backed button. And the label Attenuation Circuit, Neusaesser Strasse 10A, 86156 Augsburg, presented a MC by us in collaboration with the German band Emerge.

In September 2013 the label DVR (PL) presented Hans-Joachim Hespos/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - t a n E K / t a n E K u b u s /t a n (alog) E K / H J C v G - Split-LP (DVR-HGA10). And the label Stand-Up Tragedy Records (USA) presented a V.A.-10-MC-Box V. A. The Confessor with tracks by Hopi Torvald, Kommissar Hjuler, Razen, Classwar Karaoke Friends, Evil Moisture, Wehwalt, Adam Bohman & Adrian Northover, Love, Execution Style, Yoshihiro Kikuchi, Christopher Fleeger, Sinus Buds, Andy Ortmann, Joke Lanz, Dylan Nyoukis, Lee Gamble, CM von Hausswolff, Leif Elggren, John Moloney, Matt Reis, Language of Light, Offerings, Requiem, Hopek Quirin, Michael Esposito, and Bryan Lewis Saunders in an edition of 33 copies.

From September 7th to 20th, 2013, we presented an exhibition of assemblages created on basis of  H.O.M. Inc. (House of Milan) films/magazines as  H.O.M. Inc.-Werkzyklus and as a tribute to Barbara Behr at Galerie Cross Art, Berlin. Some collaborations with Vladimir Vacosky and Jaya Suberg were shown as well. For opening we presented a performance by Foltergaul, Bernd Brecht, Uwe Moellhusen (Gruppe Weltausstellung) and Kommissar Hjuler und Frau. Galerie Cross Art on September 7th, 2013 took part of 4. art kreuzberg by presenting our vernaissage and our group performance.

On September 14th and 15th,  2013 some work by us became shown for exhibition YOLO, Kunstrefugium e. V., Corso Leopold, Leopoldstrasse, Muenchen.

In fall 2014 we contributed some tracks for the Blorp Esette Gazette, a quarterly CD / Magazin  by the Los Angeles Free Music Society, released by Ace Farren Ford, 7560 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90046, USA. There has been one track on release no. 2, next track will appear on vol. 3.

We were part of a series of exhibitions focussing on Georg Buechner and took place at several locations in Berlin, between September and November 2013, with works by us and works in collaboration with ALBRECHT/d.

We showed some work at the exhibition Visions of Bosch, which took place at the Jheronimus Bosch Art Center, Jeroen Boschstraat 2  5211 ML 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands, on 28th of September, 2013.

End of September 2013 the label Autistic Campaign, 108 rue Martainville, 76000 Rouen, France, presented a CD-R by us. 
From October 4th to 24th, 2013 some work by us and Clare Herbert, Erin Oliva Weber, William Ambrose, Aiyana Udesen, Martha Colburn, Jeremy Kennedy, Brenda Grell, Roberto Palazzo, Astral Eyes, Doug Theriault, Alejandro Garcia, Brian Bamps, Abbey Lee Sarver, Nora Keyes, Remi Faure, Geneva Snyder, Peter LaVigne-Chalek, Nicholas Capaldi, John Wiese, Louie Gonzales, Colin Manning was shown at The VOODOO YOODOO exhibition, Vagrant Eye Projection Museum, 53 Southeast 80th Avenue, Portland, OR 97215, USA, the museum also organized a film and video screening for the October 4th for which also films by us have become shown.

We created some films for the Hunters Moon Festival, Carrickon Shannon, Co Leitrim/Carrick-on-Shannon, Ireland, October 25th to 27th, 2013, that have been shown as video projection for background of the concerts.

From November 1st to 30th, 2013, some work by us was shown for the Project Art-essence - Stranger In Paradise, at Centro Cultural des Hispanohablantes de Amsterdam, Willem Schoutenstraat 1 A, NL-1057 DL Amsterdam. Works are a donation to Colectivo Femenino Art-esencia, Barcelona/E.

Mid of November 2013 we donated several works to collection Cgroup/Massimo Nicotra, Il Museo con Sede Vagante (MSV), Roma/I, which shall be shown at several locations in 2013/2014.

Mid of November 2013 the label My Dance The Skull, Flat 5, 52 Kangley Bridge Road, SE26 5DD London, UK, presented the split tape FLUXUS AND FUNK III Medium Medium & Kommissar Hjuler, their catalogue no. is mdts 08, edition of 100 tapes. This is the third split release by us with Medium Medium in the series Fluxus & Funk beside the Split-LPs (SHMF - 219) and the (SHMF-222). And 19 Split-MCs are available with a handmade fluxus-booklet by Kommissar Hjuler (SHMF-MDTS).

Mid of November 2013 we created a polyurethan glue vinyl object for the label DVR-HGA. The label got few more DVR-HGA9- and DVR-HGA10-LPs as ordered  from pressing company, so that a limited edition of eleven copies was created by glueing together both guest artists sides of the project. Result was a thick but playable vinyl object with Mama Baer side of the DVR-HGA9 and Kommissar Hjuler-side of the DVR-HGA10.

We contributed four pages to the book Muder langage and you muder god by Eric Lunde, pressed at blahblahbla/Torso and Such, P.O.Box 11754, St. Paul, MN 55111, USA in cooperation with trait media works/Eric Lunde, 3629 43rd Ave. south, Minneapolis, MN 55406, USA. The book was released mid of November 2013 with a CD containing tracks by Eric Lunde, AMK, Vertonen, Bryce Beverlin II, Grunt, Jeph Jerman, Jimmy DeRoth, Karl J. Paloucek, Miguel A. Garcia, Mindvoid,  XELUNDH, Tom Cassidy, and us as well.

We contributed some work to the exhibition by The VAC Gallery, 93 Brunner Square, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 5DR, UK, at Northwich Town Centre, lasting from November 29th to December 31st, 2013. After having been shown the work became part of The VAC Archive.
In December 2014 also work has become part of the open fluxus collection run by Vittore Baroni from Italy, and the book by Foltergaul has become part of the Universitaetsbibliothek Kiel, Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet (CAU) zu Kiel, Olshausenstrasse 40, 24118 Kiel.

We contributed some work to an exhibition curated by Jutta Wittmann for Kunstwerkstatt Wien, Siebensterngasse 16, 1070 Wien/A, exhibited in December 2013.

Beginning of December 2013 we gave some work to the Artpool - The Experimentan Art Archive of Eastern-Europe, Artpool Research Center, Liszt Ferenc ter 10, first floor, 1277 Budapest IV/Hungary.

Beginning of December 2013 the label Voluntary Whores, Turgut Kocer, Haydnstrasse 22, 40822 Mettmann, presented a Tape in 7inch sleeve by us.

Beginning of December 2013 the label Whiteness & Pinkness, 33 Bailey Av., Preston, VIV 3072, Australia, presented a split tape by us and PVA IN HAIR and a tape by Mama Baer.

At our exhibition venue STATT!garten we showed collaborations by Jaroslav Divis (Vsetin/Czech Republic) & Kommissar Hjuler and by Alvaro Sanchez (Guatemala City/Guatemala) and Kommissar Hjuler. Title was Unsere Schoensten Mondlandungen (Our Most Beautiful Moon Landings). The exhibition lasted from December 7th, 2013 to March 2nd, 2014. Please see file STATT!garten for detailed information!

End of December, 2013, the label Fluxus Montana, Matt Taggart, 746 1/2 Grand Ave, Billings MT 59101, USA, presented a tape by us, and the label Research Laboratories, 1 Oakcroft Gardens, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 6LT, UK, presented a Split-MC by Thomas LaRoche and Mama Baer.

The label Voluntary Whores, Turgut Kocer, Haydnstrasse 22, 40822 Mettmann, presented another tape by us in January 2014, and also the label DVR-HGA released another LP by us in their split-LP series. Moreover, the label NBD from Poland released two MCs and a Mini-CD-R by us.

Work by us became shown for the exhibition Nema Tog Podruma III, 44 (sic), Bleekhofstraat 44, 2140 Borgerhout/Antwerp/B, lasting from January 17th to 24th, 2014.

End of January the label 8eminis, Stephane Kerandel, Carrer de santa maria 155 atico 1 a, E-08911 Barcelona, presented a Split-MC by us and Sick Llama.

We contributed some collaborative work for the exhibition Mi Corazon, which took place at Jaycee Park Center for Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr, Irving, TX 75061, USA, from January 24th to February 27th, 2014.

We contributed a work for the exhibition  MAI PIU - Il Giorno della Memoria, Istituto Omnicomprensivo Statale, Via de Gasperi, 22, 86043 Casacalenda (CB), Italia., work was shown on January 27th at the institute.

We contributed a work for the exhibition Ex Postale Facto, curated by Jennie Hinchcliff and John Held jr., which took place at San Francisco Center for the Book, February 14th to 16th, 2014, our work later became be part of the collection of John Held jr.

From February 14th to June 14th, 2014, collaborative work by Detlev Weigand and Kommissar Hjuler was shown as part of Detlev Weigand's exhibition The Real Fiction oder gefaelschte Wahrheiten, Galerie Schröder & Doerr, Bergisch Gladbach.

We contributed some work to the exhibition Zalop at Eyedrum Art & Music Gallery, 115 MLK Jr. Dr. SW, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA. Works were shown from February 15th to March 16th, 2014. During this time the gallery set up special film events, for which some short films by us were shown.

From February 20th to 23rd, 2014, we were part of the FluxFest Chicago 2014, several works from our Brotkatze project were shown at the following locations:
School of Art Institute Institute, Cultural Centre of Chicago, the 6018 North Gallery, the Mana Fine Arts Chicago and the New York Correspondance School.

Beginning of March 2014
the label One Kind Favor/Nick Williams, USA presented an art book by Joeri Bruyninckx titled - I bake your pardon? I never promised you an avant-garden - , the book contains an interview by us and gives a review on our work as artists and musicians.

End of March 2014 the label Psych.KG presented the second tape in the Fluxus +/- series (See Point 13 !), the tape contains tracks by Wolf Vostell, Wataru Kasahara, Juergen O. Olbrich & Kommissar Hjuler. Also the german label Shit Noise Records presented a CD-R by Mama Baer and Amy Weinrausch, Joel Nobody, and Hi, Dad.

We contrubuted some music to the turn-table performance Bruitalorgasme, March 27th, 2014, at Salon Bruit, Laskerstrasse 5, 10245 Berlin.

From March 29th to April 27th, 2014 we showed work by Reinhard Stammer and Kommissar Hjuler at STATT!garten, Jaegerweg 16, Flensburg.

March 30th, the label Shit Noise Records released the various artists CD-R Cats Came From Another Planet. The CD-R contains two tracks by us.

Beginning of April 2014 the label NBD (PL) presented a double MC by us.

Mid of April 2014 we contributed some work to collection Bertram, Museum Nortorf, Jungfernstieg 6, Nortorf.

Mid of April 2014 the fluxus LPs Psych.KG 123 and Psych.KG 125 (both compiled by us) have become released at Psych.KG.

On April 2014 our Russian gallery, Belka& Ctrelka gallery, yn Garibaldi 21, Grecheskaya 19, Taganrog, Rostov Area, 347 900 Russia, set up performance with music and video event for us at MAKARONKA / 16th LINE gallery, 18 Linia 10, Rostov on Don/Russia, as second part of the evening some works by related fluxus artists and us were shown.

Three films by us became shown for UNEXPECTED festival Amsterdam, 1st Concrete Church, Amsterdam/NL, May 16th to 18th, 2014.

backup_festival , 16. Kurzfilmfestival Weimar, Lichthaus Kino Weimar, Am Kirschberg 4, 99423 Weimar, May 21st to 25th, 2014, two films by us have been shown.

From May 25th to June 29th, we showed work by Peter Rathke, Mama Baer, and Kommissar Hjuler at STATT!garten, Jaegerweg 16, Flensburg.

From May 29th to July 6th, 2014 collaborative work with Detlev Weigand is shown as part of an exhibition by Manuela Klein & Detlev Weigand, St. Thomae Kirche, Klosterstrasse 10, 59494 Soest.

Our LP-series FLUXUS (Psych.KG) became introduced by a special event organized by our Russian gallery at Museum of Modern Fine Art on Dmitrovskaya, Rostov-on-Don showroom, May 31st, 2014.

We contributed some work to the exhibition Mermaids in the port, queens of the sea ... , which took place from June 3rd. to 30th, 2014 at Le Lab, 3 rue Bussy L'Indien, 13006 Marseille/France.

We contributed some collaborative work with Oxana Mahnac to the exhibition Macht Geld! by Schoenweide Kreativ, Schalterraum, Wilhelminenhof 82a, 12459 Berlin, which took place from June 13th to July 6th, 2014.

Alvaro Sanchez and Kommissar Hjuler contributed our collaborative work WE WERE NOT EATING APPLES to the collection of Kiss Joszef (Hungary), works from collection will become shown at 3rd International M. A. E. Nyiracsad, Malom Gallery, Nyiracsad/Hungary, on June 23rd, 2014.

From June 7th to 20th, 2014, our Gallery FluxRus organized an exhibition at Bogoljubow-Bibliothek der Kuenste, Sushevstaya St. 14, Moscow/Russia, for which several works by us became shown.

The FluxFest Chicago did a special at Minnesota Center for Book Arts in July, 2014 called FLUXJOB. For this event the series FLUXUS (Psych.KG) has become presented with a special poster installation of cover art.

We started to exhibit collaborative work with Daniela Floersheim at German galleries this summer. First exhibition titled Bienenkaesten flux flug, Daniela Floersheim & Kommissar Hjuler took place at Europaeischer Kunsthof, Stolberg, lasting from July 6th to August 24th, 2014. The gallery is mainly a showroom for the artists of the gallery exhibited permanently, so our assemblages were show in the reception area and over one wall in a showroom of works by Joseph Beuys, Joerg Immendorff, Sigmar Polke. Exhibition was opened by a performance of Foltergaul, Mama Baer, Kommissar Hjuler and Daniela Foersheim on July 6th and two more music acts of jazz music and Celtic music. Our performance took place in sculture park Gotthardt Walter of the galary.

On July 28th, 2014 we started with an exhibition of work at selected and very hidden places in the Handewitter Forst, a huge forest nearby Flensburg. For this exhibition we follow an idea of Dietmar Kirves (NO!art Movement, Berlin), who wanted to set a statement against expensive show rooms. His idea was to set up an outdoor show of early NO!art works nearby Berlin and run a shuttle service (by Dominik Stahlberg, Mama Baer, and Kommissar Hjuler) to drive all visitors from Berlin to the outdoor places and back. For our own solo exhibition we have chosen places away from the forest tracks, so one only finds these places by chance, if one leaves the forest tracks. For sure we do conducted tours with some friends. First we set the show up to the end of the year, if the forestry office will not force us to end with the show any earlier. And maybe it will last sometime longer in the end.

In July 2014 the Arf Society, Bad Doberan presented for their 25th Zappanale a book as retospective, we were asked to be present on two sides, writing about our experiences during our show for the 21st Zappanale. Our show has been kept in mind by the organizers.

End of August the Label Psych.KG in collaboration with DVR (PL) released a double MC in box with object by us.
And in September 2014 several tapes in FLUXUS series by Psych.KG  have been released.

End of September the label Obsolete Units from Oakland, USA, released a tape by us and AG Davis.

Beginning of October, 2014 several LPs and  tapes became released in FLUXUS +/- series by Psych.KG.

From September 29th to October 20th, 2014, some collages from cover art of Psych.KG - FLUX-series were shown at exhibition Collage Binge, the Projection Museum, 53 Southeast 80th Ave., Portland, Oregon/USA, this cover art became part of the collection of the Projection Museum.

November 1st and 2nd we opened the STATT!garten, Jaegerweg 16, Flensburg as part of 1. Ateliertage Flensburg by Kulturbuero Flensburg.

From November 7th to 30th, 2014, we showed some work by us at STATT!garten Flensburg.

Some of the collaborative work with Oxana Mahnac was shown as part of her exibition at Moving Poets, Hasselwerder Strasse 22, Berlin, opening November 8th, 2014, lasting until beginning of January, 2015.

Beginning of November, 2014, the label
Obsolete Units from Brooklyn, New York/USA, released a MC by AG Davis & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau titled audio works.

End of November 2014, none records, Douglas Lucas/Louisville Exeperimental Festival, Louisville/USA, released an anti-tape by us.

Our gallery from in Taganrog together with curator Vasiliy Melnichenko has set up an exhibition of destroyed art and music at the Museum multimedia, Omsk/Russia, lasting from December 10th, 2014 to January 10th, 2015.

End of December, 2014, the labels Psych.KG Euskirchen as part of FLUXUS +/- series released two new LPs containing tracks by us, a Split-LP by Milan Knizak and Kommissar Hjuler, and a solo LP by Mama Baer.

On January 17th, 2015, videos by us were shown as an event called Art's birthday, organized by Lousiville Experimental Festival, Louisville/USA.

We played live with Foltergaul at Moving Poets, Hasselwerder Strasse 22, Berlin, on January 17th, 2015. The team of Novilla later took a work by us for their open art collection, permanently shown at the building.

From February 11th to 14th, 2015, a work by us was shown at exhibition spirit of the forest, The Mercury Theatre, Balkerne Gate, Colchester CO1 1PT, UK.

Work by us will became presented on February 22nd, 2015 for FluxFest Chicago 2015 (lasting from 19th to 22nd, 2015) as a special event at 6018 NORTH Art Space, 6018 N. Kenmore Ave., Chicago/USA, to introduce FLUXUS +/- series.

On March 6th, 2015 we were invited to played live with Peter Kastner at festival Good Night Wild Bride - 40 years of industrial, taking place at Kraniche bei den Elbbruecken, Brandshofer Deich 45, Hamburg. When we saw the location, we cancelt the show.

Beginning of March, 2015 six new LPs in the series FLUXUS +/- with tracks by us were released by Psych.KG.

From March 25th to May 3rd, 2015 an assemblage by Kommissar Hjuler is shown for exhibition Otto 200 - Bismarck Portraits, Museum Obere Saline, Orangerie, Bad Kissing. For the exhibition 12 artists stamps have become released by the museum, one artist stamp shows Kommissar Hjuler's assemblage.

We  contributed some works for an exhibition called Egg Project, Budapest Stamp Museum, 47 Harsfa Street, Budapest/Hungary, which took place from March 30th to April 12th, 2015.

From April 11th to May 22nd, 2015 two films by us were shown for Wardrobe International Film Festival WIFF, Toronto/Canada.

Some work by us was shown from April 24 to 26, 2015 at Festival of Contemporary Art CAN! by Krasnodar Institute of Contemporary Art, Krasnodar/Russia.

And April 25th, 2015 work by us was shown for NachtAnsichten, Lange Museumsnacht der Stadt Bielefeld, at Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld.

Also end of April another LP by us appeared on Psych.KG, aliases Karen Eliot and Monty Cantsin were used for artists names. Also some tapes became released in April/May, 2015.

Project Fluxus +/- was shown as part of Belka& Ctrelka exhibition MAKARONKA, Center for Contemporary Art, Rostov on Don/Russia, on May 21st, 2015.

End of May, 2015 the label Psych.KG released a tape by Brandstifter in the series Fluxus +/- with cover art by Kommissar Hjuler, also a LP with tracks by Barbara Rapp and us, and a LP with collaborative track by Milan Knizak and us, and beginning of June, 2015 two more various artists tapes with tracks by us.

Work by will be shown for summer exhibition again at our Austrian gallery Offenes Atelier D. U. Design, Postgasse 6, A-9500 Villach in June/July, 2015.

For the Rapid Ear Movement Festival, Projektgruppe Neue Musik e. V. Bremen, June 25th to 28th, 2015, our film tanEKbus with Hans-Joachim Hespos and Christoph Ogiermann was premiered as remittarance work for the festival. We also performed live at the festival, together with PAAK.

We were invited to perform at Brise°3 festival Flensburg/Abenraa, July 2th to 5th., we played that Saturday at Castle Augustenborg, Augustenborg/DK.

Some new releases in the sereis FLUXUS +/- (Psych.KG (D)) appeared beginning of July, 2015.

We contributed some work to exhibition - What do you WISH? - at Staten Island Ferry Terminal, Staten Island, New York, USA, exhibition took place from July 16th to September 19th, 2015.

Mid of July, 2015 the label Sentimental Fool Ltd. from USA presented a 10inch by a group project called Sentimental Fools. We joined in the group for this recording. The set of the group varies for each recording, main member always is the artist Sentimental Fool as founder of the project.
The Sasquatch III CD got released in USA, and some more tapes on German Psych.KG label in series Fluxus +/-.

Also mid of July, 2015 the Italian label Oggi è un Giorno in Bianco & Nero will present a Split-7inch by Marcello Ambrosini and us, playing for this recording as trio with Ludo Mich. And the label Psych.KG presented a new LP by Franz Kamin, Magnus Palsson and us.

Beginning and mid of September, 2015 several more releases in Fluxus +/- series appeared. And as a re-issue of one LP from fluxus +/- series Color Climax Records (as a side-label of Psych.KG) released the LP The Kommissar Hjuler Lectures - Die gesamte Scheisse ueber Dieter Roth.

October 23rd, 2015 a film by Mama Baer ("tanEKubus") and a film by Anton Corbijn ("don van vliet : some yo yo stuff ") were shown at Theater am Ring for Kernmacherei 5 festival by Staedtische Galerie and Amt fuer Kultur Villingen-Schwenningen. These two films built the opening act for the following live concerts.

About 20 works from FLUXUS +/- were shown at exhibition RECORDINGS by Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg, lasting from October 28th to December 13th, 2015.

Some more LPs in the series FLUXUS +/- became released end of  October, 2015, also a our 12th LP in the series on DVR-HGA. And beginning of November, 2015 some lathe-cut releases, more LPs and again tapes became released for FLUXUS +/- series.  And the label HPSS from Sweden released a CD-R by us and Hate Poem.

Beginning of December, 2015, the LPs from FLUXUS +/- became part of the collection of Hubert Kretschmer and were preseneted as special on FLUXUS +/- & Kommissar Hjuler at TAM TAM Instoregig, pin Passage, Bayerstrasse 4, Munich, on December 17th.

And end of the year 2016 some more releases at series Fluxus +/- became released.

Beginning of 2016 the label HPSS from Sweden released a tape and/or tape in box with assemblage by Hate Poem and us. And the label Inyrdisk from Canada released a various artists CD-R set with track by us.

And the series of releases at FLUXUS +/- concept continued. Several LPs from FLUXUS +/- have become part of the collections by Fondazione Bonotto, Via dell'Artigianato, 39, 36060 Molvena (VI)/Italia, and Jan van Eyck Academie, Academieplein 1, 6211 KM Maastricht/NL.

Beginning of March 2016 some LPs of Fluxus +/- have became part of the collectiuon of
ZKM Karlsruhe, Museum fuer Neue Kunst, Lorenzstrasse 19, 76135 Karlsruhe. Also some new LPs and tapes became released  in the series.

April 2nd, 2016, Sukanyan Sunthareswaran & Hundred Food Road Ensemble & Mama Baer, set up a mixed media concert "For The Maincontroll" at KM Music Conservatory, 19 Vinayagapuram 2nd Street, MMDA Colony, Arumbakkam, Chennai 600-106, Tamil Nadu, India.

April 9th, 2016 some work by Isy Hoepfner and us was part of exhibition Planet Hagen, up & down, Werkhof Hagen.

Mid of April some new releases at the series FLUXUS +/- by Psych.KG appeared, moreover Kenny Johansson of Hate Poem made two releases presenting by part our music for the label Carpenter Prod. USA.

From April 29th to October 31st, 2016 some collaborative work with Barbara Rapp was shown for her exhibition "ich mach mir die welt ..." at Gemeindeamt St. Jacob, Rosental/A.

April 30th, 2016 we participated again for NachtAnsichten, Lange Museumsnacht der Stadt Bielefeld, Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld.

In May new releases in the series FLUXUS +/- appeared. Family Fodder/Kommissar Hjuler - widerstand zu zeiten schwarzer paedagogik - LP (Psych.KG (D)

From May 13th to 30th, 2016, some work by us was shown for
Belka& Ctrelka event at The Youth Center Festival of Books in Taganrog, Russia.

On May 28th, 2016, for
FluxFest Chicago, some early films by Mama Baer were shown at The 6018 Gallery, Chicago/USA. More works were shown for FluxFest 2016 at Joan Flasch Artist Book Library, School of the Art Institute, Chicago, May 26th to June 10th, 2016.

July and August 2016 new LPs in the series Fluxus +/- appeared, some became part of the collection by Tri-Centric Foundation, Brooklyn, NY 11202-2935, USA.

A performance by PAAK, Foltergaul and us took place at Gutes Leben / Rauschmelder Stimmen Festival, Atelierhaus 23, Hamburg, September 16th to 17th, 2016. Oter performaers were Michael Barthel, Anna Schimkat, KLANK (Markowski, Ogiermann, Schomacker), The Oval Language, Das Synthetische Mischgewebe.

In September and November, 2016 new LPs in the series Fluxus +/- appeared.

End of November, 2016 a various artists Picture LP containing one track by Kommissar Hjuler was released by Swedish label Hate Poem Self-Releases.

And December, 2016 new LPs in the sereis Fluxus +/- appeared as well, and the Russian label Floppy Kick released a floppy disc with collaborative track by The New Blockaders & Kommissar Hjuler in an edition of 72 copies, artwork by Richard Rupenus.

January 2017, new LPs in the series FLUXUS +/- appeared.

Januray 31st, 2017, the exhibition No DADA LEFT at the Museum of Immigration of Thessaloniki/Greece, organized by Photography Center of Thessaloniki/Group TeeToTum, to which we contributed some work. 
For Feb. 11th there has been set up a small short film festival, for which films by Mama Baer will be shown at Photography Center of Thessaloniki.
Two films have become shown as video installation/projection for the opening event at the Museum of Immigration of Thessaloniki/Greece as well.

February, March and April, 2017, new LPs in the series FLUXUS +/- appeared, also a Picture LP by THE NEW BLOCKADERS & KOMMISSAR HJULER appeared and the swedish label Obskyr Rec. in an edition of 100 copies. Beside these 100 PicLPs 18 copies with grey marbled colour exist as special with unique cover art by Kommissar Hjuler.

For the event "Things That Go Bump ..." at Jan van Eyck Academie, Academieplein 1, 6211 KM Maastricht/NL music tracks by Kommissar Hjuler were used for an installation as listening room on April 7th, 2017.

April 8th, 2017 we performed live with PAAK and Jan van Wissen at Kuenstlerhaus Sootboern, Hamburg.

In April, 2017 the
 Italian label Oggi E Un Giorno In Bianco & Nero presented their second Split-7inch by Gregorio Bardini, Vogler and and Kommissar Hjuler und Frau.

The label Malmlund Records, c/o Christian Malmlund, Ostersandsvaegen 19, 22550 Vardo, Finland, will soon present a LP with collaborations by us, one side contains a collaboration with Lt. Caramel (France), other side a collaboration with Cody Brant (USA). Christian Malmlund holds rights of viontage 35mm dia slides by big model agencies like VivThomas Com (UK) and Scarlett O'Hara Photgraphics/Scarlett Content (Spain), so the LP appears in shape of a giant dia slide of the porn actress Tina (https://www.scarlettcontent.net/product_info.php?products_id=798).  A second LP by the label was released shortly after this LP as well.

Shortly after this a LP with two live concerts by us was produced by German artist dicker barnes, as a private release.

In May, June, July, and August, 2017 several more LPs in the series FLUXUS +/- appeared.

Since August 6th, 2017, a work by Barbara Rapp&KHj. is contributed to permanent exhibition WALDwillKUNST, Rochus Gratzfeld/Sarród, Hungary.

Since September 15th, 2017 several works especically built for Heart Fine Art Ltd. UK on basis of LPs from the series together with installations/works by Christian Boltanski, Kommissar Hjuler, Bobby Sayers, and Amy-Leigh Bird were shown as an outdoor installation by LUST AND THE APPLE, The Old Primary Schhol, 19 Temple Near Gorebridge, Midloathian, EH23 4SQ, UK.

Some more LPs in series FLUXUS +/- appeared, also new tape releases from Russian label and from Australian labels

October 6th to 29th, 2017 for the show Generator RVA some LPs from FLUXUS +/- with cover art by Kommissar Hjuler were shown at Sediment, 208 East Grace St., Richmond, VA 23219, USA.

In November, December, 2017, new LPs on Psych.KG appeared.

In January and February, 2018 new LPs appeared on Psych.KG label. Moreover the english label Quagga Curious Records  presented a floppy disc by us.

And in March, 2018, two more LPs on Psych.KG and two more LPs on Malmlund Rec., Finland, became released.

In April, May, June, July, August, 2018 new LPs on Psych.KG, Malmlund Rec. appeared, also a lathe 7inch by Mama Baer on La Bois Records, and a 3-MC-Set and a MC on Obskyr Records/S.

Work by Barbara Rapp & Kommissar Hjuler / Mama Baer becomes shown for Diorama K18 Kruppendorf, Dark City Kunstfestival, Hauptstrasse 159, A-9201 Krumpendorf, 21.08.2018 - 02.09.2018 as part of a solo show by Barbara Rapp.

From 19th to 21st of October some anti-books and LPs from FLUXUS +/- have been shown for exhibition Friends With Books, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin.

In autumn 2018 the labels Nihilist Records, Psych.KG and Malmlund Rec. produced several more LPs and MCs presenting music by KHj+F./MB.

End of 2018 and beginning of 2019 several new LPs and MCs became released by Psych.KG and by Malmlund Rec.

From Feb. 28. to  March 31st, 2019 work by Kommissar Hjuler is part of the exhibition Self-Publishing, Publizieren als Kunst, kunsTTempel, kunst und literatur e.v., Hans-Boeckler-Str. 5, Kassel. A printed catalogue contains an image of a work by KHj.

In March new LPs appeared in the series FLUXUS +/-.  Moreover, a lathe-cut by Dino Felipe and Kommissar Hjuler on la bois rec./Germany. End of March and in April the Danish artists Goodiepal and his "Pals" made some events for music and films by KHj+F. at the Bananskolen (the goodiepal collection @ statens museum for kunst ), Statens Museum for Kunst (SMK) , Copenhagen/DK.

In April and May, 2019 several more LPs with tracks by Kommissar Hjuler appeared on Psych.KG, Euskirchen, also new LPs on Malmlund Rec., Finland, and a LP with cover art by Heinz W. Lotz from Darmstadt. 

In summer 2019 some tapes by labels from USA and Australia followed, also several more LPs in series FLUXUS +/- and by Malmlund Rec., Finland.

July 27th, 2019 puppets by us were shown for Kunstbahnhof Woerthersee mit G. Madl-Kren, Barbara Rapp & KHj+F., M. Steinwender, Velden/A.

Sptember 4th, 2019 the Museum Huelsmann presented some works by us for the show Beruehmte Namen: Freddy Mercury.

In September and October new LPs appeared on Malmlund Records and Psych.KG.

Beginning of November a best-of CD by Jopnathan Meese and KHj+F appeared on the German label Moloko +, presenting a selection of tracks from FLUXUS +/- series.

From 4th of November to 18th of November the Studio Wunderbar, A-1020 Wien, presented the exhibition Kommissar Hjuler +/- Wolfgang Kindermann.

November 15th, 2019 some short films by us became shown for the event "Hospital of the Souls" at the IKLECTIK ART LAB ART LAB, Old Paradise Yard, 20 Carlisle Lane, London SE1 7LG,UK, beside music presentaion or lectures by Adam Bohman & Richard Crow, David Ellis's Rapid Response Unit and Luke Jordan.

In December 2019 new LPs by us got presented by Malmlund Rec. (FIN) and Psych.KG (D).

And in 2020 the series of releases continued with several new LPs released by Malmlund Records (FIN) and Psych.KG (D) and the new founded label Bawah Tanah Rekod (Malaysia).

From June 30th to July 22nd, 2020 work from FLUXUS+/- created on texts by W. Kindermann were shown at gallery MAG3, Schiffamtsgasse 17, Vienna (A), the gallery printed a book (202 sides, full colour images, 100 copies) on the project, the book appears with additional CD by Psych.KG.

In autumn and winter 2020 several more LP got released by Carpenter Prod. USA (Sweden), Malmlund Rec. (Finland) and Psych.KG (D), also a various artists CD on US-american label
No Part Of It presented a track by Mama Baer.

2020 ended with a Split-LP by Faust & Khj+F. with Family Fodder and a Split-LP by Smell and Quim & Mama Baer.

2021 started with a LP by Franz Graf and KHj+F. for Psych.KG (D), the series Fluxus +/-, some collaborative LPs with Smell & Quim, a Split-LP by AZOIKUM and several more LPs on the labels Carpenter Prod. USA from  Sweden and Malmlund Records from Finland and Psych.KG Euskirchen.

May 26th to  30th, 2021 about 50 LPs from Fluxus +/- became shown for PARALLEL EDITIONS 1/21, Semper Depot/Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste, Wien/A, and for the weekend 28th/29th of May the Gallery KRINZINGER organized a special set-sale event set-sale event for LPs from FLUXUS +/-
during their show DIE DR. MABUSENLOLITA (Jonathan Meese) as part of the Gallery Weekend Vienna, May 2021.

Kommissar Hjuler und Frau collaborated with Smell & Quim, also solo projects by members, with Jan Kruml from Autopsia Collective, Denis Dufour and Lt. Caramel, Azoikum, and some other acts. Also presented LPs with Rudolf Eb.er, Chris Dreier from die Toedliche Doris, Frieder Butzmann, Lutz Glandien, and others.

In June, 2021 Lt. Caramel and Kommissar Hjuler founded a label for their own releases in small editions and collaborative handmade cover art. called Editions Lt. KHj.aramel, distribution is by Lt. Caramel. 

In September, 2021, the artists Franz Graf from Austria presented a lath-cut 10inch by KHj+F. and him with handmade collaborative cover art and collaborative music.

End of September Museum Huelsmann from Bielefeld again showed work by Kommissar Hjuler for the Lange Museumsnacht event.

End of the year and beginning of 2022 new releases became presented by Editions Lt. KHj.aramel, distribution is by Lt. Caramel, by Psych.KG, by Malmlund Records, by Vampire Records (UK).

In February and March, 2022, Kommissar Hjuler worked with Jean-Jacques Birgé for a series of releases of very early recordings by Un Drame Musical Instantané in the series FLUXUS +/-, and a new 12inch by Lt. Caramel and Kommissar Hjuler appeared  Editions Lt. KHj.aramel. And the German label Grisaille released a split-MC by Julius Menard and Mama Baer. Kommissar Hjuler and Franz Graf presented a double 7inch released by Franz Graf.  Also two split 7inches with Goodiepal appeared for FLUXUS +/-.

In March Goodiepal (DK) re-issued an old double LP with two single-sided 12inches (Sides A+C music, sides B+D etched) from 2012 as real double LP (all four sides presenting music). New tracks for the added sides B + D (the formerly blank sides) present special sound creations for Kommissar Hjuler, using texts and basic sounds.

In April 2022 the label Psych.KG presented new Tapes for FLUXUS +/- and a new 7inch, also Lt. Caramel and Kommissar Hjuler presented a new 12inch lathe-cut.

Mai to June, 2022, for the festival Micro-Folie short films by us became shown at Musée numérique, Pl. Marcel Piquand, Faverges/France.

June 2022, the second book by Foltergaul appeared, Im Morast mit Kommissar Hjuler und Frau., again with a fictive story containing real-life-parts by KHj. + MB.

July, August, September, and October, 2022 several lathe-cut split releases in format 12inch and 7inch appeared by KHj+F. with other artists like Lt. Caramel, Franz Graf, Goodiepal, Wolfgang Kindermann, Jan Kruml, Gerhard Laber, a. o.

Banaskolen (GP&PLS) for October 1st, 2022 set up an concert event at Mayhem, Copenhargen/DK, playing Brotkatze on stage.
And several more releases appeared  in October and November, 2022. So we were part of the V. A. - Blorp Esette Gazette - vol. 3/4 - DoCD by Los Angeles Free Music Society, released some more lathe-cuts with friendly labels.

November, 2022 we released a porn magazine with lathe-cut 5inch in very limited edition. The magazine contains by Kommissar Hjuler in a comic-style re-worked images from a setting by Jessi Palmer. The 5inch itself is available in larger edition.

December 16th and 17th, 2022, another exhibition FLUXUS+/- with W. Kindermann was set up at Amerlinghaus, Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Wien/Austria, with catalogue/book and CD.

Jan. + Feb. 2023, we released more lathe-cuts together with Lt. Caramel, Franz Graf, PAAK/Kindermann, and working quite a lot with Gintas K and Mert Akyuerek. We produced several more porn magazines with lathe-cut.

In May 2023 work by KHj. was shown for Bruit de la Neige, L'Atelier Nautilus, Annecy, France.

Since summer and autumn, 2023 they released  and still release several lathe-cut 7inches, 8inches, and 12inches together with Goodiepal, Lt. Caramel, Franz Graf and others.

Exhibitions and Performances:
For health reasons within our family we have to calm down with activities for a certain period of time, so you only find no or only few activities listed here for the near future. We are sorry for this.


5. Anmerkungen zu einzelnen Werken / Comments on Selected Works:


MUTTERS NEUE EIERSTOECKE:  On 24th of July 2008 my 81-year-old mother Ellen Hjuler's overy with a tumor (diameter of 10 inches) was taken out of her abdomen at the Hospital of University Kiel. I asked the professor for my mother's overy and the tumor to built a sculpture of these organs, but I was not allowed to trade the cancerous viscera for my self-built overy. My mother still lives without her overy, her new overy is hanging at the wall of her living rooms. The work shows a play on the German term Eierstoecke (eggsticks) for overy, which consist of the terms eggs and sticks, so for mother's new overy I simply took eggs and wooden sticks, glued inside a wooden frame, and behind glass, such simple arrangement would not suffer from cancer.

SONGZHUANG:  When modern art from China became popular for Western collectors, several painters from first generation settled down at a town called SongZhuang, but soon some artists not as popular settled down at this town and became more popular simply for living there. Nowadays also non-chinese painters try to settle down there. The assemblage for Brotkatze shows the 17 painters of the first painters generation building the inner circle of the city, inside a wooden frame. Outside are some free parcels for any rich new painters to settle down and become wellknown soon. And on the right side are some parcels from non-chinese painters, different colours for the parcels, Brotkatze of black dough. In Brotkatze's univers nuts symbolize fame, honor, wealth and power, here the nuts are in the parcels, moreover, lots of nuts become washed ashore, as if this were an island of fame, and for Western collectors of art it is an island of fame. 

BLEISTIFTREGEN/PENCILRAIN: In Brotkatze's world shavings of pencil fall down as rain, for Brotkatze at their point of development there must be a god sharpening pencils in heaven, somewhen in the future Brotkatze will know for sure that shavings from pencils get heated by sun, they evaporate, cool down in the hemisphere and fall down as rain again, but few Brotkatze will still believe in a god sharpening pencils.

BUCHHANDLUNG: First of all the work is a play with the German term for book store, and the shelf with books looks like a tiny book store, if one has the term book store in mind. The German term consists of the two terms BUCH (book) and HANDLUNG (plot), so I decided to present a novel-like plot in several of my books. Each book presents a self-contained part of the complete plot, a short text alike "She stands with her eyes shut at the window" or "Another day of her life has started with a sunny afternoon" or "Her husband is not at home" and in the sequel of all text parts from the book we have the complete plot of my BUCHHANDLUNG.
The beholder of my work can take a certain book from its place and replace it to another place in the shelf, so that the complete plot will change, but also will give a sence. And if there are two beholders or more at same time, the plot will change while they were taking books from their places, reading them, replacing them on a different place in the shelf, or the plot will be kept, if all books will be replaced at their place before. In the end, the complete plot is alwasy the same, but the parts of the plot appear at different times. So for my exhamples it could be "She stands with her eyes shut at the window. Another day of her life has started with a sunny afternoon. Her husband is not at home" or "Another day of her life has started with a sunny afternoon. Her husband is not at home. She stands with her eyes shut at the window." or  "Her husband is not at home. She stands with her eyes shut at the window. Another day of her life has started with a sunny afternoon." and so on. The text parts here chosen are not from my plot, is is simply an example to show the deeper sense of my work.
If you will transfere the  BUCHHANDLUNG to the real life, there are two components: DESTINY (for the complete plot) and CHANCE (for the sequence of all single parts of the plot).

DIE KIRCHE: Die Kirche (the church) is a set of paintings by mama baer dealing with the theme "Jesus as a human being" - a human being with all his wants on the one hand and a determed mission one can hardly bear on the other hand. The Holy Bible always shows him as a man with few wants or without any wants, but Mama Baer reflected about this point of view and shows Jesus between normal sexual longings. A male being is hardly able to control sexual longings. So there must have been a conflict for the man Jesus. To Mama Baer celibacy can only be understood as a fight against the sexual longings.
Her painting SERIAL JESUS shows  him breaking with all conventions and must be regarded as part of the set DIE KIRCHE.
Mama Baer began with the set of paintings, when we were told by Heiko Hasenbein, one of our biggest private collectors, that he had plans for an exhibition of some of our paintings he owns at Evangelische Markusgemeinde Bielefeld, and that the pastor allready has given his assent to the exhibition for early 2009. We wanted to contribute more works dealing with the church, and this is, what Mama Baer had in mind. The chairmen of the parish canceled the project after having seen our website, They decided, that artists like us should not be allowed to exhibit at a church, a decision we both could not understand, I guess they made the fault not to differ between us as artists and us as human beings, as artists we might appear provokative and sometimes perverted, but in the real life we are a normal and even more narrow-minded family. They should have kept in mind, that Kommissar Hjuler works as a police officer, not as a perverted mass murderer, their art is a reflection on several influences of society, so the society might be sick, not the artists reflecting.
Anyway, we now asked several more parishes, if they are interested into our exhibition, and if you have any ideas for a location, Please contact us!

DIERBAAR BESTIARIUM: When I talked with Grace de la Luna of iLLUSEUM about the theme of their summer festival Diebaar bestiarium, I totally misunderstood the theme, I expected it to be a critic on human behaviour not simply a catalogue of all life forms. And so I explained it wrong to Mama Baer. She at that time just found an old article from the 60ies about a dangerous Slovakian plant, that dangerous, that the extract could kill all mankind. And that is, what her paintings of this series deal with, an epidemic break-out, possibly a weappon, possibly the revenge of the nature. Infected people get stored into camps, a doctor makes his experiments with infected people. (Kommissar Hjuler)

KORALLENRIFF: A coral reef is built by accumulations during a long period of time, so the appearance of each coral reef depends on the influences by nature. My coral reefs and also those ones I created together with Mama Baer are very personal coral reefs, for each one stands for a real person that could have been built up as a character by any influences, especially during the adolescence. During my own phase of puberty I got in contact with erotic magazines I found by chance, so I refer to these phase by including original magazines into the assemblages. And to get each coral reef in personal correlation to my own person I also enclose used condoms, so each coral reef is containing my genetic code and therefore is part of me.
These coral reefs always stand for a person or character that could have been created, so is not a mirror of my person, for different influences form different characters, few changes can lead to complete different appearances as person later on. As different accumulations form different coral reefs, I or me and my wife got several appearance forms in this series of assemblages.

RAPUNZEL: Is a weird adaption of the fairy tale by Brothers Grimm, in which Mama Baer is a captive of her own tower or castle, built by reservation and shyness. The long hair has no longer the function of any solution of way out, the hair is a safety appliance, that is not really a help to her, finding a way out of the tower or castle, it is just, as if a shy teenager hides her face under long hair. The music was especially created for this film, by part music from our recordings Brothers Grimm was used.

DAS BACKEN: This short film sequel is a critique at the sales policy of LEGO StarWars adapted for my Brotkatze project. At LEGO StarWars figures from the films are shared to the packing units in a way, that children need to buy all packing units in order to play the story of the films with the figures. I created several packing units for cookies in form of my Brotkatze focussing on a fictive story one can only imagine by seeing those figures. The figures or packing units have been sold before Christmas via ebay and have been bought by different ebay members, so that today no one has all cookie-units to play such a fictive story. The film is a kind of documentary, for background we used our music track Brotkatze fuer Paul McCarthy.

SCHWEINEBRATEN-BESCHNEIDUNG/FGM and MUTTER/FGM : These two works are especially done for With-(He)art-against-FGM, http://with-heart-against-fgm.com/, an organisation run by Isabel Henriques from Dortmund, which aim is to fight against the ritual of female mutilation. For this organisation we also donated some collaborative work with Barbara Rapp/Villach. Schweinebraten-Beschneidung/FGM shows a female vagina built of two slices of roast pork, to show an association between flesh and pork in the ritual, Mutter refers to the fact, that often the mother of a girl is the one, who is responsible for this mutilation, following this ritual of immaculacy.

BLOEMENBEET / LA FLEUR: In the nature the function of flowers is mainly, to spread their seed. So here I built flowers from my personal seed containing my sperm in used condoms and therefore my genetic code in their blossom, arranging them as single flowers or flower-beds of two or three flowers. Inside the blossom each flower has a different liquid or substance, so I used sugar, meal, ink, milk, menstrual blood by Mama Baer, honey, Baileys, soup, tomatoes, several sweeties, different berries, chocolate, very different substances for the blossoms of the different flowers, always combined with one used condom.

STUPID TIME: FOR THE MAINCONTROL: The series STUPID TIME is the first series of films by me created digitally at my home computer. all instruments played and recorded by me. text and voice by me, also mixing with help of my husband. before this I worked mainly analog with direct recording, no big mixing of any channels. The idea for the film was by Kommissar Hjuler and me. STUPID TIME started as music videos, began to become more and more emotional and ended as a review on my time as child teenager. My parents told me about a black man outside, waiting to get me, and I was scared as a little girl. Today I have children and I see, that the idea was to tell me by simple words that I shall be in fear of anyone. Children do not believe in evil. And children do not understand their parents, if they talk about rape or death, also cannot give a too harsh description of what can happen, if a little girl enters the car of a stranger. Part two and three focus basicly on the time as a tiny girl, when I was in fear of a black man.
FOR THE MAINCONTROL (Part 3 of Mama Baer's series STUPID TIME) is different and more complex, it starts with the anticipation of the generalized other of a compulsion by society, a compulsion one always feels and has to handle with as an individuum not to become too much separated. My husband works as a police officer or worked at that time as a police officer and had to fit a certain image to do his job. He did fit due to what colleagues thought of him or his work was. But obviously he did not fit to the expectation the ministry of inner affairs expected people to have of a police officer, presenting the state, the law and order. Art was no longer any private setting for us. Our art was a long trip into a separation from outer iinfluences and ended with quitting the work for the police by some way. We quitted with lot of friends to do our weird art. But always found new ones. So FOR THE MAINCONTROL is a way into a new sight by reflective impressions. For the maincontrol is the turning point in my life, the tiny girl meets Kommissar Hjuler and leaves her childhood home, enters a new way of living in a dreamlike way. 

STUPID TIME ist die erste nicht-anaolge Musikserie mit Filmnbearbeitung, denn zuvor gingen wir meist analog an die musik heran, vielfach durch Live-Einspielung, ohne große Schnitte und Nachbearbeitung. Text, Stimme und Musik stammen von mir, mit Unterstützung meines Mannes, der auch bei der Idee mitwirkte. STUPID TIME entstanden Musikvideos, wurden dann aber sehr emotional, improvisativ und mit deutlichem Rückblick auf meine Entwicklung. Meine Eltern erzählten mir früher, dass irgendwo draußen der schwarze Mann warte, um mich zu kriegen. Heute habe ich selbst Kinder und weiß, dass meine Eltern mir nur in einfachen Worten klar machen wollten, dass man immer mit dem Schlimmsten rechnen muss. Kinder rechnen nicht mit dem Schlimmsten. Kinder würden Warnungen vor Vergewaltigung und Tod auch gar nicht zuordnen könnnen. Es war wohl der Versuch, einem kleinen Mädchen nicht zu plastisch auszumalen, was passieren kann, wenn man zu jemand Fremden unbedarft ins Auto steigt. Teile 1 und 2 beschäftigen sich mit meinen damaligen Ängsten. Teil drei, "For the maincontrol", ist komplexer und unterscheidet sich von den Vorgängern, Ausgangspunkt ist eine Art Antizipation des Generalized Other, dass man sich dem Gruppenzwang unterordnet, um nicht als Individuum von der Masse getrennt zu sein. Mein Mann arbeitete, als wir uns kennen lernten, als Kommissar bei der Polizei und musste den Erwartungen des Berufs gerecht werden. Die Kunst kam dazu. Für uns beide, und es wurde eine Gradwanderung, denn wir und gerade er eckten an, weil er nicht das Bild erfüllte, das das Innenministerium iin der Erwartung außenstehender Betrachter vermutete. Es gab keine Beschwerden, Kollegen waren mit der Arbeit ansich zufrieden, aber die private Entwicklung lief der beruflichen entgegen, endete sogar im Ausstieg aus dem Beruf. Unsere Kunst ließ uns mit vielen Freunden brecvhen, aber wir fanden auch immer neue. For The Maincontrol wurde zu einer Reflexion des Weges, den wir bestritten. For the maincontrol ist der Teil des Aufbruchs in meinem Leben, das unbedarfte kleine Mädchen, das ich bis 17 war, trifft auf Kommissar Hjuler und wird aus der heilen Welt des Elternhauses gerissen, betritt eine andere Welt.

ON THE TRAIN: Jonathan Dilas ist Autor, Ghostwriter, Fotograf und Bewusstseinsforscher. Er veröffentlichte bisher mehrere Bücher, darunter befinden sich zwei Sachbücher über Träume und Bewusstseinserweiterung im Bohmeier-Verlag, eine Fantasygeschichte im Noel-Verlag, einige Antholgien im Sem;kolon-Verlag, viele veröffentlichte Artikel, mehrere Geschichten und Lyriken in unterschiedlichen Medien, gewonnenen Literatur-Wettbewerben u.v.m. Hier arbeitete er mit Mama Baer und Kommissar Hjuler, denen er einen Text und einen Grundrhythmus zur Verfügung stellte. Daraus entstand der Kurzfilm ON THE TRAIN.Im Film blickt Mama Baer experimentierfreudig auf den Text, das Leben wird hier zu einer Zugfahrt, die in einen Abrgund führt.

Jonathan Dilas works as author, ghost writer, photographer with view on awareness, he has released several books, non-fiction and fiction books, also won a contest in writing. Here he worked with Mama Baer and Kommissar Hjuler, giving them a text and short melody, they then created the film ON THE TRAIN.The film is an experimental view on the text, Mama Baers here sees life as a long train ride, leading to an abyss

In the night you cry
In the night you ask yourself 
In the night you say that you don't see 
But when you get up you play it again 

(Whispering (maybe 2 times)

You think it's hard
You think you're alone
You think you're afraid
You think you're ill
But your whole life is a lie (repeat last one)

You think it was your mother
You think it was your father
You think it was your lover
You think it was your friend
But the truth is that you've only forgot
That you always have been the cause


In the night you cry
In the night you ask yourself
In the night you say that you don't see
But when you get up you play it again

You say that you don't learn
You say that nobody loves you
You say that you have no luck
You say that you can´t live further
But the truth is that you don´t wonna lose your conscience

You believe that everybody demands you
To listen to your conscience
But the truth is that they know
That it would weaken you


Don´t think that they are bad now
Don´t think that they hate you now
Don´t think that they want to destroy you now
Don´t think that they are no humans now
They are exactly like you
They are only you

(Repeat, finish and fade out:)

Don´t think that they are bad now
Don´t think that they hate you now
Don´t think that they want to destroy you now
Don´t think that they are no humans now
They are exactly like you
They are only you

(© Jonathan Dilas, Warrior-Series)



6. Art Projects/Artists Collaborations:

We made several contributions to mail art projects by other artists, some of these works  have become shown at exhibitions like Brandstifter's 3. KunstZwergFestival, the Contemporary Art (BUT) exhibitions at Itami City Gallery, or Christian Mildbrandt's Schoko Casana Rosso, possibly an exhibition at Staedtische Bibliothek Neukoelln in 2010, and some works are presented online at Luboyr Tymkiv's M-A-Group, Roland Halbritter's Andreas-Hofer-mailART project, Maurizo Follin's mail-art show, or Christine Tarantino's Words of Light, and Keith A. Buchholz, who runs a blog and makes exhibitions from time to time at Fluxus St. Louis/Artfarm, 4615 Oregon Av., St. Louis/USA.

And some collectors can be visited by the audience, they show the work in a permanent exhibition at their home place, for instance Vittore Baroni, Via C. Battisti 339, Italia - 55049 Viareggio, who's collection contains several mail art objects by us.

We contributed some work to the mail-art-project Unity In Diversity, and our contributions shall become shown in a permanently exhibition at 1st Junior High School, Greece - 40200 Elassona, after the 15th March 2011, http://unity-in-diversity-mailart.blogspot.com/ . The project is innitiated by teachers from the high school and runs under the artistic auspices of the Greek artists Thomai Kontou, Ioanna Papachristou, Thomas Galatos, Vasiliki Tzanou, Despina Pagoni, Timos Papachristos, Ioulia Spanou, Kostas Minas.

Roland Halbritter presented a set of fluxus stamps with the artwork we contributed to his Andreas-Hofer-mailArt project. Also the M-A-Group presented a little catalogue about their mail-art project.

In 2007, 2008, 2010 we were invited to contributed works for the fluxus mail art book FIELD REPORT, Field Study, P.O. Box 1838 Geelong, VIC 3220 Australia (Fluxus-Jahrbuch), in 2008 we also contributed works for the RESITE, Field Study, P.O. Box 1838 Geelong, VIC 3220 Australia (Fluxus-Kunstbuch). And in 2010 and 2011 we contributed again.

For music performances we have been collaborating live on stage with Foltergaul (D), John Wiese (USA), Eugene Chadbourne (USA), Jan van den Dobbelsteen and Danielle Lemaire (NL) as project JaDaMaBaPa, also have been performing together with the band Caracho (D), and with Knut Kargel (D), Peter Kastner (D), Wolf D. Schreiber/San Siro (D), Harappian Night Recordings (UK),  Ludo Mich (B), The Hunter Grachus (UK), Closedunruh (D), Clive Graham of Morphogenesis (UK), ZEBU! (USA), Ninni Morgia & Silvia Kastel (I), Dead Labour Process (UK), Barbara Rapp (A), and Kakawaka (D)

Moreover some mail collaborations for music are existing, a special project is the (SHMF-019+...), see no. 10 of this list!

Moreover, we will be more open for collaborations with other artists in 2010, you will find a special file for these works!

The photographer Josef Karl from Gruenwald/Munich asked us to work with some of his fotos and some given objects of his and his wife Natalie's dead son Christopher. See point  of this list for detailed information! 

Moreover, he gave to me some of his female ID photographies and some polaroids he has collected for a year to create my very own sculptures and assemblages with. One result are my fem.ID-Puppen, of which I created one for each model in Josef Karl's latest book.

Eine fem.ID-Naschbox ist ein Schuettelbild, in dem ein Fotoset und eine abstrahierte Figur samt Naschbeilagen farblich arrangiert sind.
So einfach sollte man es sich nicht machen, denn die Bilder von Josef Karl signalisierten für mich gleich bei erster Sichtung eine jeweils eigene und explizit suggerierte Identitaet der Fotografierten, jeweils mit latenter Erotik. Sie wirkten für mich zum Anbeissen, so dass ich hierzu sofort den Bezug zur Suessigkeit herstellte und weiter mit einer figuerlichen Darstellung immer eine weitere Darstellerinnen hinzufuegen wollte, um so ein personelles Verbindungsglied zwischen Fotografie und Rahmung herzustellen.
Die Bilder signalisieren so eine Einheit, auch wenn der Inhalt, also die Suessigkeit beweglich ist und variiert werden kann, veraendert dieses nicht das jeweilige Zusammenspiel. So entstanden hier 20 kleine Identitaeten, die als Schüettelbild zudem einem Kaeufer die Moeglichkeit offerieren, am endgültigen Ausdruck mitzuwirken, so dass er nicht nur die ihm am ehesten zusagende Identitaet erwerben kann, sondern durch Zurechtschüetteln der Suessigkeiten Einfluss auf das letztendliche Aussehen des Assemblage hat und so Teil an der Identitaet nimmt. (Interview Kommissar Hjuler)

And in February 2011 Kommissar Hjuler started the fluxporn collaboration project for which he works with actresses and photographers from pornographic scene, see point 9 of this list!

Mama Baer worked together with Klaus Girnus from Xanten at a series of paintings that were sold together with our Split-LP at 
Psych.KG/DVR/HGA as an artists special.

Kommissar Hjuler worked together with Norbert Futscherndorf (A), and just works with Raphael Avenant (F) and Oxana Mahnac (D).
We also work with Detlev Weigand (D) and with the artists couple Francis Tucker and C.mank (D).

We just both collaborated with Barbara Rapp (A) and then had the idea for a kind of art gang banging, to chose some artists that work together on several objects and paintings in small groups or possibly all together, as there are Barbara Rapp (A), Maks Dannecker (D), Markus Bittermann (A), C.mank & Francis Tucker (D), and us. An exhibition is planned for 2012 at Galerie Offenes Atelier D. U. Design, Dorothee Unkel, Postgasse 6, Villach/A.

In February 2011 Kommissar Hjuler started a collaboration by mail with Phillip Graffham (Ponoma/California/USA).

In May 2011 Kommissar Hjuler collaborated with NO!art leader Clayton Patterson for some assemblages, Clayton also signs responsible for cover art of a special edition of (SHMF - 222)-release: the NO!photo-Edition.

Kommissar Hjuler also just worked by mail with albrecht/d. (Stuttgart/D), Heinz Lotz (Darmstadt/D)Vladimir Vacovsky (Czech Republic), Martin Behr (Graz/A), Lee Young-sik (Berlin/D), Jaya Suberg (Berlin/D), Alvaro Sanchez (Guatemala City/Guatemala), Jaroslav Divis (Vsetin/Czech Republic), and Karl P. Gaul (Heikendorf/D), and as NO!hjuler is deep enough with Ignace de Bruyn (Belgium).

Mama Baer now works on a contribution of portraits to the installation -- bee-hive -- by Daniela Floersheim, which shall be shown at different venues in 2013/14, starting the series of exhibtions at Frauenmuseum Bonn, and Kommissar Hjuler works in collaboration with Daniela as well. 

We just worked by mail with German artists dicker barnes and frau Unbekannt.

We started a file ZUSAMMENARBEITEN on our website to show all the results of collaborations existing outsiude the fixed projects Brotkatze Collaborations and fluxporn.


    7. Brotkatze - Collaborations by Kommissar Hjuler:

First of all: For their support of the project I have to name Babara Rapp, Maks Dannecker, Martina Jaeger, Matthias Horn, and Ruediger Abshalom Dalit Westphal/RADW by part as conceptual co-directors!

The first Brotkatze figures I created 2001, I guess, then went on creating several series of collectable figures in my (SHMF). Since 2004 or 2005 I worked out assemblages that focus on fictive aspects of Brotkatzes culture, society and religion, and at least they were in war with Votzekatze, an emperior from a different galaxy, developed any further as Brotkatze. So Brotkatze to me became an alter ego of mankind, letting me reflect on any curious behaviour of people in the assemblages, as the descriptions of my works SONGZHUANG and BLEISTIFTREGEN/PENCILRAIN show, see point 5 of this list.

Brotkatze became part of our music, the recordings BROTKATZE FUR PAUL MCCARTHY and EXBROTKATZENDED were distributed as hand-cut vinyl in assemblage cover and as CD-R on our (SHMF) and lateron have become reissued at the LP by youdonthavetocallitmusic/Museum Huelsmann and the 7inch BROKATZE by cult pump (DK). This 7inch also excists with handmade artists edition of 11 copies, each cover art an unique assemblage. EXBROTKATZENDED became re-issued on tape at Heart Fine Art Ltd. (Scotland). And this tape also excists as limited fluxbox BROTKATZE in edition of 24 copies, containing the tape, an original Brotkatze-ink-monk assemblage and blue-coloured rice inside a box.

The tracks we performed live at several art events, for instance together with JaDaMaBaPa in the Netherland.

I created some collectable series of small Brotkatze figures in handmade boxes for my (SHMF), also made special editions of tracks with assemblage covers by Brotkatze like for De hellige tre konger. In 2008 one series of 52 figures was sold by Art-O-Mat (USA). 

Some Brotkatze works have been part of our exhibitions, an exhibition of only Brotkatze-Assemblages took place at Galerie O Tannenbaum, Berlin, April 2008.

End of 2009 I gave some Brotkatze figures to Eric Lunde (USA) for a little installation in glass frame, of which three fotos exist. Another collaborative work by musician Thomas Wolff (D) and me has become created, for which I enclosed an object by him in an assemblage of Brotkatze.

Since early spring of 2010 I invite artists to work with some Brotkatze figures and Votzekatze collages. 

So in collaboration with Kommissar Hjuler works exists with the following NO!art members :

Mama Baer
Enzo Mastrangelo (Sapri/I)
Brigitte Roussel aka Jadwiga Tabaczynska (Reggio Emilia/I)
Reinhard Scheibner (Berlin/D)
Dominik Stahlberg (Carrara/I)
Natalia E. Woytasik (Sapri/I).

Moreover, works in collaboration with Kommissar Hjuler by ...

Bianka Ahlgrimm  (Berlin/D)
albrecht/d. (Stuttgart/D)
Reed Altemus (Portland/USA)
Daniel Andersson-Boe (Gothenburg/S)
Art Loechle (Neu-Ulm/D)
Aura Ling (Paderborn/D)
Geert Baas (Spijkenisse/NL)
Dmitry Babenko (Krasnodar/Russia)
Detlef Backhaus (Gillenbeuren/D)
Bambach (Berlin/D)
Vittore Baroni (Viareggio/I)
Victoria Barvenco 
(Taganrog Rostov/Russia)
Martin Behr/Kollektiv G.R.A.M. (Graz/A)
Susana Bendek (Bremen/D)
Catherine Mehrl Bennett (Columbus/USA)
Sonja Benskin Mesher (Gwynedd/UK),
Alexandra Bolzer/Frau bOLZa(Wien/A)
Brandstifter (Mainz/D)
Cody Brant (Portland/USA)
Sven Brauer/G.R.A.M. (Buchholz/D)
Ad Breedveld (Veenhuizen/NL)
Wolfgang Peter Brunner (Berlin/D)
Keith A. Buchholz (St. Louis/USA)
Kerstin Buedinger (Guetersloh/D)
Ricarda Buettgen (Euskirchen/D)
Eric Cain (Chicago/USA)
Jonathan Caldwell (Cincinnati/USA)
Mary Campbell (Staten Island/USA)
Angela Caporaso (Caserta/I)
Ian Carr (East Hampton/USA)
Cecile Coiffard (Berlin/D)
Ruann Coleman (Stellenbosch/South Africa)
Beth Crowfield (Stuttgart/D)
Beth Crowfield & Madame Lisa (Stuttgart/D)
Csete Monika (Budapest/Hungary)
Dadanautik/Walter Bachmann (Bremen/D)
Peter Dallos (Hilton Head Island/USA)
danma vs. v2r2/Dan Ma & Veronica Reeves (Erie/USA)
Maks Dannecker (Salach/D)
Sabine Danze (Paris/F)
Katrien De Blauwer (Antwerp/B)
Julien Deiss (Duesseldorf/D)
Goran Despotovski (Novi Sad/Serbia)
Jaroslav Divis (Vsetin/Czech Republic)
Kathryn Drury (Chicago/USA)
Andrea Eckert (Ferndale/USA)
Edward Eden (Miami/USA)
Daniel Eltinger (Leonberg/D)
Bert Feddema (Amsterdam/NL)
Leonie Felle (Muenchen/D)
Angela Ferrara (Sao Paulo/Brazil)
Firoz Mahmud (Dhaka/Bangladesh)
Daniela Floersheim (Duesseldorf/D)
Daniela Floersheim & Reiner Kaltenbach (Duesseldorf/D)
Ace Farren Ford (Los Angeles/USA)
frau unbekannt (Schwadorf/D)
Norbert Futscherndorf (Bregenz/A)
Picasso Gaglione (Lindenhurst/USA)
Vered Gersztenkorn (Moshav/Israel)
Phillip Graffham (Ponoma/USA)
Roland Halbritter (Nuedlingen/D)
Andrew Harper (Tasmania/Australia)
Hans-Juergen Hartmann (Nahrendorf/D)
Rachel Heinold (New York/USA)
Valentin Mark Herman (Sigean/F)
Stefan Heuer (Burgdorf/D)
Iris Hilpert (Meissen/D)
Isy Hoepfner (Hagen/D)
Marleen Hoerig (Berlin/D)
Tim Hope (Corpus Christi/USA)
Karen Houser (Albuquerque/USA)
Behnaz Houshmandi (Teheran/Iran)
Martina Jaeger (Wuerzburg/D)
Knut Kargel (Moehnesee-Wamel/D)
Wataru Kasahara (Tokyo/J)
Peter Kastner & Paolo Moretto as Studio KO-OP (Hamburg/D)
Vera Kattler (Puettlingen/D)
Vlado Ketch (Chicago/USA)
KH12 (Flamersheim/D)
Jean Kiboi (Villie Morgon/F)
Yoshihiro Kikuchi (Watari/J)
Dorothea Kirsch (Gillenbeuren/D)
Frauke Klinkforth (Quickborn/D)
Victor Koch (Weinheim/D)
Charlotte Kons (Neuss/D)
Ola Koziol (Lodz/Poland)
Yegor Jurijovich Kovalchuk (Odendorf/D)
ellis Kruck (Muenster/D)
Marianna Lachnit-Ouderkirk (Bad Muenstereifel/D)
M P Landis (Brooklyn/USA)
Reiner Langer (Duisburg/D)
Brian Leo (New York/USA)
Jean Lessenich (Waldorf/D)
Carmen Lewin-Stern (Erfurt/D)
Kerstin Lichtblau (Frankfurt/D)
Heinz Lotz (Darmstadt/D)
Mona Luison (Brest/F)
Eric Lunde (Minneapolis/USA)
Oxana Mahnac (Berlin/D)

Linus Malmqvist (Goeteborg/S)
C.Mank (Koeln/D)
Minouche Marie-Dit-Beaufils (Cherbourg Octeville/F)
Reiner Maria Matysik (Berlin/D)
Yumiko Matsui (New York/USA)
Alex Mazzitelli (Leicester/UK)
Roel Meelkop (Rotterdam/NL)
Eva-Maria Mehrgardt (Ringsberg/D)
Rene Melzer (Berlin/D)
Jose Ney Mila (Kissimmee/USA)
Eva Moll (New York/USA)
Jessica Molnar (Bellingham/USA)
Alon Moran (Tel Aviv/Israel)
Maryam Muliaee (Poznan/PL)
Paul Ralph Nagi (Berlin/D)
Yukiko Nasu (Okayama/J)
Ramin Nafikov (Kazan/Russia)
Jo Neff (Chicago/USA)
Lena Nitro (Duesseldorf/D)
Massimo Nota (Roma/I)
Henning Ociepka (Duesseldorf/D)
Juergen O. Olbrich (Kassel/D)
Veronika Olma (Enkenbach-Alsenborn/D)
Ulrike Oppel (Krefeld/D)
Philipp Orlowski (Leipzig/D)
Kong Wee Pang (Memphis/USA)
Claudio Parentela (Catanzaro/I)
Jaan Patterson (Offenbach/D)
Sarah Pennington (Hull/UK)
Svetlana Pesetskaya (Taganrog Rostov/Russia)
Odette Picaud (Saint-Eloy/F)
Fabio Py (Sao Paulo/Brasil)
Quasi Dali/Anja Blohm (Berlin/D)
Darija S. Radakovic (Calgary/Canada)
Rambour Latour/Michael Bauer (Euskirchen/D)
Armando Ramos (Valley City/USA)
Barbara Rapp (Velden/A)
Cornelius P. Rinne (Bielefeld/D)
Matthew Rose (Paris/F)
Klaus Rudolf (Berlin/D)
Ruhe Selbst/K. Bertheau (Hamburg/D)
Heike Sackmann (Winnenden/D)
Dorota-Katarzyna Samborski (Berlin/D)
Alvaro Sanchez (Guatemala City/Guatemala)
Valerie Savarie (Denver/USA)
Gail Scheuring (High River/Canada)
Ann Schomburg (Hattorf/D)
Suzanne Schroeder/eye69 (Biberach/D) & Tony Mulder (Almelo/NL)
Mona Schwenker (Bergisch Gladbach/D)
Marius Seidlitz (Coburg/D)
Gaby Seipel (Oppenheim/D)
Svetlana Shmeleva (Moskau/Russia)
Petra Sousan (Villach/A)
Joerg Spaetig (Borgholzhausen/D)
Litsa Spathi (Breda/NL)
Annika Sporleder (Hannover/D)
Clemens Stecher (Wien/A)
Jaya Suberg (Berlin/D)
Nani Suberg (Hagen/D)

Christine Tarantino (Wendell/USA)
Wolf Tek (Krefeld/D)
Claudia Tejeda (Hamburg/D)
Stephen Thorpe & Paul Robertson as Group 22 (Edinburgh/UK)
Topp & Dubio (Den Haag/NL)
Cecil Touchon (Fort Worth/USA)
Samuel Toussaint (London/UK)
Francis Tucker (Koeln/D)
Lubomyr Tymkiv (Lviv/Ukraine)
Yuko Ueno (New York/USA)
Dorothee Unkel (Villach/A)
Vladimir Vacovsky (Zlin/Czech Republic)
Jan van den Dobbelsteen (Eindhoven/NL)
Inge van Kann (Mechernich/D)
Tara Verheide aka Sinclair Scripa (Ludlow/USA)
Nada Vitz (Grefrach/D)
Michael Weber (Witten/D)
Guido Weggenmann (Kempten/D)
Helga Weidenmueller (Neuss/D)
Detlev Weigand (Roesrath/D)
John Welson (Goodwick/UK)
Ruediger Abshalom Dalit Westphal/RADW (Euskirchen/D)
Thomas Wolff (Hannover/D)
Reid Wood (Oberlin/USA)
Pieter Zandvliet (Nieuwleusen/NL)
Wayne Zebzda (Koloa/Hawaii)
Andrey Zhelkovsky (Beer Sheva/Israel)
Dorothee Zombronner (Berlin/D)
Arvo Zylo (New York/USA)

The idea is that all artists work with figures given to them by me in their very own creative way, no directions, same principle as for (SHMF-019+...)-project.

The first exhibition of these collaborations took place at Galerie Atelier Kargel, Welver. 

Since this time we run the project together with Barbara Rapp and Maks Dannecker, who are really engaged in the project and do a lot of the promotional work.

Kommissar Hjuler's work ENTER KONSUM was one of the winners of  international artists contest by Marketingclub Kaernten, Kleine Zeitung Oesterreich and Art Galleries Rimmer & Unkel. ENTER KONSUM was shown at Innovationkongress 2010 - Marketing. Innovation. Zukunft, 11th and 12th November 2010 at Casineum and Schlosshotel Velden am Woerthersee, Austria. The painting has become printed at the book Marketing.Innovation.Zukunft by Marketingclub Kaernten and was part of some relevated group exhibitions following the marketing event.

From 14th to 29th of January 2011 Kommissar Hjuler's BROTKATZE-ROBOTER was shown at Toy Art International Exhibition, MuBE - Museum Brasileiro da Escultura, Av. Europa, 218, Sao Paulo - CEP 01449-000-SP, Brasil. 
After the exhibition BROTKATZEROBOTER is permanently donated to the public collection MuBE Brasil. 

Kommissar Hjuler's works GEBURTSSTUNDE DER BROTKATZE and DIE GEBURT are permanently donated to the public collection run by the magazine artlout:, Ringstrasse 143, 04209 Leipzig. 

The first short films by us now exist, and Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer's film DAS Backen (Brotkatze - Kekskatze) has been chosen for 12. Internatinal Kurzfilmfestival Muenchen, Bunter Hund, which took place at Werkstattkino, Fraunhoferstr. 9, Muenchen, from 14th to 17th October 2010. Moreover, Mama Baer created an animation film and Knut Kargel also created a short film by using Brotkatze and Votzekatze.

Our short movies Brotkatze stellt sich dazu and DAS Backen have become shown at Museum of Contemporary Art, 220 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611-2643, USA, www.mcachicago.org, for their Fluxfest Chicago from 15th to 20th of February 2011.

DAS Backen also was one of the films chosen for the VIS - Vienna Independent Shorts - 8th International Short Film Festival at Vienna/Austria. The film was shown during the festival, from 26th May to 1st of June, 2011 for the sections jury award and visitor's award.

From  January 12th to February 4th, the next exhibition of Brotkatze Collaboratios took place at Galerie Offenes Atelier D.U.Design, Postgasse 6, A-9500 Villach. Performance for vernissage was a live version of Brotkatze track together with Barbara Rapp and us.

Since May 25th, 2012 a painting/assemblage with Brotkatze figures is now shown at electricity junction box no. 412/7412 of Stadtwerke Flensburg, which stands at the town centre of Flensburg, Speicherlinie/Norderhofenden.

Since beginning of Augsut 2012 some Brotkatze work by Kommissar Hjuler has become part of the collection of Belyegmuzeum Budapest, 1074 Budapest, Harsfa u. 47, Hungary.

Under conceptual direction of  Matthias Horn (Psych.KG / MNDR) the third exhibition of BROTKATZE Collaborations took place from September 1st to 31st, 2012 at FzKKE e. V., Euskirchen.

Kunststueck Berlin - Produzentengalerie & Kunstsalon, Galerie fuer junge, zeitgenoessische Kunst & Agentur fuer Grafik Design, Braunschweiger Strasse 64, 12055 Berlin, showed BROTKATZE Collaborations from May 4th to 17th, 2013, we recognized that more works are existing as space is available at the venue, so we decided to show selected pieces from the project for same period of time at our STATT!garten. The exhibtion is announces as a partnership exhibition by both venues, the vernissage was at Berlin, for which the artist Klaus Rudolf set up the happening BRoTkaTZeN (Manifest).
For Flensburg Eva-Maria Mehrgardt and Kommissar Hjuler presented a special artists event at STATT!garten on May 11th, 2013.
After the finissage at Berlin we go on with a selective show of works from the project Brotkatze Collaborations at only the STATT!garten for three months.

We now seek for more venues that might be interested into showing Brotkatze Collaborations at their rooms.


7. 1. Niederungen und Eroberungen - Kommissar Hjulers BROTKATZE-Kollaborationen:
Ein Projekt von Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer in Kollaboration mit verschiedenen Kuenstlern
Konzeptuelle Mitarbeit: Maks Dannecker und Barbara Rapp

Initial: Eine simple Brotteigflocke, mitten aus frischen Broetchen gerissen, gesammelt, geknetet und getrocknet – dieser haptisch ausgesprochen reizvolle Vorgang begruendete die Geschichte der BROTKATZE von Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer. Protagonisten dieses Kunstprojektes sind die sowohl in ihren visuellen als auch charakterlichen Eigenschaften voellig unterschiedlich konzipierten
Figurengebilde Brotkatze und Votzekatze. Analog zum trivialen Produktionsprozess der Figur Brotkatze ist diese als alter ego auf die Menschheit eines frueheren Entwicklungsstadiums entworfen. In ihrer archaischen und eher technikorientierten Naivitaet entwickelte sie sich aus der von einer Herrschaftsfamilie regierten Welt mit eigenen physikalisch-religioesen Gesetzmaessigkeiten heraus, seien dies beispielsweise das Prinzip der Be- anstatt der Erleuchtung oder eine mechanisch herzustellende Suendenfreisprechung anstatt katholischer Bussgelder.
Intellektuell der Brotkatze weit ueberlegen ist die Figur der Votzekatze, eine schmenenhaft katzenartige Collage aus Ausschnitten von Fotografien einer Scheide. Als ueberlegene Eroberin, die im Rahmen der eintretenden industriellen Revolution die Macht an sich reissen will und zu diesem Zwecke auch gewaltorientierte Handlungen ohne Skrupel einkalkuliert, stellt Votzekatze das bisher durchaus friedvolle soziale Gefüge auf den Kopf und löst einen Krieg der Welten aus.

Basis: In Kommissar Hjulers Kollaborationsprojekt BROTKATZE stellen diese beiden gegensaetzlichen Figuren das Bindeglied einer kulturellen Kuenstlerzusammenführung dar. Unter Beruecksichtigung der visuellen und konzeptionellen Basis der Spezies Brotkatze und Votzekatze verarbeiten unterschiedliche Kuenstler diese in ihrer jeweiligen Arbeitstechnik zu unabhaengig voneinander geschaffenen Werkserien mit direktem Bezug auf das heutige Gesellschaftskonstrukt.

Inhalte: So setzt beispielsweise Kommissar Hjuler in seinen BROTKATZE-Arbeiten vielfach Situationen aus globalen gesellschaftspolitischen Entwicklungen um - auch wenn er bei der Schaffung der Basisfiguren auf ambivalente Art und Weise den direkten Bezug zum Menschen
vermied, um vordergründigen Assoziationen vorzubeugen. Mama Baer greift gerade diese Ambivalenz auf und bringt in ihren Malereien
bewusst die Menschlichkeit in ihrer koerperlichen und geistigen Vielschichtigkeit ins Spiel. In Maks Danneckers Fotoarbeiten und Objekten werden Brotkatze und Votzekatze in zeitgemaesse, oft auch utopische Zusammenhaenge gesetzt und Barbara Rapp laesst ihre Protagonisten
aktuelle soziokulturelle Entwicklungen durchleben. Industrialisierung, Kapitalismus und die Sensibilitaet gesellschaftlicher Systeme werden von den weiteren teilnehmenden Künstlern ebenso behandelt, wie das Aufeinandertreffen unterschiedlicher (Nicht)meinungen oder die allzeit gültige Suche nach dem Sinn des Lebens an sich.

Resuemee: Aus teils voellig unterschiedlichen Assoziationen zur und Reaktionen auf die BROTKATZE werden von jedem Projektteilnehmer individuell relevante Thematiken aufgegriffen und unter Einbeziehung der Basisfiguren kuenstlerisch aufgearbeitet. So bietet die Zusammenstellung der gezeigten Arbeiten aus den Bereichen Malerei, Fotografie, Assemblage und Objekt dem Betrachter
schlussendlich einen durchaus weitraeumigen Querschnitt aktueller gesellschaftlicher, soziokultureller und politischer Aspekte des

Teilnehmende Kuenstler: Das Kollaborationsprojekt BROTKATZE versteht sich als offene Plattform mit dynamisch wechselnden Teilnehmern, unter Beibehaltung eines kleinen Kernzusammenschlusses (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge):  Cody Brant (Portland/USA), Maks Dannecker (Salach/D), Angela Ferrara (Sao Paulo/Brazil), Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer (Flensburg/D), Knut Kargel (Moehnesee-Wamel/D), Eric Lunde (Minneapolis/USA), C.Mank (Koeln/D), Barbara Rapp (Velden/A), Cornelius P. Rinne (Bielefeld/D), Dorota-Katarzyna Samborski (Berlin/D)Gaby Seipel (Oppenheim/D), Clemens Stecher (Wien/A), Christine Tarantino (Wendell/USA), Francis Tucker (Koeln/D), Detlev Weigand (Roesrath/B), u. a.



 7. 2. Der Weg zur Bondage-Brotkatze - Brotkatzen-Kollaboration von Kommissar Hjulers, Beth Crowfield und Madame Lisa:

Durch die Kollaboration mit Kommissar Hjuler habe ich mich einige Wochen mit der Brotkatze, dem Alter Ego von Kommissar Hjuler, beschäftigt. Laut
eigener Aussage des Kommissario handelt es sich bei der Brotkatze um den klumpigen, unterentwickelten Teil seines Selbst. Nachdem die ersten
Objekte gefertigt und fotografiert waren, kam mir die Idee für ein weiteres Objekt - der „Bondage-Brotkatze“.

Je länger mir das hjulerische "Alter Ego" inkl. meines eigenem durch den Kopf jagten, um so stärker wurde in mir das Bedürfnis die Brotkatze, stellvertretend für alle „Alter Egos“ in Form eines Bondage zu bändigen.

Aus dieser Idee entstand für mich die spannende Zusammenarbeit mit Madame Lisa aus Stuttgart und ihrer BDSM-Manufaktur.

Zu Lisa:
Ich danke Dir, dass Du so spontan für die Idee zu begeistern warst.

Jeder Mensch, der mit Leidenschaft und Liebe das macht, was er am besten kann, ist in dem was er macht, ein Künstler. Das große gesellschaftliche Problem ist jedoch, dass die meisten Menschen keine Künstler sein wollen. Statt Liebe und Leidenschaft für eine Sache zu entwickeln, wird viel zu oft nur das schnelle Geld ohne Anstrengung gesucht.

Desto mehr freue mich dann, wenn ich auf Menschen wie z.B. Lisa treffe, die noch mit voller Leidenschaft für eine Sache brennen können. Erinnerst Du Dich an unser erstes Telefongespräch? Ich bleib dabei – es ist Kunst! Sollte irgendwer was anderes behaupten – kannst Du getrost davon ausgehen, dass er keine Ahnung hat.

Es ist mir eine Ehre mit Dir zusammen zu arbeiten. Danke!

Madame Lisa

Foto: fertige Bondage-Brotkatze

Über die Ästhetik des Bondage:

Wenn ich an Bondage denke, dann sind gleich im ersten Moment Fotos von Nouyoshi Araki in meinem Kopf. Von schwebenden gefesselten Körpern die Insektenkokons gleichen. Es ist faszinierend, diese tragfähige netzartige Konstruktion zu betrachten. Wunderschöne Knoten, die gleichzeitig ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Gewichtsverteilung innerhalb des Netzes zu sein scheinen.

Ein interessanter Gedanke in Bezug auf die Brotkatze könnte sein, ob durch die Fesslung auch eine menschliche Metamorphose stattfindet. Entwickelt sich die Brotkatze vielleicht durch die Fesslung zu einem höheren Wesen?

Zumindest darf sie sich jetzt erst mal geborgen fühlen in der Aufmerksamkeit und Liebe die wir geschenkt haben.


Beth Crowfield

(Brotkatzen-Kollaboration 2012 - Kommissar Hjulers, Beth Crowfield und Madame Lisa)




7. 3. BROTKaTZeN-Manifest (Klaus Rudolf):


BROTKaTZEN sind das Zeichen unser Freude. Unser GOTT. Wenn es regnet : singen wir
BROTKaTZEN . Wenn es schneit tragen wir BROTKaTZEN . BROTKaTZEN sind
unser Ziel und unsere Hoffnung. BROTKaTZEN sind das Blut in unsern Adern, wenn es
spritzt. BROTKaTZEN sind schoener groesser und besser als alle BROTKaTZEN die wir
kennen. BROTKaTZEN sind das Abendrot und der Morgen. BROTKaTZEN sind das
Ecstasy unserer pulsierenden Lust . Schon die alten Aegypter verehrten BROTKaTZEN. Die
Griechen der Antike gestalteten marmorne BROTKaTZEN. Die Germanen tranken
BROTKaTZEN . Wir alle wollen BROTKaTZEN. Ein Leben ohne BROTKaTZEN ist
ein verlorenes Leben . BROTKaTZEN sind unsere Nahrung und unser Durst. Und wir
beginnen von vorn : BROTKaTZEN sind das Zeichen .................


Erstmals zum Vortrag gebracht bei Bianka Ahlgrimm 4.Mai 2013 KUNSTSALON KUNSTSTUECK

Nach einer Idee von Kommissar Hjuler und MAMA Baer Flenzburg © Klaus Rudolf 2013


7. 4. Semesterarbeit von Stefanie Krome, Universitaet Leipzig:

Arbeit zum performativen Werk von Kommissar Hjuler und Mama Baer

Kurs - Performance und Aktionskunst -

Professorin Inis Seumel
Universitaet Leipzig

Mama Baer (* 29. Oktober 1981 in Niebuell als Andrea Katharina Ingeborg Göthling, verheiratete Hjuler) und Kommissar Hjuler (* 30. Juni 1967 in Flensburg als Detlev Hjuler) sind ein deutsches Kuenstlerduo. Sie arbeiten seit 1999 gemeinsam als Kuenstler in den Bereichen Musik, Malerei, Assemblage, Collage, Installation, Performance, Experimentalfilm und Konzeptkunst. (Wikipedia)

Konzept der Brotkatzen

Eine simple Brotteigflocke, mitten aus frischen Broetchen gerissen, gesammelt, geknetet und getrocknet – dieser haptisch ausgesprochen reizvolle Vorgang begruendete die Geschichte der BROTKATZE von Kommissar Hjuler und Mama Baer. Protagonisten dieses Kunstprojektes sind die sowohl in ihren visuellen als auch charakterlichen Eigenschaften voellig unterschiedlich konzipierten Figurengebilde Brotkatze und Votzekatze.
Analog zum trivialen Produktionsprozess der Brotkatzenfiguren sind diese als alter Ego auf die Menschheit eines frueheren Entwicklungsstadiums entworfen. In ihrer archaischen und eher technikorientierten Naivitaet entwickelte sie sich aus der von einer Herrschaftsfamilie regierten Welt mit eigenen physikalisch-religioesen Gesetzmaessigkeiten heraus, seien dies beispielsweise das Prinzip der Be- anstatt der Erleuchtung oder eine mechanisch herzustellende Suendenfreisprechung anstatt katholischer Bussgelder. Intellektuell der Brotkatze weit ueberlegen ist die Figur der Votzekatze, eine schemenhaft katzenartige Collage aus Ausschnitten von Fotografien einer Scheide. Als ueberlegene Eroberin, die im Rahmen der eintretenden industriellen Revolution die Macht an sich reissen will und zu diesem Zwecke auch gewaltorientierte Handlungen ohne Skrupel einkalkuliert, stellt Votzekatze das bisher durchaus friedvolle soziale Gefuege auf den Kopf und loest einen Krieg der Welten aus. 

Die Arbeit des Duos ist vielfach als Konzept angelegt, in der Musik, wie in der bildenden Kunst. Wobei es dann immer um die themenbezogene Vermengung unterschiedlicher Kunstansaetze geht, um so neue gedankliche Raeume zu erschliessen.

Hjuler hat fuer diese Figur ein eigenes Universum geschaffen, das aber bei genauer Betrachtung zeigt, dass in absurder Umsetzung ein eher sehr menschliches Verhalten dargestellt wird. Kommissar Hjuler scheint seine Umwelt genau zu analysieren, um bestimmte Bereiche in die absurden Verhaeltnisse der Brotkatze zu assimilieren, ein fast wissenschaftlicher Ansatz. Und wenn man gerade meint, man hat einen Schluessel zur Aufloesung gefunden, wartet er mit einer neuen raetselhaften Assemblage auf, die eine Gesamtaufloesung wieder gen Null steuern laesst, es regiert eben ueberall doch das Chaos…und so ist auch das dazugehoerige Manifest angelegt:

BROTKaTZEN sind das Zeichen unserer Freude. Unser GOTT.
Wenn es regnet: singen wir BROTKaTZEN .
Wenn es schneit tragen wir BROTKaTZEN.
BROTKaTZEN sind unser Ziel und unsere Hoffnung.
BROTKaTZEN sind das Blut in unsern Adern, wenn es spritzt.
BROTKaTZEN sind schoener groesser und besser als alle BROTKaTZEN die wir kennen.
BROTKaTZEN sind das Abendrot und der Morgen.
BROTKaTZEN sind das Ecstasy unserer pulsierenden Lust.
Schon die alten Aegypter verehrten BROTKaTZEN.
Die Griechen der Antike gestalteten marmorne BROTKaTZEN.
Die Germanen tranken BROTKaTZEN.
Wir alle wollen BROTKaTZEN.
Ein Leben ohne BROTKaTZEN ist ein verlorenes Leben.
BROTKaTZEN sind unsere Nahrung und unser Durst.
Und wir beginnen von vorn : BROTKaTZEN sind das Zeichen .................
(Klaus Rudolf)

Die Performance im FZKKE Euskirchen am 01.09. 2012:

Die Szene:

Die drei Darsteller befinden sich hinter einem Schaufenster, ausgestellt wie in einer Vitrine.
Der Raum ist sehr beengt und schmal, was der Szene etwas klaustrophobisches verleiht.
Mama Baer sitzt zusammengekauert vor ihrem Keyboard.
Der Kommissar hat hinter ihr auf einem Stuhl platzgenommen, dicht an ihren Rücken gedraengt.
Daneben steht ein Polizist, wie ein Waerter.
Im Hintergrund haengt ein Banner auf dem steht: Brotkatze! ...denn Votzen gibt es schon genug.

Die Ausfuehrung:

Mama Baer faengt an einen Auszug aus ihrer Klangcollage auf dem Keyboard zu spielen.
Dabei singt sie. Der Gesang wirkt verzweifelt und gipfelt teilweise in ein weinerliches Geschrei.
Sie sitzt zusammengekauert, weit ueber das Keyboard gebeugt, wirkt entrueckt und reagiert nur durch ihren Gesang auf das Geschehen, nicht aber durch Interaktion mit den beiden anderen Protagonisten. Der Eindruck der Entruecktheit wird nochmal von ihrer Erscheinung unterstuetzt. Sie ist maedchenhaft gekleidet und mit ihren langen, blonden, zu Zoepfen gebundenen Haaren wirkt sie schutzbeduerftig und erweckt sicherlich bei vielen einen Beschuetzerinstinkt.
Ihre Praesenz wirkt, wie fast wie die eines gefallenen Engels, der nach Erloesung schreit.
Hinter ihr sitzt Kommissar Hjuler auf einem Stuhl. Er ist dicht an ihren Ruecken geschmiegt.
Diese Stellung kann durchaus sexuelle Assoziationen wecken, wirkt aber auch wie ein Verstecken. Einer Suche nach Halt und Geborgenheit.
Es wirkt, als suche er Schutz hinter der zerbrechlichen Gestalt der Mama Baer.
Nun faengt er an sich zu ruehren. Es ist als will er aufspringen und ausbrechen, wird aber sofort von der Gestalt des Polizisten oder Waerters wieder an seinen Platz gedraengt.
Dabei schreit er, wie ein Mantra: - Brotkatze, Brotkatze. Wir kochen eine Suppe aus Ziegenpeter -.
Dieser Ablauf wird nun immer wiederholt.
Mama Baer singt und schreit und spielt auf dem Keyboard ihre Soundcollage, kontinuierlich zusammengekauert.
Abwechselnd mit ihr wagt der Kommissar seine Ausbruchversuche.
Es schreit aus vollem Leib seinen Text und baeumt sich immer wieder auf, stemmt sich gegen die Zurechtrueckung der Waerterfigur.
Die Performance wirkt sehr beklemmend. Die bestaendige Wiederholung der Handlungen wird immer intensiver und verzweifelter.
Der klaustrophobische Eindruck und das verzweifelte Aufbaeumen bekommen einen immer intensiveren Ausdruck.
Insgesamt bleibt eine Impression der Fatalitaet und der Tragik in der alle Protagonisten verzweifelt und wie Opfer wirken.

Die Performance in Villach 2012:

Eine zweite Variante der Brotkatzenperformance.
Auch hier gibt es drei Protagonisten.
Hier kauert Mama Baer im Hintergrund vor ihrem Keyboard. Wieder in ihrer maedchenhaften, beschuetzerinstinkt-weckenden Erscheinung. Auch hier intergeragiert sie nicht mit den anderen Protagonisten direkt, sondern nur durch ihren abwechselnden Einsatz zum Kommissar.
An der Seite steht ein grosser Gong. Bei ihm kniet eine schwarz gekleidete Gestalt (Barbara Rapp). Die Gestalt wirkt auch hier wie ein Waerter oder Vollstrecker einer hoeheren Instanz.
Mit dem Gongschlag wechseln sich Mamabaer und der Kommissar in ihrer Performance ab.
Auch in dieser Variation schreit der Kommissar seinen Text: - Brotkatze, Brotkatze. Wir kochen eine Suppe aus Ziegenpeter - abwechselnd zum Einsatz des flehenden Gesangs der Mama Baer.
Er taucht aber zwischen den Einsaetzen seinen Kopf in eine Schuessel voll Wasser.
Der Gong erloest ihn praktisch aus dem Ertrinken. Aber nur kurzeitig, um sein Mantra in die Welt zu schreien und um dann wieder zurueck in seine Zwangslage einzutauchen.
Diese Performance ist sehr ausdrucksstark. Der Betrachter ist stark betroffen durch die Empathie mit dem handelnden Kommissar, da er bei der staendigen Wiederholung, des Eintauchens seines Kopfes ins Wasserbecken, zunehmend erschoepfter und wirklich dem Ertrinken nahe ist.
Am Schluss ist er der Ohnmacht nahe und liegt neben dem Wasserbehaeltnis.
Man spuert hierbei das reale koerperliche Leiden des Mediums und fühlt sich in der Realität fast koerperlich dazu veranlasst zur Hilfe zu eilen und ihn aus dieser bedrohlichen Zwangslage zu befreien.

Die Performance - Mein Bagger brennt - :

Der Kommissar steht nur in Unterhosen vorm Publikum und spielt ein Kinderinstrument, welches er sich vor sein Gemaecht haelt, waehrend Mama Baer in einer Kuechenschuerze einen Text rezitiert.
Dies ist ein wesentliches Zeichen der performativen Handlung. Sie ist nicht fassbar oder gegenstaendlich. Sie ist eine Wechselwirkung zwischen Handelndem und Betrachter und benutzt praktisch beide als Medium ihrer Botschaft.
Sie kann durchaus auch Widerspruechlichkeit und rivalisierende Bedeutungen zulassen und sogar zu ihrem wesentlichen Bestandteil machen.
Meiner Meinung nach ist das Duo Kommissar Hjuler und Mama Baer ausdrucksstark in ihren performativen Handlungen.
Sie arbeiten mit sich staendig wiederholenden Ausdrucksmitteln, die sie manchmal bis zur Erschoepfung repetieren und ihnen somit eine gebetsartige Form verleihen, sie also zum Mantra machen und somit eine sehr eindringliche Wirkung erzielen.

Kollaborationen :

Das Duo hat nun auch zur Kooperation eingeladen und schon Kollektivaustellungen zum Thema gemacht.
Aus teils voellig unterschiedlichen Assoziationen zur und Reaktionen auf die BROTKATZE werden von jedem Projektteilnehmer individuell relevante Thematiken aufgegriffen und unter Einbeziehung der Basisfiguren kuenstlerisch aufgearbeitet. So bietet die Zusammenstellung der gezeigten Arbeiten aus den Bereichen Malerei, Fotografie, Assemblage und Objekt dem Betrachter schlussendlich einen durchaus weitraeumigen Querschnitt aktueller gesellschaftlicher, soziokultureller und politischer Aspekte des Zeitgeschehens. Teilnehmende Kuenstler: Das Kollaborationsprojekt BROTKATZE versteht sich als offene Plattform mit dynamisch wechselnden Teilnehmern, unter Beibehaltung eines kleinen Kernzusammenschlusses (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge): Cody Brant (Portland/USA), Maks Dannecker (Salach/D), Angela Ferrara (Sao Paulo/Brazil), Kommissar Hjuler& Mama Baer (Flensburg/D), Knut Kargel (Moehnesee-Wamel/D), Eric Lunde (Minneapolis/USA), C.Mank (Koeln/D), Barbara Rapp (Velden/A), Cornelius P. Rinne (Bielefeld/D), Dorota-Katarzyna Samborski (Berlin/D), Gaby Seipel (Oppenheim/D), Clemens Stecher (Wien/A), Christine Tarantino (Wendell/USA), Francis Tucker (Koeln/D), Detlev Weigand (Roesrath/B), u. a.
Hierbei habe ich in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kuenstler Dominik Stahlberg den Hintergrund zur Performance in Euskirchen gestaltet.
Ein Banner mit der Aufschrift:  Brotkatze!...denn Votzen gibt es schon genug .
Dies ist als Wuerdigung der Welt der Brotkatzen entstanden und ein kleiner Teil ihres staendig wachsenden Universums.


Diese Performances sind ein eindringliches Mittel der Darstellung der Welt der Brotkatzen. Die ewige Wiederholung von Prozessen, die mechanisch von hoeheren Instanzen geleitet werden.
Die Ohnmacht des Einzelnen gegen die gesteuerten Prozesse der Macht.
Eine intensive Darstellung der Ohnmacht aber auch des festen Willens zur Eigenstaendigkeit, durch das Aufbaeumen, dass verzweifelt und aussichtslos wirkt.
Die performative Handlung ist ein offener Prozess und kreiert seine eigene Zeit und Raum. Der Koerper des Kuenstlers wird zum Medium der Aussage.
Der Handelnde schluepft nicht in eine Rolle, sondern wird zu dem Dargestellten.
Hierbei wird das Handeln zum Erleiden und Wiederfahren.
Der Performer wird zum manipulierten Objekt und der Betrachter zum Zeugen.
Als Zeuge ist der Betrachter aber auch das Medium, welches den Akt transportiert.
Hierbei zeigt das Duo auch keine Angst sich der Laecherlichkeit preiszugeben.

(Stefanie Krome , Leipzig den 15.7. 2013)




8. Christopher Karl ist tot:

The photographer Josef Karl from Gruenwald/Munich asked Kommissar Hjuler to work with fotos and some given objects of his and his wife Natalie's dead son Christopher. 

In September 2008 Natalie and Josef Karl have not been able to find a place at a day-nursery by their local community of Munich to give away their 14-month-old son Christopher during the daytime, so both decided to give their son to the private nursemaid Alexandra S., mother of two daughters, to look after their son, while they both were at work.
Although the nursemaid was recommended by the community, she turned out to be seemingly overcharged with her job, and on 25th of September 2008 she thoroughly shook the crying Christopher that hard, that the 14-month-old child got a cerebral haemorrhage and died two days later.

Josef Karl expects art to be the best way of compensation, and we are glad to be chosen by him to work with original photographies and documents, Christopher's
original passport, objects of Christopher, some of Christopher's favourite toys, and a lot of information.

So Mama Baer and Kommissar Hjuler focussed on several aspects of this interesting case.

The work you will find at file ZUSAMMENARBEITEN, and some work on the theme by Mama Baer is at file MALEREI, but Josef Karl did not want her to continue creating works, after she started her first paintings.

At our file LINKS you will be led to an article by Sueddeutsche Zeitung - Magazin - Christopher Karl ist tot (at letter K).


Die verschiedenen bereits entstandenen und noch in der Entstehung befindlichen Kurbeln repraesentieren ein Jedermanns-Prinzip, das doppelte Austauschbarkeit darstellt, zum einen kann jedes Kind in die Rolle des Gedrehten kommen, zum anderen sind die Bediener der Kurbel austauschbar.
In einer Ausstellung wird man diese Kunst zum Anfassen eher spielerisch ein wenig drehen, die deutlich abstrahierte Aussage wird hier dem Betrachter aber zum Teil durch aufgeklebte Texte nahe gebracht, er soll realisieren, dass es kein Spiel ist, sondern Realitaet.
Natalie und Josef Karl waren gezwungen, ihren Sohn in eine solche Kurbel zu legen, in der Annahme, dass die Kommune genau kontrolliert, wer die Kurbel bedient. Dass hier aber jemandem, bei dem Beschwerden vorlagen, weiter erlaubt wurde, Kinder zu kurbeln, das zeigte auf, dass die Austauschbarkeit im wahren Leben allgegenwaertig ist. So ist eine Jedermannskurbel eine Kritik daran, dass tatsaechlich jedermann einfach nach Lust und Laune die Kurbel betaetigen kann und so das jeweilige Kind durchschuëttelt. Die Austauschbarkeit des Kindes soll aufzeigen, dass jedermann auch gefordert ist, den Umstand der Austauschbarkeit am Kurbelarm wirksam zu regulieren. Hier haben diese Kontroll-Mechanismen versagt, im Vordergrund stand die Kurbelnde, deren Berufseingliederung und Sozialisation der Vorrang gegenuëber der Gefahr einer unkontrollierten Kurbelung eingeraeumt wurde. Nur wer erfaehrt davon?
Ein versteckter Aspekt ist dabei auch die Jedermann-Frage fuër das Kurbeln an sich, das also den Kontrollverlust infolge Ueberforderung darstellt.
Wenn hierbei dreist zum Kurbeln bei Ueberforderung aufgefordert wird, dann spiegelt dieses wieder, dass unsere gesamte Gesellschaft diesen Leistungsdruck schuert, dem Leute oftmals nicht standhalten koennen.
Die Kurbel ist so bewusst abstrahierte Kritik, dass sie viele Ansaetze zum Nachdenken liefert, und das macht Gesellschaftspolitik doch aus.
Der fehlende Abschied ist ebenfalls Thematik einiger Assemblagen, so in Herbstzeitlose, ein Titel der an die Deutsche Lyrik zum Ende des 19. bzw. Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts erinnert, der Herbst als sich metaphorisch ankuëndigendes Lebensende, die Zeit des Abschieds, nur hatten die Eltern diese Zeit nicht, der Herbst kam vor dem Fruëhling. (Interview Kommissar Hjuler)

My works on the theme of Josef's lost son have taken a lot of time and a lot of my haert's blood has been flown directly into these works I created. He had the idea for several exhibitions containing these works by me, and I will be proud, whenever my work is shown as a lttle part of his very own project. 


 9. fluxporn

Critics and a lot of artists state, that art and pornography do not belong together, some state, that good art shall exclude pornography. 

My work is often simply rated as pornography. Well, for my art I use themes, that I find in the world we live in. I am supposed that my work is not pornography, it deals with the term sexuality, as we find it in society. To me art shall be a mirror of society!

Being confronted once again with a statement, that I simply do pornography, I asked myself, why this dissociative point of view is that deep based in an art critic's mind. Artists so far only focussed on pornographic scene from oustide, sometimes entered this scene for short time to get impressions of it as an object for their work. But they always held their distance. 

I then had the idea to quit with this dissociative point of view. For fluxporn I now invite porn actresses and actors, photographers and film makers of the pornographic industry, any persons working in the erotic scene like escort services, table dancers, playmates from magazines,  prostitutes, ... to work together with me in order to create real collaborative and authentic works dealing with the term sexuality.

My main interest for fluxporn is to work with them as subjects! 

They shall not simply be object of any art: In fluxporn a porn actress can become part of the creative process of a work. 

And for sure she or he is the one, who decides, how pornographic the collaboration will look like lateron. If a model collaborates with me, the result of our collaboration will be different from her normal work, her contribution can be the basis for a possibly even non-pornographic result! fluxporn is by far not to create any pornographic art! fluxporn brings together artists from so far separated scenes and describes the process of working together in order to get a most authentic results!

On January 2nd, 2012 the first collaborative work in fluxporn was finished with the wonderful porn actress Lena Nitro from Duesseldorf, winner of Erotixxx Award 2010 as Rising Star, Venus Award for Best Outstanding Progress in Germany 2011, and Venus Award for Best Actress in Germany 2012.

Kommissar Hjuler just collaborated with porn actress Violet Storm from Pastow, Cornwall UK, winner of Brussels Erotic Award 2002, editor of Penthouse UK, who run her own television series on Television X in 2002 and the documentary EASY MONEY on BBC 2 in 2003.

And Kommissar Hjuler worked together with Annika Rose, who was working as porn actress Annika Bond exclusively for Eronite Media Ltd. Potsdam and who together with Maria Mia run the reality show Das Lesbencasting for Eronite Media Ltd. as moderator. Today she only works as Annika Rose.

In February 2012 I worked with Samira Summer, director of the Dirty Showgirls Company - Samira Summer, Postfach 91074, 51077 Koeln, a group of twenty-three professional show girls and table dancers one can rent for special events. After the first works with Samira, her Dirty Showgirls Company has become the role of a partner company for the fluxporn project, so the next collaborative work was with her team leaders Elly Darnell, Josy Fine, Medea Fox, Kiara Kane, and with the dancer Taya Lamai.

And with TexasPatti, a webcam girl and porn actress from MyDirtHobby, Kommissar Hjuler just created several madonna-assemblages containing worn panties by TexasPatti.

April and May 2012 Kommissar Hjuler worked together with porn actress Leonie Lingua from Graz/Austria.

September 1st and 2nd, 2012, at Schloss Liedberg, 41352 Korschenbroich, nine collaborative works with porn actress TexasPatti & Kommissar Hjuler from fluxporn project and some other workby Kommissar Hjuler shall be as part of the exhibition selected by Carlotte Kons, galerie amtsschatzhaus Neuss.

To work with models/actresses directly always showed a problem concerning the rights of the photos and of the stage name, so I now work with star photographer Marco Pallotti from Santa Monica, who worked with nearly all actresses of ATMLA agency Los Angeles and is owner of the rights of the photographies he provides for collaborative works.

The Summerhall Upper Church Gallery, Hope Park Terrace, Edinburgh, EH9 1PL, UK, shows solo assemblages, paintings, photographies, and video installation by us from October 6th to November 24th, 2012 at four of their rooms. The works from collaboration project FLUXPORN by Kommissar Hjuler and porn actress Violet Storm (UK) are shown as well, so we call it flux+(st/p)or(m/n). The event is part of the Summerhall Art Festival, for which we beside Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan and a show of posters from sixties punk movement have become one the four main themes this festival focusses on.
The List Magazine (UK) recommended our exhibition as top 6 exhibition in Scotland.
And November 10th, 2012 we performed a springpreparationconcert by Heather Leigh & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau w/Violet Storm, Upper Church Gallery, Edinburgh/UK, as part of the Summerhall Art Festival. This was the first time that Violet Storm was singing on stage, but hopefully this was not her last concert, for she showed a talent by nature. A DVD-R from the concert will become released by Heart Fine Art Ltd. (UK).

Beginning of 2013 Kommissar Hjuler worked together with BDSM-/fetish actress Kitty Blair from Meerbusch, who does several video productions and worked for Chateau Noir, Charlottenstrasse 66, Duisburg.


10. (SHMF-019+…) - Collaboration Project:

Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer run a project called (SHMF-019+…) for which any artists are allowed to create versions of the reading DIE ANTIZIPATION DES GENERALIZED OTHER. A tape, several CD-Rs and some LPs still have become released in this series on Der Schoene-Hjuler-Memorial-Fond. A list of all artists that have been committing you will find at file (SHMF), just see no. (SHMF-019) following!

The Generalized Other refers to George Herbert Mead's psychological explanation for the origin of social self-consciousness. Within Mead's theory, is the act of 'role-taking' in which individuals react to social gestures, and adjust to common attitudes. Through 'role-taking', people adapt to social exchanges based on gesture-response action sequences. Self-consciousness is then developed through these social actions and completed upon personal reflection. This text is hard to handle for other artists, we now have given away quite a lot of free Audio-CD-Rs to other artists, but only few were able to work with our spoken text. It is a stumbling dialogue with reading parts and conversation parts and in the result we do by far not justice to the grandilocant or intellectual theme.

Mainly artists and musicians from experimental music scene have contributed, but not at least, this project is to create a mix of most different music styles, one of the stranges contributions was by the Afro-French Urban-Rap- and Dub-musician LO daam, who normally creates music far from any experimental scene, and the crazy version by the dark metal band HELLMOUTH from Rotterdam.

Artists and musicians, who are interested into creating their personal version for this project, could get a promotional Audio-CD-R with the spoken text, the versions sent back become released  on our label, the artists will get some free copies. Especially artists from very different music scenes are invited for their contribution, also film works or collages and paintings as limited prints are possible, it need not be the medium music, anything goes.

Several more collaboration works like the mail-collaboration between Rudolf Eb.er of Schimpfluch Group (SHMF - Eb.er), LP in limited edition, re-issued as a CD by Blossoming Noise/USA in edition of 1000 copies, or the experimental smalltalk with Juergen O. Olbrich of NO-Institue/Paper Police (SHMF - 155), CD-R in limited edition, which is also a set for other anti-live acts, are possible.



11. Fluxus & Funk:

In the series Fluxus and Funk we present split releases with the band Medium Medium, now based in Los Angeles/USA, formerly based in UK, up to their split in 1983, where they released their unique white funk music at the label Cherry Red.

Their LP THE GLITTERGOUSE from 1981 was a monument in music to me, I was 15 or 16 years old, when I first listened to that LP, and it was one of
the first even more experimental based LPs that really influenced me. The LP still belongs to my favourite ones from my huge collection of experimental stuff.

Medium Medium had a re-union in 2004, gave several concerts in the USA. I then got in contact with the band, telling them that I am their biggest fan, and got the rights to release some live recordings as split releases on my label.

I am really honoured to have out these split releases today with a band that formed me as a teenager, about 25 years ago.

I released the split LPs Fluxus & Funk I (SHMF - 219) and II (SHMF-222) at our label, all with unique cover art. For the (SHMF-222) two special editions exist, one with cover art by NO!art Movement leader Clayton Patterson, one released together with the label Heart & Crossbone Records from Tel Aviv, especially released for the exhibition FORMATOLOGY at Galerie Yaffo 23, Jerusalem in 2011.

We will soon present a split tape in this series on the label My Dance The Skull (London/UK). For this release I produced a special fluxus styled booklet (SHMF-MDTS) which is only available at MDTS.

Medium Medium still have unreleased live recordings and also some unplugged recordings back in stock, so we look out for any label to get the series FLUXUS AND FUNK go on.

A file at this website shows all cover art of the releases done in this series.

12. DVR-HGA-Split-LP series by Psych.KG:

In May 2009 the Split-LP - jA-etanoS/Nein-Sonat - by Dissecting Table and Kommissar Hjuler was released at DVR/Psych.KG, soon after this release we signed in a contract at this label, which started a series of Split-LPs by us and other bands/artists in edition of 177 copies each release, always appearing with additional handmade and limited art edition. The 12 Split-LPs from the series are also available with special handmade and limited 12-LP-folder with lot of additional works like a special from our LP (SHMF-215). 


It is curious, but the first release on the label ( - jA-etanoS/Nein-Sonat -) is not part of this series. 
This special series started with the Split LP wit Lt. Caramel. 
By now 12th Split-LP is in preparation. The series then ends with DVR-HGA-Ende. 
End of this Split-LP series is start for a series of Split-Lathe-cuts in limited edition called DVR-HGA-Buchstabe.

- Lt. Caramel/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Bitter Dana Tik Tak/Schutz-Tisch-Performances - Split-LP (DVR-HGA1)

- Smegma/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - The Good Fight/Blues for M./Self-Hypnosis / bred you get - Split-LP (DVR-HGA2)

- Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock/Mama Baer - Mahnmal (Ritual 090424 Osaka)/words are crying but don't english (2-4) - Split-LP (DVR-HGA3)

- Eric Lunde/Kommissar Hjuler - Separture/Grundordnung-Unterschrank-Scooter - Split-LP (DVR-HGA4)

- Klaus Girnus/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Zurueck zum Sender/Da muss Streit rauf - Split-LP (DVR-HGA5)

- The New Blockaders/Mama Baer - Regelmasken - Split-LP (DVR-HGA6)

- Bomis Prendin/Mama Baer - Die Zoeglinge der Dalaia Lama - Split-LP (DVR-HGA7)

- LSD March/Mama Baer - Untitled/... plays Amy Winehouse - Split-LP (DVR-HGA8)

- UP-TIGHT/Mama Baer- Etude in Black I-IV/Seelennebel-Brut I-II - Split-LP (DVR-HGA9)

- Hans-Joachim Hespos/Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - t a n E K / t a n E K u b u s /t a n (alog) E K / HJCvG - Split-LP (DVR-HGA10)

- Hiroshi Hasegawa/Mama Baer - Scarlet Dream/Khmerzen - Split-LP (DVR-HGA11)

- Pacific 231/Cody Brant & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Evolution - Split-LP (DVR-HGA12)

- Family Fodder - play Kommissar Hjuler - LP with handmade and unique cover art, consecutively numbered (DVR-HGA-Ende)

Photos: The file - DVR-HGA 1-Ende - at this website shows all artworks from DVR-HGA split releases.



13. Fluxus +/- series by Psych.KG:
Beginning of 2014 the German label Psych.KG started a series of LP or MC releases by active fluxus artists and outsider artists, the project is curated by Kommissar Hjuler, by Mama Baer and by Matthias Horn. 

 - Psych.KG 117  (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - F L U X ground zero (Stunde Null)

Brandstifter - I want to kill a bicycle bike
Brandstifter - bicycle sick
Brandstifter - bye sickl
Brandstifter - fahrrad kaputt machen ich will ein
C. Mehrl & John M. Bennett - Wired Vote
Kommissar Hjuler - Wuergereizpumpen
Mama Baer - my little feelings III
C. Mehrl Bennett - Fluxus FM (FahrradMusik) Radio
Kommissar Hjuler - Fahrrad (-Gamelan)

 - Psych.KG 117/ANTI  (Anti-MC-Object, non-limited edition, consecutive numbering) - A N T I F L U X

Non-playable MC-Object by Matthias Horn, frau Unbekannt, Kommissar Hjuler or someone else of the artists involved in the series.

 - Psych.KG 123 (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

C. Mehrl Bennett - you either get it or you don't
John M. Bennett - Forklint & 4 Poems
Jaan Patterson - Demonstrated Properties & Mechanics
ALBRECHT/d. & Kommissar Hjuler - ... fast ein Telefonat
David Dellafiora - Fluxus Is No Brand Name!

 - Psych.KG 125 (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

FluxRus Gr. Belka & Strelka (Viktoria Barwenko/Svetlana Pesetskaya) - BI
Daniel Spicer - The Diamond Life (for Henry Flynt)
Keith A. Buchholz - sound sample #2
Wolf Vostell - de-coll/age manifesto
DADA Action Group (James Banner/Mark Schomburg) & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Die Antizipation des Generalized Other #1
Milan Knizak - Multisong
Paul Ramsey - eTude 23 (Flux Mix)

 - Psych.KG 137  (MC (C30) in Anti-Book, limited 30 copies) - fluxus anthology I

C. Mehrl Bennett & John M. Bennett - Poems from Algunos Mirrors
Daniel Spicer - Live in Brighton / This key came down / Splurt

 - Psych.KG 139  (MC (C30) in Artwork-Cover/Box, limited 75 copies) - fluxus anthology II

Wolf Vostell - San Diego Freeway
Kommissar Hjuler - Route Section II
Juergen O. Olbrich & Kommissar Hjuler - Von Aepfeln Und Birnen
Wataru Kasahara - Furoba no Nikubusa
Wataru Kasahara - Aoi Honoo
Wataru Kasahara - Nanika no Kinomi

  - Psych.KG 143  (LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

Brandstifter - I Don't Mind If You Call Me Fluxus But I Don't!
Reed Altemus - Falchspielens
Tooth Kink (Mikhail Salnikov/Alexei Borisov) & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - to end all life
Wataru Kasahara - Yume eno Nenbutsu (fuer Otto Muehl)
{AN}Eel D. Retke - Grund Opa's Dust In Denial
& zwei weitere Stuecke

  - Psych.KG 145  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS (black edition)

PVA in Hair & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Barette des general blade 

  - Psych.KG 149 (double-sided  LP, limited 100 copies) - Vinyl-Artefakt, rund, flach und mittig gelocht

Jonathan Meese – Die 7 Spaerlichsten der Diktatur der Kunst
Wolfgang Kindermann - Die Zone (redroned)
The Nu Metal Fighters - Coming Undone
The Nu Metal Fighters - Freak On A Leash
The Nu Metal Fighters - Got The Life
The Nu Metal Fighters - Falling Away From Me
The Nu Metal Fighters - Twisted Transistor

  - Psych.KG 151  (MC (C60), limited 45 copies) - fluxAufmarsch

gruppe weltAusstellung (Anja Lautermann, Peter Issig, Thilo Schoelpen, Uwe Moellhusen) - sprung aus der rille (pts. I/II)
Tim Berresheim & Jonathan Meese - you are father christmas, accept it!
Karlheinz Essl - Zungenreden
Kommissar Hjuler - joBeuysseph #3

  - Psych.KG 157  (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - fluxus anthology III

Shaun Robert - psycho acoustic divination
Mama Baer - my little feelings III

Daniela Floersheim - Konzert fuer zwei Schlagbohrhammer mit begleitenden Haushaltsgeraeten
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - KoRn (unretected) II

  - Psych.KG 159  (MC (C60), limited 45 copies) - IVLUXUS

Jenny Michel & Fredrik Olofsson - The Electric Water Air Sound Test#1 - A concert for Fishes and Birds
Enzo Minarelli - Em Lisboa a
Knut Kargel - numbers
Knut Kargel - afghanistan
John M. Bennett & C. Mehrl Bennett - GAEZ VEXR
John M. Bennett - Performance May 12th, 2014
David Scott & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Thee 23 mis-interpretations ov Mama Baer's art in thee temple ov holophonick anticipation I + II
AG Davis & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Antizipation des Modernen Sociopath

  - Psych.KG 161  (MC (C60), limited 45 copies) - fluxLamacra

Wataru Kasahara - Dohbutsu tachi no Tomoshibi
Wataru Kasahara - Urusai Niku
Wataru Kasahara - Kutsu no Naka
Ruelgo Thedwarf & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - L'anticipation
Jaan Patterson & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Die Antizipation des Generalized Other
Sindre Bjerga - Tonsils, utencils and pencils
factor X - Radio DAda #1 - pt.s 2, 9, 14,15

  - Psych.KG 171  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

Steve Dalachinsky - the lynching
C. Mehrl Bennett - Inco POOF in Modern Times
Enzo Minarelli - Em Lisboa b
FluxRus Gr. Belka & Strelka (Viktoria Barwenko/Svetlana Pesetskaya) - roots (or smoke Fluxus)
Kommissar Hjuler - Ein schrecklicher Gedanke (an Otto Muehl)
Tim Berresheim & Jonathan Meese - Christmas Candy

  - Psych.KG 173  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

komisar jvler - nvr ainfache eraignise

  - Psych.KG 175  (one-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - Fluxus In The Kitchen

Family Fodder - darling
Family Fodder - monkey
Family Fodder - banana
Tim Berresheim & Jonathan Meese - two fish
Tim Berresheim & Jonathan Meese - for the duck
Mama Baer - zwei kochrezepte

  - Psych.KG 181  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - Musik fuer Anrufbeantworter 

Milan Knizak - Answering machine
Kommissar Hjuler - BroMuc - AB24

 - Psych.KG 181/ANTI  (Anti-7inch-Object, non-limited edition, consecutive numbering) - A N T I F L U X    2

Non-playable 7inch-Object by Matthias Horn, frau Unbekann, Kommissar Hjuler or someone else of the artists involved in the series.

  - Psych.KG 183  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - DIE FLUXUSMEISTERSCHAFTEN

Goh Lee Kwang - The Spirit Of Rashomon 
Mama Baer - The Island
Daniel Spicer - Let The Body Attend (for Angus MacLise)

  - Psych.KG 185  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

Mama Baer - Fahrradtour in Ehrfurcht

  - Psych.KG 187  (MC (C20), limited 30 copies) - FLUXfuenf

Barbara Rapp - Do You Want To - Schlaf Kindlein Schlaf
Hannah Silva - Prosthetics
Derek Beaulieu - Quartet for Kevin 1 (permormed by Josh Pitre)
Derek Beaulieu - Quartet for six voices (performed by Kevin Spenst)
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - KoRn (unretected) V

  - Psych.KG 189 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - fluxZoloft

Father Noark - no oddities for TV Janet
Dino Felipe & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - el manic lenguaje'

Dereck Higgins & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - The Anticipation of Generalized Other

  - Psych.KG 191  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

Kommissar Hjuler - Walt Merin/Grrreat Berrleena
Daniel Spicer - Spood
Steve Dalachinsky/Thurston Moore/Tom Surgal - In the Book of Ice #5

  - Psych.KG 193  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXblonk LUFTessl Weibel Weibel

C. Mehrl Bennett - Deport Dada and NoBody's Surprise
Jaap Blonk - Kurt Schwitters' Ursonate: Largo (Amsterdam, 07./08.04.1988)
Karlheinz Essl - non Sequitur (Atelier Johann Feilbach, 26.06.2010)
Steve Dalachinsky/Thurston Moore - Glissandos
gruppe weltAusstellung (Anja Lautermann, Peter Issig, Thilo Schoelpen, Uwe Moellhusen) - Splitter (Duesseldorf, 2011/2012)
Knut Kargel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Mein Bagger brennt ... (Kunstraum B, Muenster, 26.09.2009)
Klaus Rudolf - KUNSTpARTei VOGELFRei, Ausschnitt aus Gruendungshappening (Moritzbastai Leipzig, 1988)
Barbara Rapp - LUFT (Fest der Kaerntner Staatskuenstlerinnen, KE-Theater Klagenfurt, 20.05.2013)

Peter Weibel & Hotel Morphila Orchester - Wir sind Daten (2013)

  - Psych.KG 195  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXmas 77

Tim Berresheim & Jonathan Meese - Christmas
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Das 77-Retect
Tim Berresheim & Jonasthan Meese - Christmas Blood

  - Psych.KG 197  (double-sided 7inch Lathe-cut, limited 25 copies) - genconhjulachinsky

Conrad Schitzler & Gen Ken Montgomery - Action for Synths - 1987
Steve Dalachinsky & Kommissar Hjuler - paper towel sex

  - Psych.KG 201  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - meow nim xluf minus w-moan ulf men equals nixon

Agrare (Maja Solveig Kjelstrup Ratkje/Hild Sofie Tafjord/Lotta Melin) - Seglet Er Vekk (from performance 'A Safe Place to Die', 2010)
Mama Baer - For the Maincontrol
Natalie Lauchlan - 65.7N20.3W
Hannah Silva - Threshold
Barbara Rapp - Kategorie (Salon Freiheit Klagenfurt, Dezember 2012)

  - Psych.KG 203  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - ... a brain ticket to fluxus

Wataru Kasahara - Yume no Naka no Ecstasy
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Vandroogenbroeck

  - Psych.KG 205  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUX!knast-mix

Foltergaul w/Mama Baer & Kommissar Hjuler - FLUX!knast-mix

  - Psych.KG 207  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - fluxuus aan de waanzin

Barbara Rapp & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Brotkatze (D.U.Design Villach, 14.01.12)
Knut Kargel - Water
Jo Kondo - Bonjin (Musica Practica Ensemble, Norio Sato (cond.))
Steve Dalachinsky/Thurston Moore/Tom Surgal - for Mary
Derek Beaulieu - Quartet for Kevin 2 (permormed by Josh Pitre) 
Brandstifter - The Tape of Death

  - Psych.KG 223  (double-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - fluxus +/-

Hiroshi Hasegawa - Metastasis
xqm - 2015-12-04 - xqm-room

  - Psych.KG 239 (double-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - fluxus +/-

PO Scrotchless Panty & the bottled MILF - Studio Performances No.s 1&2

  - Psych.KG 241  (double-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - fluxus concerts for (no) piano

Monty Cantsin - Second recycled Fluxus Piano Concert
Karen Eliot - NO fluxus concert for NO piano

   - Psych.KG 243  (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

The Nihilist Spasm Band - man without breath (BRNO concert)
The Nihilist Spasm Band - taptap (BRNO concert)
tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - Birds of Villa Villa-Lobos (after Michael Pestel)
Kommissar Hjuler und Praktikantin - Enten

  - Psych.KG 245 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - FLUXUS

Steve Dalachinsky & David Liebman - artaud le momo / last year at marienbad / oh sister / Robert / magical realism / journey to the east
John M. Bennett - The Lunch The Gravel
Cecil Touchon - Massurrealist Meditations # 9 & # 18
Cecil Touchon - Massurealist Meditation # 14
Kommissar Hjuler Allstar Band - Brandstiftung

- Psych.KG 247 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - John M.80PPFLUXalachinsky

Steve Dalachinsky & Eighty Pound Pug (Alex Lozupone/Paul Feitzinger/Ayumi Ishito) - March 30th, 2015 at Otto's Shrunken Head
Steve Dalachinsky & Kommissar Hjuler - paper towel sex
John M. Bennett - The Stool

  - Psych.KG 249  (double-sided 7inch Lathe-cut, limited 25 copies) - joBeuysseph

Kommissar Hjuler - joBeuysseph (pts. 2-4)
Kommissar Hjuler - joBeuysseph (pts. 6-9)

  - Psych.KG 251  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - Petition zum studentischen Protest (Fluxus West)

Milan Knizak & komisar jvler i chot - Galama'aa bwaa spolu Zlutej Martan

  - Psych.KG 253  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg - Knurrhahn (erste Version)
Wataru Kasahara (GROUP ThERRORPY:2004) - exploded roses
FluxRus Gr. Belka & Strelka (Viktoria Barwenko/Svetlana Pesetskaya) - delusion
Ludo Mich & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - flowers are growing, people would cry
Family Fodder - organ grinder
Tim Berresheim & Jonathan Meese - for the duck (alternative version)

  - Psych.KG 255  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - Fluxus, 1916

Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Deutschland zur See

  - Psych.KG 257  (one-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - FLUXUS Villach

Mama Baer - kurzes Stueck
Barbara Rapp - Geraeusch konserviert
Kommissar Hjuler - Ein-/Aus-Wehklagen

  - Psych.KG 259  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

Juergen O. Olbrich/Kommissar Hjuler - Von Aepfeln Und Birnen
Ace Farren Ford/Mars Pharoah Ford/Pierre Bamboo Dupuy - Soreshen Sandals
Steve Dalachinsky/Susie Ibarra/Assif Tsahar - For The Dance
Steve Dalachinsky/Matthew Shipp - Slim Slow Swimmer

Evelyn Helbig - Improvisation fuer Klavier
Steve Dalachinsky/Stephanie Stone - Tapping The Reed

Steve Dalachinsky/Vernon Reid - New Jersey
Cecil Touchon - Massurrealist Meditation #3
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - KoRn (unretected) #5

  - Psych.KG 261 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - FLUXUS

C. Mehrl & John M. Bennett - From VERTICAL SLEEP / PAGE DRAIN / THE FISTED NECK / Obvice
Komissar Hjuler - Improvisationer I - VII
Mama Baer - Kraken

  - Psych.KG 263  (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - New York Fuxus by Brandstifter

Brandstifter - L.E.S.S.
Brandstifter/Aaron Moore - live at FLUX Thursday
T. Berg/Brandstifter/A. Brien/M. Durek/S. Grannet/H. Meder/D. Olsen/R. L. Pepper/A. Percoco/J. V. Worthley - SKO Freak Train
Brandstifter - Calcone Dumbo / Fat American Woman
R. Altemus/Brandstifter/K. Buchholz/B. P. Maltos/M. Rose/C. Touchon - Simultaneous Reading
Brandstifter - L Train / L.E.S.S. / Live at MoMA / rgeloops at PPOW / Schaedel Loop
T. Berg/Brandstifter/M. Durek - SK Duel at CB
Brandstifter - Yellow Cab in Hot Pants

  - Psych.KG 265 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - FLUXUS

Luther Blissett & Karen Eliot - Schlauche (Umgebung)
Luther Blissett - Umgebung I-X
PAAK - Bastard 6
Steve Dalachinsky - The Seasons / 
Early Apples
Steve Dalachinsky & Matthew Shipp - In the Music Room

  - Psych.KG 267 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - FLUXUS

Wataru Kasahara - music for nude painting I-III
Mama Baer - hydrophobia II
Wataru Kasahara - early tracks I-V
Karen Eliot - Wave Manipulation IX

  - Psych.KG 269  (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

Magnús Pálsson - Fall Einars
Kommissar Hjuler - Offenbarung und Untergang (georgTrakl)
Franz Kamin - JoCiBoLY: John Cage is Beautiful (or He Loves You): Norkin Theatre Operation #1 

  - Psych.KG 271  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - Barbarella (Fluxus-Version)

Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Barbarella

  - Psych.KG 273 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - GEN CON Barbarella

Arvo Zylo & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - UND Barbarella
Condrad Schitzler & Gen Ken Montgomery - GENCON duet 2
Gen Con Productions - Action for Synths - 1987
Condrad Schitzler & Gen Ken Montgomery - GENCON duet 5

  - Psych.KG 275 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - Fluxus

Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Welche Automarke sucht Barbarella ?
Tim Berresheim & Jonathan Meese - Tim und Jonathan / Tim Jonathan
Steve Dalachinsky & Gen Ken - ... at Silent Barn
Steve Dalachinsky - Fools Gold (pt.s 1-2)

  - Psych.KG 277 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - FLUXUS

Christoph Ogiermann & Juergen Palmtag - HOLZ der UMKEHRSCHULE (Dorit!!)
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - KoRn-KaRaoke
Gen Ken's Super Group & Steve Dalachinsky - Not the Final Night (1-5)

  - Psych.KG 279 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - FLUX!porn

FLUX!porn field studies recorded by Kommissar Hjuler

  - Psych.KG 281  (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - NO!fluxus

Charlemagne Palestine & Mama Baer- Melange from Lago d'Orta Piedmonte

Franz Kamin - Behavioral Drift 8/9 - the SLO Game

  - Psych.KG 283 (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUX!porn / The NO!art Statements

John M. Bennett & Bibiana Padilla Maltos - Benway Institute Report
Texas Patti - Beischlaf
Steve Dalachinsky - Paper Towel Sex
Mischa Badasyan - 22
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Cunnilingus
Violet Storm - worthless
Boris Lurie & Dietmar Kirves - The NO!art Statements

 - Psych.KG 285  (one-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - fluxus means cars wearing no panties

C. Mehrl Bennett - The Spirit of Fluxus
PAAK - Pontonorchester
Danielle Lemaire - LAVA GLOVE
Mama Baer - retect
Emil Siemeister - 1. + 2. Vers
Magnús Pálsson - Loegsokn I-IV 

 - Psych.KG 287  (one-sided LP, limited 75 copies) - fluxus

Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg - Pelzwurst
Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg - Steckspiel
Kommissar Hjuler - Verfall und Verwandlung des Boesen
Kommissar Hjuler - Unter den Linden

 - Psych.KG 289  (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - NO!art Statements

Boris Lurie/Dietmar Kirves/Mama Baer - The NO!art Statements
Boris Lurie/Dietmar Kirves - The NO!art Statemens
Mama Baer - Zwiespalt
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau & Silvia Kastel - A!statement (NO!action 2011-04-15, Cafe Oto, London)

 - Psych.KG 291  (double-sided LP, limited 75 copies) - GEN CON FLUX

Conrad Schnitzler & Gen Ken Montgomery - GENCON duets 3 + 4
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - who knows what ?
Conrad Schnitzler & Gen Ken Montgomery - GENCON duet 7
Conrad Schnitzler & Gen Ken Montgomery - Contape with Duet
Conrad Schnitzler & Gen Ken Montgomery & Mama Baer - GENCONMABA Magic

  - Psych.KG 293 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - GEN CON NIHIL FLUX

The Nihilist Spasm Band - Murray !!!...too loud (July 7th, 2015 at Forest City Gallery, London)
Conrad Schnitzler & Ken Montgomery - GENCON duet 6
Kommissar Hjuler - Gymnopedienst

  - Psych.KG 295 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - FLUXUS

Demosthenes Agrafiotis - Festina
Steve Dalachinsky - double fragrance / strata
Mama Baer - Dontcryforme
PVA in Hair - Tale of Non Begotten

  - Psych.KG 297  (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - Souq Soulouf Cairo 1971 / Al Qa'ida

Hartmut Geerken & Hubertus von Puttkamer - filmmusik
Hartmut Geerken & Hubertus von Puttkamer - letterjazz 
Kommissar Hjuler - Al-Qa'ida

  - Psych.KG 299  (double-sided  LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

Zuzana Husarova - I bxd
Mama Baer - Herzklopfen
Demosthenes Agrafiotis - Festina
Maja Solveig Kjelstrup Ratkje & Lasse Marhaug - Danger Music #17 (Dick Higgins)
Eighty-pound Pug (Alex Lozupone, Paul Feitzinger, Nonoko Yoshida) - swampfrog
Andy Ortmann - Jabberwock (Lewis Carroll)
Joerg Piringer - ~O
Cecilie Bjørgås Jordheim - Symbolic Interactionism
Allan Revich - Kids In A Bus
Andre Borges - Inside-Out, 2011

  - Psych.KG 301 (double-sided  LP, limited 75 copies) - SUXULFART

Benjamin Patterson & Brandstifter - silent refugee night
Franz Kamin - BGESS #4
Kommissar Hjuler - der Jordt

  - Psych.KG 303 (double-sided 7inch lathe-cut, limited 25 copies) - futurism & dada 

Kunsu Shim - OGAMDO Nr. 3 by Yi Sang
Gerhard Staebler - Sashinozoku... by Hirato Renkichi
Gerhard Staebler - Kp'erioum by Raoul Hausmann
Kommissar Hjuler - Karawane by Hugo Ball

  - Psych.KG 305  (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - KELLO

Peter Weibel - Die Zeit ist der Dieb des Seins
Kommissar Hjuler - Meine erste Zeitmaschine
Daniel Menche - KELLO
Kommissar Hjuler - Kurzer Zeitsprung

  - Psych.KG 307 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - FLU+US

John M. Bennett - Poems from Mirrors Mascaras
John M. Bennett - 4 Poems from Tumbo Rugiente
John M. Bennett - 4 Poems
Arvo Zylo & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - UND WSB
C. Mehrl Bennett/John M. Bennett/
Sheila E. Murphy/Bev Carver - Collaborative Cinquains 

  - Psych.KG 309 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - FLUXUS

Emil Siemeister - sich selbst einsagen - Zum Rumkorffapparat
Kommissar Hjuler - 2 fragments
Juergen O. Olbrich - The Household-show (pts. 1-4)
Steve Dalachinsky - co(s)mic
Hartmut Geerken - zurnasolo 1
C. Mehrl Bennett - Hat on a skirt

  - Psych.KG 311  (double-sided 12inch Lathe-cut, limited 25 copies) - Fluxus Series: TATORT

The M. Leonhardt Lectures - Tatort

  - Psych.KG 313  (double-sided 7inch Lathe-cut, limited 25 copies) - FLUXUS

Hartmut Geerken - zagatwurfstueck
Kommissar Hjuler
- Karawane #15
C. Mehrl Bennett - wood paper scissors

  - Psych.KG 315 (double-sided  LP, limited 100 copies) - the lion sleeps tonight / FLUXUS

Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - the lion sleeps tonight

 - Psych.KG 317 (MC (C60), limited 45 copies) -  FLUXUS

FluxRus Gr. Belka & Strelka (Viktoria Barwenko/Svetlana Pesetskaya) - Troll
Rod Summers (VEC Archives) - Aliens Ate My Lunchbox!
Karen Eliot - Short Track
Juergen O. Olbrich - 5 Autopoems
Hartmut Geerken - zurnasolo 2

 - Psych.KG 319 (MC (C8), limited 30 copies) -  Die kleine Senfbiene

Juergen Palmtag - genosstete blou
Kommissar Hjuler - Karawane #1
John M. Bennett - January 2nd, 2016

 - Psych.KG 321  (double-sided 7inch Lathe-cut, limited 25 copies) - FLUXUS

Rod Summer - Honey Funnel
Kommissar Hjuler - Karawane #9
Magnús Pálsson - Fórn
Magnús Pálsson - Hrossabáttur

 - Psych.KG 323 (MC (C20), limited 30 copies) -  fluxus

Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson & Almar Steinn Atlason - out standing in my field
AG Davis & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Die Antizipation Des Modernen Sociopath

 - Psych.KG 325 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) -  Keithmissar O. Hjolbricholzer

Juergen O. Olbrich - 5 Autopoems
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau- Spongebob-Duell
Keith A. Buchholz/Allan Revich/Bibiana Padilla Maltos/Melissa McCarthy/Deborah Boardman/Tricia Van Eck/Allen Bukoff/Jokie X Wilson/Reid Wood/Bernd Reichert/Patrick Lichty - Excerpts from John Cage's INDERTERMINACY, read in conjunction with IMAGINARY CITY 

  - Psych.KG 327 (double-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - Kampfer, Die Nicht Kampfen

The New Blockaders - Kampfer, Die Nicht Kampfen
Kommissar Hjuler - Die lustigen Abenteuer von Pischi Pischi & Miff Maff
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Unrein bis zum Abend 2

 - Psych.KG 329  (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - John Cage & Helmut Kohl

Juergen O. Olbrich (w/Rod Summers) - C.A.G.E. = Come And Go Easy
Franz Kamin - Chorification of Jackson Mac Low's Phoneme Dance(s) for/from John Cage (1982)
Rod Summers/Maja Gehrig/Vasiliki Tsagkari/Kasper Koenig - Larus (Live Event)
Conrad Schnitzler & Wolfgang Seidel - 4'33''-0'33''=X
Jan van den Dobbelsteen - The Bird and The Cat
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Kanlerjahre
Keith A. Buchholz/Allan Revich/Bibiana Padilla Maltos/Melissa McCarthy/Deborah Boardman/Tricia Van Eck/Allen Bukoff/Jokie X Wilson/Reid Wood/Bernd Reichert/Patrick Lichty - Excerpts from John Cage's INDERTERMINACY, read in conjunction with IMAGINARY CITY

 - Psych.KG 331 (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - 16 SQ F_____

Markus Kupferblum - Boehmische Bibel
Kommissar Hjuler - De nye Rigspolitichefen
David Lee Myers - Feedback Music EFII21
Kommissar Hjuler - EXbroTkatzENDED
Emil Siemeister & Susanna Feferle - Lachen der Hyaenen - I

 - Psych.KG 333 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - Fluxus

Kommissar Hjuler - Elst. 1
Juergen Palmtag - bluhueswaffel
Markus Kupferblum - Siegmunds Traum
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Forvandling (Kaefer-Mix)
Magnús Pálsson - Fall Eyvindar
Magnús Pálsson - Reid Einars

Steve Dalachinsky/Cale Brandley/Nicki Nace/Simon Dasher/Brian Price/Matt Mottel - wake up lady  (your kid's on fire)

 - Psych.KG 335 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) -  Fluxus

Gianni-Emilio Simonetti - Drinking a young woman in a dutch courtyard - A musical tribute to Pieter de Hooch - Part One
Kommissar Hjuler - Elst. 2
Anna Homler & Ethan James - OO NU DIYA
Anna Homler & Ethan James - KARU KARU
Emil Siemeister & Susanna Feferle - Lachen der Hyaenen - II

  - Psych.KG 337 (double-sided  LP, limited 75 copies) - a tribute to anthony braxton

Conrad Schnitzler & Wolfgang Seidel - kWh 01/03 
Conrad Schnitzler & Pyrolator - 287_4
Kommissar Hjuler - Gerichtsverhandlung fuer Eimer und Giesskannen
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - _____Br/I+ T° n_/ 
ALBRECHT/d. & der mussikant - Duett

  - Psych.KG 339 (double-sided 7inch Lathe-cut, limited 25 copies) - FLUXUS

Anna Homler & David Moss - steel drum song
Anna Homler & David Moss - conversation
Kommissar Hjuler
und Frau - coming undone
Mama Baer - Mikroorganismus

 - Psych.KG 341  (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - Poetry Slam / Once Again

Tonya Ingram - Thirteen
Tonya Ingram - Unsolicited Advice (after Jeanann Verlee)
Tonya Ingram - Monster
Sabrina Benaim - Glass Girl
Nora Gomringer - Ursprungsalphabet
Xóchil A. Schuetz -
Wilder Flieder / Besiegt werden
Fee (Felicia Brembeck) - So einfach ist es eben einfach nicht. Ein Text nicht dafuer oder dagegen, sondern einfach darueber.
Fee (Felicia Brembeck) - Muellschlucker
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - ONCE AGAIN (the song)

 - Psych.KG 343 (MC (C10), limited 30 copies) -  Fluxus

John M. Bennett - some events
Magnús Pálsson - Albingisbàttur I/II
Kommissar Hjuler - Karawane #13

 - Psych.KG 345 (MC (C8), limited 30 copies) -  Fluxus - Short Sounds

Juergen O. Olbrich - 4 short sounds
Juergen O. Olbrich - radio calle
Kommissar Hjuler - fluxp021-07

  - Psych.KG 347  (double-sided LP, limited 75 copies) - Fluxus

Gianni-Emilio Simonetti - An Ewent Sound - Visual Music Score - 2016
Kommissar Hjuler - Endo-/Exocytose
Magnús Pálsson - Augustus! My God, I have it!

  - Psych.KG 349  (double-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - Fluxus

Die Form - Fear Of My Hands
Die Form - Flesh Wounds
Die Form - Carnal Sins
Die Form - Heart Of The Monster
Die Form - Corporal Punishment
Mama Baer - 

  - Psych.KG 351 (double-sided  LP, limited 100 copies) - Das Kapital

Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Die Selbstfinanzierung ueber das System der beschleunigten Abschreibung
Juergen O. Olbrich - Bei mir ging's nicht
Juergen O. Olbrich - Bei mir nicht
Jaap Blonk & BRAAXTAAL - Schwermetalle
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Global ist manchmal ganz nah! (Joerg Radek)
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Das Wesen der Amortisation und ihre Rolle im Reproduktionsprozess des konstanten fixen Kapitals

Juergen O. Olbrich - Game Over

  - Psych.KG 353 (double-sided  LP, limited 100 copies) - stolen chorusses

politi-inspektor Hjuler & politi-sang kor Flensborg - stolen chorusses (pts. 1-3)

  - Psych.KG 355 (MC (C20), limited 30 copies) - FLUXUS

Gianni-Emilio Simonetti - IRACNABIFARG (Apofenie)
Mama Baer - Hund Katze Whisper Violence
Philip Krumm - Marcha Registrata

  - Psych.KG 357 (MC (C63), limited 30 copies) - FLUXUS

PAAK & Kakawaka & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - whole lotta love
Bryan Lewis Saunders & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - fur die hunde
Franz Kamin - Black New York

  - Psych.KG 359 (double-sided  LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

Franz Kamin - Spyder Moon
Franz Kamin - US
tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - Banned Names 02
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Schiphorst I)

  - Psych.KG 361 (one-sided  LP, limited 45 copies) - FLUXUS

Franz Kamin - 11 Hard Thoughts of the Unmanageable Bear
Kommissar Hjuler - Senzaaaaaaaah!
Dan Lander - Darlene

 - Psych.KG 363 (double-sided  LP, limited 25 copies) - FLUXUS

Jerry Hunt - Fluud
Philip Krumm - Riding Into Autumn
Mama Baer - Mann DADA
Kommissar Hjuler - Das Kapital (Motor)

  - Psych.KG 365 (double-sided  LP, limited 100 copies) - Meuterei auf der Bounty und Snickers 

Andy Strauss - abends klient
Wolf Hogekamp/Lino Ziegel (Broca Areal) - Die Kunst hasst Dich
Wolf Hogekamp/Lino Ziegel (Broca Areal) - Drogen
Wolf Hogekamp/Lino Ziegel (Broca Areal) - Viva la Frankfurt
Wolf Hogekamp/Lino Ziegel (Broca Areal) - Ich so Er so
Wolf Hogekamp/Lino Ziegel (Broca Areal) - Das N im Wort Kultur steht für Niveau
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Die Grussverlangsamung
Frank Kloetgen - Das verschissene Gruen dieser Wiese, Luise (Die Niederkunft der Muecken)

  - Psych.KG 367 (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - women flux fort ins nitrof xlu fnem ow

Sharon Gal & David Toop - Voice Extraordinaire
Anna Homler & Steuart Liebig - Winter Street
FluxRus Gr. Belka & Strelka (Viktoria Barwenko/Svetlana Pesetskaya) - Troll
Anna Homler & Stephanie Payne - Bell Song
Mama Baer - Das Robbbie-Williams-Retect (1 + 2)
Mama Baer - Flieg, kleiner Kaefer, flieg!

  - Psych.KG 369 (double-sided  LP, limited 45 copies) - bruitiste

Mama Baer - Schizophonie #2
Le Syndicat & KHj+F. - l'anticipation
PAAK & KHj+F. - Something Came Over Me / Discipline

  - Psych.KG 371 (double-sided  LP, limited 100 copies) - Klinik der reinen Vernunft

Deutsch Nepal - Genital Altruism I/II

Mama Baer - Melancholie

  - Psych.KG 373 (double-sided  LP, limited 75 copies) - fluxus +/-

Bill Dietz - THIRST MAP
Peter Ablinger - Streichquartett Wachstum & Massenmord fuer ...
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Sachen, die abgehen
Sven-Ake Johansson - Bad Alverdorf - 1970

  - Psych.KG 375 (double-sided 7inch Lathe-cut, limited 37,5 copies) - an empty sunshine day

C. Mehrl Bennett - one minute piano
C. Mehrl Bennett - Left Sky
The New Blockaders & Kommissar Hjuler - Karawane #3 (Hugo Ball)
Amor Fati - la carne

  - Psych.KG 377 (double-sided  LP, limited 100 copies) - Wo die Liebe hinfaellt, waechst kein Gras mehr

Anton G. Leitner - Wo d' Liab hinfoid
Anton G. Leitner - De gloane Pussiakugl
Andreas Lechner - Forellen-Landler
Andreas Lechner - Fuenferl Boarischer
Anton G. Leitner - Middanachdsjodla
Anton G. Leitner - Da Mezzgamoasda mediddiad
Anton G. Leitner - Da Wassakundla
Anton G. Leitner - Voalezde Oelung
Gerhard Staebler - Gift.Gelb
Kommissar Hjuler - Gott mit Dir, ... weiss und blau!
Kommissar Hjuler - ... unter seinesgleichen (pt.s 1 & 2)
Andreas Lechner - Hoelzernes Mandl - Lied
Anton G. Leitner - Die kleine Mollige und Rollige
Anton G. Leitner - Wo die Liebe hinfaellt

  - Psych.KG 379 (double-sided 7inch Lathe-cut, limited 25 copies) - mother fluxus' children

Steve Dalachinsky - Yesterday
Anton G. Leitner - Baeddn und arwadn
Anton G. Leitner - Nicht in die Puschen kommen
Kommissar Hjuler - men samtidigt ...
John M. Bennett - Grot
Kommissar Hjuler - lille variationer
Steve Dalachinsky - The Feminine
Anton G. Leitner - Umananda doa
John M. Bennett - shore hole lens

  - Psych.KG 381 (double-sided  LP, limited 75 copies) - fluxus in the bathroom

Family Fodder - Savoir Faire
Family Fodder - Plant Life
Family Fodder - Silence
Family Fodder - The Big Dig
Family Fodder - Cerf Volant
Family Fodder - Cold Wars
Kommissar Hjuler - Will Quadflieg
Kommissar Hjuler - Will Quadflieg (remix)
Family Fodder - Savoir Faire (remix)

  - Psych.KG 383 (double-sided 7inch Lathe-cut, limited 25 copies) - ... the long and winding Abbey Road

Kommissar Hjuler - ... i Danmark
Guthrie McDonald - The Room
Andreas Lechner & Rainer Fabich - Anderl Jodler
C. Mehrl Bennett/John M. Bennett/Sheila E. Murphy/Beverly Carver - Cinquains

  - Psych.KG 385 (double-sided  LP, limited 100 copies) - Keine direkten Erlaeuterungen zu geschlossenen Organismen in der FLUXUS-Musik (---)

Morphogenesis - Live At Cafe Oto (10.9.15)
Clive Graham & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Live At Avantgarde Festival Schiphorst (3.7.2010)

  - Psych.KG 387 (double-sided  LP, limited 75 copies) - Reparieren

Jonathan Meese - Norden: Diktatur der Kunst (Marschiert!)
Jonathan Meese - Osten: Diktatur der Kunst (Ei, Ei, Ei, Ei, Ei!)
Jonathan Meese - Sueden: Diktatur der Kunst (Ihr habt ein dienstfaehiges Gesicht zu haben!)
Jonathan Meese - Westen: Diktatur der Kunst (Gehorche!)
Kommissar Hjuler - Halluzinationalsozialismus (1-8)
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Fuehrer-Galama'aa bwaa

  - Psych.KG 389 (double-sided  LP, limited 25 copies) - NO!pool table

Cody Brant & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Three Explicit Sexistences
Mama Baer - nachhALL
Lt. Caramel & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Die Antizipation des Generalized Other

  - Psych.KG 391 (double-sided  Double-LP, limited 100 copies) - Stimmen aus der Zone / AVT-405

Patricia Brooks/Klaus Haberl/Wolfgang Kindermann - Stimmen aus der Zone (1-3)
Kommissar Hjuler - Albert Vigoleis Thelen - 405

  - Psych.KG 395 (double-sided  LP, limited 39,5 copies) - Kontaminierung / Entekelung

Hate Poem - Children Play With Corpses
Kommissar Hjuler Allstar Band - Landfriedensbruch
Cody Brant & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - ONCE AGAIN
Cody Brant - debris field
Amor Fati - The Law
Amor Fati - Ubermensch
Amor Fati - The Priests
Amor Fati - Artitude

Amor Fati - Man w/o Organs

  - Psych.KG 399 (double-sided  LP, limited 100 copies) - NO!stalking at Wierszalin

Christoph Ogiermann - Nasen 1
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Stalking 1-4
Juergen Palmtag & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Bearbeitung 1
Jonathan Meese - Trumpy, der Meesi macht Dir den amerikanischen Traum und muss die Demokratie wegpennen ...

  - Psych.KG 401 (double-sided  LP, limited 100 copies) - Klinik der praktischen Vernunft

Deutsch Nepal & Mama Baer - Amanda Lear
Deutsch Nepal & Mama Baer - The Wolverine Song
Deutsch Nepal & Mama Baer - D
er praktischen Vernunft
The Oval Language & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Achtzehn
Kommissar Hjuler & Frau - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Schiphorst II)

  - Psych.KG 403  (double-sided LP, limited 75 copies) - ... from the world of burning red bugs

John M. Bennett & C. Mehrl Bennett - From The World Of Burning, texts 1-7
Bryan Lewis Saunders & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Red Bugs, texts 1-3

  - Psych.KG 405 (double-sided  LP, limited 100 copies) - with shelter gone

Steve Dalachinsky - As Collages no.s 7, 10, 12, 16, 18, 27
Steve Dalachinsky with Eighty-pound Pug - These Pink Roses
Steve Dalachinsky with Marcos Campello - ... or I'll kill myself
Steve Dalachinsky - The Synagogue in St. Sebastian's Square
politi-inspektor Hjuler & politi-sang kor Flensborg - stolen chorusses (pt. 4)

Steve Dalachinsky - With Shelter Gone (Fruitflies)
Steve Dalachinsky - Rear Window 1-3

  - Psych.KG 407 (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) At The Moment No Idea

Steve Dalachinsky/Matthew Shipp - 3 Card Monty
Steve Dalachinsky
/Matthew Shipp/Rob Brown - The Conquest
Steve Dalachinsky/Matt Maneri - A Tale Of Krishna

Bruce Weber & Nelson aLXNDr - at Alternative 2017
Ryan Choi & KHj+F - Company
Jack Wright/John M. Bennett/Tomislav Butkovic/billy bob beamer - Live at The AfterMAF Festival, Roanoke, Virginia, July 8th, 2017

  - Psych.KG 409 (MC (C22), limited 30 copies) - Spam

Mama Baer - Stueck 1
Juergen O. Olbrich - Spam (#1)
Juergen O. Olbrich - Spam (#2)
Jonathan Meese - Die geilste Buchmacht K.U.N.S.T. literaturisiert alle(s) durch (Babbageblubber)

  - Psych.KG 411  (double-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - fuxus in the kitchen - 2

Mama Baer & Kommissar Hjuler - Sponge-Bob-Duell
Jonathan Meese - Stosstruppi Moominwolf sei auf Zack, gehorche der Diktatur der Kunst, jenseitst' mi nit on (Kunst =|= Kultur)
Jonathan Meese - Ich grunz', mein Schwein pfeift im Panamakanal mit Pferdedeo (Szechuan Art)
Mama Baer & Kommissar Hjuler - Gelaechter

  - Psych.KG 413  (double-sided LP, limited 75 copies) - Ich Werde Sein

AGF aka Antye Greie-Ripatti - Die Ewigkeit (Arthur Rimbaud)
AGF aka Antye Greie-Ripatti - Ich Werde Sein (Ulrike Meinhof)
AGF aka Antye Greie-Ripatti - Mit Allen Gedanken (Paul Celan)

AGF aka Antye Greie-Ripatti - A Secret Code (Kurahara Shinjiro)

AGF aka Antye Greie-Ripatti - Die Macht Des Gesanges
(Friedrich Schiller)

AGF aka Antye Greie-Ripatti - Turn Impotant 

Mama Baer & Kommissar Hjuler - ONCE AGAIN fuer Spieluhr, Sprecher und Stimmen
Marc Hurtado - LUZ CRUZ 1

  - Psych.KG 415 (double-sided  LP, limited 41,5 copies) - for the maincontrol (Gaul 07)

Foltergaul & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - MS Stubnitz (1-3)
Sukanyan Sunthareswaran - Stupid Time

  - Psych.KG 417 (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - ENID BLYTON - Fuenf Freunde erzaehlen Kindergeschichten

Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg (als Richard Kirrin) - Piekvogel
Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg (als Richard Kirrin) - Die Schluepfpantoffeln des kleinen Fritz
Wataru Kasahara (als Julian Kirrin) - Practise Song For Exorcism
C. Mehrl Bennett (als Georgina Kirrin) - Staticbackgroundjesumix
Maja Solveig Kjelstrup Ratkje (als Anne Kirrin) - live at Paris, Les Voûtes, 2005
Polizei-Diensthund Hjuler (als Timotheus) - Omaggio a Giorgio Battistelli

  - Psych.KG 419 (double-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - Stuetzpunkt Foundation / The NO!art Statements

Kommissar Hjuler - Die lustigen Abenteuer von Pischi Pischi und Miff Maff
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Unrein bis zum Abend II
Boris Lurie/Dietmar Kirves/Mama Baer - The NO!art Statements
Boris Lurie/Dietmar Kirves - The NO!art Statements
Mama Baer - Zwiespalt

  - Psych.KG 421  (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS

Louis Jucker - we spent so much time in your house
Louis Jucker - FAKE FAKE FOLK
Louis Jucker - Musik aus Uthlank - 002
Jeroen Diepenmaat - miniatuur
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Sofa No. 2 (Zappanale, Bad Doberan, 2010)

  - Psych.KG 423 (double-sided LP, limited 42,33333.... copies) - Sandy & Silvia (malmlund jugendfrei)

GX-Jupitter-Larsen & The New Movement - Nowhere pt. 2
Mama Baer - Khmer-Zen

  - Psych.KG 425  (double-sided LP, limited 42,5 copies) - Hotter Than Hell - a tribute to KISS

Torpedo Girl - Destroyer
Love Gun - Anticipation Dynasty & Anticipation Asylum

  - Psych.KG 427  (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - home made universe

Clemens Schittko - Selbstkritik
Louis Jucker - FAKE FAKE FOLK
The Spyon - Got Milk (#6)
Jeroen Diepenmaat - home made universe
Louis Jucker - Vielle Laroque
Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - Copenhagen Magazines

  - Psych.KG 429  (double-sided LP, limited 75 copies) - Fluxus in the kitchen - 3

Family Fodder - Symbols
Family Fodder - Philosophy
Jonathan Meese - PUPST die KULTUREN WEG ... das ist K.U.N.S.T. ( Die suesseste Stofftierkriegserklaerung der KUNST an "Nicht-Kunst", tollst ...)
Mama Baer - Ruecklaufambition (1-4)

  - Psych.KG 431  (MC (C70), limited 30 copies) - Fluxus often reminds me of Eiskunstlauf (to Marika Kilius)

Paul Fuchs - Divertimenti 1, 2, 4, 6, 7
Rod Summers & KHj+F. - Restauration Re-Formation

  - Psych.KG 433  (MC (C70), limited 30 copies) - Fluxus often reminds me of Biathlon (to Eberhard Roesch)

Emil Siemeister - Corpus Organum (Trockenefrah) - pt.s 1/2
z'ev & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - der muter objekt

  - Psych.KG 435  (MC (C70), limited 30 copies) - Fluxus often reminds me of Biathon (to Alfred Eder)

Emil Siemeister - Corpus Organum (Trockenefrah) - pt.s 3-5
torturing nurse & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Die Antizipation des Generalized Other

  - Psych.KG 437  (MC (C90), limited 30 copies) - Fluxus often reminds me of Langsteckenlauf (to Achim Heukemes)

Emil Siemeister - Trockenefrah + Blasbalg mit Spieler das Essen (Museum Folkwang, Essen, 2017)
Kommissar Hjuler - Der maechtige Dreimaster

  - Psych.KG 439 (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - turritopsis nutricula

Laurent Fairon - Marée Nocturne
Cody Brant & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - FOKUOUKO 9000
Magnus Palsson - forn
Louis Jucker - Cello St Medoc
Paul Fuchs & Zoro Babel - Artoxin
Mama Baer - 23XX/23Xy

  - Psych.KG 441 (MC (C10), limited 30 copies) - Fluxus often reminds me of ...

Rod Summers & Juergen O. Olbrich  - Instructions for "do-it-yourself"surgery /Anweisungen fuer die "Heimwerker"-Operation
Cody Brant & Mama Baer - Herzklop rewerk

  - Psych.KG 443  (MC (C100), limited 30 copies) - Fluxus often reminds me of Deutsches Fernsehen (to Ruby O. Fee)

Juergen Schneider/Irene Murphy/The Quiet Club/Softday - Lesung aus J. Schneiders Roman RMX, Guesthouse, Cork, Ireland, 2017
Kommissar Hjuler - joBeuysseph
Emil Siemeister - Corpus Organum (Trockenefrah) - pt.s 1/2 (different recordings)
Kommissar Hjuler - Ur-Gamelan-Szechuan

  - Psych.KG 445  (double-sided LP, limited 44,5 copies) - ZERSCHLAGEN MUSIK / PUPPETMUSIKEN

Kommissar Hjuler - den dansk puppet / puppetmusiken

  - Psych.KG 447  (MC (C50), limited 30 copies) - Fluxus often reminds me of soccer (to Guenter Netzer)

John M. Bennett w/C. Mehrl Bennett - Olas Cursis
C. Mehrl Bennett - SOUND and DREAM POEMS
Kommissar Hjuler - Walt Merin

  - Psych.KG 449 (MC (C70), limited 30 copies) - Fluxus often reminds me of Laufsteg (to Claudia Schiffer)

C. Mehrl Bennett - Dogs and Gods
Steve Dalachinsky & Marcos Campello - in the grain of oy=ur ancestors
Steve Dalachinsky & Marcos Campello - timpin in the red eye
Kommissar Hjuler - Diensteinteilung Klavier (mit Birgit Pleger)

  - Psych.KG 451 (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - Aufbruch zu Kepler-452b

Kommissar Dionysos und Ariadne - Die Kirche wird hier abgebaut und auf Kelper-452b neu errichtet.
Alfred 23 Harth - Zisch!
Jonathan Meese - K.U.N.S.T. -- Tanz' doch mal kein Ich (Om Mi Nit On) --
Johnny Meese - Jonathan Meese ist der deutscheste Cowboy (Das ist Zukunft)

  - Psych.KG 453  (double-sided LP, limited 45,333... copies) - Ankunft auf Kepler-452b

Kommissar Dionysos und Ariadne - Neuanfang auf Kepler-452b
Cowboy Johnny Meese - We are the last German Cowboys
Cowboy Johnny Meese - Mummy, I brought You a Present from America
Cowboy Johnny Meese - Wir brauchen die Neue Deutsche Ordnung (Die Mutterz-Meese-Ordnung)
Jonathan Meese - Erzansprache

  - Psych.KG 455  (double-sided LP, limited 45,5 copies) - Das Kepler-452b-Pre-Sequel

Maja Solveig Kjelstrup Ratkje - TEIP
Kommissar Dionysos und Ariadne - ... with 19 mountains

Jonathan Meese - Dear Alien Friend, Ufo Boy, Ufo Girl, are You religious ? No, Our Leader is Art !

  - Psych.KG 457  (double-sided LP, limited 45,777... copies) – Tod auf Kepler-452b

Jonathan Meese – KUNST entheiligt alle(s) (Aberglaubt Mi Nit On) (M.E.E.S.E. ist nicht boese) (Evolution ist keine ideologische Organisation)
Jonathan Meese – KAMPF UM KUNST (Erklaerbaermeese M.E.E.S.E. Ruft: RISKIERT ES, endlich …) (K.U.N.S.T. ist der Keinparteienstaat)
Kommissar Cagliostro und Fanferluesch - Sofa No. 2 (Incubate Festival, Tilburg/NL, 2010)

  - Psych.KG 459  (double-sided LP, limited 74 copies) - Die Rueckkehr ins Parallel-Meeseversum (2. Kepler-452b-Pre-Sequel)

Frank Drake / Arecibo Observatory - Interstellar Radio Message sent to Globular Star Cluster M13 from November 16th, 1974
Juergen Schneider & Softday - RMXfallout
Vrillon / Ashtar Galactic Command - Message to Mankind from November 26th, 1977
Jonathan Meese - DR. NOANGSTEA'S DORIAN Scarlettierbaby's Revolutions Parfum: DICTATORSHIP OF ART
                                                                                               (Suessesuessesuesse, You (Mr. Majestickx on the run Loganfox))
Kommissar Teotihuacán und die gefiederte Schlangenfrau - fRagenta K'inich Janaahb' Pakal (Offenbarung und Untergang/Georg Trakl)

  - Psych.KG 461  (double-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - Piss-Fick-Alarm ! ... anal

Mama Baer - Retect & Hoerbeispiele fuer eine beeintraechtigte zentrale Kohaerenz

  - Psych.KG 463  (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - widerstand zu zeiten schwarzer paedagogik

Family Fodder - Poor Reception
Family Fodder - Accordion Suite
Kommissar Hjuler - Der Kreisauer Kreis
Kommissar Hjuler - Waldkindergarten
Kommissar Hjuler - Ein schrecklicher Gedanke
Kommissar Hjuler - Der innere Raum

  - Psych.KG 465  (double-sided LP, limited 46,5 copies) - fluxus +/-

tallJENNY & Day Room Puzzles (friends with problems) - bad breakfast
Jan van den Dobbelsteen/Danielle Lemaire/Mama Baer/Kommissar Hjuler - live at iLLUSEUM, Amsterdam, July 4th, 2009

  - Psych.KG 467  (MC (C30), limited 30 copies) - Die fleissige Biene

Rod Summers & Juergen O. Olbrich  - Open Wide and Say "Ahhh!" / Oeffnen Sie weit und sagen Sie deutlich "Ahhh!".
CoBraMaBaPa - DRDR rewerk
CoBraMaBaPa - Zwiespalt rewerk
CoBraMaBaPa - Regen rewerk
Sam Gas Can - Air & Water

  - Psych.KG 469  (MC (C60), limited 30 copies) - If, Fluxus +/-

If, Bwana &  PAAK - Die kuerzeste Ha, blurred edges, HH
If, Bwana & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - BuckNarp
If, Bwana - nothing fancy, May 16 string trio

  - Psych.KG 471  (double-sided LP, limited 71 copies) - Die Anerkennung als Beleuchtungstraeger

Goodiepal & Pals (GP&PLS) - Die Autos fahren schnell
Family Fodder - Unreasonably Withheld
Family Fodder - TransForm VII
Jonathan Meese – Happa-Happa Reiter, rinn' in de Schnuess, Gefreiter
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Mitnichten
Goodiepal & Pals (GP&PLS) - Die vielen Koeniginnen der Monarchie
Family Fodder - Chinese Dentist
Jonathan Meese – KAMPF statt Glaube (Erzmeese in „Radikalster Kunsthaft“, toll …)

  - Psych.KG 473  (MC (C50), limited 30 copies) - Udvikling of dat PMAF

Kommissar Hjuler - Udvikling of dat PMAF

  - Psych.KG 475  (double-sided LP, limited 47,5 copies) - Jemand vergraebt Erdaushub ! 

Goodiepal & Pals (GP&PLS) - Vi er Offe
Goodiepal - 16 abstrakte Landschaftbilder in einem einfachen Matrixmodell aus dem Jahr 1998 - 1999
Goodiepal & Pals (GP&PLS) - Red Planet
Goodiepal & Pals (GP&PLS) - racist venner
Kommissar Hjuler - ... i Danmark

  - Psych.KG 477  (double-sided LP, limited 47,7777... copies) - Arme Nuesse (volume 1)

Bladder Flask - The Groping Fingers Of This Vulgar Intruder Have Strummed The Toppling Byzantine Organ Of His Mind
Kommissar Hjuler - Das Streben nach Aberkennung / Blue Orchid (The White Stripes)

  - Psych.KG 479  (double-sided LP, limited 79 copies) - die stille nach dem schuss

If, Bwana - Oct 1 Tenors
Roel Meelkop - Windwerk
The New Blockaders - Epater Simphonie (Excerpt)
Roel Meelkop - Holzwerk
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Ich bin Dein Neukopf !
The New Blockaders - Variations Pour Une Porte Et Une Brouette

  - Psych.KG 481 (double-sided LP, limited 81 copies) - Possessed Anticipation

Steve Dalachinsky & Nicola Hein - drive suite (text by Ray Bremser)
Steve Dalachinsky & Nicola Hein - for albert ayler
Steve Dalachinsky & Nicola Hein - possessed
Steve Dalachinsky & Nicola Hein - patterns in a chromatic field (for Morton Feldman)
Steve Dalachinsky & Nicola Hein - hetero-dining (for Phaedra) / violators will be violated (for Jack Smith)
Anla Courtis & KHj+F. - Anticipation of the Generalized Other

  - Psych.KG 483  (double-sided LP, limited 48,3333... copies) - Arme Dornroeschen

Bladder Flask & Broken Penis Orchestra - One Day I Was So Sad That The Corners Of My Mouth Met & Everybody Thought I Was Whistling
Wolgang Kindermann & Magda Stawarska-Beavan - Who/Wer
Dino Felipe & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau- Daswesender

  - Psych.KG 485 (double-sided LP, limited 48,5 copies) - Arme Nuesse (volume 2)

Bladder Flask & Broken Penis Orchestra - The Groping Fingers Of This Vulgar Intruder Have Strummed The Toppling Byzantine Organ Of His Mind
Kommissar Hjuler & Family Fodder - nicht allein 
Kommissar Hjuler & Family Fodder - Atelier Lego 
Kommissar Hjuler & Family Fodder - solidarity 
Kommissar Hjuler & Family Fodder - at the denis 
Kommissar Hjuler & Family Fodder - aujourd'hui
Kommissar Hjuler & Family Fodder - Fucking #2 
Kommissar Hjuler & Family Fodder - The Kommissar will see you now.

  - Psych.KG 487  (double-sided LP, limited 48,7777... copies) - The European Impro Facism

Goodiepal & Pals & Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer - alt-right euro impro facists get together (..., if not disturbed by the Fuhrer) !

  - Psych.KG 489  (double-sided LP, limited 75 copies) - FLUXUS +/-

Daniel S. Bøtcher - Gorgonized in the Garden of Denial
Le Scrambled Debutante - Ficticious Umbilical Chord Karyolymph
Richard Ramirez - Nonstop Sleaze
Mama Baer - Drew Rather-Day Who Rush

  - Psych.KG 491  (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) - FLUXUS +/-

Quentin Smirhes - HTV ident feat. Quentin Smirhes
Quentin Smirhes - Quentin's Birdbox Orchestra and the !8th Century hand teacher
Quentin Smirhes - Quentin Duke of York
Quentin Smirhes - Nebuchadnezzar
Quentin Smirhes - Excerzise in the Afternoon
Quentin Smirhes - This is the Night Mail
Quentin Smirhes - Tin Drum Mountain
Quentin Smirhes - One Tomato, Two Tomato
Quentin Smirhes - Quentin's Worm helmet
Quentin Smirhes - Quentin has stern words with the naughty egg
Quentin Smirhes - Quentin and the Fisher-Price Clock
Quentin Smirhes - "See Hear" feat. Quentin Smirhes
Kommissar Hjuler - Samuel Beckett

  - Psych.KG 493  (double-sided LP, limited 75 copies) - Une Voiture Banalisee

Deficit Des Annees Anterieures (DDAA) - En tout genre: De rêves
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Konzert fuer Waldhorn, Gespraechsfragmente, leere Marmeladen-Glaeser, Holzkiste und ein haessliches Kind auf einer Schaukel

  - Psych.KG 495  (double-sided LP, limited 49,5 copies) - wurde etwas vergessen

Wolfgang Kindermann - Wurde etwas vergessen
Z'EV & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Der muter objekt

  - Psych.KG 497  (double-sided LP, limited 47 copies) - Die Frau mit dem gruenen Schraubendreher

Joel Hubaut - Poem as a nod to BERNARD HEIDSIECK
Joel Hubaut - Performance at the Frost Art Museum, Miami, Florida, USA, January 21st, 2012
Le Scrambled Debutante & Kommissar Hjuler - KARAWANE part 4 (Hugo Ball)

 - Psych.KG 499 (3-LP-Box, limited 34 copies) - FLUXUS

C. Mehrl Bennett - you either get it or you don't
John M. Bennett - Forklint & 4 Poems
Jaan Patterson - Demonstrated Properties & Mechanics
ALBRECHT/d. & Kommissar Hjuler - ... fast ein Telefonat
David Dellafiora - Fluxus Is No Brand Name!
FluxRus Gr. Belka & Strelka (Viktoria Barwenko/Svetlana Pesetskaya) - BI
Daniel Spicer - The Diamond Life (for Henry Flynt)
Keith A. Buchholz - sound sample #2
Wolf Vostell - de-coll/age manifesto
DADA Action Group (James Banner/Mark Schomburg) & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Die Antizipation des Generalized Other #1
Milan Knizak - Multisong
Paul Ramsey - eTude 23 (Flux Mix)
Juergen O. Olbrich (w/Rod Summers) - C.A.G.E. = Come And Go Easy
Franz Kamin - Chorification of Jackson Mac Low's Phoneme Dance(s) for/from John Cage (1982)
Rod Summers/Maja Gehrig/Vasiliki Tsagkari/Kasper Koenig - Larus (Live Event)
Conrad Schnitzler & Wolfgang Seidel - 4'33''-0'33''=X
Jan van den Dobbelsteen - The Bird and The Cat

Demosthenes Agrafiotis - Festina
Maja Solveig Kjelstrup Ratkje & Lasse Marhaug - Danger Music #17 (Dick Higgins)
Eighty-pound Pug (Alex Lozupone, Paul Feitzinger, Nonoko Yoshida) - swampfrog
Andy Ortmann - Jabberwock (Lewis Carroll)
Joerg Piringer - ~O
Cecilie Bjørgås Jordheim - Symbolic Interactionism
Allan Revich - Kids In A Bus
Andre Borges - Inside-Out, 2011

  - Psych.KG 511  (double-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - fluxus im hock-kasten

Jonathan Meese - Die geilste Buchmacht K.U.N.S.T. literaturisiert alle(s) durch (Babbageblubber)
KHj+F. & KH12 - Brotkatze @ fzkke
Jonathan Meese - Performance DER MAERCHENPRINZ (Das Lied der Salonfaehigkeit)
Family Fodder & Kommissar Hjuler - Hjuler-Hoop
Family Fodder & Kommissar Hjuler - solidarity
Family Fodder & Kommissar Hjuler - spectral energy
Family Fodder & Kommissar Hjuler - Quoi Faire
Family Fodder & Kommissar Hjuler - Title 2 meets Debbie Harry
Family Fodder & Kommissar Hjuler - Fucking
Family Fodder & Kommissar Hjuler - Heavy Shit
Family Fodder & Kommissar Hjuler - Thee Kommissar will see you ...

  - Psych.KG 513  (double-sided LP, limited 51,3333... copies) -  Snuff+/- Tomorrow never knows

Willem der Ridder - Snuff
Kommissar Hjuler - Tomorrow never knows

  - Psych.KG 515  (double-sided LP, limited 51,5 copies) - The inevitable Krystal "Belle" Boyd Record

Wolfgang Weihnachtsmann - Wurde etwas vergessen - 2
Kristkind Hjuler - de hellige tre konger

  - Psych.KG 517  (double-sided LP, limited 25 copies) -  Kein Leporello / Leporello 

ALBRECHT/d. - AB-Konzert
Kommissar Hjuler - joBeuysseph

  - Psych.KG 519  (double-sided LP, limited 51,9 copies) -  Voellig bescheuerte Musik

Kommissar Hjuler - stationer af det entwickling fra PMAF
Jean-Louis Costes & Kommissar Hjuler - Karawane 6/love on messenger
Jean-Louis Costes & Kommissar Hjuler - Karawane 7/big mess
Jean-Louis Costes & Kommissar Hjuler - Karawane 8/we tried to ding dong

  - Psych.KG 521  (double-sided LP, limited 49,5 copies) -  FLUXUS +/- 200g Schaumerdbeeren von Tolli (4,95 Euro/Kilo)

Knut Aufermann & Marcus Heesch - umweg um wege
Wolfgang Kindermann - Empty News
Yang-Lelaki-Gamelan-Kumpulan - Basikal Meditasi untuk Jaap Kunst
Andy Ortmann - Extended Steam Mechanism with Electronics

  - Psych.KG 523  (double-sided LP, limited 52,3333.... copies) -  Podcasts from ARRAKIS +/-

Bene Gesserit - Gloria
Bene Gesserit - she sells sea shells on the sea show
Bene Gesserit - words
Bene Gesserit - Moki-Toki Oka-Owa
Bene Gesserit - be happy
Mama Baer - stupid time: follow him
Mama Baer - Rapunzel
Mama Baer - stupid time: question
Mama Baer - stupid time: for the maincontrol

  - Psych.KG 525  (double-sided 12inch lathe-cut, limited 25 copies) - bullshit & two COUM transmissions

ALBRECHT/d. - no fun / but bullshit
Angela Merkel - the CO(vid-19) U(rgency) M(aster plan) transmission
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - the C(olour) OU(t of Space) M(essage) transmission

  - Psych.KG 527  (double-sided LP, limited 52,7 copies) -  Rekoenstruktion von Leichenlinie

De Fabriek - Bergen Belsen
De Fabriek - Endloesung
De Fabreik - Yeltsingrad
腥 身保育器≒Nov Embudagonn 108 Hypnodelia And Therrorpyec So-wound System Warchestra & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Antizipation / Strangualtion

  - Psych.KG 529  (double-sided 7inch lathe-cut, limited 25 copies) -  Feldpost

ALBRECHT/d. - 1999 druchrt assamplerage
Mama Baer - The Days at Florbelle

  - Psych.KG 531  (double-sided LP, limited 31copies) -  Rekoenstruktion von Leichenlinie - zwei -

Sonic Toy Lab - Whole Lotta Love
De Fabriek - Schutz Keller
De Fabriek - Stuende Nuell
Mama Baer - On The Train
Mama Baer - Volksvergiftung

  - Psych.KG 533  (double-sided LP, limited 100 copies) -  Nullpunkt

Jonathan Meese - Lolita (R)evolution (Rufschaedigendst) ~ Ihr Alle seid die Lolita Eurer Selbst !
Mama Baer - Alptraum

  - Psych.KG 535 (double-sided 7inch lathe-cut, limited 35 copies) -  Mandraki Elias

Wolfgang Kindermann - Mandraki Elias
Toothe Kink & KHj+F. - To End All Life

  - Psych.KG 537  (double-sided LP, limited 53,7 copies) -  Geraeusche

Jaap Blonk - Geraeusch
Jaap Blonk - Rarrzarund

Mama Baer - Schlaflied

  - Psych.KG 539 (double-sided LP, limited 75 copies) - a big 10-8 Cnonc +/-

Harutaka Mochizuki - Song At 高円寺無力無善寺 2004/6/25
Harutaka Mochizuki - live at あざれあ音楽室 静岡 Shizuoka 20120724 (1/3)
Negativland - Happy the Hamonica
Negativland - Favorite Things
Harutaka Mochizuki - Song + Piano at 新宿ゴールデン街 裏窓 2004/6/26
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Entekelung

  - Psych.KG 541  (double-sided LP, limited 41 copies) - Strange Creatures

Wolfgang Kindermann - Verlangsamen
Philippe Petit & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Strange Creatures III

  - Psych.KG 543  (double-sided LP, limited 75 copies) - FLUXUS +/-

Konstruktivists - Ad-Nauseum
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Eros' Weapons
Foltergaul & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Zwei Lesungen

  - Psych.KG 545  (double-sided LP, limited 54,5 copies) - The inevitable Krystal "Belle" Boyd Record

Faust - steel tom
Family Fodder & Kommissar Hjuler - solidarity
Faust - nicht loslassen guit
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Gustav Metzger
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Guenter Kieszling

  - Psych.KG 547  (double-sided LP, limited 54,7 copies) - Musik aus der Werkstatt / Musik aus der Anstalt

Franz Graf - 46
Franz Graf & Khj. - 2B-1/5
Franz Graf - 0
KHj+F. - 1GV/2GV

  - Psych.KG 549  (double-sided 7inch lathe-cut, limited 25 copies) - FLUXUS +/-

Horst Possling- All Tomorrow's Parties
Giessbert Nimmnoff - the Lion sleeps Tonight

  - Psych.KG 551  (double-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - Dirnen in Geschirr +/-

Helma und Dieter Engelbrechts Kinder - Love to love You, Baby !
Helma und Dieter Engelbrechts Kinder - Come, Josephine !
Helma und Dieter Engelbrechts Kinder - TVU +/-

  - Psych.KG 553  (double-sided LP, limited 55,3333... copies) - ... play Kommissar Hjuler und Frau

Denis Dufour & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Zwei kurze Stuecke - constitué de deux mouvements : 1. Llabajamo
Denis Dufour & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Zwei kurze Stuecke - constitué de deux mouvements : 2. Uznamajamo
Jan Kruml & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Caravanserai
Philippe Blanchard & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Kara Karavi
Philippe Blanchard & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Anthia duodecimguttata
Jan Kruml & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Eros, le Feu, l'Amour

Psych.KG 555  (double-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - Gurke

Smell & Quim & Wolfgang Kindermann - Wolfgangbang (If you go down to the woods tonight)
Smell & Quim & Kommissar Hjuler - Hugo Ball to the Wall (Hit me DADA one more time)

  - Psych.KG 557  (double-sided LP, limited 75 copies) - FLUXUS +/-

Lutz Glandien - a never-ending night
Chris Dreier - IPCRESS revisited
Chris Dreier - Novishok
Mama Baer - mein Bagger brennt
Frieder Butzmann - ist das eine katze

  - Psych.KG 559  (double-sided LP, limited 25 copies) - FLUXUS +/-

Mama Baer - Love to love You, Baby !
Mama Baer - Hey, Josephine !
Azoikum - Gossenfotze
Azoikum - Karawane (vergewaltigt)
Azoikum - Karawane (acapella)

  - Psych.KG 561  (double-sided lathe-cut 7inch, limited 25 copies) - DHL +/-

Juergen O. Olbrich - 4 Oeffnungen
Kommissar Hjuler/Wolfgang Kindermann/Lt. Caramel - Inhaltserklaerungen

  - Psych.KG 563  (double-sided LP, limited 45 copies) - The inevitable Krystal "Belle" Boyd Record

Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Heidi
Rudolf Eb.er - Ziegenblut Kommunion I-XIII

  - Psych.KG 565  (double-sided lathe-cut 7inch, limited 25 copies) - der kommissar wird belohnt

GP&PLS <<via>> Bananskolen - Can’t stop The Hardcore - Sover Godt
der kommissar & das snorkfraeulein - der er ris at spise !

  - Psych.KG 567  (double-sided LP, limited 56,7 copies) - Toxic Rice

Un drame musical instantané - Très toxique
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Es gibt Reis !

  - Psych.KG 569  (double-sided lathe-cut 7inch, limited 25 copies) - das snorkfraeulein wird bestraft

GP&PLS <<via>> Bananskolen - Numsi Duft
das snorkfraeulein - Numsi Delfs

  - Psych.KG 571  (double-sided lathe-cut 7inch, limited 25 copies) - FLUXUS +/-

Jean-Jacques Birgé - Intervention d'une prière en miettes
Kommissar Hjuler - Karawane 8/9

  - Psych.KG 573  (double-sided C30, limited 30 copies) - FLUXUS +/-

Jean-Jacques Birgé & Francis Gorgé - Cinq éthiques variations II
Jean-Jacques Birgé & Francis Gorgé - Speed One
Mama Baer - Seewelt
Mama Baer - Regen

  - Psych.KG 575  (double-sided C30, limited 30 copies) - FLUXUS +/-

Un drame musical instantané - User's Guide
Un drame musical instantané - After all
Mama Baer & Kommissar Hjuler - Mitnichten
Mama Baer - Ruecklaufambition

  - Psych.KG 577  (double-sided C30, limited 30 copies) - NO!recordings +/-

Dietmar Kirves - Covid NYC Sound
Boris Lurie & Dietmar Kirves - the NO!art Statements
Lt. Caramel - Holidays in Iran
Kommissar Hjuler - Senzaaaaah

  - Psych.KG 579  (double-sided MC (C40), limited 30 copies) - Chusteczki do skory wrazliwej

Petr Kstnrz/kmmisr hjlzr/mamuszkr Br  - Chusteczki do skory wrazliwej

  - Psych.KG 581  (double-sided lathe-cut 7inch, limited 25 copies) - FLUXUS +/-

Michael Brynntrup - tabo 2000
Robert Henke - kein Film
Kommissar Hjuler und Frau - Schutz-Tisch-Performance

  - Psych.KG 583  (double-sided lathe-cut 12inch, limited 25 copies) - the inevitable Krystal "Beele" Boyd record

Jan Krum/Wolfgang Kindermann - Die Vorwegnahme
Kompripiotr/Wolfgang Kindermann/KHj. - Die Vorwegnahme

  - Psych.KG 585  (double-sided MC (C20), limited 30 copies) - +/-dru_M?flux

Gerhard Laber - drumpoesie #1
KHj. - Karawane
Gerhard Laber - drumpoesie #3
Jean-Jacques Birgé - M?
Gerhard Laber - drumpoesie #3

  - Psych.KG 587  (double-sided MC (C10), limited 30 copies) - FLUXUS +/-

De Fabriek - Der Tote am See
Mama Baer - Rla
KHj. - Karawane

  - Psych.KG 589  (double-sided lathe-cut 12inch, limited 25 copies) - Die Vorwegnahme

PAAK & Wolfgang Kindermann - Die Vorwegnahme
Gintas Kraptavicius (Gintas K) & KHj+F. - flux remix

  - Psych.KG 591 (double-sided MC (C20), limited 30 copies) - FLUXUS +/-

PAAK & Wolfgang Kindermann - Die Vorwegnahme
Gintas Kraptavicius (Gintas K) & KHj. - haunted remix

  - Psych.KG 593 (double-sided MC (C60 or C90), limited 15 copies) - master recording

Kommissar Hjuler +/- Mama Baer - master recordings from stock of (SHMF), unique original recordings or music/text fragments from tracks
   . . .

The FLUX Edition:

Beside regular edition (white vinyl) or the black edition (black vinyl) a special FLUX edition by Kommissar Hjuler and by other artists exists with unique cover art and some LPs from early the FLUX editions appear in different colours (marbled vinyl) as well.

Presentation / Mediatheques:

The project is dedicated to ALBRECHT/d., FLUXUS +/- is introduced on sides 278 and 279 of the book ALBRECHT/d. by Edition Randgruppe, Stuttgart, available since June, 2017.

The LP-series became shown by a special event organized by our Russian gallery at Museum of Modern Fine Art on Dmitrovskaya, Rostov-on-Don showroom, May 31st, 2014, and during FLUXJOB exhibition by Keith A. Buchholz at Minnesota Center for Book Arts in July, 2014.

From September 29th to October 20th, 2014, some collages from cover art of Psych.KG - FLUX-series were shown at exhibition Collage Binge, the Projection Museum, 53 Southeast 80th Ave., Portland, Oregon/USA, this cover art became part of the collection of the Projection Museum.

Our gallery from in Taganrog together with curator Vasiliy Melnichenko set up an exhibition of destroyed art and music by us at the Museum multimedia, Omsk/Russia, lasting from December 10th, 2014 to January 10th, 2015. The project FLUXUS +/- was part of the exhibition as well.

For FluxFest Chicago 2015, lasting from 19th to 22nd, 2015 at several locations in Chicago, the curators set up a special event at 6018 NORTH Art Space, 6018 N. Kenmore Ave., Chicago/USA, on February 22nd to introduce FLUXUS +/- series.

The project FLUXUS +/- was part of an exhibition from April 24 to 26, 2015 at Festival of Contemporary Art CAN! by Krasnodar Institute of Contemporary Art, Krasnodar/Russia.

Project FLUXUS +/- was shown as part of Belka& Strelka exhibition MAKARONKA, Center for Contemporary Art, Rostov on Don/Russia, on May 21st, 2015.

About 20 works were shown at exhibition RECORDINGS by Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg, lasting from October 28th to December 13th, 2015. The exhibition was separated part of an exhibition by Ruth Buchanan.

Beside work of the group FluxRus and solo works by Kommissar Hjuler, FLUX LPs from Fluxus +/- became shown for
Belka& Ctrelka event at The Youth Center Festival of Books in Taganrog, Russia, May 13th to 30th, 2016. More works were shown for FluxFest 2016 at Joan Flasch Artist Book Library, School of the Art Institute, Chicago, May 26th to June 10th, 2016.

October 6th to 29th,2017 for the show Generator RVA some LPs from FLUXUS +/- with cover art by Kommissar Hjuler were shown at Sediment, 208 East Grace St., Richmond, VA 23219, USA.

Since September 15th, 2017 several works especically built for Heart Fine Art Ltd. UK on basis of LPs from the series together with installations/works by Christian Boltanski, Kommissar Hjuler, Bobby Sayers, and Amy-Leigh Bird were shown as an outdoor installation by LUST AND THE APPLE, The Old Primary Schhol, 19 Temple Near Gorebridge, Midloathian, EH23 4SQ, UK.

LPs from this series became shown for the vinyl exhibition FREAKS UND PIONIERE by Museum Huelsmann, Bielefeld, on April 28th, 2018.

From June 30th to July 22nd, 2020 work from FLUXUS+/- created on texts by W. Kindermann were shown at gallery MAG3, Schiffamtsgasse 17, Vienna (A), the gallery printed a book (202 sides, full colour images, 100 copies) on the project, the book appears with additional CD by Psych.KG.

May 26th to 30th, 2021 about 50 LPs from Fluxus +/- became shown for PARALLEL EDITIONS 1/21, Semper Depot/Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste, Wien/A, and for the weekend 28th/29th of May the Gallery KRINZINGER organized a special set-sale event set-sale event for LPs from FLUXUS +/- during their show DIE DR. MABUSENLOLITA (Jonathan Meese) as part of the Gallery Weekend Vienna, May 2021.

Selected LPs from this series are part of several famous collections like the Avant Writing Collection of Ohio State University/Columbia/USA, the collection of The Wolf Vostell Estate, Collecion Rafael Vostell, collection Malpartida de Caceres/Spain, the collection of Artpool - The Experimentan Art Archive of Eastern-Europe, Budapest/Hungary, the IMCAC - Int. Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction, Fort Worth/USA, documenta archiv Kassel, the NO!archive Berlin, the FLUXUS collection by Geelong Arts Alliance space/Australia, collection Fluxus Heidelberg, collection by Hubert Kretschmer Verlag Munich/AAP Archive, the VEC Audio Archive, Masstricht/NL, Fondazione Bonotto, Molvena/Italia, Musikarchiv der Akademie der Kuenste, Berlin, Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht/NL, Musikarchiv der Akademie der Kuenste, Berlin, ZKM Karlsruhe/Museum fuer Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe, the Tri-Centric Foundation, Brooklyn/USA, ...


The files Fluxus +/- (pt.s one and two) show all artwork from this series.


Latest information on the project you always find at - https://www.facebook.com/groups/321096181364402/



14. Educational Project - Minute of Listening -


Sound and Music (www.soundandmusic.org) is embarking on a new learning project in Spring 2012 called Minute of Listening. 

Minute of Listening is a project that encourages primary school teachers and their pupils to dedicate a minute each day to a new listening experience as a class, using a custom-built piece of software that brings a minute-long recording to their classroom every morning. After listening, the children are encouraged to talk about what they heard and may undertake a range of extension activities based on the recording. You can find out more about the projecthere www.soundandmusic.org/projects/minute-listening

The recordings used in the project cover an extremely wide range of music and sound – from field recordings to orchestral pieces -and everything inbetween.

A second phase pilot for the project has been taking place from January 4th to March 30th, 2012 in 80 primary schools around the UK, in the areas of Cornwall and Oxfordshire and the London Boroughs of Enfield, Lambeth and Westminster. In total almost 20 000 children listened to the recordings used each day.

The tracks HJCVGrimmelshausen by Kommissar Hjuler and Asylum Lunaticum by Mama Baer have been used during this educational project.

15. Download Releases / Radio or Television Transmissions / Interviews / Other Platforms:

Some short movies and some music tracks by us are available from download-labels suRRism Phonoethics, http://surrism.phonoethics.com/,
and Classwar Karaoke, http://classwarkaraoke.com/. The following releases at these labels exist:

Classwar Karaoke 0015 survey

suRRism Phonoethis sPE_0058

suRRism Phonoethis sPE_0059

And for the 0018 survey of Classwar Karaoke, published 31st May 2012, we contributed again a short movie.

We just contributed several tracks to the VOICE as download release compilation on TCT blog, run by The Chestnut Tree c/o KPFT, 419 Lovett BLvd., Houston TX 77006 ,USA,


http://soundcloud.com/radiochestnut , which is available in March 2012 and is part of several radio streams like 90.1 FM Houston | 89.5 FM
Galveston | 89.7 FM Huntsville | 90.3 FM Livingston as well.

And we contributed music tracks to some download samplers of Shitnoise Band Camp  http://shitnoiserecords.bandcamp.com .

Some tracks like WALDKINDERGARTEN, DIE LUSTIGEN ABENTEUER VON PISCHI PISCHI UND MIFF MAFF, and our very special versons of some KoRn-songs have been played at WFMU radio USA by Kenny G (Kenneth Goldsmith) and are now available as mp3-file on their website, some other tracks like STALKING have been played at radio sessions by Clive Graham, London. 

The Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Radio 1Live, 50600 Koeln, visited us here at Flensburg and recorded an interview in March 2007, they presented parts of the interview for a radio special on Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer in May 2007. 

Mama Baer now is supported by WOMENSRADIO, 2121 Peralta St., Ste # 138, Oakland, CA 94607, USA, presenting her music for several radio transmissions and some tracks as mp3-files on their website.

In June 2008 Erfundenes Land has visited us and recoded a longer interview for an internet-radio transmission on Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer they presented several times that month.

And, as mentioned at activities before, on 16th Februar 2008 the Radio Free Radio Wisconsin WRCT 88.fm, USA has made a radio special for the complete weekend on Widémouth Tapes leader tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, Mama Baer and Kommissar Hjuler.

On 11th January 2009, at 10:00 p.m. the austrian radio station AGORA 105,5, Paracelsusgasse 14, A-9020 Klagenfurt, will make a two-hours-special on us with a live interview we will make that evening with Ralf-Dieter Abraham and Prof. Dr. Mag. Josef Wagner of the University Klagenfurt, a transmission by internet stream and at Kaernten also by antenna /radio.

Well, Google leads you to several more radio stations playing our music.  

Since 22nd of September 2008 the local television channel of Flensburg, Offener Kanal Flensburg, www.okflensburg.de, shows several films by us each week at their cabel tv channel at different dates. On 20th of February 2009 they send a film team to make a trailer with us for the cultural magazine Flash TV of the local televison channel of Kiel, Offener Kanal Kiel, www.okkiel.de, and a long trailer for their own local tv channel, so we were part of the Schleswig-Holstein Kulturmagazine Flash TV on 2nd April 2009, the long trailer was shown at local televion Flensburg on 17th April 2009. On 5th of November 2009 the Offener Kanal Flensburg made a special TV event on Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer, presenting only films by us for the complete daytime. 

Interviews and articles or reviews have been published by Bad Alchemy, Betonbruch, brainwashed, de Afgrond, Foxy Digitalis, Heathen Harvest, Inside Artzine, My Way, Vital Weekly, and some more, a longer interview we gave for the Testcard Magazine (volume 16). In 2006 or 2007 Thurston Moore recommended our music in an article he wrote for the US-Magazine ARTHUR, Thurston expected us to be one of the most innovative newcomer projects, we are in contact with Thurston since we know of this article. Also the US-Magazine REVIEWER and British magazine THE WIRE just asked for information about us to focus on us. 

In spring 2008 we gave a long interview for the artlout Magazine Leipzig, www.artlout.com, this interview has become part of the issue 04:08 of this famous art magazine, moreover, we have been chosen to work our the opposite editorial for their issue 05:08. Both issues are available for free download on their website (file media, then file vorherige Ausgaben, click on image).
They accepted some paintings by us for their publicly owned collection artlout, also containing paintings by famous artists like Bacon, Basquiat, Beuys, Doig, Hirst, Kippenberger, Koons, Meese, Paik, Rauch, Richter, and Twombly. This collection has been shown at several museums and, of course, will be shown there for the future.

Kinki magazine Zurich has made an interview with us at Kunstraum Winterthur.

An interview was printed at Jukebox, magazine of K-RAA-K festival, in spring 2010, and this interview you can also read at their website. A translation of the interview will be shown at the magazine Hair Entertainment Berlin as well and at the famous SKUG Magazine from Austria.

In January 2010 THE WIRE (UK) recommended our CD asylum lunaticum as one of the top 15 releases of the year 2009 in the vein of experimental music / outsider music. Their complete year's review is listed up at issue no. 311 - rewind 2009.
At their February issue 2010 then was an interesting review on our LP at Feeding Tube Rec./USA and on us as musicians and artists in general.

In August 2010 the magazine Kunstaspekte made an interview with us, and parts were presented at the article by Maja Hoock - What happened to the happening? ( http://www.kunstaspekte.de/maja-hoock-happening/ ), since August this magazine also refers to our current activities at their index of promoted artists.

For an article at their November issue 2010 THE WIRE (UK) made an interview with us.

In August 2012 the magazine INSIDE FLENSBURG printed a review on us as artists.

August 23rd, 2013, some statements by us from an interview are part of the radio show Social Media Couples for Deutschlandradio / DRadio Wissen and Radio Orange (Austria).

You will be able to find some of our work at net work organisations like art for show, art highway, Artisho, atists, artnet, Artnews, art-perfect, artstu, especto, gallerybox, GLARN.net, masters of the art, OPEN Fluxus, RedBubble, Ungeschliffene Diamanten, Wobblybridge, Yetre, zeigdeinekunst, and others. Used or sold out items you might get by chance at Discogs or Ebay (membership as Kommissar_Hjuler), information and free videos you will find at YouTube, Clipfish, and you will find us at MySpace, and  OPEN fluxus, of course.

16. Hand-Cut Vinyl / Audio-CD-Rs / Information on This Website:

In our list called (SHMF) you will find all our releases, those items sold out in our list might still be available at some stores, especially Boekie Woekie is a good address to find some copies, Jan Voss did not put all latest items given to him on commissional basis on their set sale list. A lot of items we present as hand-cut vinyl, we get these items from Maik Hoerth, Schloessleweg 3a, D-78351 Ludwigshafen, who uses the technique of producing acetates for vinyl plates, the result is not very far from pressed LPs, on some quite passages one might hear background noises from cutting process, but most picture discs sound not as good as his hand-cut LPs. Compared to an acetate the music information does not get lost when playing the record. The cutting of these LPs is very expensive for us and we sell them for nearly the costs we have. This medium allows us to present very limited vinyl editions, and some of them have just been just shown at Museum Huelsmann. Due to the costs we do not have all LPs available back in stock, so if a record not marked as sold out is of interest to you, it normally takes about 14 days to have it available.You will find more information under file (Order). The CD-Rs we present have become burned (real-time-process) as high quality Audio-CD-Rs on a Pioneer compact disc recorder PDR-509, all CD-Rs have printed labels, the covers are handmade by Kommissar Hjuler. The list ARTWORKS shows a selection of (SHMF) covers artworks, whereas the (SHMF-029Puppe)n are shown at a different file on this website. Under files KOMMISSAR HJULER and MAMA BAER we present a selection of works by both artists.

 17. selected poems in three words:






blauer Planet
Soylent Green
Ketracel White














shaved cunt
whipped cunt
bleeding cunt


ball busting


Auf die Knie`!

Krystal Boyd
Arwen Gold
Anita Sparkle

cock sucker





wooden pony
riding hard




breast bondage
leg spreaders

breast bondage
leg spreaders
cunt torture




eine Brustwarze rot
eine Brustwarze schwarz
zur Strafe taetowiert





Beine breit





 18. Appearance as Characters at  Novel IM KNAST MIT KOMMISSAR HJULER UND MAMA BAER by Peter Rathke:

The novel writer Peter Rathke, who runs the Peter Rathke Verlag, Winkel 1, 24226 Heikendorf, and who is known for his German translations of  the novels Planetoid 127 and Mein Leben by Edgar Wallace, came along our profile at www.studivz.net by chance and was that curious for more art and music by us, that he first visited us in February 2009.

This visit was inspiring to him for a new novel, he said, and so he wanted to present Mama Baer and Kommissar Hjuler as characters at his new novel.

In the future time he folowed us as a guest for activities and we provided an insight into our privacy, we spent a lot of time together, so the story was by part run by reflections on the activities and, at least, we have been spinnig the story in parts together.

Peter Rathke mostly has written his novels under pseudonym Tarekh (Kielroman), Karl P. Gaul (Vom Mann, der Blumen spuckte / Kielroman Zwo), and Colmar Prochnow (Liebe und Spuk in Sachsen bis zum Abwinken), Peter Rathke also works as an abstract painter under pseudonym  Karl P. Gaul.
For this Novel he has chosen the Pseudonym FOLTERGAUL.

The cover art is by Mama Baer and Kommissar Hjuler, selected photos from shooting we show at file (photographies).

The Novel is available since March 1st 2011at Peter Rathke Verlag Heikendorf (ISB 978-3-9804622-0-4).

The appearance of the Novel was accompanied by experimental lectures, one of these lectures already took place at MS Stubnitz, Stadthafen Rostock, on October 21st 2010, for which Karl P. Gaul read from the manuscript with performance background by us, another lecture was on March 12th 2011 as part of the UND#6 Plattform Karlsruhe., several  more shows followed for different events, so today we look back of several experimental reading events by Foltergaul & Kommissar Hjuler und Frau for several art events.

You find films from such events at youtube channel, one performance has become released as one-sided 12inch in the series FLUXUS +/-.

Autumn 2016 Karl P. Gaul started with the manuscript for a second novel, again with reflection of real incidents, giving back phantasies or ideas by Mama Baer and Kommissar Hjuler as well, original statements, as for the first novel as well. For big parts we have been spinning the story together, and even the weirdest stories often truly happened the way they are now given back.

The novel became presented by 
P. Rathke Verlag in Summer 2022, called "Im Morast mit Kommissar Hjuler und Mama Baer". ISBN 978-3-9822031-1-6.

Both Novels are available at Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesbibliothek, Wall 47/51, 24103 Kiel.

19. Appearance as Characters at DAS Puppets Film by Fred Wilder

The short filmer, animation filmer and writer director Fred Wilder, who runs the St.Croix Studios, PO Box 6662, Fullerton, CA 92834, USA, www.stcroixstudios.com, and who also works as painter, fluxus artist and experimental musician with his own band project Dirty Fritz and The Sex Socks,since 2010 has focussed on a film project with appearance by Mama Baer and Kommissar Hjuler as characters, music is by part from Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer. The final film was finished and presented beginning of 2015.

At mypscae you will find at the profile DAS Puppets a short view on this film with pictures from the casting and from the set. So you can see detailed how the brunette actress Kathleen Gregory becomes styled as red-haired Mama Baer. This profile at www.myspace.com also shows a short sequence from the film presenting a concert or better Fred Wilder's imagination of a concert by us, shot with The Sex Socks, a weird screaming Kommissar Hjuler and an alcohol drinking Mama Baer, not as strange as our performances, but a good imagination for his film.

Since February 2011 the film was announced at Internet Movie Data Base, www.imdb.com, and since the listing of the film, Mama Baer and Kommissar Hjuler are listed at the data base www.imdb.com as well.

DAS Puppets (information by the film director) :

The film Das PUPPETS, The strange story of Dirty Fritz, a lonely artist that falls in love with another man's wife, Mama Baer. His passion soon turns to madness and Dirty Fritz seeks to steal Mama Baer away to his secret lair of enchanted puppets with the aid of a potion provided by Gypsy Witch but her magic comes, with a price! This film is a weird journey into the animal passions of the EMO actors at FUZZ a film studio set somewhere in Germany in the late 1960s. Along the way we get a gut full of laughs from this dark comedy. Oh yes this is another twisted tale from writer director Fred Wilder who pays homage to many great dada fluxus artists, and surreal filmmakers in Das Puppets. The film features original DaDa music and Fluxus compsistions by Kommissar Hjuler und Mama Baer of Germany, and The Sex Socks from California. 

20. Appearance as Characters at Novel ANGELIQUE UND BYRON by Jonathan Dilas

The non-fiction and novel author, poet, photographer and consciousness researcher Jonathan Dilas from Freiburg came across some of our films at YouTube channel and then got in contact with us in June 2011.

Non-fictional books by him about dream analysis, alternative realities and esotheric perspectives, and novels are published by Semikolon-Verlag Berlin, Bohmeier-Verlag Leipzig and Noel-Verlag Oberhausen. Articles and texts  have been printed at magazines like Lebenstraeume and Der Golem.

Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer now appear as characters at his latest novel ANGELIQUE UND BYRON.

21. DATENSCHUTZ : Hinweise zur Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGSVO)

Diese Website dient der reinen Praesentation beider Kuenstler, News-Letter-Funktion, Nachrichtenfunktion und Kontaktformulare, Social-Media-Plugins pp. sind nicht vorhanden. 

Einige Files sind nur ueber USERNAME und PASSWORD einsehbar, die Vergabe der Zugangsdaten erfolgt ueber die Kuenstler selbst/persoenlich als nicht elektronisch gesteuertes Verfahren, die dabei gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten zu den vergebenen Nutzernamen und Passwoertern sind nicht auf der Website hinterlegt, die Daten werden von den Kuenstlern auf externen Rechnern verwaltet, auch wenn dieses fuer die Betreiber einen grossen Aufwand bedeutet. Eine Auswertung zu statistischer Erfassung erfolgt nicht. 

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